Short-term project “Our good deeds” in the general developmental group “Bell” (Senior, preparatory group) secondary preschool kindergarten “Polyushko” MBOU secondary school in the village of Kamyshki

Material (senior group) on the topic: Screen “Our good deeds.”

We would like to share how we encourage children to engage in certain activities. It's no secret that it is often difficult to persuade a child to do something he doesn't want to do. My partner and I thought for a long time about how to persuade children to finish what they started, put toys away, how to make the child strive to keep his locker in order, etc. And we decided to try to make a “Our Good Deeds” screen in the group, in which rewards all the child’s positive actions during the week.


"Our good deeds"

We would like to share how we encourage children to engage in certain activities. It's no secret that it is often difficult to persuade a child to do something he doesn't want to do. My partner and I thought for a long time about how to persuade children to finish what they started, put toys away, how to make the child strive to keep his locker in order, etc. And we decided to try to make a screen “Our good deeds” in the group, in which rewards all the child’s positive actions during the week. Helped a friend put away toys, carried out an order for an adult, repaired a book, helped a janitor collect dry leaves on the site - receive a “happy sunshine” incentive badge. There is also a reprimanding badge, which is very disliked by children - this is a “sad cloud” if you offended someone, were pugnacious, if you didn’t listen all day, were mischievous and spoiled the mood of others. This badge is hung in extreme cases and is very helpful in curbing a child’s aggression and helping him to be friendlier.

What does the screen look like? We placed pockets on the door with photographs of children in which earned badges are placed. The children are very proud of their achievements, at the end of the day they lead their parents to the screen so that they can be proud of them. Sometimes you don’t even need to tell moms and dads about how the child spent the day, how he distinguished himself, everything is visible on the “Our Good Deeds” screen, which is available for both children and adults. Parents have the opportunity to personally ask their child about the badges they have earned, and then ask the teachers any questions they may have.

Much in our group is made by the hands of the fathers and mothers of our children. They helped us design the group, built various modules, made bird feeders and much more. For every good deed of the parents, the child also receives a sun. Parents really liked this idea and are happy to take on any assignment or request.

We will be glad if this information is useful to someone.

What are good deeds for?

Many thousands of years ago, when our civilization was just beginning, people realized that with mutual assistance, the chances of survival increased significantly. But in order for a person to help another person unselfishly, and at the same time receive pleasure, he must be taught to do good deeds from childhood.

So, start instilling goodness from the first minute of life. Namely from myself. The baby just seems stupid. But he catches every movement of his parents, every mood of the world around him. Before you look at lists of good deeds for children, look at the same lists for adults. Analyze how often do you follow these recommendations? How often do you help others?

Now let's move on to the next stage. Education by example. What are good deeds for? Help grandma cross the road. When going to the supermarket, stop by your lonely elderly neighbor and offer your help in buying and delivering groceries. Pack up small things and take your baby, even a tiny one, to the charity. These tiny seeds will sprout in the baby, and by the age of 3 he will realize how nice it is to do good to others.

From the age of 2, it is recommended to talk with your child about good deeds. Ask how he feels after doing a good deed and collecting toys. Serving mom a plate or wiping the table. How he feels when he lets him play with his toy for a while and sees happiness in the eyes of another baby. Everything where altruism was noticed.

Good deeds

But there is a flip side to good deeds. Namely, self-sacrifice. And if a student is late for class because he helped his grandmother cross the road, everyone will be touched by his kindness. But when an adult father is several hours late to the kindergarten to pick up his child, because he was helping a stranger transfer the cargo, then society will rebel. But in fact, in both cases self-sacrifice can be traced.

And if in the first case, everything seems insignificant. What will a 10 minute lesson solve? By praising the child at the same time, and not explaining the situation to him correctly, you can raise a person who will push both himself and his family into the background, just to help strangers.

One more example. If a child has money for several school lunches, buying lunch for someone who has no money is a good deed. But if a child regularly gives away a large portion of food because another child does not have it, a good deed can result in gastritis. And this is no longer a good deed, but only self-sacrifice. In this case, you need to explain to the child that his good deed is to notify adults, and they will already help the child without food. And eat a portion of food yourself.

Important: under the idea of ​​good deeds, parents often invite their child to share their toys or things. For parents, the value of toys is low and they do not see the problem. And a child’s refusal is perceived as greed and bad manners. But do you really give your neighbor your smartphone for a month, since she doesn’t have it, but really wants it? Or are you giving a car because a distant relative really needs it? For a child, the value of a toy is equal to the value of your car, and good deeds should be different.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The project is aimed at developing interest in public life; respect for nature; knowledge of oneself and one’s own kind, education of humane feelings.

I present practical material for planning the educational process, compiled taking into account FGT. This plan is based on a method for implementing a comprehensive thematic construction principle.

Group GCD move: 1. Problematization. Please look here. The postman brought us this envelope.

Goal: - consolidate the name of the plant - ficus; — consolidate children’s knowledge about plant care techniques: wipe the leaves.

Goal: increasing the socio-psychological competence and moral culture of older preschoolers through the development of the cognitive, emotional-volitional and communicative spheres of children’s personality, etc.

Presentation for an integrated lesson in the preparatory group “Hurry up to do good deeds!”

In recent years, goodness and kindness are gradually disappearing from everyday life, turning into a philosophical category. And kindness is a quality valued in all eras. The harder the times.

Do-it-yourself screen of good deeds in kindergarten.

Do you have your own original material? — publish it on our website and receive a Certificate! (more details).

Joint activity with children “On the route of good deeds and deeds”

Joint activities of the teacher with older children on social and communicative development in order to create a positive emotional background in the group. Formation of friendly relationships, conscious attitude towards social norms of behavior, development of cooperation and communication skills in everyday life.

Explanatory note

A summary of joint activities is presented in the preschool area.
The educational field is “social and communicative development”, with the integration of the educational fields of “cognition, speech development” and “artistic and aesthetic development”. The theme of the joint activity: “On the route of good feelings and deeds.” The game situation took place in an older group (age 5-6 years) of children with general speech underdevelopment. A group of 12 children, including 6 boys and 6 girls. Children know how to interact with the social environment, their communicative functions are formed at a sufficient level, they know how to navigate a communication situation and negotiate. Self-esteem is close to the age norm.

The main composition of children in terms of development level is average. The children studied under the program “Correctional and developmental work in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment” (from 3 to 7 years). N.V. Beggar. 2011

Goals : Creating a positive emotional background in the group. Formation of friendly relationships, conscious attitude towards social norms of behavior, development of cooperation and communication skills in everyday life.


  • cultivate respect for people and elders;
  • teach polite communication with each other;
  • to form children’s idea of ​​kindness as an important human quality;
  • cultivate good feelings towards people around you, the need for good thoughts and actions;
  • help children understand that everyone needs love and a friendly attitude towards themselves.

Preliminary work: Reading the fairy tale by V. Kataev “The Seven-Flower Flower.” Examination of illustrations on the topic of good deeds and deeds.

Materials: multi-colored petals for the Seven-flowered Flower applique, black paper traces, a black garbage bag, a gold bag with hearts for each child.

Progress of activities

The bell is ringing. The teacher pronounces the words together with the children, the children stand in a circle:

Bell my friend, gather your friends in a circle. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other.

(Creating a positive emotional background for joint activities).

Educator: - I gathered you in a circle because I am in a very good mood and I want to share it with you. How brightly the sun shines. It's so good that we are all here together today. I wish you a good good mood. Guys, how do you understand what a good mood is, what kindness is?

(The phone rings).

– The head of the kindergarten calls me urgently. For now, think about what kindness is, and I’ll be back soon. Can I rely on you?

There's a knock on the door. An old lady enters. He groans. (If the children do not say hello first, then they do).

- Hello guys.

- Guys, is this a kindergarten? (Yes.) He groans. My name is grandma Natasha.

- Oh, I'm so tired. I came from afar. It took me a long time to get to your kindergarten. While walking, my legs were tired and my throat was dry. (Children should offer to sit down and give a glass of water).

“I came to see my grandson Petya Ivanov, he goes to your kindergarten, but there’s trouble,” I forgot which group my grandson goes to.

- Don’t you have my granddaughter, Petya Ivanova? (No).

- I can’t see well with my eyes.

- How can I find my granddaughter? Your kindergarten is big. Who should I contact?

(The head of the kindergarten knows everything about everyone in the kindergarten).

- How to find her?

Children's explanations.

If the children have completed everything, thank them and say why.

The teacher arrives.

Educator: Are you all right? Nobody came to us? Old lady?

- Describe her. (Old, tired, with a cane, it’s hard for her to walk, her legs hurt, she’s dizzy).

-Did you take care of her? How? (They suggested that we sit down and take a break. They gave us water).

-What did the old lady want? (She was looking for her grandson).

-Did you help her? How? (Advice) - They sent me to the manager because she knows everything about everyone in the kindergarten.

– Guys, you may not have noticed it, but you did a good deed (took care of an elderly person).

– How else can you take care of the elderly? (Move across the road, give up your seat on the tram, help get dressed).

– There is such a popular wisdom: “Respect the old – you yourself will be old.”

Repeat with the children. “Did you enjoy doing a good deed?” What is kindness? (Emotional consolidation of positive feelings).

Kindness is the desire to make people happy. This is magic that helps people become better people.

– Do you want to learn more about kindness? (Start from the desires of the children). How can we find out about this? (From adults, from books, fairy tales, cartoons, from movies, or from the Internet, from a computer). Remember, I told you that you can receive emails over the Internet. So I got it from other kindergartens. They tell about the good deeds children and adults have done. Let's go to the computer.

- Oh, but there are some black marks here. They prevent us from passing.

Psychological technique “Black traces”

– Do you think these traces can lead us to something good and bright? No. Kindness is magic. Good always fights evil. It's like a fairytale. What do you think this is? (children's answers).

– I think that in these black traces, bad deeds and rude words settled. Remember, has this ever happened to you? Has it ever happened that you offended someone or got angry? Would you like to forget about it, never say rude words to anyone? Do we need them? Where do we put everything that we don’t need? (In the trash). Let's crush them and throw them away (in a trash bag).

Now let's move on. Sit down more comfortably.

1 Slide. Look how the sun smiles and wants to share its kindness.

2. What are the children doing? Why is this a good thing? Clean, neat, pleasant for everyone. (Children sweep the paths).

3. The flower will grow, will not die and will delight everyone with its beauty and provide clean air (a girl takes care of a houseplant).

4. The boy took care of the elderly woman. Caring for those who have a hard time is a good deed.

5. The children set up a feeding trough - and now birds and animals will not die in the winter cold.

6. The older sister takes care of the younger one.

7. What good did this kid do? Are the bunnies real? He has a kind heart (the kid helps the bunny from the sculptural composition).

8. Trees are needed - they provide clean air, when the tree grows, there will be a home for birds and beauty (a boy and a girl plant a tree).

9. Parents help paint the playground - it will be more interesting for children to play.

10. Kindness is not only deeds, it is affection, tenderness. Even the cat and dog became friends.

- Guys, there are so many good deeds on earth. Have you done good deeds in your life? Would you like to talk about it?

Let's sit down and talk.

Remember, I recently read you a book (showing it) “Flower - Seven Flowers”. How did the fairy tale end? (The children grew a new flower for new good deeds). Let us also make our own “Flower - Seven Flowers” ​​now, only from paper. Take turns choosing a petal for yourself and tell us what good deed you have already done (children tell it and stick it to the middle with tape).

What a beautiful flower it turned out to be. But we still have petals. What are we going to do with them? (We will do new good deeds, talk about them, make a lot of new kindness flowers. It will be beautiful and fun in our group. Prospects for further successful development in life.


- Guys, look, the black bag has disappeared, and in its place a new, silver bag has appeared.

What do you think this could be from? (Children's answers.) Kindness is a magician.

Let's sit down on the carpet. How can you figure out what's in the bag? Where does kindness live? Where does it come from? She lives in our heart. There are hearts of kindness in the bag. These are golden hearts. I really want you to have “hearts of gold” too.

I see that you are all smiling, which means you are in a good mood, and when you are in a good mood you want to dance.

I invite you to dance (“Barbariki”).

List of good deeds for the week

  1. Help mom with general cleaning in the apartment.
  2. Make a bird feeder.
  3. Feed homeless cats.
  4. Give your old toys to children in an orphanage.
  5. Help your old neighbor take out the trash.
  6. Wash dirty benches and swings in the yard. (In winter, make a snow slide for kids.)
  7. Plant flowers in the front yard (water, weed).

And there may also be small and seemingly unnoticeable at first glance good deeds that can lift someone’s spirits:

  • Make someone laugh
  • Call a friend or relative with whom you have not spoken for a long time
  • Do housework for someone in the family
  • Make a surprise with your own hands (card, bookmark)
  • Write someone a note with kind words
  • Smile at everyone you meet
  • Greet everyone, even strangers
  • Tell your family how much you love them
  • Be kinder to those you don't like very much
  • Offer help to someone who needs it
  • Give someone a compliment

And don’t forget that good deeds are always done selflessly, and not for an A in Russian or literature

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