Aesthetic education of preschoolers is according to the Federal State Educational Standard in pedagogy

Understanding what it is

Aesthetic education of preschool children is a systematic and purposeful process aimed at developing the child’s artistic perception of the world. According to this concept, children must learn to see the beauty of the nature around them. In addition, they not only become familiar with art, but also

Education of aesthetics in children includes many concepts. It is inextricably linked with moral development. Therefore, the educational process is structured so that the child receives knowledge in all areas provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard. For example, you can make an integrated lesson consisting of aesthetic and moral education.

Recommendations for teachers and educators

Recommendations for the moral and aesthetic education of preschoolers include a number of methods and principles:

  1. Aesthetics of the environment (live plants, furniture, color scheme for playrooms, cleanliness and order).
  2. Independent artistic activity (classes in free creativity using decorative and applied arts).
  3. Classes with a teacher (development of tastes and ideals under the supervision and sensitive guidance of a mentor).

There are some features of aesthetic education of preschool children in preschool educational institutions. Unlike the home environment, creative activity takes place among peers and under the guidance of a competent mentor. This motivates the child to do everything better so that he is praised and distinguished from the rest. If at home a child often gives up at the first failure, then in kindergarten, looking at the example of other children, he will look for ways to cope with the task. Therefore, creative and aesthetic activities should be carried out precisely in preschool educational institutions.

To do this, the teacher must clearly understand what creativity is and what competencies and skills the child should acquire as a result.

Indicators of creative activity (according to I. Lerner):

  • the ability to use old knowledge in a new situation without outside help;
  • the ability to find and apply new functions of an already known object;
  • the ability to see problems in a standard situation;
  • the ability to combine previously known methods into new ones.

The teacher should encourage the child for showing independence, and in no case scold if the children, for example, start drawing a bouquet instead of one flower. What is important is a relaxed atmosphere and some relaxation of discipline - let the preschoolers talk, go to the window or stand with toys. Then the aesthetic education of preschoolers will be carried out with joy and inspiration for the child.

Goals and objectives

In the course of teaching activities, educators solve the following tasks:

  • Helps the child develop aesthetic perception.
  • Form an idea of ​​aesthetics.
  • Develop artistic and creative abilities.
  • Form aesthetic taste.

The purpose of this training is to introduce the child to the world of art. He develops elementary ideas about its varieties. Children develop the prerequisites for value-semantic perception.

Nature as a means of developing aesthetic tastes

Nature is the most important aesthetic environment. The sooner he becomes acquainted with nature, the deeper the impression it will leave in his heart, predetermining further spiritual development. Everything is important here: walks, getting to know the world of animals and insects, flowers and trees, works of children's writers and poets, art paintings, conversations and activities in the kindergarten.

The child must see by what laws nature develops, how the seasons change, how the weather, plants, and animals change. It is important to point out to the child the beauty of these processes and phenomena and reinforce them in the classroom using a creative task. Preschool children are especially interested in the animal world: pets, wild predators, butterflies and ants.

In the stories of E. Charushin and V. Bianki, in a realistic narrative, animals are presented as people, with their own characters and moods. The children happily listen to such fairy tales, and later draw their heroes, which helps develop the artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers.

It is necessary to organize meetings with animals for children. It could be a zoo, a farm or a circus. It's good if the family has a pet. The same applies to the plant world. The more time a child spends in the eco-environment, the more inspiration he will have for creativity.

The artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children can only be carried out in continuous connection with environmental education. This integration contributes to the child’s development of skills of analysis, synthesis, comparison, development of imagination, positive and moral attitude towards both nature and culture.


From the first days of life, children begin to explore the world around them. Kids are drawn to bright toys and look at colorful pictures. Art, even the simplest, is a source of joyful emotions.

At the same time, children appreciate everything beautiful. They analyze the shape of things, their sound (musical instruments). The emotional response to everything attractive occurs unconsciously. Therefore, in early preschool age, aesthetic education is closely related to sensory culture.

Since the baby’s physical abilities are still limited, he studies all objects with his eyes and hands. The combination of the lines of things and their colors allows the child to appreciate their attractiveness.

A feature of aesthetic education is that the child experiences joyful emotions from meeting a beautiful object. It evokes a range of positive experiences in a child’s soul. This contributes to better development of the child.

Pedagogical basics

In the course of his activities, the teacher must be able to encourage the child not only to emotionally celebrate objects of art, but also to form his own aesthetic idea of ​​them. Thanks to this, kids learn to appreciate, they develop basic concepts about beautiful objects.

In preschool age, along with aesthetic education, the formation of artistic skills occurs. If a child has certain inclinations, then there is a great chance of developing them into talent.

Aesthetic education of preschoolers should be diverse in order to identify a gifted child in time

Giftedness cannot be missed. If children are able not only to form personal impressions and express them, but also to convey them physically (drawing, modeling), then this indicates a higher stage of development.

In his work, the teacher conducts a large number of practical classes. Children's creativity is mainly based on imitation. The younger the child, the more he tries to repeat everything after the adult.

At an older age, children already show initiative. For example, they can supplement the drawing with details not included in the plan. Such independence cannot be suppressed.

As children grow older, they have a desire to add new details to the drawing—this needs to be supported.

The basis of pedagogical activity is not only the introduction of the child to art. First of all, children themselves are creators. And when the desire to create awakens in them, it needs to be supported. In older groups of kindergarten, artistic crafts become fuller and more expressive.

Krupskaya N.K. noted that along with the aesthetic sense, creative thinking develops. This is easy to notice if you watch children. The most developed children can independently organize a role-playing game. Their imagination works, they themselves distribute roles, create a variety of situations.

Thus, the teacher gives children a lot of knowledge during their education. The preschoolers themselves combine everything together, evaluate what they see and hear. This ultimately gives a good result: the child is developed not only morally, but also understands the aesthetics of the world. He knows how to apply his knowledge in practice.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, aesthetics training should take place in close conjunction with artistic skills. Thanks to modeling and drawing, the child expresses his experiences and impressions of what he sees. Children are offered a lot of options to realize themselves. The purpose of such events is to create a desire to create.

Activities to develop abilities in preschool age

There is a huge variety of creative activities that contribute to the development of artistic perception of preschoolers, who vary in age and type of creativity.

Classes for 3-4 years

REFERENCE! At this age, babies are just learning to express a positive reaction when they see familiar objects. They are not yet ready to perceive an artistic image, but choose certain pictures simply because they like them or resemble familiar objects.

One of the effective ways to develop artistic and aesthetic skills in children of primary preschool age is unconventional drawing. This provides an incentive to develop the ability to think outside the box and experiment. The arsenal of unconventional drawing is very diverse:

  • Drawing with stencils - in this case, paint is applied to a pre-prepared stencil using a variety of tools: a sponge, a brush, a roller or even ordinary rags.
  • Drawing with stamps, palms, leaves, cotton swabs, etc. - in this case, paint is applied to a stamp or something that replaces it and an impression is made on paper. Prints can be formed into patterns, and you can experiment with color.
  • Drawing on wet paper differs from regular drawing in that paint is applied to a pre-moistened sheet and it spreads, creating unexpected patterns. At the same time, the child learns to follow what happens and guide the drawing process.

Modeling from plasticine not only forms artistic and aesthetic perception, but also promotes the development of fine motor skills, which is very important in preschool age. To deepen the effect of these activities, plasticine figures sculpted by children are used to dramatize fairy tales.

IMPORTANT! Musical classes can be either an independent form of creativity or accompany the creative process in other directions. For example, when a teacher turns on music while drawing or sings songs with children while dramatizing fairy tales.

Classes for 5-7 years old

REFERENCE: At the age of 5, a child is already able to receive aesthetic pleasure from contemplating a painting, but for him the color scheme is more important than the composition. At the age of 6-7 years, perception becomes much more subtle, children capture the inner mood of the image.

At this age, the possibilities for creative activities with children expand, as the children’s abilities also expand.

Older preschoolers have more complex skills and can complete more complex tasks.

For example, children 6-7 years old can engage in floristry, quilling, papermaking, etc.

Floristry is the creation of compositions from plant materials. It requires the child to be able to see the image, select the necessary shapes and shades of colors, and carefully work with fragile material.

For work, you can use leaves, flowers, twigs, moss and other plant materials.

Quilling is the making of pictures from rolled strips of paper. This is a rather painstaking task that requires patience and perseverance. Artistically, children learn to compose a composition and select colors.

Papermaking is an excellent tool for developing imaginative thinking. By making three-dimensional models from paper, preschoolers solve design problems, show imagination and aesthetic taste. Additionally, paper craft activities can be complemented by storytelling, drama, and other forms of creative development.

IMPORTANT! In older preschool age, children begin to get acquainted with the masterpieces of world artistic culture - paintings, architecture, literature (fairy tales, poems), etc. This happens in the form of conversations, viewing photographs, and reading.

Psychological aspect

During their education, children develop an aesthetic taste. It manifests itself in the appreciation of works of art, when examining paintings. At the same time, you can admire the beauty of the world in everyday life. Children see aesthetics in the objects and clothes around them.

Aesthetic education of preschoolers is a long process, in which the main role is given to education. In this case, the teacher influences, first of all, the child’s psychology. Children are read books (certain works for each age group) and allowed to listen to music.

To experience the beauty of the literary word, read books by such authors as:

  • Chukovsky K. I.
  • Marshak S. Ya.
  • Mikhalkov S. V.

The works of the following composers help to understand the beauty of music:

  • Kabalevsky D. B.
  • Tchaikovsky P. I.

All this affects children psychologically. They do not expend physical effort to listen to works. Only the brain works. If books bring children pleasure, then this shapes their aesthetic taste.

Methods of working with children

In the course of his activities, the teacher introduces children to the world of aesthetics through familiarization. Suitable for both household items and works of art. The things surrounding the child have great power of influence.

It is important to take this into account and create a harmonious space for children. It should be decorated in the same style, decorated with attractive things. Sensorily, the child evaluates the world around him, and every detail is deposited in his consciousness and memory.

Therefore, the teacher, like parents, must choose the right interior, where each thing has its own place.

Decoration of a kindergarten (room)

Aesthetic education begins with introducing the child to the beautiful world around him. Adults create an attractive environment. In this case, it is necessary to be guided not only by a sense of beauty, but also by the requirements for maintaining the health and safety of the child.

Principles for creating an aesthetic environment:

  • The beauty of objects should be combined with their simplicity and purity.
  • The environment should remain practical and expedient.
  • The child's eye contact should capture every detail of the interior. Contrasts contribute to this. For example, a light windowsill is decorated with bright flowerpots with flowers (not necessarily live plants - these can also be crafts).
  • The details of the furnishings form a single ensemble.

First of all, when decorating a room aesthetically, they pay attention to objects of fine art: paintings, crafts. Children should like the images. Thus, they become emotionally responsive. Based on the Federal State Educational Standard, canvases with landscapes must be present in the preparatory, middle and senior groups.

For example:

  • "Golden Autumn", Levitan.
  • “The rooks have arrived”, Savrasov.
  • “Lilac”, Konchalovsky.

No more than 3 works are selected per room. You can use 1, but a large one. The easiest way to teach children beauty is to carry out aesthetic changes indoors.

For example, they organize a month dedicated to some artist. They choose his most striking works and hang them in a group. This way, it will be possible to regularly change the space, simultaneously introducing children to the canvases.

Decorating a kindergarten for the New Year also fosters a sense of beauty

Children are introduced to beauty. To do this, they are asked to help form the group. They organize exhibitions and decorate the premises for the holidays. For example, for the New Year, snowflakes are cut out, pine cones are painted, and then the Christmas tree is decorated. In this way, children are surrounded by beautiful things.

Gradually they learn to take care of objects, maintain cleanliness and appreciate every detail. The teacher unobtrusively draws the children's attention to order and asks them to complete basic work tasks. At the end of the training, the guys already maintain cleanliness on their own.

Specially organized activities

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, from September to May inclusive, training takes place in preschool institutions. When drawing up a plan for working with children, teachers work on artistic and aesthetic education.

Excursions to a museum or exhibition are another method of aesthetic education for children.

To do this, several classes are allocated per week dedicated to the development of this particular area. Drawing, modeling, listening to music - the teacher has many options on how to introduce a child to the world of beauty.

In a preschool setting, visual demonstration materials are used. In older groups, teachers can organize excursions. For example, visiting museums and exhibitions with children.

Each lesson is structured according to the age of the children. To do this, they are guided by the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard. According to the standard, they give a load, do not increase or decrease the duration of classes.

Unregulated activity

In his free time from classes, the teacher can organize activities not provided for in the plan. Conversations, walks, and communication are used as additional tools of influence. If there is a lot of free time, then they organize get-togethers with the creation of simple crafts.

The creation of Dymkovo toys in kindergarten should be accompanied by a story about the history of these crafts

It is important to interest children and encourage them to be creative. For example, before creating crafts, you can read about the history of Dymkovo toys and show several copies as an example. After that, start working.

Artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children

Already at preschool age, children are able to respond to the beautiful in their surroundings, music, poetry, objects of fine art, nature, and they themselves strive to draw, sculpt, sing, dance, and write poetry. Adults and children are constantly exposed to artistic and aesthetic phenomena. In the sphere of spiritual life, everyday work, communication with art and nature, in everyday life, in interpersonal communication - everywhere the beautiful and the ugly, the tragic and the comic play a significant role. Beauty brings pleasure and pleasure, stimulates work activity, and makes meeting people pleasant. The ugly is repulsive. The tragic teaches empathy. Comic helps to fight shortcomings. Aesthetic education is a purposeful, systematic process of influencing a child’s personality in order to develop his ability to see the beauty of the surrounding world, art and create it. It starts from the first years of children's lives.

Aesthetic education is a very broad concept. It includes the education of an aesthetic attitude towards nature, work, social life, everyday life, and art. However, the knowledge of art is so multifaceted and unique that it stands out from the general system of aesthetic education as a special part of it. Raising children through art is the subject of artistic education.

In turn, aesthetic education is part of the comprehensive communist education of children. Its connection with moral education is especially close. Beauty is perceived by a child as a unity of form and content. Form is expressed in a combination of sounds, colors, lines. However, perception becomes aesthetic only when it is emotionally colored and associated with a certain attitude towards it.

Aesthetic perception is inextricably linked with feelings and experiences. A feature of aesthetic feelings is disinterested joy, a bright emotional excitement that arises from meeting the beautiful.

Acquaintance with beauty in life and art not only educates the child’s mind and feelings, but also contributes to the development of imagination and fantasy. Aesthetic education is the most important aspect of raising a child. It contributes to the enrichment of sensory experience, the emotional sphere of the individual, affects the knowledge of the moral side of reality, increases cognitive activity, and even affects physical development. The result of aesthetic education is aesthetic development. The formation of children’s aesthetic attitude to the world around them is influenced by the development of the ability to see and feel beauty in nature, actions, art, and to understand beauty. You should also cultivate artistic taste, the need for knowledge of beauty. The tasks of preschool education are also aimed at developing artistic skills in the field of various arts: teaching children to draw, sculpt, design, sing, move to music, and develop verbal creativity. Aesthetic education of children is carried out by familiarizing children with the aesthetics of everyday life, with the beauty in work, in nature, social phenomena, and the means of art. Teaching a child to feel and understand the beauty of life is a big and difficult task that requires long-term work by adults. Certain conditions are necessary for the aesthetic education of children. First of all, this is the environment in which he lives and develops. These are the things around him, the appearance of people, and the beautiful relationships between people. But it is not enough for children to see the beauty around them in its various manifestations, but it is also worth drawing their attention to this beauty.

“Artistic education is a process of purposeful influence by means of art on a person, thanks to which those educated develop artistic feelings and taste, love for art, the ability to understand it, enjoy it and the ability to create in art if possible” [V. N. Shatskaya, 1987, 35]. Aesthetic education is much broader; it affects both artistic creativity and the aesthetics of everyday life, behavior, work, and relationships. Aesthetic education shapes a person with all aesthetically significant objects and phenomena, including art as its most powerful means. Aesthetic education, using artistic education for its purposes, develops a person mainly not for art, but for his active aesthetic life.

In the book “The Child in the World of Creativity”, edited by N. Varkka, one can find the following formulation: “Pedagogy defines the artistic and aesthetic education of preschool children as a purposeful process of forming a creatively active personality of a child, capable of perceiving and appreciating the beauty in life and art” [N. Varkki, 2003, 53].

So, artistic and aesthetic education has an active and creative orientation, which should not be limited only to a contemplative task, it should also form the ability to create beauty in art and life. Communicating with the aesthetic phenomena of life and art, the child, one way or another, develops aesthetically and artistically. But at the same time, the child is not aware of the aesthetic essence of objects, and development is often determined by the desire for entertainment, and without outside intervention the child may develop incorrect ideas about life, values, and ideals.

The main thing is to educate and develop such qualities, such abilities that will allow the individual not only to achieve success in any activity, but also to be the creator of aesthetic values, to enjoy them and the beauty of the surrounding reality. In addition to the formation of children’s artistic and aesthetic attitude to reality and art, artistic and aesthetic education simultaneously contributes to their comprehensive development. It contributes to the formation of a person’s morality, expands his knowledge about the world, society and nature. A variety of creative activities for children contribute to the development of their thinking and imagination, will, perseverance, organization, and discipline.

Most researchers distinguish the following categories: aesthetic perception, aesthetic taste, aesthetic ideal, aesthetic assessment. D. B. Likhachev also distinguishes aesthetic feeling, aesthetic need and aesthetic judgment [D. B. Likhachev, 1996, 42]. We mentioned categories such as aesthetic appreciation, judgment, and experience earlier. Along with them, the most important element of aesthetic consciousness is aesthetic perception.

Perception is the initial stage of communication with the art and beauty of reality. All subsequent aesthetic experiences and the formation of artistic and aesthetic ideals and tastes depend on its completeness, brightness, and depth. D. B. Likhachev characterizes aesthetic perception as: “a person’s ability to isolate processes, properties, qualities that awaken aesthetic feelings in the phenomena of reality and art” [D. B. Likhachev, 1996, 45]. This is the only way to fully master an aesthetic phenomenon, its content and form. This requires the child to develop the ability to finely distinguish shape, color, evaluate composition, ear for music, distinguish tonality, shades of sound and other features of the emotional and sensory sphere. The development of a culture of perception is the beginning of an artistic and aesthetic attitude towards the world.

Aesthetic phenomena of reality and art, deeply perceived by people, are capable of generating a rich emotional response. The emotional response, according to D. B. Likhachev, is the basis of artistic and aesthetic feeling. It is “a socially determined subjective emotional experience, born of a person’s evaluative attitude towards an aesthetic phenomenon or object” [D. B. Likhachev, 1996, 53]. Depending on the content and brightness, aesthetic phenomena can arouse in a person feelings of spiritual pleasure or disgust, sublime experiences or horror, fear or laughter. D. B. Likhachev notes that by experiencing such emotions repeatedly, an aesthetic need is formed in a person, which is “a persistent need to communicate with artistic and aesthetic values ​​that evoke deep emotions” [D. B. Likhachev, 1996, 48].

Another category of artistic and aesthetic education is complex socio-psychological education - aesthetic taste. Yu. B. Borev defines it as “a relatively stable personality property, which enshrines norms and preferences that serve as a personal criterion for the aesthetic assessment of objects or phenomena” [Yu. B. Borev, 1988, 92]. D. B. Nemensky defines aesthetic taste as “immunity to artistic surrogates” and “thirst for communication with genuine art.” But we are more impressed by the definition given by E. O. Gusev. “Aesthetic taste is the ability to directly, by impression, without much analysis, feel and distinguish what is truly beautiful, the true aesthetic merits of natural phenomena, social life and art” [E. O. Gusev, 1978, 37].

Aesthetic taste is formed in a person over many years, during the period of personality formation. At preschool age there is no need to talk about it. However, this in no way means that aesthetic tastes should not be cultivated in preschool age. On the contrary, aesthetic information in childhood serves as the basis for a person’s future taste. The child has the opportunity to systematically become acquainted with the phenomena of art. It is not difficult for the teacher to focus the child’s attention on the aesthetic qualities of the phenomena of life and art. Thus, the child gradually develops a set of ideas that characterize his personal preferences and sympathies.

The entire system of artistic and aesthetic education is aimed at the overall development of the child, both aesthetically and artistically, as well as spiritually, morally and intellectually. This is achieved by solving the following tasks: the child mastering the knowledge of artistic and aesthetic culture, developing the ability for artistic and aesthetic creativity and the development of aesthetic psychological qualities of a person, which are expressed by aesthetic perception, feeling, evaluation, taste and other mental categories of aesthetic education.


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4. Amonashvili Sh. A. Reflections on humane pedagogy. M., 1996

5. Varkki N. A child in the world of creativity: Creative and aesthetic education of preschool children / N. Varkki // Preschool education. - 2003. - No. 6. - P.57–67.

6. Borev Yu. B. Aesthetics. M.: Publishing house of political literature, 1988.-178 p.

7. Borev Yu. B. Aesthetics. M.: Rus-Olympus: AST: Astrel, 2005.-829 p.

8. Vygotsky L. S. Selected psychological studies. M., 1980.-384 p.

9. Vygotsky L. S. On the issue of multilingualism in childhood // Reader on age and pedagogical psychology. M., 1996.

10. Vygotsky L. S. Thinking and speech / Ed. G. N. Shelogurova. M.: Labyrinth, 1996.

11. Vygotsky L. S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. - M.: Pedagogy, 1991.

12. Grigorovich L. A. Development of creative imagination. - M., 1997.-175 p.

13. Gusev E. O. Creative process and artistic perception. L., 1978.-94p.

14. Likhachev B. T. Methodological foundations of pedagogy / B. T. Likhachev. - Samara: Bakhrakh, 1998.

15. Likhachev D. B. Theory of aesthetic education of schoolchildren.

16. Ushinsky K. D. Selected pedagogical works. M., 1974.-p.287

17. Fokina T. Program for the artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers / T. Fokina // Preschool education. - 1999.-No. 1.-p.35–38.

18. Artistic creativity and the child / Ed. N. A. Vetlugina. - M.: Pedagogy, 1992.

19. Shatskaya V.N. General issues of aesthetic education at school, 1987.-184p.

20. Aesthetic education in kindergarten: A manual for kindergarten teachers / Ed. N. A. Vetlugina. - M.: Education, 1995.

Examples of activities with preschoolers

Aesthetic education of preschoolers is a process organized by a teacher or parents. They use not only a theoretical basis, but also a practical one. Children are engaged in reading fiction, looking at pictures, and also creating objects of art.

Integrated lesson “Fairytale Bird”

Initially, children are introduced to a work about a fairy-tale bird. You can use fiction about the Firebird. The children are read fairy tales and shown pictures describing a magical creature.

Integrated lesson “Fairytale Bird” (application)

Integrated lesson “Fairytale Bird” (plasticine)

After this, they talk with the children. They ask you to give a description of the bird. Children who find it difficult to make contact are asked leading questions. For example, “What color are her feathers?” After the children appreciate the attractiveness of the character, they are invited to make their own Firebird.

Depending on the age of the children, they are given paints or pencils. You can use plasticine. After the material has been distributed, the children are allowed to use their imagination and make their own crafts.

Application “Decorating dishes”

This activity contributes to the development of the child’s creative abilities and develops his sense of beauty. During the activity, perseverance is developed and accuracy is demonstrated.

The teacher prepares handouts in advance:

  • Templates for mugs and plates – to choose from.
  • Carves patterns or ornaments.
  • Selects demonstration material.

This activity can be added to the cycle about folk art. Before practice, children are told about how in the old days it was customary to paint dishes. What significance was attached to patterns? As an example, photographs of folk art are shown.

After theory, they begin practice. Each child is given a piece of utensils and asked to decorate it based on personal taste.

The activity “Decorating dishes” can also be done with plasticine

Draw children's attention to neatness, conciseness of details, and selected colors. You can correct the child a little during work, offer him parts that match the color. At the end of the lesson, they admire the created creations.

Craft for March 8th “Bouquet for Mom”

This activity is suitable both as a creative master class and as an opportunity to make a craft for a specific holiday. To hold the event you will need preliminary preparation. It is necessary to select the material from which children will create bouquets. These can be buttons, scraps of fabric, colored paper, ribbons.

The easiest way to make a bouquet:

  • Use colored paper clippings.
  • Prepare beautiful templates.

For work, the teacher cuts out beautiful flowers from paper. Be sure to draw the outlines of the plants on a blank sheet of paper so that the child can see where to stick the blank. Before starting practical activities, the teacher tells the children the theoretical foundations. After this he distributes the material.

It is advisable to do finger exercises and then start creating crafts.

Creating a still life

First, children are introduced to this type of art in painting as still life.

Paintings by outstanding artists are on display:

  • “Rowanka”, Mashkov I. I.
  • “Cornflowers”, Levitan I. I.
  • "Base with Fruit", Picasso P.

First, the teacher prepares templates with an empty fruit vase. After the children have become familiar with the still lifes, the teacher shows them a blank sheet. He says that there is not enough fruit in the image, because of this the still life does not work.

Children must add fruit to the template with the vase. Use pencils, paints or wax crayons.

Specifics of upbringing in the family

We have already noted that you should not rely solely on preschool educational institutions, entrusting educators with the aesthetic development of the baby. It is also important for parents to put some effort into this. Let's pay attention to the following points:

  • Parents should always look neat and tidy and behave respectfully towards each other, since the child takes a lot from them.
  • It is important to read good literature, fairy tales and poems to your child, and be sure to talk about the content of what you read. This form of work also helps to enrich the baby’s vocabulary.
  • Together with your child you can draw, make applique or crafts. To prevent your baby from getting bored, you can use various artistic techniques, drawing with gouache, watercolors, crayons, and felt-tip pens.
  • The aesthetics of everyday life are also important. If the apartment is dirty and not cleaned, there can be no question of any desire for perfection. Therefore, you need to decorate the children's room with taste and love.
  • The formation of musical taste begins with listening to nursery rhymes, lullabies, and children's songs.

Of particular importance are conversations that will help the child get answers to the questions he has, learn to distinguish the beautiful from the disgusting, the sublime and harmonious from the base and chaotic.

Let us outline the most important conditions for the development of children's creativity:

  • Relaxed atmosphere. You should not put pressure on your child and force him to draw or sculpt, this will only destroy his desire to create his own works.
  • Active use of game forms of work.
  • Praise should be given constantly; it is important for the child to understand that his mother is pleased with him and is proud of his efforts. But you shouldn’t scold; in some cases you can scold a little.

Only in this case will it be possible to achieve positive results - the desire for one’s own creative pursuits and respect for the works of others.

Working with parents

Aesthetic and artistic education of preschool children is a complex process that requires interaction between parents and teachers. If they have different methods of influence or legal representatives do not pay enough attention to this area of ​​education, then the child will not receive the necessary knowledge.

Often parents do not understand how to instill aesthetic taste in their children. The teacher must help them understand the essence of the educational process. To do this, you can conduct consultations or master classes.

Creative tasks

Various competitions are often held in preschool institutions. For example, you need to make a birdhouse or make a craft from natural material. To do this, the teacher communicates with parents and explains the goals and objectives of this event.

It is important to convey to adults that they must do any thing together with their children. This will not only improve the climate in the family, but will also develop the child’s creative abilities.

Principles of organizing the competition:

  • The teacher develops a plan. It includes the duration of the event, the rating system, and work requirements.
  • Competently draws up instructions for parents to follow.

No one should be forced to participate. Parents and children themselves must take the initiative. In order for as many families as possible to participate, the teacher must initially interest the children. For example, during a walk, the teacher tells them about birds and what kind of houses they have.

After this, the group shows examples of birdhouses. Then he says that everyone can make such a house themselves. Interested children persuade their parents to participate in the competition.

Master classes

Not all adults have developed creative abilities. Therefore, the teacher conducts a master class on creating some kind of craft at least once a month. It could be a doll made from scraps, an interesting drawing, or a craft made from scrap materials.

The teacher chooses the topic independently, taking into account the age of the children. This is necessary so that parents can incorporate the experience gained into their child’s education at home.


Consultation on the need for aesthetic education should take place regularly. In order to enhance diversified development, teachers introduce parents to exhibitions, concerts, and events held in their locality.

For example, if a local museum is hosting an exhibition of folk art, you can make a bright poster and hang it on the doors of the group. The information sheet indicates the venue, opening hours and other necessary details.

It is necessary to explain to parents that learning should not end after leaving the kindergarten to go home. Consultations are held on various topics. With the arrival of autumn, they help parents teach their children to see the beauty in nature. For example, while going home you can collect a bouquet of yellow leaves,

Features of the development of technical creativity in preschool children

Technical creativity teaches a preschool child not only perseverance and patience, but also helps to develop certain abilities:

  • The ability to find non-standard solutions to the tasks assigned to them and select a means for these solutions.
  • Plan your activities.
  • Compare, find differences and similarities, generalize.
  • Select parts and combine them into a whole.
  • Analyze your actions step by step, draw conclusions, give an account of your actions, assume further options for the development of events, correct shortcomings, identify advantages and use them in the future.

Educational song in English for a child - learning the language with children

In addition, preschoolers learn to interact with each other, gain experience working in a team, learn to negotiate, look for a way out of the current situation, and develop their imagination.

Note ! The main type of activity of a preschooler according to the Federal State Educational Standard is play, which is inextricably linked with a toy. One follows from the other: a toy gives rise to play activity, and by developing play activity, it attracts new toys. Therefore, it is better to engage in technical creativity with little ones through play. The game helps to captivate the preschooler, interest him and achieve the desired result.

The best option for technical creativity of kids are:

  • magnetic constructors;
  • building kits;
  • various cubes;
  • block constructors;
  • modeling kits;
  • constructors with joint fastening;
  • bolt-on constructors.

Innovative technologies in preschool educational institutions to unlock the creative potential of preschoolers

Innovative technologies in kindergarten are the use of modern components to improve the educational process.

The main types of innovative technologies in preschool educational institutions include:

  • Project activities. The project is developed together with the teacher, helps the preschooler acquire new knowledge and systematize existing knowledge. The projects themselves are classified according to several criteria.
  • Personality-oriented technologies. The teacher’s task is to select methods, games and activities that allow a particular child to develop as much as possible.
  • Information and communication technologies. Consists of using personal computers, projectors, tablets, interactive whiteboards and other things in the classroom. The technology helps to attract kids. They are developing new skills. With it you can watch educational videos, films, cartoons. Improves educational process and presentation.
  • Health-saving technologies. They consist of conducting thematic conversations, morning exercises, physical education sessions, sports festivals and other sporting events.
  • Research activities. A research paper is similar to a course project. Teaches a preschooler to explore the world around him, understand the task at hand, find the problem and give it a definition. The main activity in this case is an experiment that contributes to the development of the baby’s thinking.
  • Corrective technologies. Aimed at relieving emotional tension in the group. Relaxing music, color therapy, special games and exercises can be used.
  • Gaming technologies. They occupy a dominant role due to the fact that play is the main activity of preschool children. At the same time, the game has a cognitive and developmental function.

The artistic and aesthetic development of a preschooler helps to make the child a comprehensively developed personality, capable of appreciating and seeing the beauty around him, and creating beauty with his own hands.

Tips for parents

Aesthetic education of preschoolers is a long process. It is precisely described in the federal standard. The Federal State Educational Standard can be used not only by teachers, but also by parents when raising children. According to him, aesthetic education begins with the birth of a child.

It happens according to the following plan:

Child's ageParents' actions
Infant (up to 1 year)They allow them to explore various objects and encourage the baby’s cognitive activities. They regularly read children's poems and sing songs.
Early preschool age (from 1 year to 3 years)Let children become familiar with dynamic toys. They are introduced to independent study of art objects. They encourage me to look at and evaluate the pictures.
From 3 years to 8They introduce role-playing games and conduct research and educational activities. Objects of the surrounding world are studied and evaluated. They not only listen to musical works, but also learn to understand their meaning and respond to a cheerful or sad melody.

Parents should introduce their children to beauty constantly. For example, during a walk you can draw your child’s attention to a beautiful flower or the bright plumage of a bird. They admire the cat's movements and look at the floating clouds.

Aesthetic education should not end outside the garden walls. It is necessary to teach the child to cleanliness. It is important that he cleans up his toys, because order is beauty.

It is worth noting that if a child’s aesthetic tastes differ from his parents, no attempt is made to change them. It is important to support the baby. When blue or black is his favorite color, there is no need to force him to paint it red. With age, these preferences may change.

The aesthetic education of preschoolers largely depends on the child’s parents. This is not only an introduction to the world of art, but also regular joint creative gatherings. If a child can not only appreciate, but also create objects of art, then this indicates the highest point in the development of aesthetic taste.

Aesthetic development in the family

A child's introduction to the world begins with mom and dad. They are the first and main aesthetic ideals.

Family aesthetic education includes:

  1. Personal example of parents. This includes the appearance, clothing, neatness and grooming of adults, as well as the manner of communication and education of parents. A child quickly adopts family criteria for beauty and will have difficulty changing if, for example, he has heard obscene language since childhood or walked around in soiled clothes.
  2. Education of musical taste. It starts from an early age, when my mother sang lullabies and cheerfully told nursery rhymes. As your baby grows, it is important to sing nursery rhymes with him and play classical music at home.
  3. Artistic activity of preschoolers. The most important aspect of aesthetic development both in the family and in preschool educational institutions. It is necessary to give the child the opportunity to express his thoughts and emotions on paper, using various techniques (felt-tip pens, paints, pencils), so the baby will become familiar with colors and their combinations, learn to see shape, and evaluate size.
  4. Reading books. Children often ask their mother to read a bedtime story, so they get acquainted with the richness and beauty of the Russian language, learn to use the word as a tool for expressing feelings and emotions.
  5. Conversations. During emotional conversations, the child learns and adopts the experience of his parents, asks questions about the world around him. Time should be set aside for conversations focused on aesthetic development.
  6. Aesthetics of everyday life. It consists of renovating the apartment, design solutions, decorating the living space (paintings, flowers, etc.), cleanliness and order. It is necessary to have an aesthetic development environment.

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