Teachers' Council Topic: "Development of speech activity through the use of all components of oral speech in various forms and types of children's activities"

Pedagogical Council “Development of Teacher Speech Communications”

  • January 21, 2013

Competition “My Pedagogical Initiative - 2012”
Nomination “Methodological work in preschool educational institutions”

Today, at the beginning of the 21st century, the question of the culture of speech arises. The purpose of this material is to help the teacher improve the culture of speech, through the ability to correctly, accurately and expressively convey their thoughts through the means of language. The work presents game exercises and tasks for teachers.

Today, at the beginning of the 21st century, the question of the culture of speech arises. And this is no coincidence. A pressing problem for our days is the low level of general speech culture, poverty of vocabulary, and inability to express thoughts.

Currently, there is a well-known saying: “The word is a person’s calling card.” His success not only in everyday communication, but also in professional activities depends on how competently a person expresses himself. This statement is especially relevant in relation to the speech of a teacher working with preschool children.

Observing the process of communication between teachers and children and parents, a problem was identified: the need to improve the quality of children’s speech development through increasing the level of teachers’ speech.

This material was developed and tested with the aim of improving the high culture of speech of teachers, through the ability to correctly, accurately and expressively convey their thoughts using language.


  • motivate teachers to develop and improve their communication skills;
  • help improve teachers’ level of development of communication skills through game tasks;
  • Teachers’ possession of methodological skills and knowledge of the techniques necessary to exert an appropriate influence on children’s speech.

The teaching council is designed in the form of a game - travel, travel through the star worlds. We will carry out the flight on a spaceship to other planets, with the goal of discovering a new constellation, still unknown in the stellar world, the constellation “Communication”.

During the flight you will visit the following stations: “Teoprak”, this is the star of theory and practice. Then go to the “Recitation” star, visit the “Metaphor”, “SSK”, “Logic” and “Cryptography” stars. The last stop is the MIM star. At each star station, teachers are faced with tasks related to speech communication.

The methodological development will be useful and interesting for methodologists and teachers of preschool educational institutions.

Text of the teachers' council

Presentation. Picture of the starry sky. To the music (slow composition).

The picture of the starry sky is majestic. It has always occupied the imagination of people. The starry sky is a vast, endless space filled with other worlds and galaxies. Galaxies are like cities inhabited by people. People are stars.

When we look at the sky, we see people. They are all different, each has its own character. Just as stars are grouped according to their stellar characteristics, so people are grouped according to their interests. In fact, the human body, like the Universe and everything in it, is an open system. It never stops emitting, receiving, exchanging energy and information with everything that surrounds it. Generally speaking, we are in constant communication with everything that is around us.

As Exupery said, there is the greatest luxury on earth available to any beggar - the luxury of human communication. Nowadays, this luxury is becoming scarce. Communication is a Meeting. Meeting of personalities when the Discovery takes place. Discovery of the other, oneself, the world. And then it’s actually a luxury, because it doesn’t happen often. But if you are ready for the Discovery, then everything is possible.

Our meeting today is devoted to speech communications, or in other words, communication. And the topic is: The development of teacher speech communications as a factor in the effectiveness of speech development in children.”

The teacher’s speech is the main instrument of pedagogical influence and at the same time a model for children.

It is no coincidence that it is believed that a person’s speech is his calling card, since his success not only in everyday communication, but also in professional activities depends on how competently he expresses himself. This statement is especially relevant in relation to the speech of a teacher working with preschool children.

The teacher’s speech, as already mentioned, serves as a model that the child perceives and according to which he learns to build his speech. It should be remembered that for the pupil the teacher’s speech is often the only example of the literary norm. Because of this, special attention should be paid to the form of pedagogical speech, its normative nature, and made accessible not only for perception, but to a certain extent for imitation.

Teacher M.M. Alekseeva notes that, imitating adults, a child adopts “ not only all the subtleties of pronunciation, word usage, and phrase construction, but also those imperfections and errors that are found in their speech.”

That is why high demands are placed on the speech of a teacher in a preschool educational institution today, and the problem of improving the teacher’s speech culture is considered in the context of improving the quality of preschool education.

In modern studies of the problems of improving the teacher’s speech culture, the components of his professional speech and the requirements for it are highlighted.

The components of a teacher’s professional speech include:

  • quality of language design of speech;
  • value and personal attitudes of the teacher;
  • communicative competence;
  • clear selection of information to create a statement;
  • orientation towards the process of direct communication.

And we will become familiar with the requirements for teacher speech in practice, during the trip. Today we will fly to the star worlds, to other planets, and how can we not remember the catchphrase If the stars light up, it means someone needs it”

and perhaps today we will be lucky to discover a new constellation still unknown in the stellar world.

You have already divided into teams, you know their name. Now we must decipher their names.

Let's look at the example of a jury team. The name of the team is “MARS”, we decipher it:


– powerful


– active


– radical (decisive)


- judges.

And the question immediately arises, who are the judges? We present the most powerful, active and decisive: ...

Well, we got a little distracted, we remind you that now our teams need to decipher the names of their groups. Did everyone understand the task? Let's get started.

Well done! Everyone completed the task perfectly! So, attention will now be given to the launch of the spacecraft, piloted by the teams “Jupiter”, “Venus”, “Neptune”.

Team Mars is keeping a close eye on our travelers from the ground.

Is everyone ready? Our flight will take place at an altitude of approximately 40 thousand kilometers, the speed of the spacecraft is equal to the speed of light, and the flight time is about two and a half hours. So, we're off to fly!

Our first star

, to which we are going is called:
This is the star of theory and practice. (Hover your mouse over the ship and click on it. The ship will start moving).

Among the requirements for the speech of a preschool teacher, there is compliance of speech with language norms, that is, the teacher’s speech must be Correct.

The teacher needs to know and follow the basic norms of the Russian language when communicating with children: orthoepic norms (rules of literary pronunciation), as well as norms for the formation and modification of words.

It’s no secret that teachers’ speech is not always correct. Even at the Teacher of the Year competition, teachers made mistakes in their speeches. (Most often parasitic words: of course, as if

incorrect word formation: ifif
, stress.)

A teacher is not just a person, but a person who is responsible for those “whom he has tamed” - for his students. Therefore, he should remember that speech is not only an indicator of intelligence, but also a powerful means of influencing other people's minds.

Thus, D.I. Pisarev wrote: “The incorrect use of words leads to errors in the field of thought and then in the practice of life.”

For 4 completed tasks you will receive 8 points, but in our case 8 stars, each point is a star.

Look at the first task

, you need to indicate examples with errors in the formation of the word form, as well as examples in which the rules of formation are not violated.
(Appendix No. 1)
In the second task

need to place emphasis.
(Appendix No. 2)
Third task

– you will be presented with a crossword puzzle called “Speech Communications”, where you must show your knowledge in the field of theory.
You have 10 minutes to complete this task. (Appendix No. 3)
The next task (fourth) is a video story.

Listen carefully to the text of the video and correct the teachers’ speech mistakes.
(Video appendix No. 4)
So, two teachers met….

(works are given to the jury)

And now our ship is heading to the star
" Recitation".
Recitation or expressive reading is the art of pronouncing poetry or prose.

One of the components of the requirements for a teacher’s speech is the quality of the teacher’s voice. Voice is the most important element of speech technique. For a teacher, it is the main tool of work. A number of requirements are imposed on the teacher’s voice, which are determined by the conditions of pedagogical communication and the tasks solved in professional activities.

The most important professional qualities of a teacher’s voice are euphony, flexibility, flight (flight of speech is the ease of pronouncing text without clamps, swallowing endings and the need to pronounce words with effort), endurance. The development of all voice qualities is a complex process called voice production.

Diction is one of the mandatory elements of speech technique; it is especially important for the teacher, since his speech is a model. The teacher’s speech must be filled with emotional and intellectual content, which can be called expressiveness.

Soviet teacher, literary critic Maria Aleksandrovna Rybnikova emphasizes: The teacher himself, his manner of speech, his expressive word, his story, his reading of poetry - all this is a constant example for students.”

We offer you the following task

Each team will draw one of the fables that they must recite. But not in the usual classic version, but since they will be asked, in a slightly different way, the task will be written on your sheets. (Appendix No. 5)
For this competition, the winning team will receive 4 stars.

And now we need to rest a little - a musical break.

Do you know the songs well and can you perform them? This is wonderful, but now we will see how our teams know and sing the songs.

It must be sung in chorus, beautifully and recognizable. All team members participate in the game.

One team, after consulting, asks the other team a question, but in a special form. They sing an excerpt from a famous song that contains a question. Then the team that was asked the question must remember and sing in chorus a passage from any other known song that contains the answer to the question asked. The game continues until the song reserve of one of the teams runs out.

For example: one team sings “They say we are byaki-buki. How can the earth bear us? the other one answers her: “Tili-tili, trawl-vali, we didn’t go through this, they didn’t ask us this.”

And now we give the floor to the jury

, which will summarize the results of the two competitions held.

, accuracy of speech is also highlighted

, that is, its correspondence to the thoughts of the speaker.

Thus, K. Fedin wrote: “The accuracy of the word is not only a requirement of healthy taste, but, above all, a requirement of meaning.”

Speech clarity

, that is, its accessibility to the understanding of the listener.
Thus, Quintilian, the Roman teacher of eloquence, wrote: “Speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood.”
Simplicity of speech

, that is, its artlessness, naturalness, lack of pretentiousness, “beautiful style.”

Thus, L.N. Tolstoy wrote: “Under the pompousness and unnaturalness of the phrase lies the emptiness of the content.”

A teacher’s speech should use a variety of linguistic means, that is, one of the requirements for a teacher’s speech is Richness of Speech


Thus, M. Gorky wrote: “The tasks that you set for yourself inevitably and urgently require a great wealth of words, a great abundance and variety of them.”

The teacher should take into account that in preschool age the foundations of the child’s vocabulary are formed, therefore the rich vocabulary of the teacher himself not only helps to expand the child’s vocabulary, but also helps to develop his skills in the accuracy of word use, expressiveness and figurative speech.

Our ship is approaching the star

– each team will choose one of the trees.
For your tree you will need to select: quality adjectives
, for example, slender, powerful, spreading, and also endow them with
human qualities and characteristics
, for example, hospitable, welcoming
. (In the presentation)
For this task, the winning team will receive 5 stars.

Our next star station is Zvezda “ SSK”,

which means, write a fairy tale.

Our children must not only be able to clearly, competently, and consistently express their thoughts, they must also be able to think creatively, and for this it is necessary to develop creative initiative, invention, and cultivate a sustainable interest in creative storytelling. Improve the ability to develop a plot, use expressive means of speech, and imagination. Learn to invent fairy tales easily by changing the characters in the storylines, etc. we must teach all this to children. As one of the wisest people said, To teach another, first learn yourself.”

So, let's study. The task is called an old fairy tale in a new way. Now one representative from the team will come up and choose a fairy tale; all these fairy tales are familiar to you. Your task is to leave the previous heroes to come up with a new plot. 10 minutes are allotted for this task. The team will receive 5 stars.
(In presentation)
Now let's take a little rest. Game
" Molecules". Goal:
to unite the group.

– Let’s imagine that we are all atoms. Atoms look like this: (the presenter shows by bending his elbows and pressing his hands to his shoulders). Atoms are constantly moving and from time to time they combine into molecules. The number of atoms in a molecule can be different, it will be determined by what number I name. We will all now begin to quickly move around this room, and from time to time I will say a number, for example, three. And then the atoms must combine into molecules of three atoms each. Four - four each. And the molecules look like this (the presenter, together with two group members, shows what a molecule looks like: they stand facing each other in a circle, touching each other with their forearms).

The jury's word

The teacher's speech should be logical

, i.e. The semantic connections of the components of speech and the relationships between the parts and components of thought must be observed.

Thus, N.G. Chernyshevsky wrote: “What you clearly imagine, you will express unclearly; imprecision and confusion of expressions indicate confusion of thoughts.”

The logical nature of speech presupposes, first of all, the presence in the statement of three meaning-forming components (the beginning, the main part and the end of the statement). Equally important is the speaker’s ability to correctly, competently, logically connect all the sentences and parts of the statement with each other. A teacher working with preschool children needs to be fluent in various methods of intratextual communication in order to teach this to their students.

So we arrived at
Logic star .
Exercise ,

What you must do is collect text fragments in the correct sequence.
Once collected, you will read an instructive fairy tale. For completing the task - 6 stars. (In presentation)
The main purpose of speech communication

– exchange of information of various kinds. It is obvious that communication and exchange of information between people is carried out not only through language. Since ancient times, human society has used additional means of communication and information transfer, many of which still exist today.

One of these additional means of communication

, which appeared in ancient times, is writing on clay tablets, knotted writing, notches, etc. And the indigenous population of different continents used the language of whistling, signals of drums, bells, gongs, etc. The “language of flowers”, widespread in the East, is also a means of transmitting information that in some situations is not allowed to be expressed in words (for example, a rose is a symbol love, aster - sadness, forget-me-not - memory, etc.). Road signs, traffic signals, flag signaling, etc. - all these are means of transmitting information that complement the main means of human communication - language.

Star of Cryptography

secret writing, a special system for changing ordinary writing, used to make the text understandable only to a limited number of people who know this system.

What sounds? Yes, this is a message from another planet, from our brothers in mind. We need to decipher and read this message, there is even a code attached.

So, listen to the task: each team receives an encrypted letter with a code. The task is to decipher and write. For this task the team receives 6 stars.
(Appendix No. 6)
Well done to our teachers, they were able to understand and decipher the letter from the alien inhabitants.

Our contemporary academician D.S. Likhachev wrote: To be able to speak is art, to be able to listen is culture.”

Now we will find out whether our teachers know how to listen, and most importantly, hear, together with an educational psychologist.
Game Broken Phone” (Appendix to the game).
The jury's word.

The means of transmitting information from person to person are divided into verbal (i.e. verbal) and non-verbal.
Verbal communication
is communication using words,
is the transfer of information using various non-verbal symbols and signs (posture, gesture, facial expressions, glances).

It is very important for a teacher to properly control his body and convey, through facial expressions and gestures, exactly the information that is required in a given situation. Psychologists have found that in the process of communication we obtain from 60 to 80% of information about the interlocutor through non-verbal means of communication - gestures, facial expressions, body movements, intonation, and the choice of distance between partners.

When transmitting information, only 7% of it is communicated through words (verbally), 30 percent is expressed by the sound of the voice (tones, intonation) and more than 60% goes through other non-verbal channels (looks, gestures, facial expressions, etc.).

You can agree or disagree with these statements, but try to keep your hands at your sides during a speech, forgetting about the gesture, and you will immediately feel the “wooden” dryness of your voice and the stiffness of your thoughts. “Hands are the eyes of the body,”

claimed E.B.
Vakhtangov. A K.S. Stanislavsky emphasized: “Hands express thoughts
Ilyin calls the teacher’s hand “the main technical means.”
Our last star stop is the star
(Greek), which means short improvisational skits in ancient folk theater - theater without words.

You are offered the following task - to show the poem using pantomime. One person must be selected from each group. He will be given the text of the poem, which must be presented using facial expressions and gestures. And his team should know this verse.

  • V. Mayakovsky “Who to be?”
  • N. Nekrasov “Once upon a time, in the cold winter season”
  • A. Barto “Dirty Girl”

Next task

– in 1 minute (while the sand is running), a representative of the group shows, using facial expressions and gestures, the words that will appear on the laptop screen, and the team must quickly guess them.
(In the presentation).
For this task the team receives
6 stars.
The jury's word.

Let us remember that at the beginning of our journey we dreamed of discovering a new constellation still unknown in the stellar world, and we succeeded. We have discovered the constellation - COMMUNICATION.


Let us remind you once again: there are many ways to ensure that a teacher’s speech is correct, expressive, bright, and has a bewitching effect on children. This is the appropriate use of proverbs, sayings, examples from life and literature; various tropes (metaphors, comparisons, hyperboles, epithets); use of communication effects and non-verbal language.

However, probably the most important for speech art are the characteristics of the teacher’s inner world, his culture and spiritual wealth, his conviction in the correctness of his words. S.L. Soloveichik wrote: “Nowadays there is a lot of talk about the technical skill of a teacher, that he must have a trained voice, a practiced gesture, and verified intonation. But even more important... the moral character, manner of communication and behavior of the teacher"

Don't forget about this and... improve!

After all, constant improvement of the quality of your speech is the key to the success of work on the speech development of children in preschool educational institutions.

Applications to the teachers' council.

Presentation to the teachers' council

Author: Marina Aleksandrovna Levchenkova, deputy head of medical and medical education at MBDOU No. 46 “Bullfinches”, Kansk, Krasnoyarsk Territory. Teaching experience 10 years. Head of the city methodological association of educators working under the program “Education and training in kindergarten” edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova.

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