Work plan of the methodological association of educators

Plan for the methodological association of preschool teachers

MO plan for the 2015-2016 academic year Head of the MO Chichinova Erkeley Stanislavovna Topic of methodological work: Psychological, pedagogical and methodological support for teachers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. Goal: Creation of organizational conditions that contribute to improving the professional competence of preschool teachers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. Objectives of methodological work: 1. Studying the level of motivational readiness of preschool teachers for professional activities in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education; 2. Providing psychological, pedagogical and methodological support for the process of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard for Education in the activities of preschool educational institutions; 3. Creation of a data bank of ideas of preschool teachers for the dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience; 4. Formation among teachers of the need for continuous professional growth and constant self-improvement; 5. Analysis of the activities of the Ministry of Defense. Main areas of work: - Work in a single educational space. — Problem-based seminars, master classes, discussions, debates, pedagogical trainings; — Pedagogical workshops; — Creative competitions; — Replenishment of the bank of innovative ideas; — Activities of the methodological council; — Presentation of teaching experience; — Individual and group consultations; Expected result: Professional readiness of teachers to implement the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education; development of professional competencies of a teacher; satisfaction with the results of one’s own professional activities. Development of professional competencies of a teacher: - Communication skills; — Planning of educational activities; — Organization of educational activities; — Creation of conditions for educational activities; — Development of own programs. Tasks of psychological and pedagogical support for teachers: 1. Creation of a system to support the implementation of innovative technologies in the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions; 2. Informing teaching staff on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard; 3. Providing a psychologically comfortable climate, creating a safe educational environment. 4. Providing assistance and support to teachers in solving problems that arise during the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. Perspective: Participation of educators in the competitive movement, development and implementation of original programs, dissemination and presentation of innovative teaching experience, creation of their own Internet sites. Meeting No. 1 August Topic: Organizational meeting with teachers. 1. Organization of the work of the methodological association for the 2015-2016 academic year. 2.Motivation of teachers to participate in the work of the methodological association on the proposed topics. 3. Approval of plans for preschool teachers Meeting No. 2 October Meeting No. 3 Topic: Project method in preschool educational institutions as an innovative pedagogical technology 1. Report: “On the use of design technology in teaching preschool children. 2. Presentation: Project method in the activities of preschool educational institutions (types, stages of the project) 3. GCD, as part of the implementation of the project with children of senior preschool age. January Topic: Use of ICT in the educational process 1. Report: “Use of information and communication technologies for the development of cognitive activity of preschool children.” 2.Report: “The use of ICT in the methodological work of preschool educational institutions” 3.GCD with the use of ICT in the senior group. Meeting No. 4

February Topic: Raising preschool children to love and respect the Altai language 1. Report: “Altai language is the state language of the Altai Republic” 2. Master class: “Let's preserve the culture of the Altai language” 3. Games: Altai national 4. GCD in the Altai language Meeting No. 5 March Topic: Intellectual development of children of senior preschool age through the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards 1. Report: Development of logical and mathematical concepts in preschool children. 2.Master class “Using a developmental environment for FEMP in children. Modern approaches to the formation and development of children's mathematical abilities. 3. GED FEMP in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards 4. Protection of project activities. Meeting No. 6 May Topic: Development of artistic and creative abilities in the productive activities of preschool children 1. Report: “Development of artistic and creative abilities in the productive activities of preschool children” 2. Presentation 3. GCD “Musical abilities of preschool children.” 4. Results of the work of the Moscow Region. Job prospects for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Appendix No. 1 Schedule of meetings, conferences, seminars, round tables, creative reports, business games, etc. in Moscow Region

p/p Topic of the meeting Form of conduct Timing of the MO Educators
1 Organizational meeting with teachers.

1. Organization of the work of the methodological association for the 2015-2016 academic year. 2.Motivation of teachers to participate in the work of the methodological association on the proposed topics. 3. Approval of plans for preschool teachers.

meeting August Chichinova E.S.
2 Topic: Project method in preschool educational institutions as an innovative pedagogical technology

1. Questioning of educators on the topic: “Teacher readiness for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard” 2. Report: “On the use of design technology in teaching preschoolers.

seminar October Chichinova E.S.

Tailunova N.M.

3. Presentation: Project method in the activities of preschool educational institutions" (types, stages of the project) Chichinova E.S.
3 Topic: Use of ICT in the educational process

1. Business game “Correct answer” 2. Report: “Use of information and communication technologies for the development of cognitive activity of preschool children.”

business game January Chichinova E.S.

Shortova T.I.

3.Report: “The use of ICT in the methodological work of preschool educational institutions” Choyunova A.B.
4. GCD using ICT. Kudachinova L.B.
4 Topic: Raising preschool children to love and respect the Altai language Master Class February
1.Report: “Altai language is the state language of the Altai Republic” Shortova T.I.
2. Master class: “Let’s preserve the culture of the Altai language” Kudachinova L.B.
3.Games: Altai national Tailunova N.M.
4. GCD in the Altai language Chichinova E.S. Mudaeva V.M. Choyunova A.B.
5 Topic: Intellectual development of children of senior preschool age through the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard Master Class March
1.Report: Development of logical and mathematical concepts in preschoolers. Chichinova E.S.
2.Master class “Using a developmental environment for FEMP in children. Mudaeva V.M.
Modern approaches to the formation and development of children's mathematical abilities. Tailunova N.M.
3. GCD FEMP in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards Chichinova E.S.
Protection of project activities All teachers
6 Topic: Development of artistic and creative abilities in musical activities of preschool children Creative report May
1.Report: “Development of artistic and creative abilities in the musical activities of preschool children” 2.Presentation Cheltueva N.M.
3.NOD “Musical abilities of preschool children.” Cheltueva N.M.
4. Results of the work of the Moscow Region. Job prospects for the 2016-2017 academic year. Chichinova E.S.

Appendix 2 Information about the topics of self-education for educators of the Moscow Region

No. FULL NAME. Subject
1 Chichinova Erkeley Stanislavovna The use of project activities of preschool age in preschool educational institutions
2 Shortova Tulanay Ivanovna The use of didactic games as a means of intellectual development of preschool children in preschool educational institutions
3 Taylunova Natalya Mikhailovna Cognitive development of preschool children through a subject-development environment
4 Mudaeva Vera Mikhailovna Sensory education of children through didactic games
5 Cheltueva Nadezhda Mikhailovna Development of creative abilities in the process of music perception in children of senior preschool age
6 Kudachinova Lyudmila Borobalanovna Speech development of preschool children in theatrical activities
7 Choyunova Aisulu Borisovna Development of fine motor skills in preschool children

Appendix 3 Schedule for certification of teachers of the Moscow Region

No. FULL NAME. Year of passage
1 Chichinova Erkeley Stanislavovna 2013
2 Shortova Tulanay Ivanovna 2016
3 Taylunova Natalya Mikhailovna 2014
4 Mudaeva Vera Mikhailovna 2013
5 Cheltueva Nadezhda Mikhailovna 2014
6 Kudachinova Lyudmila Borobalanovna 2018
7 Choyunova Aisulu Borisovna 2018

Appendix 4 Schedule for advanced training of teachers in the Moscow Region

No. FULL NAME. Subject
1 Chichinova Erkeley Stanislavovna Modern approaches to building the educational process in preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education. 2013
2 Shortova Tulanay Ivanovna A modern lesson as a means of implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC. Modern approaches to organizing the educational process in preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. 2014
3 Taylunova Natalya Mikhailovna A modern lesson as a means of implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC. Modern approaches to organizing the educational process in preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. 2014
4 Mudaeva Vera Mikhailovna A modern lesson as a means of implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC. Modern approaches to organizing the educational process in preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. 2014
5 Cheltueva Nadezhda Mikhailovna Theory and methodology of preschool education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. 2015
6 Kudachinova Lyudmila Borobalanovna A modern lesson as a means of implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC. Modern approaches to organizing the educational process in preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. 2014 Bilingualism
7 Choyunova Aisulu Borisovna

I approve the director of the MBOU "Kokorinskaya Secondary School" Kechilova A.K. ______________ from “___” ____2015

Schedule of open viewings of direct educational activities of preschool teachers

No. FULL NAME. Month
1 Chichinova Erkeley Stanislavovna September, March
2 Shortova Tulanay Ivanovna September, April
3 Taylunova Natalya Mikhailovna November, April
4 Mudaeva Vera Mikhailovna October, February
5 Cheltueva Nadezhda Mikhailovna December, May
6 Kudachinova Lyudmila Borobalanovna October, January
7 Choyunova Aisulu Borisovna November, March

I approve the director of the MBOU "Kokorinskaya Secondary School" Kechilova A.K. ______________ from “___” ____2015

Schedule of activities for preschool teachers

No. FULL NAME. Event
1 Chichinova Erkeley Stanislavovna New Year's carnival
2 Shortova Tulanay Ivanovna Matinee dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day
3 Taylunova Natalya Mikhailovna Victory Day
4 Mudaeva Vera Mikhailovna Autumn Ball
5 Cheltueva Nadezhda Mikhailovna Holiday of mothers and grandmothers
6 Kudachinova Lyudmila Borobalanovna Chaga Bayram
7 Choyunova Aisulu Borisovna Cosmonautics Day

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Analysis of the work of the city methodological association of teachers of preschool educational organizations for the 2019-2020 academic year

Theme of the network methodological association: “Innovative activity of a teacher as a resource for improving pedagogical skills”

1. Analysis of data on teachers’ difficulties.

In the context of education reform, when the teaching staff of educational institutions is given the goal of creating conditions for the development and transition to a new quality of education, the task of education development is to update its content and achieve a new quality of its results, taking into account the goals and objectives of modern education and the Federal State Educational Standard, defined direction of the SMO “Implementation of OOP by methods of interactive pedagogy, in educational areas in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, with a focus on the development of the personality of a preschool child ,” because the main factors influencing the development of education today are a turn to personality development - the meaning and goal of modern education.

In order to ensure the quality of education, the effectiveness of innovations through collective search and verification, development and implementation of the best traditional and new models of pedagogical activity, mutual professional communication, exchange of experience, development of common approaches, criteria, norms and requirements for assessing the results of educational activities, increasing the level of professional competence in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the dissemination of best practices within the professional community, when planning work for the 2019-2020 academic year, the following tasks were set:

2. Implementation of the goals and objectives of GMO activities. Goal: methodological support for teachers to improve the level of professional competence in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, dissemination of best practices within the professional community.


  1. Improving pedagogical skills based on modern requirements and best practices of creative educators.
  2. Creation of a data bank of innovative ideas of preschool teachers to generalize advanced pedagogical experience.
  3. broadcasting and disseminating the experience of successful teaching activities using innovative technologies.
  4. Effective forms and methods of working with teachers.

All GMO meetings were well organized and prepared by teachers. Teachers were presented with methodological developments of projects, classes, consultations for teachers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education and recommendations for their use in different groups of preschool educational institutions.

Speeches from work experience were accompanied by multimedia presentations. Direct educational activities with children of senior preschool age were presented:

“Nau - Russia in the land of clocks” — Video broadcast of NOD

- “Where the air hid” - Cognitive - research activity. Presentation of NOD second junior group

“Journey to the Land of Umnikum” — Open viewing of GCD for experimental activities

At each meeting, master classes were organized and presented to introduce and practice new techniques that had not previously been used in working with children.

“Use of Dienish blocks for the formation of thinking and learning the basics of programming in preschoolers” — Master class

- “The relevance of the variety of morning exercises in preschool educational institutions” - Master - class

“The use of information and communication technologies in sensory education of young children” - Master class

— . “Learning with passion” – Master class

“Game technologies in the intellectual development of preschool children” - Master class

“Formation of prerequisites for educational activities” — Master class

“Development of the scientific, technical and creative potential of a preschooler’s personality in the educational process of a preschool educational institution” — Master class “Use of Lego technologies as a means of speech development of preschool children”

“Speech exercises as a means of developing children’s speech” — Workshop

“Development of search and research activities of preschoolers in the process of experimentation” — Pedagogical workshop.

“Development of logical and mathematical concepts in preschool children through interactive games” — pedagogical workshop using interactive games

“Formation of valeological culture in preschool children through project activities” — defense of the pedagogical project “For health in kindergarten”

“Development of the scientific, technical and creative potential of a preschooler’s personality in the educational process of a preschool educational institution” — pedagogical workshop

“Origami technology as a means of developing the constructive and creative abilities of preschool children” — pedagogical workshop

“Formation of basic robotics skills through project activities” — Defense of the robotics project “Journey through the Galaxy”

“Development of scientific, technical and creative potential of a preschooler’s personality in the educational process” — Pedagogical workshop

“STEAM – technologies, a new stage in the development of preschool children”

“Innovative activity of a teacher as a resource for improving pedagogical skills” — Pedagogical workshop “Storytelling technology - an interactive method of working with children”

All GMO participants were not only listeners, but also active participants

4. Performance assessment. In general, the work of the GMO in the 2019-2020 academic year can be considered satisfactory.

5. Problems in the activities of GMOs.

Job prospects for the next academic year. there are problems: the issues of “Improving scientific and methodological support for working with gifted children” ; “Development and implementation of an individual educational route for children with disabilities” ; “Introduction of robotics and information and communication technologies of LEGO construction into the educational practical activities of preschool educational institutions” , “Methodological work to ensure continuity between preschool and school education in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard” . These issues will be included in the SMO for the 2020-2021 academic year, and within the framework of the SMO it is planned to develop a project on the continuity of preschool educational institutions and schools.

To eliminate the identified problems, it is necessary to increase attention to the effective use of advanced pedagogical experience when organizing the work of the GMO in the 2020-2021 academic year.

Conclusion: all meetings of the SMO in the past academic year were held in

in accordance with the annual work plan. The main tasks have been completed. The team of teaching staff did a lot of work to generalize and disseminate experience. To summarize, it should be noted that CME is an effective form of advanced training and professional development for teachers; this is an important step in the generalization and dissemination of best practices.

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