Technology of problem-based learning for preschoolers in preschool educational institutions

The essence of problem-based learning at the preschool educational stage

Definition 1
Problem-based learning technology is a set of teaching methods and techniques that involve the creation of search, problem situations in the educational process, during the solution of which students gain knowledge and master skills.

These technologies find a wide range of applications in the preschool educational process. This promotes the comprehensive development of children of different ages and levels of development. They develop motivation for cognitive work and activate their communication skills. Given that the leading activity of a preschool child is play, problem-based learning technologies are embodied in various types of games.

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Figure 1. Problem situation. Author24 - online exchange of student work

The essence of problem-based learning, when used in preschool educational institutions, is that, through it:

  1. A cognitive situation is being formed in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.
  2. Reliance on previously acquired knowledge and skills of children is implemented.
  3. A search for information is carried out, and accordingly, skills in operating with various information resources are formed.
  4. Awareness of the structure of the world and interaction with it is formed on the basis of trust and kindness.
  5. Children are encouraged to carry out operations of comparison, juxtaposition, and identification of similar and distinctive features of various objects.
  6. An explanation is provided for those aspects of the world order that cannot be explained in any other way.

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All this reflects the relevance of using problem-based learning at the preschool stage of development and the variability of methods and techniques of problem-based learning included in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

Figure 2. Features of problem-based learning. Author24 - online exchange of student work

It is known that from birth a child is a discoverer, an explorer of the world that surrounds him. For him, everything comes first: sun and rain, fear and joy. Each answer to a child's question gives rise to new questions. A preschooler cannot yet find answers to all his questions on his own; we, teachers, help him. In our preschool institution, along with the explanatory and illustrative teaching method, methods of problem-based learning technology are used (questions that develop logical thinking, modeling problem situations, experimentation, experimental research activities). The technology of problem-based learning is involvement in games, practical activities, work through the word, works of art, and technical devices. Problem-based learning technologies can be created at all stages of the learning process: during explanation, reinforcement, control. The teacher uses problem situations in conversations on life and health safety, in mathematics classes, familiarization with the outside world, and in play activities.

Problem-based learning is the creation, under the guidance of a teacher, of problem situations and the active work of children to resolve them, as a result of which the creative mastery of knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of thinking abilities occurs. However, this approach is fragmented, episodic in nature: logical tasks are practiced only in separate classes in mathematics, familiarization with the environment, speech development or design tasks. To consolidate acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, we widely use integrated classes, in which, based on the emotional impact on the child, the relationship of one of the sections of the program with others is carried out in a combination of various types of activities. However, the relationship between sections of the program does not provide such effectiveness in the development of children’s cognitive creative abilities and their communication skills as the interpenetration of these sections into each other. An effective means of child cognitive development is the method of problem-based learning technology - the project method. The basis of the project method is: the development of a child’s cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, the ability to navigate the information space, the development of critical and creative thinking, which is what is required in our modern world. The project method develops in children the ability to determine goals and objectives, plan their activities, break into groups, complete the task carefully, to the end, distribute roles within the group, determine the materials necessary for the implementation of the project, and present the result of the work done. Problem situations can be different in the content of the unknown, in the level of problem, in the type of information mismatch, and in other methodological features. Methods of problem-based learning when creating problem situations require active cognitive activity of children, which consists of finding solutions to complex issues that require updating knowledge, analysis, and the ability to see phenomena behind individual facts. Types of problem situations: psychological and pedagogical. A psychological problem situation represents the activities of children. The creation of a psychological problem situation is purely individual. A pedagogical problem situation represents the organization of the educational process, created with the help of activating actions, questions from the teacher, emphasizing the novelty, importance, beauty and other distinctive qualities of the object of knowledge. Problem situations can be created at all stages of the learning process: during explanation, reinforcement, control. The difficulty of managing problem-based learning is that the emergence of a problem situation is an individual act, therefore the teacher is required to use a differentiated and individual approach.

Fundamentals of constructing problem-based learning in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

Problematic situations in the educational process of a preschool educational institution begin with the formulation of a problematic task. The teacher strives to motivate children to learn and act.

The development of a problem situation in a preschool educational institution is based on the following methodological techniques:

  1. Contradiction. Children need to be shown the presence of one or another contradiction, which they must resolve themselves;
  2. Variability of solutions. Several options for solving the problem are generated. Children must understand that there may be several possible solutions. In this case, one option is the most optimal;
  3. Inspiration to action. This technique is based on the motivation to compare, generalize, compare, available data, as well as the logical justification of actions;
  4. Research techniques. Each problem situation should contain research areas of activity, experimentation techniques;
  5. Didactic principles. Problem situations are included in the educational process consistently, based on scientific data and the accessibility of their understanding by children of a particular age;
  6. Location objectivity. The place in which a problematic situation is realized must be relevant for its full, fruitful implementation;
  7. Originality of situations. Problem situations should be unusual in nature, evoke positive emotions and vivid impressions in children;
  8. Methods of psychological comfort. It is assumed that the teacher controls the psychological state of children in the course of solving a problem situation, controls the adequacy of situations to the psychological mood of the children, assesses the presence of difficulties in solving problematic problems and provides timely help and support.

Problem situations have different contents. It is determined by the specific age group of children for whose development they are used.

Each problem situation is aimed at developing the child’s creative thinking and activating his creative approach to activities. Children become researchers and learn to apply their knowledge in everyday life.

Technology of problem-based learning in preschool educational institutions; methodological development on the topic

“Technology of problem-based learning in kindergarten.”

In life, our children often encounter certain difficulties, but we – adults – protect children from them, not giving them the opportunity to think for themselves, experiment, and, finally, cope with problems on their own.

Why is this happening? Most often due to the lack of our time, due to the possibility of danger in some situations for the child. We consider our children to be insufficiently competent in many issues, unable to understand problems and find a way out of them. Children get used to asking adults for help and hints, and grow up unprepared for the realities of life. But a problematic situation does not always become a problem for the child. We can talk about this phenomenon only if children have shown interest in this problem. It depends on the skill of the teacher whether children will be interested in new material presented in the form of a problem or not.

The main task of the kindergarten is to fill the daily life of the child in the group with interesting activities, ideas, problems, and to include each child in meaningful activities. The teacher’s goal is to arouse the child’s interest in problematic situations and the desire to creatively solve them.

The emergence of such an innovative trend in preschool pedagogy as problem-based learning is associated with the ideas of the American educator and psychologist John Dewey, who founded an experimental school in Chicago in 1894. The author developed an entire education system, which was later called “learning by doing.” The basis of education was not the curriculum, but games and work activities.

In Russia, domestic psychologists I. Ya. Lerner, T. V. Kudryavtsev, A. M. Matyushkin, M. I. Makhmutov, M. N. Skatkin were engaged in problem-based learning; they argue that the essence of problem-based learning is in posing a problem to the child, cognitive task, creating conditions for exploring ways and means of solving it so that the child himself obtains knowledge.

Problem-based learning in kindergarten is an organization of interaction with students that involves the creation, under the guidance of a teacher, of problematic issues, tasks, situations and the active independent activity of children to resolve them.

With problem-based learning, the teacher’s activity changes radically: he does not present children with knowledge and truth in a ready-made form, but teaches them to see and solve new problems and discover new knowledge. What is problem-based learning?

The essence of problem-based learning in kindergarten is that the teacher creates a cognitive task, situation and provides children with the opportunity to find means of solving it, using previously acquired knowledge and skills. Problem-based learning activates children's thoughts, makes them critical, and teaches them independence in the process of learning.

Each new knowledge reveals to the child little-known aspects of the cognizable object, arouses questions and guesses.

How to organize the cognitive activity of children in order to develop mental processes? (sensations, perception, memory, imagination, thinking, as well as speech development).

In each specific case, the teacher himself decides in what form to work with children: in a group or individually. However, in order to develop children’s ability to doubt and think critically, preference should be given to group forms of work. It is easier for a child to be critical of peers than of adults. A doubt, a guess, an assumption arises when he compares his point of view with the opinion of another person. Communication and joint activities with adults develop the child’s ability to set goals and act, imitating him. And in joint activities with peers, the child begins to use forms of adult behavior, control, evaluate, disagree, and argue. This is how the need arises to coordinate your actions with the actions of your partners and accept their point of view. Therefore, cognitive activity is organized in the form of a dialogue between the child and the teacher and other children in the group. The indicators of such a dialogue are ease of communication and democratic relations.

The formulation of a problem problem and the process of solving it occurs in the joint activity of the teacher and children. The teacher engages the students in a joint mental search and provides them with assistance in the form of instructions, explanations, and questions. Cognitive activity is accompanied by heuristic conversation. The teacher poses questions that encourage children, based on observations and previously acquired knowledge, to compare, juxtapose individual facts, and then come to conclusions through reasoning. Children freely express their thoughts, doubts, follow the answers of their comrades, agree or argue.

Basic psychological conditions for the successful application of problem-based learning

1. Problem situations must meet the goals of developing a knowledge system.

2. Be accessible to students.

3. Must generate their own cognitive activity and activity.

4. The tasks should be such that the student cannot complete them based on existing knowledge, but sufficient for independent analysis of the problem and finding the unknown.

Why is modern education actively introducing this technology?

Advantages of problem-based learning:

1. High independence of students;

2. Formation of cognitive interest or personal motivation of students;

3. Development of children's thinking abilities.


Requires a lot of time to master the same amount of knowledge.

Problem-based learning includes several stages:

1) awareness of the general problem situation;

2) analysis of the problem situation, formulation of a specific problem;

3) solving the problem (proposing, substantiating hypotheses, sequentially testing them);

4) checking the correctness of the problem solution.

Forms of organizing problem-based learning in preschool educational institutions.

Are there the following forms of organizing problem-based learning?

  • Problematic question
  • Problem task
  • Problem situation
  1. Problematic question: this is not simply a reproduction of knowledge that is already familiar to children, but a search for an answer based on reasoning.

“Why do you think in nature you can find both green and yellowish-brown lizards?”

“Why do some puddles on the site dry up quickly, while others do not dry out for a long time?”

That is, the question “When do the leaves fall?” assumes a specific answer based on knowledge - it's just a question.

To the question “Why do the leaves fall in the fall?” is problematic because requires children to use reasoning when answering it.

Problem questions contain in the test the questions “why?”, “why”?

For example, which birds of our region are the last to fly south? (just a question)

Why are wild ducks and geese the last to fly south? (problematic question).

Why does a duck swim but a chicken doesn't?

Why aren't shoes made of iron?

2) Problem task: The problem task can be divided into two parts. Does it contain a condition (description) and a question?

Examples of problematic tasks.

Problematic task No. 1.

Pinocchio dropped the key into the water, he needs to get it out, but after jumping into the water, Pinocchio floats up. How can I help him?

Children reason: “Pinocchio is made of wood, and wooden objects do not sink in water,” “Wood is lighter than water, so Pinocchio cannot dive for the key.” In the course of reasoning, they demonstrate their knowledge about the properties of wood, and then, due to their creative abilities, come to find an answer to this problematic problem. “You can look for a key at the bottom with a magnet on a string, if the key is metal,” “You can dive to the bottom with scuba gear, as divers do,” “You can pick up a load, for example, a stone, and then leave it at the bottom and float up.”

Problematic task No. 2..

— One friend lives in the south and has never seen snow. The other lives in the Far North. The snow never melts there.

What can be done so that a friend living in the north sees trees and flowers, and a friend living in the south sees snow and ice. However, they do not want to move.

Problematic task No. 3

— The children made two identical snowmen. One melted within a week, and the other stood until the end of winter.


3) Problem situation.

A problem situation is the most complex form of problem-based learning.

When solving a problem situation, a state of mental difficulty arises in children, caused by the insufficiency of the knowledge and methods of activity previously acquired by them. It is the problematic situation, according to psychologists, that constitutes the necessary pattern of creative thinking. Contradiction is the main link of a problem situation.

(Contradiction is a situation in which one thing excludes another, incompatible with it, opposite to it.)

Problem situation No. 1, metal objects sink in water, but a ship built of metal floats. There is a contradiction, uncertainty, why?

In order to solve this problem situation, the teacher organizes a series of experiments with objects, demonstrating that a metal weight placed in water immediately sinks, but the same weight placed on a metal lid does not sink. Why? What keeps it afloat? The teacher prompts the children to find the answer with questions, noting that the lid is filled with air, because there are sides. The higher the sides, the more air there is in the lid, and, consequently, a larger load can be held on it without drowning.

Examining the ship, the children come to the conclusion that its underwater part is hollow and filled with air, so the ship, made of metal, does not sink.

Problem situation No. 2, the teacher invites children to roll balls made of different materials (wooden, plastic, rubber, glass, metal) along an inclined board. Children perform actions and see that all the balls roll down and the metal ones stop in the middle of the board.

The unknown in this case is why only the metal ball stopped in the middle of the board.

A contradiction arose: the ball should roll, but it didn’t.

Children think and try to express their assumptions. Those who are not familiar with the properties of a magnet are in difficulty.

Next comes the moment of cognitive activity. Children examine the board to find the reason why the metal balls stop. They show their creative abilities - they suggest something. If someone already has knowledge about the properties of a magnet, they can correctly resolve the contradiction that has arisen without examining the board. Examination of the board and the discovery of a magnet attached to its reverse side completely resolves the contradiction that arose in all children. This introduction to the properties of a magnet will be remembered better than all the stories told by adults, because it is based on emotional perception.

This problematic situation was specially created by the teacher, but very often problematic situations arise naturally. In this case, the teacher is obliged to help children see the contradiction, the inconsistency noticed by one child (or several), and include them in active search activities.

  • Techniques for creating problem situations when working with preschoolers
  • Focusing children's attention on the contradiction between knowledge and life experience.
  • Encouraging children to compare, generalize, draw conclusions, and compare facts by asking heuristic and problematic questions.
  • Consideration of a problem from different positions, often role ones.
  • Creating a contradiction, a problematic situation.
  • Organization of contradictions in the practical activities of children

Requirements for problem situations:

— the solution to a problem situation should be focused on maximum independence and creative activity of the child;

- the problem must correspond to the educational information that is being learned

the child, as well as the information he already has;

- the formulation of the problem should be as clear as possible and free from

words and expressions that are incomprehensible to children;

- a problematic situation should create sufficient difficulty in solving it and at the same time be feasible for the child. This will create a need to solve it;

- the problem situation should challenge children's curiosity;

- in the process of solving a problem, there should be a need to consider new situations related to it;

- the problem situation should be constructed taking into account the basic didactic

principles of learning;

— there must be a contradiction at the heart of the problem situation.

Recommendations for communication style with children

Listen to everyone who wants to. Give only positive ratings. Instead of “correct”, it is better to say “interesting”, “unusual”, “curious”, “good”. During conversations, follow the child’s logic, and do not impose your opinion. Teach your children to object to you and each other, but to object with reason, offering something in return or proving it. If there is a bright leader in the group, over time switch him to some activity and talk with the children without him. In developing children's creative abilities, use active forms of learning - group discussions, brainstorming, role-playing games, group and individual projects, solving situational problems.


• There is a fire in the apartment. What will you do? Why?

• Smoke in the neighboring apartment. Your actions?

• You see someone drowning. What will you do?

• A faucet in the apartment burst. Are you alone at home now. What will you do first, what will you do next? Why?

• Fairy tale “Turnip”. Grandfather has a bad harvest: the turnip has not grown. How can I help him?

•Mashenka got lost in the forest and doesn’t know how to announce herself and get out of the forest.

• Dunno injured his leg in the forest, but there is no first aid kit. What can be done.

As a result of work to introduce problem-based learning in preschool educational institutions, children become more active, observant and sociable. They themselves “see” problem situations, formulate contradictions, and find different solutions. Children develop cognitive interest, a desire to explore, experiment, reason and prove

Technological map of activities for problem-based learning of preschoolers

A technological map is an algorithm for solving a problem situation.

It reflects the stages of actions, activities that are implemented by preschoolers and the teacher in the course of solving a problem situation.

The technological map includes the following stages of activity:

  1. Formulation of the problem. This is the very first and most difficult stage of the work. The teacher needs to explain to the children the essence of the problem, and for the children to comprehend this essence and realize the need to resolve the existing problem.
  2. Updating knowledge and skills. Children are reminded that they have certain knowledge and skills that will help them solve problems and become the basis of their activities.
  3. Formulation of hypotheses. At this stage, options for solving the problem are put forward. The teacher assists children in formulating these options.
  4. Testing hypotheses. Here, various types of children's activities are implemented, in which they check the correctness of the assumptions made. As a rule, different types of games are used, and experimental and research work is also carried out.
  5. Gaining new knowledge. In the course of activity, new knowledge is formed. The teacher helps children in their approval and introduction to practical activities.

According to this algorithm, learning becomes an independent search for knowledge by children. Children act as discoverers of knowledge.

Problem-based search method as a means of developing coherent speech in preschoolers.


1 Problem-based search method as a means of developing coherent speech in preschoolers. Goal: to conduct a systematic analysis of pedagogical activities to create conditions in preschool educational institutions for the speech development of children. Determine ways to improve the team’s work in this direction. Game “Gift” 1. Results of implementation of the decision of the previous teachers’ council L.M. Ibragimova 2. “Problem-search method as a means of developing coherent speech in preschoolers.” An introductory speech about the relevance of the problem. L.M. Ibragimova 3. Relevance of the problem of speech development L.A. Khrapunov 4. Analysis of the creation in groups of conditions for the speech development of children, specialists, educators 5. Creative living room of L.A. Khrapunov 6. Discussion and adoption of the draft decision of the teachers' council. 7. Miscellaneous. Game “Gift” (depict a gift using pantomime) 1. Results of implementing the decision of the previous teachers’ council Progress of the teachers’ council (head) 2. Problem-based search method as a means of developing coherent speech in preschoolers. Children learn better and a thousand times more successfully if they are given the opportunity to independently explore the basics of the material they are studying. (Peter Kline). You and I know that a kindergarten graduate must have developed such integrative qualities as the ability to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems) that are age-appropriate, the ability to independently apply acquired knowledge and methods of activity to solve new tasks (problems) posed as adults, so do they themselves. Problem-based learning is learning based on obtaining new knowledge by solving theoretical and practical problems, tasks,

2 problematic situations created for this. In this regard, the efforts of a kindergarten teacher should be aimed at developing in a child of senior preschool age independence in goal setting and motivation for activities, finding ways and means of its implementation, and the ability to get results. These problems can be successfully solved by the introduction of modern educational technologies, which enrich the subjective experience of children and ensure the child’s independent activity. Let's consider problem-based learning technology, which is a specially created set of specific techniques and methods that helps children independently acquire knowledge and teaches them to independently apply it in solving new cognitive problems. The goal of problem-based learning is to assimilate not only the results of scientific knowledge, a system of knowledge, but also the path itself, the process of obtaining these results, the formation of the child’s cognitive independence and the development of his creative abilities. First of all, it is necessary to remember that when organizing cognitive activity, the “child-adult” relationship should be built on participation in the activity. It is necessary to lead a preschooler to such participation gradually: from observing the activities of adults to episodic participation in it, then partnership and, finally, to cooperation. Each new knowledge reveals to the child little-known aspects of the cognizable object, arouses questions and guesses. To achieve this, there are various forms of organizing problem-based learning. Organization of problem-based learning in kindergarten How to organize the cognitive activity of children in order to develop mental processes? (sensations, perception, memory, imagination, thinking, as well as speech development). There are four levels of problems in teaching: 1. The teacher himself poses the problem (task) and solves it himself with active listening and discussion by the children. 2. The teacher poses a problem, the children independently or under his guidance find a solution. The teacher directs the child to independently search for solutions (partial search method). 3. The child poses a problem, the teacher helps to solve it. The child develops the ability to independently formulate a problem. 4. The child poses the problem himself and solves it himself. The teacher does not even point out the problem: the child must see it on his own, and when he sees it, formulate and explore the possibilities and ways to solve it. (Research method). As a result, the ability to independently analyze a problem situation and independently find the correct answer is developed. In one case, the teacher can conduct the search himself with the help of the children. Having posed the problem, the teacher reveals the way to solve it, reasons with the children, makes assumptions, discusses them with the children. Otherwise, the role

3 educators can be minimal; it provides children with the opportunity to completely independently look for ways to solve problems. The teaching method associated with children’s independent search and discovery of certain truths is called the problem-heuristic method. In each specific case, the teacher himself decides in what form to work with children: in a group or individually. However, in order to develop children’s ability to doubt and think critically, preference should be given to group forms of work. It is easier for a child to be critical of peers than of adults. A doubt, a guess, an assumption arises when he compares his point of view with the opinion of another person. Communication and joint activities with adults develop the child’s ability to set goals and act, imitating him. And in joint activities with peers, the child begins to use forms of adult behavior: control, evaluate, disagree, argue. This is how the need arises to coordinate your actions with the actions of your partners and accept their point of view. Therefore, cognitive activity is organized in the form of a dialogue between the child and the teacher and other children in the group. Indicators of such dialogue are ease of communication and democratic relations. Problem situation is a state of mental difficulty in children caused by the insufficiency of their previously acquired knowledge and methods of activity to solve a cognitive task, task or educational problem. Such situations are created by the teacher using certain techniques, methods and means. When creating and solving problem situations, we use the following methodological techniques: we bring children to a contradiction and invite them to find a way to resolve it themselves; we present different points of view on the same issue; We encourage children to make comparisons, generalizations, conclusions from the situation, and compare facts; we pose specific questions (on generalization, justification, specification, logic of reasoning), heuristic questions; we identify problematic theoretical and practical tasks (for example, research); we pose problematic tasks. Conclusion: so, the use of problem-based learning methods and techniques in the educational process will help you, educators, to fulfill one of the important tasks set by the preschool education reform - to form independent, active, creative thinking in children.

4 2. Relevance of the problem of speech development Speech is beautiful when it is like a stream, Runs clean and leisurely among the stones, And you are ready to listen to its flow and exclaim: “Oh, how beautiful you are!” Almost everyone can speak, but only a few of us can speak correctly. When talking with others, we use speech as a means of conveying our thoughts. Speech is one of the main human needs and functions for us. It is through communication with other people that a person realizes himself as an individual. It is impossible to judge the beginning of the personality development of a preschool child without assessing his speech development. The development of speech is associated with the formation of both the personality as a whole and all mental processes. Therefore, determining the directions and conditions for the development of speech in children are among the most important pedagogical tasks. The problem of speech development is one of the most pressing. In reality, non-interference in the process of forming children's speech almost always entails developmental delays. Speech deficiencies, having become established in childhood, are overcome with great difficulty in subsequent years. Well-developed speech in children is one of the main indicators of readiness for school. Psychologists say: “The native language can be considered the central subject in primary school, since it “penetrates” all other subjects, unites and generalizes their results. Essentially, speech is the basis on which all educational activities are built.” In recent years, in our kindergarten there has been a significant decline in the level of speech development of preschoolers. First of all, this is due to the deterioration of children’s health, which, one way or another, affects their development. Today we have gathered to share our knowledge and skills in the field of “Speech development” of preschool children, as well as to improve our pedagogical competence in this area. 3. Results of the thematic inspection “Organization and effectiveness of work on the speech development of children) (Senior teacher) As part of preparation for the pedagogical council in our preschool educational institution, a thematic inspection was carried out “Organization of work on speech development in the preschool educational institution” (a certificate of control results is read out). Thus, we see that this problem is relevant for our kindergarten. 4. Creative living room I part. Warm up. "Quick response"

5 Name the forms of speech. (dialogue and monologue) What skills are developed in dialogue. (listen to the interlocutor, ask a question, answer depending on the context) What forms of work are used when teaching children coherent speech. (retelling, description of toys and plot pictures, storytelling from experience, creative storytelling) The leading method of teaching correct pronunciation (sample of a teacher) How to organize work on speech development in the 2nd half of the day (logorhythmics, mnemonic tables, didactic games, theatrical activities, reading art .literature, etc.) What literature do you recommend to parents on this topic? At what age group does work on teaching children monologue speech begin? (middle group) At what age group does work on teaching children dialogical speech begin? (junior group) Part II “Let’s discuss” The child is not interested in educational activities for speech development. What needs to be done to increase interest in speech development classes? Organize classes so that the child is involved in the process of independent search and discovery of new knowledge. Less control, more independence and trust. Intellectual and practical activities in the classroom should be varied. You should constantly change the form of questions and tasks, stimulate the search activity of children, creating an atmosphere of hard work. The content of the classes should be difficult, but feasible. The more new material is connected to the child’s existing personal experience, the more interesting it is for him. Taking into account the individual, age, medical, and mental characteristics of the child. The emotionality of the teacher, his ability to support and direct interest in the content of the lesson. Use of ICT technology in the classroom.

6 - Today, figurative speech, rich in synonyms, additions and descriptions, is a very rare phenomenon in preschool children. There are many problems in the speech of children: Monosyllabic speech, consisting only of simple sentences. Inability to construct a common sentence grammatically correctly. Poverty of speech. Insufficient vocabulary. Use of non-literary words and expressions. Lack of formation of grammatical structure of speech. Violation of sound pronunciation. Poor dialogical speech: the inability to formulate a question competently and clearly, or to construct a short or detailed answer. Difficulties in constructing a monologue: for example, a plot or descriptive story on a proposed topic, retelling the text in your own words. Lack of logical justification for your statements and conclusions. Lack of speech culture skills: inability to use intonation, regulate voice volume and speech rate, etc. Poor diction. Part III General essay on the topic “Why the speech of a kindergarten teacher should be a model for” Everyone writes a phrase on a narrow piece of paper (as he thinks) why the speech of a kindergarten teacher should be a model. attach it to the magnetic board and read it out. (Senior teacher) The teacher’s speech is the main instrument of pedagogical influence and at the same time a model for students. What is “Culture of Speech”? Conclusion. Preschoolers say what they hear, since the internal mechanisms of speech are formed in a child only under the influence of systematically organized speech of adults. The educator has a great influence on the formation of a culture of speech in children. The educator faces a serious task: he is obliged to discern, behind a series of anxieties and worries, the personality of the future person whom he creates, first of all, with the help of our language. The language of the teacher should be a standard for the children. With the help of this powerful weapon and the finest instrument, the teacher develops the historical memory of the people, introduces to the riches of multinational culture those for whom this culture is perceived, first of all, through the influencing word. That is why high demands are placed on the speech of a preschool teacher today, and the problem of improving the culture of speech teacher is considered in the context of improving the quality of preschool education. Thus, the teacher’s speech is easily perceived and understandable to children if the words in it are precisely chosen, the phrases are grammatically clearly constructed, and it is intonationally correctly formatted. Conclusion. The problem of speech development of preschool children is very relevant today, since the percentage of preschool children with various speech

7 violations remains consistently high. It is becoming increasingly common to encounter delays in speech development in children aged 1 to 5 years. The problem of a modern preschooler is that he does not have a separate violation of the structural component of speech, for example, sound pronunciation, but a complex delay in speech components. Thus, against the backdrop of deteriorating children’s health, from the point of view of developmental disorders, we note a combination of defects; therefore, children need complex correction, where a teacher, speech therapist, teacher-psychologist, and music director must work together. Rules for brave and persistent teachers If you are experiencing difficulties in working on speech development, then plan this type of activity not sometimes, not often, but very often. In 5 years it will become easier. Never answer your own question. Be patient, and you will wait for your children to answer it. You can only help with one more question, or two, or ten. But know: the number of questions is inversely proportional to the level of skill. Never ask a question that can be answered with “yes” or “no”. It does not make sense. After the lesson, look through the notes again, remember all the questions you asked the children, and replace it with one more accurate one. If the story didn’t work out or it turned out with difficulty, smile, because it’s great, because success is ahead.

8 5. Discussion and adoption of the draft decision of the teachers' council Draft decision 1. In order to improve the quality of professionalism of teachers: Organize and conduct a training seminar “Rhetoric for educators.” Deadline: September 2022 Responsible: teachers-speech therapists. 2. In order to improve the joint, specially organized and independent activities of children: Use the creation of problem situations in classes and in free time, encouraging the activation of children’s speech activity. term: constantly 3. To develop children’s speech activity, use excursions, games, forms of elementary search activity, etc. term: constantly 4. Use in practice models and schemes for the development of coherent speech in preschoolers term: constantly 5. Continue to conduct a theater week using different types of theater. Deadline: November annually. 6. In order to improve the interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family: Use an individual approach when working with parents, taking into account the personal characteristics of each family. deadline: constantly 7. Design stands for parents “Development of coherent speech in preschoolers” deadline: April 2022.

Problems of using problem-based learning in the educational process of preschool educational institutions

Despite all the positive aspects of using problem-based learning, its use in preschool educational institutions faces a number of problems. These include:

  1. Large time costs. Preparing for classes based on problem-based teaching methods requires a lot of time from the teacher. This is due to the age-related characteristics of the development of preschoolers and their receptivity to information, as well as the large expenditure of time on motivation for activity;
  2. Difficulties in managing the cognitive activity of pupils. The cognitive activity of preschool children is not so easy to control. It is necessary to find the optimal approach to this process;
  3. The need to activate curiosity. Any problematic situation should challenge the curiosity of preschoolers. Therefore, it is necessary to choose an adequate situation and develop it;
  4. Correspondence of the problem situation to the topic of training.

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