A great and wonderful thing is raising children. Kindergarten teacher essay

Essay “Modern educator - what is he like?”

Irina Sherlina

Essay “Modern educator - what is he like?”

A modern teacher - what is he like??

kindergarten teacher In the 21st century, raising a new generation is one of the priorities in education, and teacher plays a special role in this process - he lays in the child the foundations that will allow him to further learn, develop, socialize and find his place in life.

Modern educators must meet certain requirements dictated to them by our society and the new generation of children. In the Soviet Union, when the generation of children was completely different, completely different requirements were placed on educators in the preschool education system than they are now. Children have changed, which means the approach to them, the principle of education , and the people who work with them must fully comply with these changes in order to be on the same wavelength with the child and give him the maximum benefit from his stay within the preschool walls.

today are very enthusiastic, curious, creative and precocious. It is this fact that makes necessary the constant and comprehensive development of the teacher as a professional personality. He should be able to do almost everything - sew, knit, play all possible modern games , craft, sing and dance with children, preferably be able to play musical instruments, at least the simplest (harmonica, spoons, etc., have a good knowledge of children's literature and folk crafts.The kindergarten teacher to perceive the good and the beautiful, and teach him to separate good from evil, through music, nature or poetry.

Another important factor in the development of a modern preschool teacher is the knowledge of non-traditional techniques of upbringing , learning and playing with children, knowledge and ability to use modern technologies in their work in order to effectively implement the recommendations of the Federal State Educational Standard.

In addition, the teacher must be an excellent psychologist who knows how to get along well with any child, finds an approach to him and be able to attract his attention. The same applies to working with parents. In the 21st century, most parents are very demanding of kindergarten teachers , and his task is not only to be a professional in his field and do quality work, but also to be able to win over any parent.

A modern educator is a person who combines the traits of a psychologist, an artist, a friend, a mentor, etc. The creative potential of a student depends on the creative potential of the educator , so great attention must be paid to the development of creative imagination. This is a person who cares about the child’s health, the psychological climate in the team, is independent and demanding, first of all, of himself.

One could list the requirements for a modern kindergarten teacher for a very long time, however, it is worth noting that all of the above requirements, and many other criteria, cannot be met without the most important thing - love for one’s profession and for children. Working with children of any age is incredibly difficult and responsible, and only boundless love for his work allows a teacher to do his job in such a way that it brings joy and benefit to everyone - himself, the children, and the parents.

Essay on the topic “I am a teacher”

Essay on the topic “I am a teacher”

“A teacher is a magician who opens

children's door to the world of adults. And what and how he will teach depends on what the teacher knows and can do.

their pupils."

K. Helvetius

Early in the morning I get up and run to my favorite job to meet the children. I work with children, which means I have to see the beauty of the morning nature, say hello and smile to everyone I meet on my way and come to the group in a good mood. A lot depends on the teacher’s state of mind: what the day will be like, what new and interesting things the children will learn, and in what mood the parents will leave. After all, if you were greeted with a friendly smile and wished a good day, it means that everything will be wonderful!

Why did I choose this particular profession - the profession of a teacher?

Probably because I love children. They attract with their purity and innocence of thoughts. I love them with an inexplicable, eternal love, just as I love nature. And this is also an opportunity to be in the world of childhood, so sincere and understanding.

I never had a cherished dream of becoming a kindergarten teacher, and in our family there are no teachers at all except me. After finishing school, I decided that I would become a teacher and work in a school. I received an education and worked as a teacher, but fate brought me to kindergarten. I immediately realized that this was “MINE”.

I remember when I first came to work in a kindergarten and saw small, curious kids, I was overcome with a feeling of fear and self-doubt. But the smart eyes, the little hands that reached out to me, the sweet smiles of the children made me look at this world with different eyes. I pulled myself together and started the lesson. There was a piercing silence, the children studied me, I studied them, and the first question was asked: “Are we going to paint with paints?” “Of course, with paints!” - I answered and handed out the albums. This is how my life in kindergarten began.

Not everything worked out right away, there were moments when I gave up, but my colleagues helped me, I learned from them and educated myself.

Who is a teacher?

In my opinion, a teacher is not just a person, but a magician who lives in a special world and works miracles. He must be comprehensively developed, creative, possessing a variety of knowledge, skills and abilities. And most importantly, he must be kind and give affection and love to his students.

It seems to me that a teacher is not just a profession, it is a state of mind, a way of life. This means wanting and being able to live childhood again and again with each child, seeing the world through his eyes, being surprised and learning with him, being indispensable when he needs help and support. Being a teacher is a huge responsibility and great joy.

The role of the educator is ambiguous. We can be doctors and artists, painters and poets. Thanks to children, we never get bored, because there is always a lot of new and interesting things in our lives. A teacher is a sage to whom every child can turn with any questions at any time. This is a person who gives his love and affection to children without asking for anything in return. A real teacher lives the life of children, understands them from the first word, establishes and maintains contacts with the parents of pupils, is always energetic and full of strength.

A true educator, teaching and raising children, learns from them openness and sensitivity.

To be a teacher means to always be a little bit of a child, to be able to feel like a child, to rejoice and laugh with him. I see the meaning of my work in the rise of children’s abilities; I always try to strengthen children’s faith in their talent. For me, a child is a person; only by respecting him can his inner potential be revealed.

As a teacher, the main secret has been revealed to me - the secret of children's hearts, which are waiting for warmth, kind words, and new knowledge. And how the child’s fate will turn out largely depends on me. It is important that children see me as a reliable, attentive and kind friend, ready to help, teach, and support.

I think that a person does not acquire pedagogical abilities in the process of cognition, but is born with them, because it is a gift from God. No matter how much a teacher knows, he will never become “real” without the main thing - love for children. But the ability to love is not given to everyone.

And the most important thing in working with children, I think, is the children’s love for the teacher, their desire to go to kindergarten with joyful eyes.

I am the happiest person in the world! I am destined to be allowed to educate our future generation—raising children. And our future depends on what we put into their souls. I am proud of my profession, it allows me to feel an eternal sense of kindness, responsibility...

And I know for sure that I’m not doing this in vain!

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