Consultation for educators “Didactic games in preschool educational institutions and their management”

Consultation for educators “Didactic games in preschool educational institutions and their management”

Irina Vasina

Consultation for educators “Didactic games in preschool educational institutions and their management”

Play is the leading activity of a preschool child. In the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the work of preschool institutions, didactic games occupy an important place. They are used in classes and in children’s free activities.

A didactic game is a complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is a gaming method of teaching preschool children, a form of teaching children, an independent play activity, and a means of comprehensive education of a child .

Didactic game systems for preschoolers were first developed by F. Froebel and M. Montessori.

Back in the 40-50s of the last century, in domestic pedagogical practice, didactic games in preschool education were assigned the role of a means of relaxation from serious educational activities.

In 1960-70, experience was accumulated in using games as a means of activating the educational process.

From 1970-80, the introduction of education from the age of 6 stimulated the use of didactic games in the educational process .

Didactic games promote:

- development of cognitive and mental abilities: acquiring new knowledge, generalizing and consolidating it, expanding their existing ideas about objects and natural phenomena, plants, animals; development of memory, attention, observation;

- development of children's speech: replenishment and activation of vocabulary, development of the ability to express their opinions, make conclusions.

- social and moral development of a preschool child: in such a game, the knowledge of relationships between children, adults, objects of living and inanimate nature occurs, in it the child shows a sensitive attitude towards peers, learns to be fair, to give in if necessary, learns to sympathize, etc. .

The structure of a didactic game is formed by main and additional components. The main components include: didactic task , game actions, game rules, result and didactic material . Additional components: plot and role.

Didactic task.

To select a didactic game, it is necessary to know the level of preparedness of students , since in games they must operate with existing knowledge and ideas.

When defining a didactic task , one must, first of all, keep in mind what knowledge and ideas of children should be acquired, consolidated by children, what mental operations should be developed, what personality traits can be formed through the means of this game (honesty, modesty, observation, perseverance, etc.)


Each didactic game has its own learning task, which distinguishes one game from another. When defining a didactic task, repetition in its content should be avoided. The teacher must know in advance and determine the didactic task . So the game “What has changed?” use for memorization exercises, “Toy Store” - for the development of thinking, “Guess what you have in mind” - observation, attention.

Game rules.

The main purpose of the rules of the game is to organize the actions and behavior of children. Rules can allow, prohibit, prescribe something for children in the game, making the game entertaining and tense.

Compliance with the rules of the game requires children to have a certain amount of willpower, the ability to deal with peers, and to overcome negative emotions that appear due to a negative result. It is important, when determining the rules of the game , to put children in conditions under which they would receive joy from completing the task.

Game actions.

A didactic game differs from game exercises in that the implementation of game rules in it is directed and controlled by game actions.

The development of play actions depends on the teacher’s . Sometimes children, preparing for the game, make their own suggestions: “Let’s hide it, and someone will look for it!”, “Let me choose the driver with a counting count!”

Based on their content, didactic games are divided into the following types:

— mathematical (to consolidate ideas about time, spatial arrangement, number of objects);

- sensory (to consolidate ideas about color, size, shape)


- speech (for familiarization with words and sentences, formation of the grammatical structure of speech, education of the sound culture of speech, enrichment of the dictionary);

- musical (for the development of pitch, timbre hearing, sense of rhythm)


— natural history (for familiarization with objects and phenomena of living and inanimate nature)


- to get acquainted with the environment (with objects and materials from which they are made, with people’s professions, etc.)

Depending on the use of didactic material, didactic games are traditionally divided into three groups:

1. Games with objects (toys)


2. Board and printed games

3. Word games .

Games with objects - In games with objects, children learn to compare, establish similarities and differences between objects. The value of these games is that with their help children become familiar with the properties of objects, size, and color. When introducing children to nature in such games, I use natural materials (plant seeds, leaves, pebbles, various flowers, pine cones, twigs, vegetables, fruits, etc. - which arouses keen interest and an active desire in children to play. Examples of such games: “Don’t make a mistake"

“Describe this object”
“What is this?”
“What first, what next”
, etc.

Board and printed games - arranged according to the type of cut-out pictures, folding cubes, lotto "Toys"

“Wild and Domestic Animals”,
etc., dominoes. With the help of board and printed games, you can successfully develop speech skills, mathematical abilities, logic, attention, learn to model life patterns and make decisions, and develop self-control skills.

Word games are an effective method of fostering independent thinking and speech development in children. They are built on the words and actions of the players, children independently solve various mental problems: they describe objects, highlighting their characteristic features, guess them from the description, find similarities and differences between these objects and natural phenomena. "Who plays with what"

“Make a portrait”
“Find out by description”

Didactic games - travel - are one of the effective ways to enhance the cognitive activity of children.

Didactic game in experimental activities - contributes to the formation of children's cognitive interest in the environment, develops basic mental processes, observation, and thinking.

To achieve positive results in the development and education of children through the organization of didactic games , the following conditions must be met:

• positive emotional attitude;

• taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child;

• regularity;

•systematic principle: from simple to complex;

• the result for the child acts as a state of need to engage in the proposed activity, and for the teacher - as the level of achievement of the children.

Guide to the didactic game includes:

1. Familiarizing children with the content of the game didactic material in it (showing objects, pictures, a short conversation, during which the children’s knowledge and ideas are clarified).

2. Explanation of the course and rules of the game , while strictly following these rules. 3. Showing game actions.

4. Determining the role of an adult in the game, his participation as a player, fan or referee (the teacher directs the actions of the players with advice, questions, reminders)


5. Summing up the game is a crucial moment in its management . Based on the results of the game , one can judge its effectiveness and whether it will be used by children in independent play activities.

Analysis of the game allows us to identify individual abilities in the behavior and character of children. This means properly organizing individual work with them.

In kindergarten, in each age group, there should be a variety of didactic games . The need to select a variety of games does not mean that you need to have a large number of them. The abundance of didactic games and toys distracts children's attention and does not allow them to master didactic content and rules well.

When choosing games, children are sometimes given tasks that are too easy or, conversely, too difficult. If the games does not correspond to the age of the children, they cannot play them, and vice versa - didactic tasks that are too easy do not stimulate their mental activity.

New games need to be introduced gradually . They must be accessible to children and at the same time require a certain amount of effort, contribute to their development and self-organization.

The organization of a didactic game by a teacher is carried out in three main directions: preparation for conducting a didactic game , its conduct and analysis; in young children, visualization is more powerful than words, therefore it is more expedient to combine an explanation of the rules with a demonstration of a game action; if the game has several rules, then they should not be reported immediately.

Games must be conducted in such a way that they create a cheerful, joyful mood in children, teach children to play without interfering with each other, and gradually lead them to the ability to play in small groups.

At this age, didactic games help children better understand the surrounding objects and possible actions with them, promote coordination of movements, development of the eye, and mastery of spatial orientation.

With children of this age, for the teacher to get involved in the game himself and arouse children’s interest in the didactic material , teach them to play with it.

Children of middle preschool age have some experience in playing together, but here too the teacher takes part in didactic games . He is a teacher and participant in the game , strives to involve all children, gradually leads them to the ability to monitor the actions and words of their comrades, that is, he is interested in the process of the entire game . The task of didactic games is to organize, generalize, group, clarify ideas, assimilate the names of shapes, colors, sizes, and spatial relationships.

Musical and didactic games are widely used , and word games .

Children of senior preschool age have significant gaming experience and sufficiently developed thinking, so they easily perceive purely verbal explanations of the game . Only in some cases is a visual demonstration required.

For children of this age, games with the whole group and with small subgroups. In the process of playing together, children develop collective relationships. Therefore, elements of competition can be introduced into the game.

Games reflect life phenomena that are more complex in their content (life and work of people, technology)

. Children classify objects according to material and purpose.

Word games that require a lot of mental effort are widely used. Children show voluntary attention and independence in solving a given task and following the rules.

For children in the school preparatory group, play activities are more conscious and aimed at achieving results. The guidance should be such that the game contributes to mental and moral education and at the same time remains a game. It is necessary to preserve the emotional mood of children, the experience of joy from the progress of the game and satisfaction from its results.

The value of didactic games in raising children depends entirely on the teacher , on how he can select these games , complicate the task, and help correctly direct the rules of the game to achieve program goals.

Thus, didactic games are an indispensable means of teaching children to overcome various difficulties in their mental and moral activities. These games contain great opportunities and educational effects on preschool children.

The joint activities of parents and teachers - individual conversations with parents, information stands, moving folders, thematic exhibitions with the proposed material - provide more effective results in working with children.

The role and place of play in the educational process of preschool educational institutions in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard

Nevertheless, play is an extremely important activity for a child’s development, since it shapes the qualities of a future worker. With a properly organized game, a future citizen is formed and the qualities necessary for social life are acquired.

The game teaches the child to correctly evaluate the behavior of people around him, forms the first elementary concept of official duty, develops the ability to behave in a certain way in society, to help the weak, to be organized and disciplined.

Play is also important for the physical development of a child. A good game creates a cheerful mood, increases the vital activity of the body, and promotes the development of movements. Creativity, initiative, and humor associated with children's games quite often leave a mark on a person's entire subsequent life and activity.

Children's games are characterized by the following features:

1. The game is a form of active reflection by the child of the people around him. 2. A distinctive feature of the game is the very method that the child uses in this activity. 3. The game, like any other human activity, has a social character, so it changes with changes in the historical conditions of people's lives. 4. Play is a form of creative reflection of reality by a child. 5. Play is the manipulation of knowledge, a means of clarification and enrichment, a way of exercise, and therefore the development of a child’s cognitive and moral abilities and strengths. 6. In its expanded form, the game is a collective activity. 7. By developing children in many ways, the game itself also changes and develops.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard

(clause 2.9)
“children’s development should be carried out in all five complementary educational areas.”
GAME is a specific children's activity, varied in its content, degree of independence of children, form of organization, game material, and each type has a certain impact on the development of the child and has many options. Therefore, through the game, various aspects of integration are realized, including the integration of the content and objectives of educational areas.

There are many classifications of games. In kindergarten we use the following classification of games:

Creative games;

Games with rules;

Folk games.

Each of the listed classes of games, in turn, is represented by types and subtypes.

Thus, the concept of “creative play”

covers role-playing games, dramatization games, construction games. The content of creative games is invented by the children themselves. Freedom, independence, self-organization and creativity of children in this group are especially fully manifested. Various life experiences are not copied, they are processed by children, some of them are replaced by others, etc.

Features of the use of didactic games in classes at senior preschool age

Features of the use of didactic games in classes at senior preschool age



Long before play became a subject of scientific research, it was widely used as one of the important means of raising and teaching children. In a variety of educational systems, play has a special place. And this is determined by the fact that the game is very in tune with the nature of the child. From birth to adulthood, a child pays great attention to games. A game for a child is not just an interesting pastime, but a way of modeling the external, adult world, a way of modeling its relationships, during which the child develops a pattern of relationships with peers. Children are happy to come up with games themselves, with the help of which the most banal, everyday things are transferred into a special interesting world of adventure. Play is a need of a growing child's body. The game develops the child’s physical strength, a stronger hand, a more flexible body, or rather the eye, intelligence, resourcefulness, and initiative develop. In play, children develop organizational skills, develop self-control, the ability to weigh circumstances, etc. For preschool children, play is of exceptional importance: play for them is learning, play is work for them, play is a serious form of education for them. Games that promote the development of perception, attention, memory, thinking, and the development of creative abilities are aimed at the mental development of the student as a whole. In play, a child makes discoveries about things that have long been known to adults.

The need for play and the desire to play in preschoolers must be used and directed in order to solve certain educational problems. The game will be a means of education and learning if it is included in the holistic pedagogical process.

By directing the game, organizing the life of children in the game, the teacher influences all aspects of the development of the child’s personality: feelings, consciousness, will and behavior in general. Currently, a whole direction in pedagogical science has emerged - game pedagogy, which considers play to be the leading method of raising and teaching children of preschool and primary school age and therefore the emphasis on play (play activities, play forms, techniques) is the most important way to include children in educational work , a way to ensure an emotional response to educational influences and normal living conditions.

In recent years, issues of the theory and practice of didactic games have been developed and are being developed by many researchers: E.I. Radina, F.N. Bleher, B.I. Khachapuridze, etc. In all studies, the relationship between learning and play was established, the structure of the game process was determined, the main forms and methods of guiding didactic games.

  1. Types of didactic games

Gaming activity is a special sphere of human activity in which a person does not pursue any other goals other than obtaining pleasure, pleasure from the manifestation of physical and spiritual forces. Nature has created children's games for comprehensive preparation for life. Therefore, they have a genetic connection with all types of human activity and act as a specifically children's form of knowledge, work, communication, art, and sports. Hence the names of the games: educational, intellectual, construction, labor games, communication games, musical games, artistic games, dramatization games, active games, sports...

It is customary to distinguish between two main types of games: games with fixed, open rules and games with hidden rules. An example of games of the first type is the majority of didactic, educational and outdoor games; this also includes developing intellectual, musical, fun games, and attractions. The second type includes role-playing games. The rules in them exist implicitly. They are in the norms of behavior of reproduced heroes: the doctor does not set his own thermometer, the passenger does not fly in the cockpit. Didactic games

differ in educational content, cognitive activity of children, game actions and rules, organization and relationships of children, and the role of the teacher. The listed signs are inherent in all games, but in some they appear more clearly, in others others. More than 500 didactic games are listed in various collections, but there is no clear classification of games by type. Games are often related to the content of training and education.

In this classification, the following types of games can be represented: games for sensory education, verbal games, games for familiarization with nature, for the formation of mathematical concepts, etc. Sometimes games are correlated with the material: games with didactic toys, board-printed games, word games, pseudo story games. This grouping of games emphasizes their focus on learning and cognitive activity of children, but does not sufficiently reveal the basis of a didactic game, the features of children’s play activities, game tasks, game actions and rules, the organization of children’s lives, and the guidance of the teacher. Conventionally, we can distinguish several types of didactic games, grouped according to the type of activity of preschoolers. Travel games. Errand games. Guessing games. Riddle games. Conversation games (dialogue games). Travel games are similar to a fairy tale, its development, and miracles. Target

travel games enhance the impression, give the educational content a slightly fabulous unusualness, draw children's attention to what is nearby, but is not noticed by them. Travel games sharpen attention, observation, understanding of game tasks, make it easier to overcome difficulties and achieve success.

Errand games

have the same structural elements as travel games, but they are simpler in content and shorter in duration. They are based on actions with objects, toys, and verbal instructions. The game task and game actions in them are based on a proposal to do something: “Help Pinocchio put punctuation marks”, “Check Dunno’s homework.” Guessing games “What would happen..? “or “What would I do...”, “Who would I like to be and why?”, “Who would I choose as a friend?” etc. Sometimes a picture can serve as the beginning of such a game. The didactic content of the game lies in the fact that children are given a task and a situation is created that requires comprehension of the subsequent action. Play actions are determined by the task and require children to perform expedient intended actions in accordance with the set conditions or created circumstances. Children make assumptions that are ascertaining or generalized and evidentiary. These games require the ability to correlate knowledge with circumstances and establish causal relationships.

Riddle games

. The emergence of mysteries goes back a long way. Riddles were created by the people themselves, included in rites, rituals, and included in holidays. They were used to test knowledge and resourcefulness. This is the obvious pedagogical focus and popularity of riddles as smart entertainment. Currently, riddles, telling and guessing, are considered as a type of educational game.

The main feature of a riddle is an intricate description that needs to be deciphered (guessed and proven). The description is concise and often takes the form of a question or ends with one. The main feature of the riddles is the logical task. The methods for constructing logical tasks are different, but they all activate the child’s mental activity. Children love riddle games. The need to compare, remember, think, and guess brings the joy of mental work. Solving riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize, and develops the ability to reason, draw conclusions, and draw conclusions.

Conversation games

(dialogues). The game-conversation is based on communication between the teacher and the children, the children with the teacher and the children with each other. This communication has a special character of play-based learning and play activities for children. In a game-conversation, the teacher often starts not from himself, but from a character close to the children, and thereby not only preserves playful communication, but also increases his joy and desire to repeat the game. The value of the conversation game lies in the fact that it makes demands on the activation of emotional and mental processes: the unity of words, actions, thoughts and imagination of children. The conversation game develops the ability to listen and hear the teacher’s questions, children’s questions and answers, the ability to focus on the content of the conversation, complement what was said, and express a judgment. All this characterizes the active search for a solution to the problem posed by the game. The main means of a conversation game is a word, a verbal image, an introductory story about something. The result of the game is the pleasure received by the children. The listed types of games, of course, do not exhaust the entire range of possible gaming techniques. However, in practice, these games are most often used, either in their “pure” form or in combination with other types of games: action games, role-playing games, etc.

2. Features of didactic games in the older group

The “Kindergarten Education Program” places great demands on didactic games. It says: “With the help of didactic games, the teacher carries out sensory education of children, develops cognitive processes (curiosity, understanding of the relationship between simple phenomena, etc.). He uses the game as a means of developing thinking, speech, imagination, memory, expanding and consolidating ideas about the life around him.” In the theory and practice of preschool education, there is the following classification of didactic games: a) with toys and objects;

b) desktop-printed; c) verbal.

In kindergarten and in the senior group, there should be a variety of didactic games. The need to select a variety of games does not mean that you need to have a large number of them.

New games need to be introduced gradually. They must be accessible to children and at the same time require a certain amount of effort, contribute to their development and self-organization.

Each didactic game includes several elements, namely: a didactic task, content, rules and game actions. The main element of a didactic game is a didactic task. It is closely related to the lesson program. All other elements are subordinate to this task and ensure its implementation.

Didactic tasks

varied. This can be familiarization with the environment (nature, flora and fauna, people, their way of life, work, events in social life), speech development (consolidating correct sound pronunciation, enriching vocabulary, developing coherent speech and thinking). Didactic tasks may be associated with the consolidation of elementary mathematical concepts. The content of didactic games is the surrounding reality (nature, people, their relationships, everyday life, work, events in social life, etc.). A big role in the didactic game belongs to the rules. They determine what and how each child should do in the game, and indicate the path to achieving the goal.

If we analyze didactic games from the point of view of what occupies and captivates children in them, it turns out that children are interested, first of all, in the game action. It stimulates children's activity and gives children a feeling of satisfaction. Unnoticed by himself, without much tension, while playing, he performs a didactic task. A large group of games, mainly for older children, consists of a kind of competition: who can quickly cover the empty cells of a large card with small ones; will pick up a couple; will say a word opposite to what the leader said; will guess what is needed for this or that profession. In round dance games, the game action is imitative in nature: children depict in actions what is sung in the song.

The game action, which represents a kind of competition “Who is faster,” is most often found in board-printed games with pictures. Children find similarities and differences in objects drawn in pictures, classify objects into groups (clothing, furniture, dishes, vegetables, fruits, animals, etc.). Playful action creates children's interest in the didactic task. The more interesting the game action, the more successfully the children solve it. For example

, in the folk game “Paints,” the distribution of roles (sellers, buyers) introduces children to the game. Buyers are walking out the door. The children and the seller guess the color of the paint (they try to guess a color that would take a long time for buyers to guess) - one game element. A customer comes and asks for a specific color; the child who takes this color leaves with it - the second game element. If a buyer asks for a paint that is not among those suggested, he is sent “along... the path on one leg” - this is the third game element, which greatly captivates children and makes it more difficult to come up with paint colors, makes them think, remember, which develops children’s mental activity. A game action, consisting of several game elements, focuses children’s attention on the content and rules of the game for a longer time and creates favorable conditions for completing the didactic task. Play is indispensable as a means of developing correct relationships between children. In it, the child shows a sensitive attitude towards a friend, learns to be fair, to give in if necessary, to help in trouble, etc. Therefore, the game is an excellent means of fostering collectivism. Didactic games also contribute to artistic education - improvement of movements, expressiveness of speech, development of creative imagination, bright, heartfelt portrayal of an image. In didactic games, the child’s behavior, his actions, and relationships with other children are regulated by rules. In order for the game to truly serve educational purposes, children must know the rules well and follow them exactly. The teacher should teach them this.

3. How to use didactic games in kindergarten classes

The main task of a preschool institution in the field of education is to, starting from an early age, along with imparting knowledge, skills and abilities to children, to form a certain level of mental abilities, to prepare the child physically and mentally for mental work. Didactic games can provide significant assistance in solving this problem.

Verbal games that require a lot of attention and mental effort are widely used with children of senior preschool age. For example

, didactic game “Don’t make a mistake.” Depending on the program objectives, the teacher selects generalizing words for the game (field, vegetable garden, garden, etc.). During the classes, he introduces children to where and how collective farmers grow wheat, oats and other crops. In the second part of the lesson, the didactic game “Don’t make a mistake” can be played. In the game, along with the knowledge gained in this lesson, the knowledge acquired by children earlier when getting to know the vegetable garden and garden can also be used.

Children sit in a circle. The teacher throws a ball to one of them and says: “Vegetable garden.” The person who catches the ball must name a vegetable that grows in the garden (carrots, onions, potatoes). If the child answered incorrectly, he pays forfeit. The one who answers correctly becomes the leader, throws the ball to another child and says, for example, “Field,” and the one who catches the ball names wheat, oats and other crops growing in the field.

In this didactic game

Several tasks were set: consolidation and clarification of knowledge, where things grow, education of attention, restraint, quick mental reaction to a word. When the game is well mastered by children, it can be made more complex and played at a faster pace. However, it should be noted that the value of didactic games is not limited only to the fact that they consolidate and expand knowledge and develop children’s mental abilities.

4. Management of didactic games and their planning

Managing a didactic game requires great pedagogical skill. When selecting games, the teacher proceeds from what program tasks he will solve with their help, how the game will contribute to the development of children’s mental activity, the education of the moral aspects of the individual, and the training of sensory experience. Does the didactic task of the game correspond to the program content that is studied in the classroom? First, the teacher analyzes the game from the point of view of its structure: didactic task, content, rules, game action. Makes sure that in the chosen game children consolidate, clarify, expand knowledge and skills and at the same time do not turn the game into an activity or exercise. The teacher thinks in detail about how, while carrying out the program task, to maintain the play action, a high pace of play (senior preschool age) and to ensure that each child has the opportunity to actively act in a play situation. The teacher must bring the structure of the didactic game to the consciousness of each child, mobilize the children’s strength to follow the rules and game actions. To do this, you need to carefully prepare for the game: think through a clear, clear, laconic explanation of the content, rules, game action, and outline the didactic objectives of the game. And also, which children should be paid special attention to during the game (remember which of them in the classroom find it difficult to carry out the program content), who should be attracted to an active role, or, conversely, some should be restrained somewhat so that they do not suppress the initiative and creativity of their comrades, to help others gain faith in themselves.

Children of senior preschool age have significant gaming experience and such developed thinking that they easily perceive purely verbal explanations of the game. Only in some cases is a visual demonstration required. With children of this age, didactic games are held with the whole group, with small groups. They, as a rule, develop collective relationships based on joint games. Therefore, with older groups, elements of competition can already be used in the game. Didactic games for older children reflect life phenomena that are more complex in content (the life and work of people, technology in the city and the countryside). Children classify objects according to material and purpose (for example, the game “Where is it hidden”).

Word games that require a lot of mental effort are widely used at this age. In didactic games, children of older preschool age show more voluntary attention, independence in solving a given task, and in following the rules. To consolidate and clarify spatial orientation, the game “Where you go, what you find” is played. The teacher arranges toys or other objects in the group in advance. The game action in this case is to find a toy or object. There may be several didactic tasks: choose and name the direction in which the child will go to look for the toy; indicate the location of the found toy; name the toy; say what it's made of. The value of didactic games

in raising children, it depends entirely on the teacher, on how he will be able to select these games, complicate the didactic task, and help correctly direct the rules of the game to achieve program goals.
Didactic games
- educational games. Therefore, you need to carefully select them for the specific program content of the classes, and not just play those games that the teacher knows or which are available (board-printed) in the group. Didactic games should be planned in such sections of the program as familiarization with the environment and speech development, elementary mathematical concepts, physical and musical education. To properly plan didactic games, educators first of all need to convince themselves of their invaluable benefits in the mental and moral education of children. Only in this case can a didactic game be an ally in all educational work with preschoolers. Of course, didactic games do not have to be planned and carried out in all classes, but only where necessary and when time allows. A particularly large place should be allocated to didactic games in the fourth quarter of the academic year. At this time, there is a repetition of what has been covered, fewer classes are conducted. Therefore, when planning games, it is necessary to take into account exactly what children learned less from the program material during the year, and seasonality. When conducting didactic games, it is necessary to pay special attention to those children who have not gone to kindergarten for a long time.


Didactic game

the phenomenon is complex, but the structure is clearly visible in it, i.e.
the main elements that characterize the game as a form of learning and gaming activity at the same time. One of the main elements of the game is a didactic task, which is determined by the purpose of the teaching and educational impact. The presence of a didactic task or several tasks emphasizes the educational nature of the game, the focus of the educational content on the processes of cognitive activity of children. The didactic task
is determined by the teacher and reflects his teaching activities.

Structural element of the game

is a game task carried out by children in play activities. Two tasks, didactic and game, reflect the relationship between learning and play. In contrast to the direct setting of a didactic task in the classroom, in a didactic game it is carried out through a game task, determines game actions, becomes the task of the child himself, arouses the desire and need to solve it, and activates game actions.

One of the components of a didactic game is the rules of the game. Their content and focus are determined by the general tasks of shaping the personality of the child and the group of children. Teaching rules help to reveal to children what and how to do; they correlate with game actions and reveal the way they act. Rules organize children’s cognitive activity: consider something, think, compare, find a way to solve the problem posed by the game. These rules determine the order, sequence of play actions and relationships between children. Game relationships and real relationships between children are formed in the game. Relationships in the game are determined by role relationships. Rules of the game

and should be aimed at nurturing positive gaming relationships and real ones in their interrelation. Compliance with the rules during the game necessitates the manifestation of effort, mastering the methods of communication in the game and outside the game and the formation of not only knowledge, but also a variety of feelings, the accumulation of good emotions and the assimilation of traditions.

The management of children's didactic games should have the goal of:

1. establishing the correct relationship between play and the world, knowledge in the child’s life;

2. education in the game of physical and psychological qualities necessary for the future development of the child.


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Methods of conducting outdoor games in kindergarten

Irina Rudyak

Methods of conducting outdoor games in kindergarten

Movable ; Game is one of the important means of comprehensive education of preschool children. Its characteristic feature is the complexity of its impact on the body and on all aspects of the child’s personality: physical, mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education is simultaneously carried out in the game.

Selection of games.

Games are selected in accordance with the objectives of education, age characteristics of children, their state of health, and preparedness. The location of the game during the day, time of year, meteorological, climatic and other conditions are also taken into account. It is also necessary to take into account the degree of organization of children and their discipline: if they are not organized enough, then first you need to choose a game of small mobility and play it in a circle .

Gathering children for a game.

You can gather children for a game in different ways. In the younger group, the teacher begins to play with 3-5 children, and gradually the rest join them. Sometimes he rings a bell or picks up a beautiful toy (bunny, teddy bear), attracting the attention of the kids and immediately involving them in the game.

With children of older groups, you should agree in advance, even before going to the site, where they will gather, what game they will play and at what signal they will start it (a word, hitting a tambourine, bell, waving a flag, etc.)

In the older group, the teacher can instruct his assistants - the most active children - to gather everyone for the game. There is another technique: having distributed the children into units, offer, at a signal, to gather in designated places as quickly as possible (mark which unit has gathered the fastest)

You need to gather the children quickly (1-2 minutes), because any delay reduces interest in the game.

Creating interest in the game.

First of all, you need to create an interest in the game in children. Then they will better understand its rules, perform movements more clearly, and experience emotional uplift. You can, for example, read poetry, sing a song on a relevant topic, show children objects and toys that they will encounter in the game. to lead to the game by asking questions and asking riddles. In particular, you can ask: “What did you draw today?”

Children, for example, will answer:
“The birds arrive in spring
“Very good,”
says the teacher.
— Today we will play the game “Migration of Birds”
For children in the younger group, you can show a flag, a bunny, a bear and immediately ask: “Do you want to play with them?”
A short story read or told by the teacher immediately before the game also gives good results.

Organization of players, explanation of the game.

When explaining the game, it is important to place children correctly. The teacher most often positions children in the younger group as needed for the game (in a circle)

He can build the older group in a line, half-steep, or gather around him (in a flock)
. The teacher must stand so that everyone can see him (facing the children when arrayed in a line, in a semicircle; next to them, if the children are gathered in a circle).

In the younger group, all explanations are made, as a rule, during the game itself. Without interrupting her, the teacher places and moves the children and tells them how to act. In older groups, the teacher announces the name, reveals the content and explains the rules before the game starts. If the game is very complex, then it is not recommended to immediately give a detailed explanation, but it is better to do this: first explain the main thing, and then, during the game, supplement the main story with details. When is played , the rules are clarified. If the game is familiar to children, you can involve them in the explanation. The explanation of the content and rules of the game should be concise, precise and emotional. Intonation is of great importance. When explaining, it is especially necessary to highlight the rules of the game. Movements can be shown before or during the game. This is usually done by the teacher himself, and sometimes by one of the children of his choice. The explanation is often accompanied by a demonstration : how a car drives out, how a bunny jumps.

The successful implementation of the game largely depends on the successful distribution of roles, so it is important to take into account the characteristics of children: shy, sedentary ones cannot always cope with a responsible role, but brought to this; on the other hand, responsible roles cannot always be assigned to the same people; it is advisable that everyone be able to fulfill these roles.

In games with young children, the teacher first takes on the leading role (for example, the cat in the game “Sparrows and the Cat”

). And only then, when the kids get used to the game, does he assign this role to the children themselves. Even during the explanation, he appoints a driver and puts the rest of the players in their places, but counting rhymes can also be used for this purpose. Sometimes those who play the role of driver choose their own deputy.

In the older group, the game is first explained, then roles are assigned and children are placed. If the game is played for the first time , then the teacher does it, and then the players themselves. When dividing into columns, units, or teams, it is necessary to group strong children with weaker ones, especially in games where there is an element of competition ( “Ball for the Driver”

"Relay in a circle"

You can mark the playing area in advance or during the explanation and placement of the players. Equipment, toys and attributes are usually distributed before the start of the game, sometimes they are placed in designated places, and the children take them during the game.

Conducting and directing the game.

The children's play activities are supervised by the teacher. Its role depends on the nature of the game itself, on the size and age of the group, on the behavior of the participants: the younger the children are, the more active the teacher is. When playing with younger children, he acts on an equal basis with them, often playing the main role, and at the same time directs the game. In the middle and senior groups, the teacher first also plays the main role himself, and then passes it on to the children. He also participates in the game when there is not enough pair ( “Find yourself a pair”

). The teacher's direct participation in the game raises interest in it and makes it more emotional.

The teacher gives commands or sound and visual signals to start the game: hitting a tambourine, drum, rattle, musical chord, clapping, waving a colored flag, hand. Sound signals should not be too loud: strong blows, sharp whistles excite young children.

The teacher gives instructions both during the game and before its repetition, evaluates the actions and behavior of the children. However, you should not overuse instructions about incorrect execution of movements - comments can reduce the positive emotions that arise during the game. It is better to give instructions in a positive form, maintaining a joyful mood, encouraging determination, dexterity, resourcefulness, initiative - all this makes children want to strictly follow the rules of the game.

The teacher suggests how it is more expedient to perform the movement, catch and dodge (change direction, slip unnoticed or run past the “trap”

, stop quickly, reminds you that you need to read poetry expressively and not too loudly.

The teacher monitors the children’s actions and does not allow long-term static poses (squatting, standing on one leg, raising their arms forward, upward, which cause a narrowing of the chest and poor circulation, and monitors the general condition and well-being of each child.

The teacher regulates physical activity, which should increase gradually. If, for example, when is played , children are allowed to run for 10 seconds, then when it is repeated, the load is slightly increased; on the fourth repetition it reaches the maximum norm, and on the fifth or sixth repetition it decreases. The load can be increased by changing the tempo of the movements.

Games of great mobility are repeated 3-4 times, calmer ones - 4-6 times. Pauses between repetitions are 0.3-0.5 minutes. During the pause, children perform easier exercises or pronounce words from the text. Total duration of outdoor game :

Age group On physical education days On other days

Junior groups 6-8 min. 10-15 min.

Medium groups 6-10 min. 15-20 min.

Senior groups 15-20 min. 25-30 min.

Preparatory groups 20-25 min. 30-35 min.

15-20 outdoor games are held per month , of which 3-4 are new games.

End of the game and summing up .

In younger groups, the teacher ends the game with a proposal to move on to some other activities of a calmer nature. In older groups, the results of the game are summed up : those who performed the movements correctly, showed agility, speed, ingenuity, ingenuity, followed the rules, and helped out their comrades are noted. The teacher also names those who broke the rules and interfered with their comrades. He analyzes how he managed to achieve success in the game, why the “trap”

He quickly caught some, but others were never caught by him.
Summing up the results of the game should be carried out in an interesting and entertaining way to create a desire to achieve even better results next time. All children must be involved in the discussion of This accustoms them to analyzing their actions and causes a more conscious attitude towards following the rules of the game and movements.

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