Cockerel and his family: summary of an open lesson for children of the second group of early age

Summary of an open lesson in the junior group “Cockerel and his family”

Kirichenko Oksana Vladimirovna
Summary of an open lesson in the junior group “Cockerel and his family”

Expand children's understanding of poultry: chicken, rooster , chickens; continue to learn to distinguish between them.

Continue to introduce children to folklore works that tell about the cockerel , hen, and chickens. Form cognitive activity.

Enrich children's vocabulary with words: hen, cockerel , chickens, chick, pecks, strengthen the ability to imitate the voices of birds.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands and finger coordination through exercises and hand massage with objects.

Cultivate a kind attitude towards “our smaller brothers”

, encourage children's initiative.

Summary of educational activities in the junior group on social education. Cockerel and his family

Summary of educational activities in the junior group on social education.
Educational field “Social and communicative development”. “The Cockerel and His Family” Purpose: to form in children the concept of “Family” using the example of the “Cockerel Family”, to show that family members love each other, father and mother take care of their children. Objectives: - to train children in forming words using diminutive suffixes (beard, comb, etc.); — teach children basic techniques for working with a doll (ring on a finger); - practice sculpting with circular and straight movements of the fingers (grains, worms) to develop fine motor skills of the hands. Educational areas: cognition, communication, socialization, safety, reading fiction. Vocabulary: comb, beard, feathers, paws, tail, little head, throat, crested, clucks, kind, caring. Equipment: model poultry house, flat toys (cockerel, hen, chickens, geese, turkeys, ducks, houses, chicken coop, poultry house), attributes (bus, steering wheel, screen, cat, plasticine, napkins, bucket). Previous work: reading stories about poultry, conversations, looking at illustrations, memorizing poems, reading nursery rhymes, asking riddles, verbal, didactic, outdoor games.
Progress of the lesson
A trip to the poultry yard The bus, the bus goes and hums. On the bus, the driver is sitting on the bus. Beep, beep, beep, beep, here is a field, here is a river, here is a thick forest. The children have arrived. Bus stop! Educator: Guys, we have come with you to the poultry yard. Where have we arrived? Let's look at what birds live in the poultry yard (Children's answers). That's how many poultry there are in the poultry yard. What kind of birds are there in abundance? (Answer: domestic). But I hear someone sleeping here. Let's quietly say the following words together: “Peter the Cockerel, get up, start singing your song” (The Cockerel is waking up). Cockerel: Ku-ka-re-ku, ku-ka-re-ku, I get up before everyone else and sing loudly. Hello guys! Teacher and children: Hello, Petya the Cockerel! Cockerel: Everyone, everyone, look at me, tell me what do I have? Educator: Guys, the cockerel likes it when only kind words are said about him. Let's look at what the cockerel has. (The teacher shows parts of the body, the children name words in an affectionate form: comb, beard, etc.) Cockerel: Where do I live? (Answer: in the yard). With whom? (Answer: with chicken and chicks). And what am I doing? (Answer: you sing, crow, guard the yard). Educator: Petya the cockerel is caring: he takes care of his family (the hen and chicks), protects them. Who does the cockerel care about? (Answer: about the hen and chicks). Cockerel: Ku-ka-re-ku, ku-ka-re-ku, I beat my wings loudly, I shout at the top of my lungs, I am a caring rooster. Now go away and get some exercise. Phys. a minute Everyone, everyone together, have fun walking, raising and lowering their wings, squatting and standing up, jumping and galloping, having fun shouting like me: Ku-ka-re-ku! Educator: Well done, guys, everyone did their exercises together. Cockerel: I learned a lot about myself from you. Well, it’s time for me to go, I have a lot to do in my poultry yard. (The teacher places the cockerel in the yard and invites the children to sit on the chairs. A crested hen appears behind the screen). Chicken: Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, hello kids! Teacher and children: Hello, crested hen! Educator: Guys, the mother hen came to us alone and for some reason she was so sad and sad. Something must have happened to her. Dasha, ask the chicken why she is so sad and sad. (The child asks the chicken a question.) Chicken: Ko-ko-ko, naughty chickens ran away from me, help me. Educator: Children, is it possible to run away from your mother chicken (Children's answer: no). Where can I go? (Children's answers). How to help a chicken, what needs to be done? (Children's answer: we need to find naughty chickens). The children found chickens. Educator: That’s how many chickens the mother hen has, put a chicken on the index finger of your right hand so that it doesn’t run away anywhere. Look at the chickens, tell me what they are? (Children's answers: small, yellow, fluffy, defenseless, etc.). Listen to what the chicken says. Chicken: Co-co-co, co-co-co, come out, kids, collect the crumbs. And bugs and worms right on the path. Educator: Children, show how chickens peck crumbs, bugs, and worms. The chickens were having fun. Show how they have fun and squeak. (Children show). An active game. On the bench, by the path, the cat lay down and dozed. The cat opens its eyes and catches up with the chickens. (Chicks run away to their mother hen.) Hen: Kwok-kwok-kwok, everyone climb into the nest, it’s cozy and warm here. (Children put the chickens in the nest). Educator: Listen, guys, what the chicken wants to tell you. Chicken: Co-co-co, co-co-co, guys, make a lot of grains and worms for my chickens. Educator: Of course, crested hen, we will help you. (Sculpting of grains and worms by children together with the teacher). Educator: That's how many grains and worms they made for the chickens. Mother chicken will be happy. Give a plate of grain to the nest. Chicken: Thank you, kind and caring guys, for finding my chickens and making a lot of grains and worms. It's time for me to return home with the chickens to the poultry yard. Daddy cockerel is waiting for us. (The teacher places the hen and chicks in the poultry yard). Reflection: Educator: Where have we been today? What birds did we see there? Why was the chicken sad and sad? What help did we give her? What is the name of the house where the cockerel's family lives? What is the name of the house where the rest of the birds live? Educator: Today we visited the poultry yard, saw what kind of birds live there, and talked about the cockerel’s family. It was a pleasure to communicate with you during our stay at the poultry yard. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Guys, the chicken has prepared a surprise for your efforts and help, but we will open it only when we arrive at the kindergarten. (The teacher shows the children a bucket with a surprise). Where is our driver? Everyone get on the bus, let's go! The bus, the bus is coming and buzzing. On the bus, the driver is sitting on the bus. Beep, beep, beep, beep, here is a field, here is a river, here is a thick forest. The children have arrived. Bus stop! Educator: We are back in kindergarten. (The teacher hands out treats from a bucket to the children.) Literature: L.A. Kondrykinskaya. Where does the homeland begin? Experience in patriotic education in preschool educational institutions. - M: Sphere shopping center, 2005 N.V. Aleshina. Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment and social reality. Junior group. - M: TsGL, 2005

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Folklore leisure for children of the junior group “Cockerel and his family”
Author: Svetlana Gennadievna Botvenko, music director of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 27” Kamen-na-Obi, Altai Territory
Leisure for children of the junior group “Cockerel and his family”
Purpose: Give children joy when meeting their favorite characters. Objectives: To introduce children to folklore works that tell about a cockerel, a hen, and chickens; Expand your understanding of the world around you; Form cognitive activity; Cultivate a kind attitude towards “our smaller brothers.” Host: Guys, we received a letter this morning. (Reads) “Hello, children! An old acquaintance writes to you, whose name you will recognize after guessing the riddle: “A tail with patterns, boots with spurs. I get up at dawn and sing in the yard. There is a comb on the head. Who am I? Children: Cockerel! Host: Shall we call Cockerel? Children: Cockerel, come to us! Host: It doesn’t work! Whoever reads the poem loudly, He will hear and come. Child: Cockerel, cockerel, Golden comb. You always get up early and sing songs loudly. You walk around the yard with dignity. You wear a comb on your side. Butterhead, Silk beard, Tail with patterns. Boots with spurs. The Cockerel enters, walks importantly around the hall, the children look at him. Cockerel: Ku-ka-re-ku! Ko-ko-ko! Hello guys! I am a cheerful cockerel. I have smart clothes. A bright red comb, and boots on her feet. The collar is covered in motley feathers, the beak is strong and dexterous. I am a joker, a mischievous person. Smart head. Presenter: Cockerel, very handsome, we’ll ask you to dance. Cockerel: I’ll invite the boys, let them help me. Dance “Merry Cockerels” Song “Cockerel” r.n.m Cockerel: Ku-ka-re-ku! Here! Here! Host: Who is the Cockerel calling? This bird keeps cackling, looking for something to eat. And she doesn't frown. It's just that - Children: Chicken! Host: Correct! Let's call her! Little hen! Come to us! Sounds like “Chicken” by N. Lyubarsky.
The Chicken enters, the children look at her.
Chicken: Ko-ko-ko! Where, whack, whack! The chicken has come to you! I have a beak, my paws, Isn’t she a beauty? The roosters all like me! Dance “Beautiful Hen” Host: Shall we play with the Hen? Game “Bring a Handkerchief”
There are handkerchiefs on the table, you need to take one and bring the Chickens.
Who is first. Two people play. Host: What kind of yellow lumps are they chasing after their mother? Did you guys recognize them? But these are Children: Chickens. Children have chicken hats placed on their heads. The song “Chickens” plays, children jump, “fly”, and squeak around the hall. Child: Our chicken is a hen Helps her children: She wants all the chickens to be okay! Everyone is following mom, looking for worms! Yellow lumps rejoice together at the quotation. Chicken: Ko-ko-ko, ko-ko-ko, Mother calls - hen, Everyone comes to me, everyone comes to me, Both sons and daughters. Dance “Chick-chick-chick, my chickens” Presenter: The hen loves her chickens very much, takes them for walks, teaches them to look for grains. Game “Collect grains”
There are grains (kinders) scattered on the floor; children collect them and carry them into a bucket while listening to music.
Child: The beautiful hen got up early, went out into the street, nibbled some grass, pecked flies, said “Ko-ko-ko,” walked here and there, and laid an egg for us. Game “Collect an egg” (cut pictures) Hen: The grains have been pecked, the chickens are tired. Everyone, come under my wing, I’ll warm you all up, I’ll pity you. Children gather under the chicken’s “wing” and squat. We've played enough, we're tired. I'll sing you a song, relax. Song “Lullaby” Cockerel: Well done, everyone gathered, no one got lost. (Walks, counts). Have you rested? Now continue dancing and having fun. Dance “Merry Family” Cockerel: Because you met us like that, played, read poems, danced, we will treat you. Chicken: I baked pies, fly up and help yourself!

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