Teacher and organizer of children's play activities.

“The role of the teacher in organizing children’s games”

Svetlana Ilinykh

“The role of the teacher in organizing children’s games”

A modern child is a small citizen, aware of himself in the modern space of the country and city, and play is the most favorite and natural activity of children . And the teacher’s task is to captivate children with games , make play the content of children’s lives, and reveal to preschoolers the diversity of the world of play.

Play is of utmost importance for the comprehensive development of a child’s personality and acts as a connecting link in relation to the cognizable. Through playful actions, children strive to satisfy an active interest in the life around them and at the same time create their own combinations of various life situations, where they seem to transform into adults, into heroes of works of art, into animals. In order for the upbringing of children through play to be successful, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions: allocate sufficient time to games, organize a comfortable , calm environment, and select toys. “Basic general education program for preschool education”

requires that children be given the opportunity to play at different times of the day: in the morning before breakfast, during the day, during a walk, in the afternoon.

The richness of the concept and the effectiveness of the means of implementation in each game for children depend on the presence of life observations, supplemented by literary and artistic images that help children move from direct imitation to creative reproduction of game plans . The motives for such creativity are peculiar - first of all, the desire to express one’s impressions and experiences. For the idea of ​​a game to emerge, a child needs vivid, exciting impressions. But the appearance of a plan does not mean that the child is able to independently implement it in the game, since he does not yet have the necessary skills and ability to plan his actions. A teacher should teach him this.

A clear definition of the place and meaning of play in the pedagogical process is closely related to the work of the educator . A teacher must first of all be an organizer of children's lives , sharing with children their joys, successes and difficulties. If the teacher does not have contact with the children, then they do not catch the events of the child’s life that occur in games. He has little influence on children , sometimes even showing pedagogical incompetence.

But children's life in games cannot develop properly if it is left to the discretion of the children . The teacher must be at the center of this life, must understand what is happening, enter into the interests of the players, and skillfully guide them. The activities of the teacher are primarily aimed at organizing children at play and achieving correct relationships between them, because any organization of life requires the establishment of relationships. Play is a joy for children , so the process is organized in such a way that games foster positive emotions. Being involved in children's . in their games, the teacher is guided by certain educational . It is necessary to cultivate in children such qualities as friendship, the ability to act independently, and mutual assistance; Preschool children can provide all possible assistance to each other, we cultivate in them a sense of justice, cheerfulness, sociability, determination, organization , personal initiative, ingenuity, ingenuity, etc. It is in these tasks that the prospects for moral education .

It is very difficult to organize games if the group size is 20-25 people. But this is a completely solvable problem if you follow the rules for organizing the lives of children in a group . You need to know that only indirectly, through games, you can achieve great educational results .

In the process of games, the teacher plays a big role , since it is here that the events that make the game possible occur. Each link in the chain of developing events brings something into the lives of children and makes their games meaningful. The games are repeated daily and it is through games that the children’s team grows stronger. You can notice that when a new child enters the group, as well as his further stay in the new children's group, some children cannot find a place for themselves in the group, they remain outside this life, none of the children wants to play with them. It is in this situation that the teacher must help the child join the team, trying to involve him in various joint games. But there are children who very easily join the children's group, who are invited in great demand, and ingratiate themselves to some. In this case, the teacher should also pay attention to this child so that complications do not arise in the children’s group in the future.

In newly organized groups, the most active participation of the teacher in games . To begin with, it is best to organize common simple games with rules so that children can get to know each other. If the child already knows how to play well, also involve him in general games - this will only enliven the game, make it more fun and interesting.

When talking about children's groups in games, it is important to always take into account the age of the children . In early preschool age, a playing group of children easily breaks up , and just as easily a new group arises. for the teacher here . It is more difficult in older groups where likes and dislikes begin to predominate, the presence of a new expensive toy, or some special ability of the child. It is important to know and understand the characteristics by which this or that group is formed. It is the groups of children that provide the organizational support for the teacher . Until the teacher masters the ability to lead these groups, he must strive to ensure that the children are under his supervision and participate in his games.

In the eyes of children, should always be an experienced person who knows many different games and knows how to organize . Therefore, with the correct relationship “adult-children”

, the teacher will be able to continuously enrich the experience and knowledge
of children with new games , develop and improve those games that are already in practice.
It is precisely this kind of guidance from the teacher that will bring enormous and undoubted benefits. The teacher simply needs to master the skill of directing games: action games, role-playing games, theatrical games, didactic, musical and other games. The teacher should always be ready to show the game to the children, play it with them, and evaluate their achievements.

In the senior group where I work, there are 28 children and they are all different : sociable and reserved, active and silent, hyperactive, not always organized and , on the contrary, disciplined, calm. Everyone has different gaming skills: some know how to plan their game, carry out the main and secondary roles, show independence and creativity, others, on the contrary, with a low level of gaming skills and abilities, lack initiative. In our group, continuing to work on the development of gaming activities, we have created all the necessary conditions to satisfy children’s in a variety of games. We carefully thought through the conditions and selected materials for games so that, having started the game before breakfast, the children could continue it throughout the day.

When planning the educational process in the group, we took into account that there are several children who are unsociable and try to play alone. After carefully observing them, we realized that the reason for their constraint was the lack of well-developed gaming skills and abilities, and an insufficiently developed need for communication. Therefore, we sought to ensure that such children first of all mastered the knowledge and skills necessary for a particular game - they knew the plot of the game, and could develop them creatively. Only after this did these children to be included in general games.

The children in the group are mostly active, can always find something to do on their own, and easily come into contact with other children. Our role as educators is indirect leadership. Also in our work we do not forget about “leaders”

, which require a special approach.
Such children are sociable and good organizers of games , but they try to take on a larger role . Therefore, we began to saturate the secondary roles with action, began to make them more attractive and unobtrusively offered them to children. In the process of our work, we began to notice how the attitude of such children towards other children . They became more attentive and friendly, and learned to negotiate. There are also children in the group who often conflict. The reason for this behavior is their inability to control their behavior and insufficient gaming skills. such children more often than others in the manufacture of play equipment, to include them in socially useful activities and work activities.
The game offered roles that would require accuracy, restraint and discipline. During the game we act as an advisor. I would like to conclude that the teacher to master the skill of managing the game. We take the game as the life of children , with all the contradictions, feelings, experiences, actions it contains, in general, with manifestations of an integral human personality. If for a child play is real life, then by organizing this life well and wisely, we get great opportunities to influence children and educate them in one way or another.

The role of the teacher in the development of children's role-playing games

Role-playing games are the most typical games for preschoolers and occupy a significant place in their lives. A distinctive feature of the plot-role-playing game is that it is created by the children themselves, and their gaming activity is of a pronounced amateur and creative nature. These games can be short-term or long-term. Managing this type of game requires great skill and pedagogical tact. The teacher must guide the game without destroying it, and preserve the amateur, creative nature of children’s play activities. The teacher influences the play concept and its development, enriching the content of children’s lives: expanding their understanding of the work and life of adults, and the relationships between people. All these methods do not directly influence the game, but are aimed at a deeper disclosure of the sources from which children draw its content, at enriching their spiritual world. However, in expanding the knowledge and understanding of children, it is necessary to observe moderation. The teacher should not rush, encouraging children to quickly reproduce in the game what they have learned during conversations, excursions, stories, etc. Reflection of the surrounding life in the game does not represent a direct reproduction of the learned content: it seems to persist in the mind for some time and children's feelings.

The role of the teacher in the game contributes to the development of its concept, expansion of content, clarification of game actions, roles, and the manifestation of friendly relations. The teacher must strive to ensure that these relationships are consolidated and become real relationships between the children and outside the game. The teacher exerts an educational influence through the roles performed by children. For example, he asks the child, who plays the role of the store manager, where the cash register is, who the cashier is, why there are no certain products in the store, who will wrap the purchases, prompts that the customers thank the seller, and the seller politely invites them to come to the store again.

In order for the game, having emerged, to move to a higher stage of development, it is necessary to organize it competently. The teacher must know the peculiarities of organizing play in a children's group. This requires great art, professional skill and love for children, based on knowledge of pedagogy and the psychology of play.

The management of role-playing games for preschool children assumes that the teacher influences the expansion of the themes of these games, enriches the content, and promotes children’s mastery of role-playing behavior.

In theory, there have been different approaches to guiding children's role-playing games. One of them is presented in the works of R. I. Zhukovskaya, D. V. Mendzheritskaya and includes the following components:

  • enriching the content of games, creating interest in new stories;
  • enriching children's life experience, replenishing children's knowledge;
  • timely changes in the gaming environment taking into account the enriching life and gaming experience;
  • activating communication between an adult and children during their play, aimed at encouraging and independent application by children of new ways of solving game problems, at reflecting new aspects of life in the game.
  • the ability to support initiative, the desire of children to organize a game on their own initiative.

The most effective way of leadership is the participation of the teacher himself in the game. Through the role he plays, he influences the development of the content of the game and helps to include all children, especially timid ones, in it. During the day, several games arise in the group: “Family”, “Kindergarten”, “Bus”, “Train”, “Car” and others. They seem to be connected to each other: by bus or car you can go to kindergarten, home, and to the theater. Children unite in small subgroups, sometimes everyone takes part in the game. The teacher plays with the children and gives them advice. The guys are active and willingly take on the roles of chauffeurs, drivers, and machinists.

Perhaps the most favorite are games based on everyday stories. In “family” games, the most educationally valuable thing is that they give children the opportunity to experience humane feelings for their parents, children and their peers. Children show keen interest in babies. But not all children have ideas about caring for a baby, do not reflect the actions taken to care for a small child, and do not show care for him. The role of the educator here is to enrich the game with content that has a positive impact on the child’s development. The teacher invites the players to watch the child, since his mother has gone to work. Willingly accepting the plot of the game, the children put the doll to bed, prepare food, and iron its clothes.

The teacher should systematically teach children to act with toys, take on the role of family members, and select the necessary materials. The teacher introduces children to the positive aspects of everyday life, taking into account that they learn intra-family relationships outside of kindergarten. To identify children's experiences, the teacher conducts conversations. He asks those who have little brothers and sisters to tell us how they are cared for. The poems by E. Blaginina “Alyonushka”, A. Barto “Mashenka” and other works serve as role models in games. The conversation gives impetus to the child’s imagination and helps to find various options for plots of the family game.

In order for everyday play to primarily influence the development of children’s sense of humanism, responsibility, and friendliness, the teacher must model and introduce into it the educationally necessary aspects.

The theme of many games is the life of children in kindergarten. The role of the teacher should be to enrich children's knowledge and experience and develop interest in playing roles that reflect the work of kindergarten workers. Watching the game, the teacher advises how best to fulfill a particular role and plays with the newly introduced toys. When children play “kindergarten” with dolls, the teacher should suggest that during lessons the dolls can be read books and shown pictures. Thus, children's interest in books expands and curiosity develops. They acquire skills in educational activities: they learn to listen carefully to the teacher, follow his instructions, turn to him for help, and evaluate the results of their work.

Children of this age reflect the production activities of people in games of “transport” and “cars”. These games also require a role on the part of the teacher. Games with cars usually proceed as noisy fuss. The teacher, developing the game, tries to make the role of a driver attractive, carrying cargo from one point to another. To this end, he recalls an excursion to a construction site, where children watched how cars carried construction materials and how they were unloaded. The teacher connects the impressions the children receive from the excursion with their games with cars.

When forming a game as a children's activity, it must be saturated with content in accordance with the requirements of the program. A big role in the development of role-playing games belongs to the teacher.

Planning play activities in kindergarten

Definition 1
Planning of educational activities is a process of preliminary determination of the stages of educational activities, taking into account certain conditions for their implementation, the age specificity of pupils, the choice of methods, forms and technologies for organizing the educational process.

Planning in a preschool institution is carried out by drawing up several types of plans:

  1. Medium-term plan covering educational activities planned for implementation within three years. Such a plan is the basis of the educational program of a preschool institution.
  2. A plan of educational activities expected to be carried out within one year.
  3. Thematic plans, including activities for main activities.
  4. Personal plans of specialists and management staff of an educational institution.
  5. Calendar plans designed for long-term planning in a specific educational group.

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Planning in a preschool institution is aimed at applying scientifically based approaches to building the educational process and carrying out systematic work with students through the individualization of the educational process.

The plan allows the teacher to determine the main directions of activity, choose methods and techniques that will help realize educational goals and objectives.

Since planning in kindergarten is aimed at a changing category of citizens, it may be influenced by third-party factors, both external and internal. In this regard, plans should be flexible so that they can be easily adjusted if necessary.

Planning play activities in kindergarten is carried out by drawing up plans for each type of activity. The organization of such planning is as follows:

  • Inclusion in the educational program of a kindergarten, designed for three years, of various didactic games that correspond to the content and direction of educational work in specific areas;
  • The educational process, which takes place every day, involves the inclusion of leisure, entertainment, active, role-playing games, and games according to the rules. All types of games are aimed at expanding children’s gaming experience and developing certain skills in other areas of activity. when organizing games, the teacher plays the role of a gaming partner, helping children master the gaming culture and develop their talents;
  • Inclusion of independent play activities of children into the educational process. Children independently develop games of different directions. These can be entertaining games, folk games, games according to the rules, plot and role-playing games. In this case, the teacher can only help with organizing amateur games. At the same time, it is important to allow children to take initiative, develop play activity and independence. Children can independently choose the theme of the games, the means of organizing them, include a certain number of partners in the game and determine the period for completing the game.

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Planning gaming activities is important because it gives teachers and the entire preschool educational institution the opportunity to specify educational activities, rationally organize their implementation, determine the optimal time periods for the educational process and appropriate methods and methods for solving the assigned educational tasks.

Note 1

A well-drafted plan for pedagogical work with children helps to clearly organize work with children and identify interesting prospects in working with children.

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