Organization of play activities for preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard 

Organization of play activities for preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Lyudmila Zaitseva

Organization of play activities for preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard


Nowadays, children are playing less. Research shows that children lack gaming experience and the ability to develop a game plot . Children have few impressions and emotions, without which the development of play is impossible. Children receive most of their impressions from television programs and computer games, the quality of which leaves much to be desired. Parents do not play with their child.

A. S. Makarenko wrote: “Game has the same meaning in a child’s life as in an adult – activity , work, service. What a child is like at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up. Therefore, the education of a future leader occurs primarily in play.”

Play is the leading activity that determines the formation of personality in preschool age . The child lives in the game.

A game is a way of learning about oneself and the world around us, an opportunity to learn how to relate one’s desires to the desires of others, the development of communication skills, norms of behavior in a given situation, and the formation of the concept of rules.

Why in preschool age everything is learned easily, remembered quickly, and the amount of information that a child so calmly assimilates in the first 5-6 years is simply enormous. In childhood, everything is learned through play, vivid impressions and interesting facts are involuntarily remembered, which are then remembered for a very long time .

What is the importance of play activity for a preschooler ?

— In the game, voluntary behavior is formed, cognitive processes are activated.

— The game develops the ability to imagine and think creatively. This happens because the child recreates in the game what interests him, using conditional actions .

— In the game, the child recreates the actions of an adult and gains experience interacting with peers.

- In the game, he learns to subordinate his desires to certain requirements - this is the most important prerequisite for the education of will.

— In a game, it is much easier to obey the rules associated with fulfilling the role you have taken on.

— In play, the child develops spiritually.

By watching a child play , you can learn a lot about his life, because he transfers all his feelings and experiences to toys. Games can be used to judge relationships in the family, the interests and inclinations of the child. Everything a person needs in life, learning, communication, creativity, originates in children's play.

And the task of teachers is to become a guiding and connecting link in the child-game chain, tactfully supporting and enriching children’s gaming experience .

A big creative task for a teacher is to organize games in kindergarten so that children’s lives are meaningful, interesting and exciting.

Without pedagogical guidance, play can be harmful to the physical development of children (overwork, statistical posture, excessive mobility)

The teacher must create a joyful, cheerful mood in the children during the game. Positive emotions are the key to a child’s full physical and neuropsychic development, as well as a condition for developing a cheerful, friendly character.
The teacher should encourage the initiative and independent actions of children, submitting whenever possible to the aspirations and interests of the child, trying to limit his freedom as little as possible. Moreover, encouragement and support are used more often than censure and prohibition.

The teacher must take into account the child’s capabilities, avoiding the feeling of his inadequacy: come to the rescue in case of difficulties, not impose complex and incomprehensible actions, try to be at the child’s eye level when interacting in the game.

Pedagogical support for the game in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is covered in the “Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education

1. Creating conditions for children to freely choose activities and participants in joint activities ;

2. Supporting children's initiative and independence in various types of activities ( play , research, design, cognitive, etc.);

3. Support children's spontaneous play, enrich it, provide play time and space.

This is the most important part of the work of teachers, the implementation of which determines the successful development of the child.

The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education indicates specific features of the gameplay of a preschooler , depending on the age category:

• infant stage (two months - one year)

– object play, acquaintance with the object world, acquisition of basic skills in manipulating objects, close emotional contact with family;

• early childhood (one to three years)

– playing with combined and dynamic toys, communication and games with other children under adult supervision;

preschool period (three - eight years)

– a more complex plot-role-playing format
of gaming activity , a communicative game in compliance with certain rules.
Children must clearly understand the rules of the game. For the technique to “work”

, you need to use it correctly.
For this purpose, the Federal State Educational Standard provides the following principles for introducing play activities into the work of a preschool institution :
• free involvement in the game (children cannot be forced to play, this can provoke a “reverse loop effect”

, and the child will refuse other types of interaction);

• exclusion of activities that violate the norms of public morality (for example, gambling for money or things, or degrading the dignity of the players;

• lack of demonstrative edification and didacticism (that is, you should not overload the lesson with information)


• children have a clear understanding of the rules of the game;

• extremely positive impact on the emotional and intellectual spheres of the participants;

• sufficient time and material and technical base for the game;

• availability of a play environment for boys and girls;

• timely changes in the form and content of games depending on the age of the children;

• creating conditions for demonstrating children’s independent activity (theatrical, intellectual, constructive, motor)


• accessibility of the subject-game environment for all participants.

The following types of games can be distinguished:

1. Games initiated by the children themselves (independent games)


2. Games initiated by adults.

3. Games that are a form of relaxation or change of activity .

Games initiated by the children themselves (independent games)


• plot - display;

• role-playing game;

• director's production;

• theatrical improvisation.

Games born on the initiative of adults. Games with a pronounced educational character:

• didactic games with plot drawings;

• experimental game, travel game with search elements;

• moving at different levels of intensity;

• educational games with musical accompaniment.

Games that are a form of relaxation or change of activity :

• entertaining games;

• intellectual puzzles and competitions;

• calendar and thematic holidays, carnival performances; theatrical costumes;

• folk games and folklore traditions that came to the modern world from the historical past.

Free activity is accompanied by the organization of pedagogical support for amateur children's games (role-playing, director's, experimental games, organized on the initiative of the children themselves, outdoor, leisure, folk.

The role of the educator: the educator acts as a play partner , a bearer of play culture , which he passes on to children in the process of joint activities , the educator encourages the manifestation of a variety of play activities , initiative, and independence; provides the opportunity to freely choose topics, partners, methods and means of implementing one’s own activities .

The complication of a child’s gaming skill goes through three phases: first, adults are the initiators of the game and the authors of the plot plan, then only their prompt is required, and finally, the child improves his gaming skills to the level of complete independence.

The teacher needs to solve the following tasks of guiding children’s play activities :

• stimulate playful reproduction of events in everyday life, thus achieving familiarity with the purpose of objects and mastering the skills of their practical use;

• help master the ability to see, understand and formulate the task of the game;

• teach searching for various options for using toys during play;

• encourage the use of symbolic objects that replace objects from real life ;

• come up with game situations with fictional objects;

• to develop the experience of replacing some game actions with images of a verbal form of expression;

• awaken in children the desire to find different solutions to a game problem , using new combinations with objects;

• develop independence in making decisions and searching for various tasks and goals of the game;

• instill a gaming culture , i.e. teach to recognize the right of each participant to their own gaming space and respect the interests of all players ;

• stimulate the expression of keen interest in the games of peers;

• learn to set a game task yourself and accept the task set by others;

• encourage the invention of interesting and unusual game ideas ;

• teach the ability to negotiate.

Means of pedagogical support for independent games in accordance with the age of children:

• 2-3 years - object-based play built around a simple plot, gradual introduction of the child into meaningful play in the context of a specific situation.

• 3-4 years - understanding the conditional nature of the game , developing individual skills, learning game interaction in small groups.

• 4 - 5 years - expanding the range of games, supporting understanding of the need to follow the rules, encouraging independent actions, enriching the gaming experience by complicating the plot .

• 5 - 6 years - further complication of multidirectional games in joint activities .

• 6-7 years - building a children's team on the principles of playful cooperation and solidarity, supporting initiative and self-organization , including elements of role-playing dialogue, creative imagination in an amateur play environment .

Basic requirements for effective organization and conduct of the game

(Two models of adult behavior)

• an adult is the inspirer, organizer and coordinator of the game based on a pre-prepared plot and available tools;

• the adult is included in the spontaneous initiative of the children, occupying an equal position with the other players , and can influence the course of the game in ways common to all. He can suggest a new character, come up with a plot twist, etc.

The educational significance of the game and its comprehensive influence on the development of the child cannot be overestimated. With the help of the game, he learns about the world around him and learns to navigate in it. In play, the child becomes equal to us, because in everyday life, whether we want it or not, we have to lead him, and he has to obey or resist. Play organically inherent in childhood and, with skillful guidance from adults, can work wonders. She can turn a lazy person into a hard worker, a ignorant person into a knowledgeable person, and an incompetent person into a craftsman.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the game

The definitions of play discussed earlier and its significance in the personal development of preschoolers allow us to highlight the following psychological features of the game:

  • play is a form of active reflection by a child of the people around him.
  • A distinctive feature of the game is also the method that the child uses in this activity. Play is carried out through complex actions, rather than individual movements (as, for example, when working, writing, drawing).
  • the game, like any other human activity, has a social nature, so it changes with changes in the historical conditions of people's lives.
  • play is a form of creative reflection of reality by a child. While playing, children bring many of their own inventions, fantasies, and combinations into their games.
  • play is an operation of cognition, a means of clarifying and enriching it, a way of exercising and developing the child’s cognitive and moral abilities and strengths.
  • in its expanded form, play is a collective activity. All participants in the game are in a cooperative relationship.
  • Thanks to the diversity in children's development, the game itself also changes and develops. With systematic guidance from the teacher, the game can change:
  1. From the beginning to the end;
  2. from the first match to subsequent matches of the same group of children;
  3. The most significant changes in play occur as children develop from younger to older ages.
  • play as an activity is aimed at ensuring that children learn about the world around them through active participation in the work and everyday life of people

The means of the game are:

  1. Knowledge about people, their actions, relationships, expressed in linguistic images, in the experience and actions of the child;
  2. courses of action with certain objects in certain circumstances;
  3. Moral assessments and feelings that are manifested in judgments about the good and bad, useful and harmful actions of people.
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