Construct of organizing routine moments in the afternoon in the younger group

Organization of routine moments in kindergarten in the 2nd junior group.

- sandbox games;

— constructors, cubes;

— various lacings;

- finger games (various gestures are performed to the accompaniment of certain children's poems - clapping, clenching, unclenching fists, etc.).

Role-playing games

Consider, for example, the importance of a lesson for children 3-4 years old on the topic “Dishes”. Kids, especially girls, “try on” the role of an adult. This allows you to gain certain skills that will be useful in the future. The impressions left on children allow them to form the right values ​​- welcoming guests, the ability to set the table. And some develop future interests and hobbies.

It’s quite easy to come up with a variety of role-playing games (garage, guests, hospital, hairdresser, etc.).

Development of logic in direct educational activities with children.

— the concept of “one – many”;

- comparison “small object - large”;

— familiarization with the concepts of “top” and “bottom”;

- long short;

- classification of objects (for example, groups - birds, trees, vegetables);

- high Low;

- color spectrum.

As a rule, kids are happy to choose the “extra” one from a group of objects and love to look for changes in pictures. They like to find the right pairs. Children enjoy playing board games.

One, two, three, four, five Let's go for a walk!

Of course, in the 2nd junior group, getting ready for a walk takes a lot of time and effort from both the teacher and the children, but we must remember. The dressing algorithm and, of course, nursery rhymes help a lot:

If you want to go for a walk, you need to get dressed quickly. Open the closet door and put on your clothes in order.

Gather the sock into an accordion and put it on your foot. Take the other sock and pull it on in the same way.

Look, it's getting colder outside. It's time for the kids to put on a blouse.

To prevent your ears from hurting, quickly put on a hat. And then a jacket for a long walk.

Let's put beautiful boots on our feet. Good boots to keep your feet from freezing.

When half of the children are dressed, we go out with them, and the second half is taken out by the junior teacher.

When returning from a walk, the rule applies: undress yourself - help someone else. While undressing, we show how to neatly and correctly fold clothes and put them in a locker. When most of the children have undressed, we definitely suggest washing their hands.

After lunch, the children undress, carefully fold their clothes (you have to love clothes. Fedora didn’t like her dishes and she left them. Therefore, we must try to fold and hang clothes carefully), visit the toilet and, after walking along the massage path, go to bed. To quickly and peacefully fall asleep, we use the following techniques: nursery rhymes, relaxation music, audio fairy tales, or read ourselves.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The summary presents one of the options for introducing older preschoolers to “Digestive Gymnastics” (author: A.S. Rudenko), as well as a method of generalization with children of older preschool age.

Tell the children what “soap” is for.

Progress of the regime moment Lunch.

I compiled a summary of hardening back in 2005. Goal: to ensure training of the body’s defenses to the effects of constantly changing environmental factors.


Summary of regime processes

Summary of regime processes

Summary of routine processes in the 1st half of the day in the 1st junior group: morning reception, washing, feeding, preparing for a walk (dressing), returning from a walk (undressing), preparing for bed and going to bed.

Morning reception

Goal: to create a cheerful emotional state for the whole day, to ensure a calm separation of children from their parents. Conduct: 10-15 minutes before I come to the group, ventilate the room, prepare the toys. I greet each child kindly and greet him and his parents with a smile. I ask the parents: “How did the child sleep?”, “How is he feeling?”, “In what mood did he go to kindergarten?” or I ask the child himself: “Well, how are you? Will you play with us today? Then I bring the child into the group and offer him an activity (dolls, cars, cubes, mosaics). During the reception, if the child does not want to part with his parents, I use musical and ).


Goal: to teach children to gently place their hands under the stream of water, to rub their hands, to use soap, to find their own towel, to dry their hands independently, to teach them not to be afraid of water.
Conduct: While the nanny is putting breakfast on the tables, I call 2-3 children who are eating slowly and say: “Guys, do you want your hands to be clean? Let's wash them." I take the children to the washbasin and say: “We roll up our sleeves so as not to get them wet, and now open the tap with warm water. I make sure (if necessary I help) that the children open the tap. When water flows from all the taps, I use a literary word: Clean water is flowing. We know how to wash with you
- We put our hands under the water with a boat (I show it to the children).
Now take the soap and lather your hands in a circular motion. They washed their ears with soap, they washed their hands with soap, these are the little hands, little hands, little hands.
— We put the hands under the water again and rinse off the soap well. Shake the remaining water into the sink and turn off the tap. Now everyone goes to the towel and wipes their hands dry on all sides; we hang the towel back in its place. So our hands have become clean!


Goal: To provide rational nutrition to all children, teach them to eat correctly, develop cultural and hygienic eating skills (eat independently and carefully, use a napkin, do not crumble bread, push in a chair, say thanks after eating, rinse your mouth), cultivate a favorable attitude towards eating.
Conduct: “Children, everyone who has washed their hands, sit down at the tables. Sit up straight, put your legs straight, do not put your elbows on the table. Everyone is sitting upright, Legs are standing together, Eyes are looking at the plate, Elbows are removed from the table, The children are eating quietly. Children!
Not Doctor Aibolit came to visit today

Came to visit today -
Good Appetite! Bon Appetit everyone!"
While eating, I make sure that the children hold the spoon correctly, sit up straight, and eat in silence. I tell you how beneficial it is when children eat: they grow quickly and never get sick. I try to convince children who don’t eat that they need to eat at least a little (unless they have a reason not to eat). For those guys who eat slowly or don’t know how to eat, I feed them with a separate spoon. To the child who has eaten, I say: “Dasha, take a napkin and wipe your mouth, don’t forget to say “thank you” and push up the chair.”

Preparing for a walk (dressing)

Goal: to ensure timely collection of all children for a walk;
form the correct sequence when dressing, develop children’s speech (fix the names of items of clothing, actions). Conduct: Before going out for a walk, I remind the children to go to the toilet. Then I take a subgroup of children and we go out to the locker room together. I begin to dress the children for a walk, observing the principle of gradualness: tights, socks, pants, boots, jacket, hat, jacket, mittens, scarf. During this I use an artistic word: We dress in order, We get used to order.
I ask the children: - Danila, what color are your pants? - Vanya, what do we put on our heads? If the children cannot answer, I help them. I encourage the children to dress themselves: “Kolya, show me how you can put on your pants.” — Children, in order for our clothes to be clean, we need to walk carefully and not run through puddles.

Returning from a walk (undressing).

Goal: ensure timely arrival from a walk, develop cultural and hygienic undressing skills (neatly fold things and put them in the closet, do not jostle near lockers), develop speech (reinforce the names of items of clothing, actions). Conduct: I ask all children to wipe their feet when entering the kindergarten (I show how to do this) - How cheerful you all are when you came from your walk! Do you want to go to a group to play? Let's carefully undress. I take off all the children’s scarves and untie their hats, then I invite them to undress themselves. - First we take off the jacket, then the hat, jacket, pants, boots, tights and, finally, socks. I make sure the children are neat after a walk: “Dasha, look how dirty your pants are!” What kind of pants did you wear?” (clean). I also turn to other children: “Yulia, what are you filming now? Christina, where will you hang your jacket?”

Preparation for sleep.

Goal: create a calm atmosphere in the room, consolidate cultural and hygienic skills (neatly fold clothes: hang them on a chair, do not jostle near chairs, ensure a restful sleep).
Conduct: I take the children one by one to the toilet, then to the bedroom. - Guys, today we played so well and our hands, eyes and legs are tired and want to rest. Take your chairs and we'll undress. Children, does everyone remember how to put their clothes on chairs? I help the children undress. I put children in bed first who take longer to fall asleep. Let's put a soft feather bed under the back. On top of the feather bed, a clean sheet. Put white pillows under the ears. And cover with a blanket so that the children sleep soundly.
— Guys, who have undressed, lie down in bed and cover yourself with a blanket.
When all the children are lying in their cribs, I say in a calm, quiet voice: So people are sleeping, So animals are sleeping. Birds sleep on branches, Foxes sleep on hills, Hares sleep on grass, Ducks sleep on ants, Children are all in their cradle... They sleep and sleep, they tell the whole world to sleep. Now we lie down on our side and close our eyes. Pleasant dreams!
While the children are sleeping, I keep an eye on them (so that they don’t open up, so that they don’t fall).

Summary of the regime processes in the 2nd half of the day in the 1st junior group

Lifting and hardening

Goal: to ensure a joyful and cheerful emotional mood for children after sleep. Cultivate a positive attitude towards the lifting process. Carrying out. I go into the bedroom and say in a calm voice: “Children, you slept, but it’s time to get up.” I think you've all had some interesting dreams. I go up to the children who haven’t woken up and quietly say that it’s time to get up. - Guys, now let’s each stand near their crib. I carry out hardening procedures: - Children, show your hands - “here they are”, and now let’s hide our hands behind our backs - “where are the hands”? "Here they are!" (Showing hands) Well done! Children, now look out of this window (I show the window), there is nothing there. Now look out the other window, there we see a car. Let's look again at the first window - there is nothing, and now at the second. Guys, let’s hide behind the beds (we squat next to the bed), and now we’ll show how big we are (we stand up to our full height). What a great fellow you are! The big ones have already grown. Now let's take your sandals in your hands and go to your chairs with clothes.


Goal: teach to dress in the correct sequence; encourage independence in the process of dressing, teach to notice and correct untidiness in clothing, and cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other. Conduct: Children sit on their chairs, I help the children get dressed, observing the principle of gradualness: tights, skirts and panties, sandals, a jacket. When dressing, I use the artistic word: We dress in order, We get used to order. I ask the children - Vanya, what are you wearing now? - Katya, who bought you such a beautiful dress? - Olya, please tell me, what color is your sweater? If the children cannot answer on their own, I help them. I encourage children to dress themselves.


Goal: continue to teach children the skills of proper washing: roll up their sleeves, wash their hands with soap in a circular motion, dry them with a towel, cultivate neatness and organization. Carrying out I take the children who eat more slowly, take them to the washbasin and say: “We roll up our sleeves so as not to get them wet, and now open the tap with warm water.” I make sure (if necessary I help) that the children open the tap. When water started flowing in all the taps, I used the artistic word: Ay, okay, okay, okay, we are not afraid of water, we wash ourselves clean, we smile together. We put the handles under water and wet them. Now take the soap and lather your hands in a circular motion (I show). We put our hands under the water again and wash off the soap. Shake off the remaining water and close the tap. Now everyone goes to the towel and wipes their hands dry on all sides. Dasha won’t take Katino’s towel. The Blue Plane will not be confused with a bird. Well done, children, everyone is so clean and beautiful!


Goal: to develop cultural and hygienic eating habits, eat carefully, chew food thoroughly, learn to use a napkin, pull up a chair, and say thank you for food. Conduct: - Children, everyone who has washed their hands, sit down at the tables. Sit up straight, don’t slouch, put your legs straight, don’t put your elbows on the table. Everyone is sitting upright. Legs are standing together. Elbows are removed from the table. The children are eating quietly. Bon Appetit everyone! During meals, I make sure that the children sit up straight and eat in silence. At the end of the meal, I remind each child to wipe their mouth and hands with a napkin. I remind you that children should pull their chairs behind them, say thank you, and not interfere with others’ meals.

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Summary of an open review of a routine moment: the ritual of going to bed for a nap in the middle group

Venera Yakhibbaeva

Summary of an open review of a routine moment: the ritual of going to bed for a nap in the middle group

Summary of an open review of a routine moment : the ritual of going to bed for a nap in the middle group

Educator: 1st category Yakhibbaeva V.D.

Goals: Create a favorable, calm atmosphere in the room;

Strengthen cultural and hygienic skills (neatly fold clothes; hang them on a chair, do not jostle near chairs, ensure a restful sleep); undressing algorithm;

Develop speech (fix the names of clothes, actions)


cultivate neatness, independence, and calm behavior in the bedroom.

Equipment: squirrel toy, box, undressing algorithm-cards, tso.

Children sit on chairs.

Guys, we had lunch, let's pat our bellies so that the food settles down and we are healthy and strong.

The teacher used the technique of bringing toys into class and lunch.

Educator: Children, remember how Squirrel came to us when we were playing, going for a walk, watching you have lunch, and now she wants to see how you get ready for bed and know how to undress. And she brought cards with her. What do you think these cards mean?

Children: The cards indicate how to undress correctly.

Squirrel: Because you children are such good fellows, squirrel says she has an unusual surprise for you in the bedroom. And which one you will find out when you come to the bedroom. She's waiting for you all in the bedroom.

Squirrel goes into the bedroom.

The teacher leads the conversation.

Educator: Children, why do people need to rest?

So as not to get tired, so that your hands can rest, your eyes can be healthy, etc.)

That's right, children, we did a lot of things: we played a lot, talked a lot, went outside, studied, ate. And, of course, we are very tired, we need to rest. Therefore, we will now get ready for bed and go to the bedroom to rest. Your cribs are already waiting for you, soft pillows and a warm blanket.

Summary of the routine moment “Getting ready for bed” lesson plan (senior group)

Goal: create a calm atmosphere in the room, consolidate cultural and hygienic skills (neatly fold clothes: hang them on a chair, do not jostle near chairs, ensure a restful sleep).

2. Developmental: Develop accuracy

3. Educational: Cultivate a favorable attitude towards going to bed

Methods and techniques:

— Artistic word (therapeutic fairy tale “Kolobok’s Dream”)

Preliminary work:

-development of an algorithm for undressing and folding clothes.

-preparation for naps and naps at the same time.

- conversations with children about the rules of behavior in the group’s bedroom.

- conversations with children about the importance of daytime sleep.

-conversations with parents on the topic: “The daily routine of a 5-6 year old child.”

-ventilate the bedroom for at least 15 minutes.


— Chairs, clothes, towels, soap, magic path, stars, audio recording.

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