Pedagogical council "Kindergarten and family: aspects of interaction"

Pedagogical Council “Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families”


1 MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION “Kindergarten 2 “Sibiryachok” of the city of Lesosibirsk” Senior teacher: Shadrina M. A. Pedagogical Council “Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families” Goal: increasing the professional competence of teachers in the field of organizing interaction with parents of pupils Objectives: 1. clarify and systematize the knowledge of teachers on the problem of interaction with parents. 2. increase the professional competence of teachers in organizing new forms of interaction with parents; 3. to intensify the pedagogical thinking of educators as the basis for the use of non-traditional forms of work with parents in preschool educational institutions, to stimulate the development of their creativity and professional activity; 4. support teachers’ interest in further study of this topic. Preparation for the teachers' council 1. Questioning of parents “Interaction between kindergarten and family.” 2. Diagnostics of teachers “Style of pedagogical activity”. 3. Study of scientific and methodological literature on this problem. 4. Review-competition “Parents' corners”. Teachers' Council plan 1. Opening remarks. Responsible: Head Petrova A.B. 2. “Ways to involve parents in the life of a kindergarten.” Responsible: senior teacher Shadrina M. A. 3. Business game “Tree of Wisdom” Responsible: senior teacher Shadrina M. A. 4. “Auction of Ideas” Responsible: teachers of the preparatory group 5. Results of diagnostics of teachers “Style of pedagogical activity.” Responsible: senior teacher Shadrina M. A. 6. Results of the parent survey “Interaction between kindergarten and family.” Responsible: senior teacher Shadrina M. A. 7. Results of the review competition “The best corner for parents.” Responsible: senior teacher Shadrina M. A. 8. Presentation of the work experience of teachers 9. Discussion of the draft decision. Making a decision of the teachers' council. Progress of the teachers' meeting 1. Game “Great with elbows” Purpose Meeting each other, greeting, getting to know each other Number of all teachers. Time 5-7 minutes

2 Conduct: The presenter asks the teachers to stand in a circle. Then he invites them to calculate first-second-third and do the following: Each “number one” puts his hands behind his head so that his elbows are pointing in different directions; Each “number two” rests his hands on his hips so that his elbows are also directed to the right and left; Each “number three” bends forward, puts his palms on his knees and puts his elbows out to the sides. The presenter tells the teachers that they are given only five minutes to complete the task. During this time, they should say hello to as many teachers as possible, simply saying their name and touching each other with elbows. After five minutes, the teachers gather in three groups so that the first, second and third numbers are together, respectively. After this, they greet each other within their group. Teachers take places at tables according to their number. 2. “Ways to involve parents in the life of a kindergarten” We often hear from teachers of different ages and work experience that it is easier to work with children than with parents. But it is known that success in the formation of a child’s personality and upbringing can be achieved if the principle of unity of action between teachers and parents is observed. Cooperation between a preschool institution and a family presupposes mutual understanding and interaction between educators and parents. But what is interaction and what is meant by this word? Does the family interact with the preschool educational institution or the kindergarten with the family? Is it possible to put an equal sign between the words “interaction”, “cooperation”, “commonwealth”? In order to reveal these concepts, each group will discuss 1 concept for 5 minutes (group 1 interaction, 2 cooperation, 3 community) and after the time has passed, representatives of the group will speak to us. (Speeches by teachers). “Interaction” is the joint activity of teachers and parents in raising a child, as well-organized mutual communication, exchange of experience, and joint search for solutions to possible problems. “Cooperation” is communication “as equals,” where parents act as equal partners, and not as “students.” The term “collaboration” is at the core of interaction. “Commonwealth” is an association of someone based on friendship, unity of views and interests. Question for teachers: “Is mutual friendship possible without communication, and therefore without interaction?” (Of course not) Since fellowship presupposes the openness of the heart towards each other, i.e. the presence of empathy, then fellowship is the highest point of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family. Thus, we understand that kindergarten and family, using new forms of interaction and cooperation, should strive to create a unified space for the child’s development. Let's remember what forms of interaction exist. Exercise "Who is faster." Teams stand in three lines (8 people each). Seven are given cards with the name of the form of work. One person from the group receives cards with the words “traditional” and “non-traditional” (one in one hand, one in the other). On command, these teachers raise the cards up, and the rest of the group members must stand in accordance with their name of the form of interaction. Which team will build faster and correctly. The teams take their places. So you and I remembered the forms of interaction with parents. There are two classifications, let's talk about them again. Traditional, non-traditional (according to T. V. Krotova) Collective: parent meetings, conferences

3 Information and analytical: conducting sociological surveys, surveys, processing and using data about the family of each child Individual: conversations, consultations Leisure: warm informal communication, trusting relationships (holidays, participation in exhibitions, etc.) Visual and informational: recordings of video clips , photographs, exhibitions of works, stands, screens, sliding folders Educational: seminars, workshops, pedagogical hotels, practical assignments, questions for discussion, parents’ clubs Visual and informational: open day, newspaper publication, organization of mini-libraries, etc. d. What do you think are the most relevant forms of interaction with parents currently? (non-traditional). Indeed, it is necessary to develop and implement a work system for the active inclusion of parents in the life of preschool educational institutions. This allows us to consider working with parents as one of the problems in the activities of preschool educational institutions at the present stage of modernization of the education system. In this regard, the issue of finding and implementing modern forms of interaction between a preschool institution and the family is one of the most pressing today. When planning this or that form of work, we, as teachers, always proceed from the idea of ​​modern parents as modern people who are ready for learning, self-development and cooperation. Taking this into account, we select the following requirements for forms of interaction: originality, relevance, interactivity. Therefore, it is necessary to select new, promising forms of cooperation that involve involving parents in active participation, both in the pedagogical process and in the life of the kindergarten. It's no secret that parents' participation in the life of the group remains declared. The problem is not only in the busyness and passivity of parents, but also in the teachers themselves. Some do not want to see parents in the group, explaining that children begin to be capricious, behave inappropriately, and parents do not know how to communicate with children. In addition, there is a real problem of lack of time, a feeling of personal inadequacy among some teachers - all this together can lead to the formation of personal and professional prejudices. There really are problems, but their essence is that we teachers are not ready and do not know how to use their presence for the benefit of children, ourselves and the parents themselves. It is more correct not to refuse, but to learn - to do this, understanding that the participation of parents in the life of the kindergarten benefits all children, teachers, parents, the prestige of the profession and the kindergarten. There are 5 levels of family participation in the life of preschool educational institutions: provision of one-time assistance; participation in the organization of educational work with children in the classroom, in the activities of clubs, etc.; participation as permanent volunteer assistants; participation in decision-making regarding the child or the group he attends; participation in the discussion of issues and decision-making regarding the activities of the preschool educational institution as a whole. The identification of levels does not mean that each family will move from one level to another in the process of interacting with the kindergarten. This only means that relationships with families need to be built on the basis of individualization, recognition of the family’s right to choose their character and the degree of their participation in joint activities with teachers. Where to start? Review your day mentally and write down your ideas for involving parents. To do this, you can ask yourself the question: “What exactly can parents or other adults do to help? in working with small groups or with individual children? regarding materials and equipment?

4 when carrying out projects or general activities? in preparation for the holidays? in Training Centers or in other tasks? in assessing the achievements and problems of individual children?” As a result of such reflections, many options will appear for including parents in the pedagogical activities of the kindergarten. Involving parents and other adults in working with children in a group creates additional opportunities for all participants in the educational process and allows, finally, to implement a complex, from the point of view of teachers, individual approach . A larger number of adults in the group is a great way to diversify and individualize the tasks performed by children, providing them with a wide choice of activities. For example, adults can read aloud to children or listen to their stories while working with one child or a small group. They may lead classes in the Arts, Math, or Science Centers, or, following the instructions of the teacher, help with individual children's assignments and prepare materials and assignments for students. Or maybe one of them has a hobby or some talent that they can share with the children. By analogy with the well-known proverb “You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot force it to drink,” let us remember that one cannot force one to accept utility, one can only “grow” the desire to receive benefit. Now I invite you to work in your groups. Each group must propose ways, forms, methods that will be effective for involving parents in the life of the preschool educational institution. You are given 5 minutes to do this. (Examples, usually parent meetings always include reading a report, this should be avoided, it is better to conduct a dialogue using methods of activating parents.). The use of non-traditional forms: “Oral Journal”, “Pedagogical Living Room”, “Round Table”; by the type of TV shows and entertainment programs, games aimed at attracting their attention to kindergarten: “Pedagogical Field of Miracles”, “Pedagogical Case”, “KVN”, “Talk Show”; campaigns “Let’s paint the verandas”, “We are designers”. One of the forms of information and analytical work is a mailbox. This is a box or notebook in which parents can put notes with their ideas and suggestions, and ask questions to specialists, the director or methodologist. Questions asked are covered at parent meetings or given in writing by specialists. This form of work allows parents to share their thoughts with the teacher and is effective when lack of time prevents the teacher from meeting with parents in person.) Speech by group representatives, discussion of proposed options. The connections between the family and the kindergarten are built on trust. And mutual trust arises as a result of effective information exchange. If educators want to encourage successful parent involvement, they need to establish active, personalized, ongoing, flexible, and positive communication with parents. To do this, educators must find ways to document and communicate children's daily progress in ways that change parents' perceptions of their own role and their views of the children's experiences in preschool. Dear colleagues, you are probably tired, and therefore I suggest you rest. Exercise “Fun Gymnastics”. Teachers stand near their chairs so as not to disturb each other. Now you and I will dance to the music of different nations, but we will do it in an unusual way. At first, only the head will dance (Belarusian folk music); then they dance the shoulders (Ukrainian n.m., the next ones are only the fingers, then the arms, the pelvis, the right leg, the left leg, and a general dance for the whole body. (Music is selected arbitrarily, at will). Well done! 3. Business game " Tree of Wisdom" 4. "Auction of Ideas" - educators share their experience of involving parents in the life of a preschool educational institution.

5 5. Results of diagnostics of teachers “Style of pedagogical activity”. 6. Results of the parent survey “Interaction between kindergarten and family.” 7. Results of the competition “The Best Corner for Parents”. 8. Presentation of the work experience of teachers 9. Discussion of the draft decision. Making a decision of the teachers' council. Now, colleagues, I suggest you create a “Pedagogical Salad”. Each of you has small leaves. On these pieces of paper you should write ideas about what decisions can be made at the end of our pedagogical council. Throw your ideas into the salad bowl. Now we will mix your solutions, it turns out to be a “salad”. The recipe is recorded and the optimal solutions are selected. Decisions 1. In order to further involve parents in the life of the preschool educational institution, to increase their interest in the educational process, hold an “Open Day” for parents of pupils in April 2022. Deadline: April 2022 Responsible: senior teacher, group teachers. 2. Use non-traditional forms of interaction with parents, organize joint activities with parents in various educational areas, during parent-teacher meetings. Duration: during the academic year. Responsible: group teachers. 3. To enrich and expand the pedagogical experience of parents, post monthly news from the life of each group on the preschool educational institution website. Term: monthly. Responsible: educators. 4.Continue to implement projects to interact with parents. Deadline: May 2022 Responsible: educators. 5.Teachers of all groups will develop a summary of the parent meeting in an active form, which will be held with parents. Dates: April 2022 Responsible: educators. At the conclusion of our pedagogical council, I invite each group to compose a syncwine on the topic of our pedagogical council. Cinquain (from French cinquains, English cinquain) is a creative work that has the short form of a poem consisting of five unrhymed lines. A cinquain is not a simple poem, but a poem written according to the following rules: 1 line, one noun expressing the main theme of the cinquain. Line 2: two adjectives expressing the main idea. Line 3: three verbs describing actions within the topic. Line 4 is a phrase that carries a certain meaning. (Sentence of 4 words) Line 5 conclusion in the form of an interjection, a noun (association with the first word). Making a syncwine is very simple and interesting. And besides, working on creating a syncwine develops imaginative thinking. An example on the theme of love. Love. Fabulous, fantastic. He comes, inspires, runs away. Only a few can hold it. Dream.


Task 1 “If you ask, I will answer”

Each team defines the word “collaboration” and each team writes their definition of the word on the board.

  • Not only the teacher’s openness and willingness to work with families, but also his ability to organize joint creativity;
  • Involving parents in bright, interesting, promising joint activities;
  • General approaches, discussion and search for options for future activities;
  • Psychological equality of educators and parents;
  • Respectful attitude towards differences in opinions and approaches in solving problems of joint activities;
  • Discussion of each participant’s opinion on the results of joint activities.

Task 6 “Piggy Bank of Wise Thoughts”

Next task: solving pedagogical situations. I offer you a conflict situation, and you must find a way out of it. Teachers are asked to determine their attitude to the behavior of parents, distribute the text on cards and role-play the teacher-parent situation.

  • a mother complains to the teacher that her child comes home from kindergarten bitten;
  • parents bring an obviously undertreated child to kindergarten without a medical certificate and demand that you accept the child, because they simply have nowhere to take the child. You need to politely and tactfully explain to the parents that you cannot accept such a child;
  • a mother complains to the teacher that her child comes home from a walk in dirty clothes;
  • Mom comes to the teacher for advice: we have a second child in our family. How to help an older child adapt to the arrival of a baby?
  • The teacher, talking about the role of physical activity in the physical development of preschoolers, advises parents to buy their children lightweight sportswear for physical education, and in response hears an indignant exclamation: “Well, here’s another thing, my child will wear a warm suit! I know better what to dress him in!”
  • Marina attends a speech therapy group. The girl’s speech requires regular completion of individual tasks. However, Marina does not fulfill them, explaining this by the fact that her mother goes to shaping sessions and does not have time to work with her.
  • Tanya’s mother comes to the manager with tears in her eyes: “This is outrageous! The child has a bruise again. Why do teachers get paid?” After admonitions from the head of the kindergarten, having calmed down somewhat, he declares: “Take action, otherwise I will complain to higher authorities!”
  • Sasha is withdrawn, passive in class, and often shows aggression towards his peers. Sociometric examinations showed that the child belongs to the category of outcasts, and the teacher advised the mother to consult a psychologist about this. Mom reacts violently, proving that her son has many friends, talking about his favorite activities at home.

Having summarized the teachers’ statements,
the senior educator talks about the negative aspects encountered in the work of educators.
On the part of teachers today, there is also a not entirely correct position: ignoring the opinion of parents, ignorance of the conditions of family upbringing, extolling their own successes and merits, labeling (“An apple from an apple tree...”, “Such parents have such a child, no wonder!”) - everything this allows us to talk about different types of behavior of educators.

Task 2 “You for me, I for you”

During the discussion, teams fill out tables

Each team takes out a question for discussion and after discussion as a team, writes the answer on the board.

Questions for discussion:

Teachers' conclusions:

1.Family functions.

Educators must come to the conclusion that they are common.

Both the family and the kindergarten create conditions for the comprehensive development of the child.

They give the child primary socialization.

They create an atmosphere of love, warmth, conditions for the emotional and mental maturation of the child.

2.Functions of kindergarten.

3. The role of the teacher.

I teach, I develop.

4.The role of the parent.

The sponsor asks the teacher to teach, educate directly or indirectly.

5.Why do parents send their child to kindergarten?

The family does not have the means and material and living conditions for education.

Parents have to work and have no one to leave the child with.

Parents lack pedagogical knowledge.

The family does not have a healthy psychological climate.

The family cannot provide the child with full communication with peers and adults.

The senior teacher sums up the results:

  1. Regarding questions 1 and 2: why are the functions the same, but there is no mutual understanding?
  2. Regarding questions 3 and 4: the parent is the customer, the teacher, if it’s not offensive, is the service staff. The child is between the demands of the teacher and the demands of the parent.
  3. The child was sent to kindergarten, we, teachers, take on the upbringing and education.
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