Summary of an integrated lesson on sensory development in the 1st junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard

“Teddy bear in kindergarten”: final lesson on sensory skills

  • February 9, 2014

Competition “My Pedagogical Initiative - 2013”
​​Nomination “Methodological work in preschool educational institutions”

In their centuries-old practice, people have created certain standards of shapes, sizes, and color tones. The child needs to master these standards and receive, as it were, a set of standards with which he can compare any newly perceived property of an object and give it a proper definition.

In life, a child encounters a variety of shapes, colors and other properties of objects. It is still very difficult for him to understand all this diversity, and he needs the help of adults. The teacher organizes the child’s sensory experience using a certain social experience. The accumulation of sensory representations involves familiarization with color, shape, and size.

Educational areas: Cognition, communication, socialization.

Types of children's activities: speech, play, motor.

Program content:

  • continue to teach children logical thinking using the siriation method (correct assembly of the pyramid);
  • find a pair based on two characteristics (large - small and color);
  • consolidate knowledge of colors (red, blue, yellow, green);
  • Strengthen children's knowledge about wild animals (bear);
  • cultivate a friendly attitude between peers, a desire to help each other;
  • consolidate children's knowledge about parts of their body.

Goal : to consolidate children’s knowledge of color, shape, size.

Equipment : teddy bear, pyramid, ball, basket with mushrooms, cut-out pictures, dishes.

Participants : children of the 1st junior group, teacher.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the group and see pyramid rings scattered on the floor.

Educator: Ay - ah - ah, who scattered the toys?

A teddy bear sits on a chair.

Educator: Bear, were you the one who scattered the toys around the group?

Bear: Yes, I came to visit you and played a little.

Educator: Guys, is it possible to behave like this when visiting? (Children's answers).

Bear: forgive me, I won’t do that again.

Educator: Bear, since you understand that this is bad, then assemble a pyramid, and the guys will help you, you just need to assemble it correctly, first the large rings, then the smaller ones.

Children collect rings throughout the group. The teacher holds a rod on which rings are strung. As the pyramid is collected, the teacher specifies the color, size and shape of the ring. When the pyramid is assembled, the teacher praises the children. Mishka thanks the children for their help and invites them to play the game “Let’s get to know each other.” The children stand in a circle, Mishka throws the ball to them in turn, and the children say their name.

Bear: I slept in my den all winter, and spring came, I woke up and decided to come to visit you and play. Do you know where I live?

Children: In the forest!

Bear: That's right, do you know who else lives in the forest? (Children's answers). My friend Squirrel gave you gifts from her supplies, look, what are they?

Shows the children a basket of mushrooms. The bear randomly scatters mushrooms on the floor.

Bear: Oh, guys, can you help me collect mushrooms?

Children: Yes!

Children collect mushrooms, the teacher specifies what they are (what color, size, hard or soft).

Educator: Guys, let's also give Mishka a gift, we'll treat him with delicious and sweet berries.

The didactic game “Cut Pictures” is being played.

Bear: Thank you guys, you are so good!

The teacher invites the children to recite A. Barto’s poem “Bear”.

Bear: Oh, guys, show me where my paw is? Eyes? Ears? Nose?

Educator: Mishka, don’t you know the parts of your body at all? The guys and I will help you!

A physical session “Studying our body” is being held:

One, two, three, four, five - let's study the body! Here is the back, and here is the tummy, arms, legs, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, head - I barely managed to shake it. Neck - turns her head, oh, tired oh - oh - oh! The forehead and eyebrows, and the eyelashes, fluttered like birds. Pink cheeks, bumpy chin. The hair is thick, like meadow grass. Shoulders, elbows and knees. With me, Seryozha, Lena!

Bear: Thank you guys, you taught me a lot today.

Educator: Children, what did we teach Mishka today? (Children's answers).

The teacher invites the children to treat Mishka to tea, but the cups on the table are mixed up. I will give you saucers, and you match them with cups of the same color and size.

The didactic game “Find a Pair” is being played.

Children treat the bear with tea.

List of sources used:

Wenger L.A., Pilyugina E.G., Wenger N.B. Nurturing a child’s sensory culture.

Author: Evgenia Mikhailovna Vedrentseva, teacher of the Suzun kindergarten No. 2, working village of Suzun, Novosibirsk region. Teaching experience 2 years.

Sensory lesson using Montessori materials “Magic Circle” (1st junior group)

Preschool Educational Institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 21 "Semitsvetik" LLC "Ozon"

Sensory lesson using Montessori materials “Magic Circle” (I junior group)

Prepared by Montessori class teacher Olga Vasilievna Perepletchikova

Orenburg 2014 Program content:

  • To form and consolidate children’s knowledge of grouping, comparing, and distinguishing objects by color.
  • Develop the ability to follow the assigned task without being distracted while completing it.
  • Develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  • Replenish vocabulary, develop active speech of children.
  • Cultivate attentiveness and perseverance.
  • Maintain a joyful mood while working.

Methodical techniques:

  • Artistic word.
  • Encouragement.
  • Partial assistance.
  • Demonstration and explanation.
  • Use of visual material.


Bell, hoop, magic bag, colored plates No. 1 and containers of three colors, napkin, hoop, audio recording, magic wand, candle, Montessori material.
Preliminary work:

  • Preparing an audio recording.
  • Visual material

Progress of the lesson:
Children, please come in and say hello to the guests
(Quiet music sounds and the children walk along the edge of the carpet, repeating the movements after the teacher.)
Physical education
We stomp our feet, We clap our hands, We nod our heads, We raise our hands, We lower our hands, We give our hands.
And we walk in circles. (Moves according to the text.)
Look how big a circle we have made.
Now sit down around the hoop. Let's say hello today using a bell. Educator
: Hello, Sasha... The teacher begins, and the children pass the bell to each other.
Let's guys get our fingers ready and repeat after me. Hello.
Hello, golden sun! Hello, blue sky! Hello, free breeze! Hello, little oak tree! We live in the same region - I greet you all!


Look, children, what I have prepared for you today.
Let's remember what this material is called. Children:
These are colored tablets.
What color is this? Children:
Red... The teacher lays out tablets of three colors (red, yellow, blue) on a white napkin.
Look, I put red, blue, and yellow objects in the magic bag. Your task is to take out one container, name its color and place it next to a sign of the same color. My magic fingers took out a red box and I will put it next to the red sign. Right? Children:
Now try it, Sasha.
Children pass the magic bag around in a circle while completing the task. Educator
: Let's repeat it again.
What color are these items? Children:
You remember our rules, let each of you think about what material you will work with.
You can start working. Free work with Montessori materials.
(Calm music sounds, the children put away the material and begin to walk along the line.) When all the children have put away the material, the teacher places a hoop in the center of the carpet and invites everyone to look at the candle flame and listen to the silence.
After a few minutes, the children blow out the candle flame. Educator:
Today you all did very well, now close your eyes and the magic wand wants to thank you. After the teacher touches each child, the children return to the group.

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