Planning game activities in the senior group

Role-playing games in the senior group: a card index with goals according to the Federal State Educational Standard

By participating in games with everyday stories, children master the system of relationships in the family, learn to perform their household duties, and master self-care skills.

Let's go for a walk

Goal : to teach children, when going for a walk, to dress for the weather, to choose comfortable clothes and the necessary accessories; develop vocabulary (names of clothing items); cultivate a caring attitude towards the environment, develop skills of aesthetic contemplation.

Before the walk, the teacher informs the children that new friends have come to their group. The children are invited to get acquainted with the dolls. After this, the teacher offers to take the dolls with them for a walk, but to do this they need to help them choose the right clothes for the weather.

Children are divided into groups, each of which must dress one doll. First, they need to choose and name the items of clothing correctly (the set should include clothing for all seasons). It is advisable for children to explain their choice.

After all the clothes have been collected, you need to discuss the order of dressing the dolls and proceed to its implementation. Particular attention should be paid to buttoning clothing and tying shoelaces or ribbons.

When all groups have completed the task, the children dress themselves and go for a walk with their dolls. Returning back, they must undress the dolls while commenting on their actions.

Daughters and mothers

Goal : to encourage children to reproduce family relationships and interpret them creatively; introduce a wide range of household responsibilities; reveal the moral meaning of the actions of adults; cultivate a sense of mutual understanding and care for others.

Both boys and girls are invited to participate in the game. They usually fill the roles of parents or grandparents and other adult relatives. The role of children is given to dolls.

First, everyone must recreate the home environment together: arrange the furniture, put things away. Children also need to agree on who will perform what roles. The teacher can only observe this process and help resolve conflict situations. It is best not to let the game take its course, but to invite children to “live” specific situations:

  • “Getting the children ready for kindergarten”;
  • "Day off";
  • "Big Cleaning"
  • “Repairing a stool”;
  • “At the dinner table”, etc.

The course of the game should involve not only communication between children, but also contain elements of labor. Before the game, you can read a story to the children on a family household topic, and then discuss it and offer to demonstrate the correct model of behavior in the described situation through the game.

Visiting Moidodyr

Goal : to develop hygiene skills in children, expand their knowledge about how to use hygiene items; teach daily hygiene procedures; cultivate cleanliness and a desire to take care of one’s health.

At the beginning of the game, the teacher informs the children that a package from Moidodyr was brought to their group. If necessary, you can talk about who he is, show a cartoon, or read a book of the same name and look at its illustrations.

Next, children get acquainted with the contents of the parcel and study the purpose of each item. The teacher offers, using the personal hygiene products received, to teach the dolls how to use them.

You can invite the children to act out the story of getting ready for kindergarten in the morning or dressing up in the evening before bed.

We welcome guests

Goal : teach children to prepare for receiving guests, do cleaning, and set the table correctly; develop collaboration skills; instill the need to constantly maintain cleanliness.

The teacher warns the children that children from another group will come to visit them today. Therefore, you need to be well prepared to receive them.

There are two options for playing the game:

  • children are divided into groups, and each performs a separate task (clean up, set the table, think about what to do with the guests);
  • children act collectively, and all tasks are completed one by one.

After preparation, the children receive guests.

This type of game also includes “I have a younger brother”, “Little pets”, “Harvesting ”.

Role-playing games on production topics

The file of plot-based role-playing games in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard with goals includes scenarios on production topics. This group of games is aimed at familiarizing children with professions, characteristics of work, and basic production processes.

Morning in kindergarten

Goal : introduce children to the responsibilities of kindergarten employees; develop communication skills; cultivate respect for work and the desire to provide all possible assistance.

For this game it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation. Children are invited to observe the actions of the staff for several days during the morning reception of pupils, breakfast or any other events intended for later reproduction.

The game begins with a conversation about what professions people work in their kindergarten. The responsibilities of each of them can be briefly discussed. After this, you should distribute roles, arrange the workplace and distribute the necessary equipment. Visitors to the kindergarten will be toys and dolls.

To begin with, children are given specific tasks: simulate a meeting with the children’s teacher, prepare breakfast and feed everyone, do morning exercises, etc. The presenter monitors the relationships between the children, teaches them to communicate politely with each other, introduces them to the established wording of greetings and voicing commands.


Purpose : to introduce the peculiarities of the professional activities of store employees; develop dialogical speech; develop skills to coordinate their actions with other peers; cultivate neatness, sociability, politeness.

At the preparatory stage, it is recommended to take a tour of the store and observe the unloading of goods, their placement on shelves, sale and purchase. You can invite the children to talk about how they and their parents make purchases in the store. If someone's parents work in a store, you need to ask about their professional responsibilities.

The game itself involves staging the following plots:

  • select and buy the desired product;
  • get advice from a manager;
  • pack your purchases correctly;
  • return defective goods.

The game can be played several times, inviting children to visit different product departments.


Goal : to arouse interest in the professions of a doctor and nurse; expand children's knowledge about the responsibilities of medical staff; develop interviewing skills; cultivate empathy, the desire to care for others, and provide assistance.

The game may be preceded by a visit to a medical office and listening to stories on a relevant topic. Children will talk about their experience of going to the doctor.

All participants in the game are assigned to roles and discuss their responsibilities: doctor (conduct an examination, listen to complaints and prescribe treatment), nurse (provide first aid, carry out procedures), patients (depict symptoms of the disease). We must not forget about the use of special clothing.

You can play out the following stories:

  • being examined by a doctor;
  • sore throat;
  • cut my finger;
  • we go for vaccination, etc.

During the game, children should pay attention to expressing sympathy for patients and showing care for them.

The topics of such role-playing games are vast. Children really like the games “School”, “Construction site”, “Hairdressing salon”, “Beauty salon”, “Pizzeria”, “Police”, “Firemen”, “Cosmonauts”, etc.

Role-playing games on social topics

Role-playing games in the older group include plots in which various situations are played out in public places and in the company of friends. By involving children in the games of this group, they can develop skills in social behavior and communication with their peers and adults.


Goal : teach rules of behavior in the zoo; expand knowledge about animals, their food preferences and habits; develop vocabulary (names of animals); cultivate a love for animals.

The teacher announces to the children that they will go on an excursion to the zoo and finds out what they know about this place. Next, the presenter introduces the children to the procedure for purchasing tickets and presenting them at the entrance. After explanations, this situation is played out by the children.

The main part of the game is learning about the rules of behavior at the zoo and talking about the animals they will meet there. Children especially need to pay attention to observing safety precautions when dealing with predators.

Mashenka's birthday

Goal : introduce children to the rules of receiving guests; expand knowledge about how to give and receive gifts; learn to set a festive table; develop communication skills; cultivate politeness and attentive attitude towards comrades.

The plot of the game is that Mashenka is going to celebrate her birthday and invites all the guys to visit her. This game can be divided into several parts:

  • going to visit;
  • select congratulations;
  • we accept gifts;
  • we treat guests;
  • birthday entertainment.

At the end of the game, you can ask the children what they liked most about the holiday.


Goal : learn the rules of behavior on the street as a pedestrian or driver; learn to recognize signs and traffic lights, respond to sound signals; develop the ability to act according to an algorithm and control your behavior; cultivate a sense of responsibility and tolerance.

The game is preceded by a lot of preparatory work. Over the course of several walks, the teacher introduces the children to the general appearance of the street, the type of buildings and their purpose, and the various cars that drive along the street (including specialized cars).

It is also recommended to look at pictures depicting the street, invite children to draw the street themselves, and make models of houses and buildings. Then these products can be used as decorations for the game.

Since street traffic is very complex, with a large number of participants and rules, it is recommended that such a game be played in the form of a story with illustrations. After the roles are assigned, the teacher begins to describe the “life” of the street, and the children stage it. In this way, it will be possible to combine disparate events into a single plot.

Replies can be as follows:

Seryozha approached the traffic light. The traffic light turned red. What should the boy do? That's right, wait. Cars drive past him.

Now the traffic light is green. What is Seryozha doing? (Moves) How should this be done correctly? (On the pedestrian crossing).

Children not only answer the teacher’s questions, but also carry out voiced actions. It is better in this game to choose two or three main characters who must complete a specific task: get to school, drive to the hospital, etc. The rest play the role of extras.

You can also offer children such games as “Let’s go to the cafe”, “We are athletes”, “Library”, “Circus” .

By taking part in role-playing games, children expand their knowledge of social relations, develop interaction skills, and learn to find solutions in various situations. Thanks to such play activities, an effective social environment is created for the children, promoting the development of each person’s personality in accordance with their individual characteristics and creative inclinations.

Marina Gladko, Denisova Tatyana Vladimirovna, Boldysheva Elena Sergeevna, speech therapists, GBDOU Kindergarten No. 74, St. Petersburg from the article Markers of the play space.

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Development of motivational needs

In recent years, many scientists and practitioners have expressed concern about the trend of games disappearing from the lives of children, especially in older preschool age. An analysis of preschool practice shows a deepening contradiction between the recognition of the role of play in the development of a preschool child and a clear bias towards the education of children and their early involvement in the system of additional education. Little time is devoted to plot-based creative games, and their content often does not correspond to the specifics of the subculture of a modern child. Managing the games of preschoolers in kindergarten bears the stamp of excessive didacticism and is carried out by analogy with the implementation of pedagogical training. Consequently, play activity does not become a source of self-realization of the child’s internal strengths. This leads to irreversible losses in the development of the psyche of a preschool child.

As a result, we can say that the intrinsic value of children's narrative games indicates that they should occupy one of the main places in the pedagogical process of kindergarten. This requires the use of special pedagogical technologies based on the idea of ​​accompanying interaction between teacher and child.

To summarize the first chapter, we can say that role-playing play is social in nature and is built on the child’s ever-expanding understanding of the life of adults. The motives, meaning of life and activities of adults become a new sphere of reality that preschoolers gain in this game. A preschool child puts himself in the perspective of different people and enters into relationships with other people through play, which reflects real interactions with adults.

D.B. Elkonin, considering the structure of a role-playing game, showed that its central component is the role - according to accepted norms, rules of behavior of people in various situations.

The variety of content of a role-playing game is determined by children’s knowledge about those aspects of reality that are presented in the game, the correspondence of this knowledge to the interests, feelings of the child, and his personal experience. Finally, the development of the content of the game depends on the child’s ability to identify characteristic features in the activities and relationships of adults.

However, classical studies of the game were carried out in the 50s and 60s of the last century, when social relations and society as a whole were completely different. Since then, the lives of adults and the relationships between them, as well as the conditions for raising children, have changed significantly. These changes can only affect children's play. Experienced kindergarten teachers note that over the past 5-6 years, the play of preschoolers has changed a lot. However, these changes have not yet been investigated. It is extremely important to understand the nature of these changes, because the characteristics of the play of modern preschoolers reflect the specifics of their inner world and the characteristics of their mental development.

  1. empirical study of the features of role-playing games of modern preschoolers.

Recommendations for educators on play activities

  • Kapralova Tatyana Nikolaevna, senior teacher

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Recommendations for educators on the development of play activities in the younger group

  1. Remember! Play is an important and essential component of the life of children in kindergarten.
  2. Provide every child with the opportunity to realize their needs and interests.
  3. When playing with children, help them adapt to living conditions in kindergarten.
  4. Formation of children’s ability to accept and verbally designate a playing role.
  5. To develop in children the skills necessary for plot-based play: objective actions “make-believe”.
  6. Rely on the interests of each of the children, develop themes close to them in the game (family life, kindergarten, traveling by transport, etc.), use motifs from familiar fairy tales.
  7. Lead the child to understand this or my role (he himself can be someone else in the game - a mother, a driver, a doctor, etc.).
  8. Encourage the child to use story toys, substitute objects (thermometer stick, etc.).
  9. Include episodes of “telephone conversations” and various characters into a game on any topic to activate role-playing dialogue.
  10. Encourage children's desire to bring toys to life.
    Play the role for yourself and the toy.
  11. When playing with children, take the position of an equal, interested partner.
  12. Induce in the child a feeling of emotional community with adults and peers, a sense of trust in them.

Recommendations for the teacher on the development of play activities in the middle group

  1. The teacher constantly uses a variety of themes for children's games based on famous fairy tale and literary stories.
  2. Provide conditions for free, independent individual play (director's play), support the emotional and positive state of the child.
  3. To develop in children more complex gaming skills, behavior in accordance with different roles of partners, and change the playing role.
  4. The teacher encourages children to play independently together in small subgroups.
  5. The teacher, if necessary, helps the child to join the play of his peers, finding a meaningful role for himself.
  6. The teacher places significant emphasis on role-playing dialogue
  7. The teacher should be included in the joint game as a partner.
  8. During the game, the teacher does not adhere to a rigid plan, but improvises, accepting the suggestions of the partner - the child regarding further events.
  9. Learn to develop a joint game in small subgroups, taking into account the plot plans of the partners.
  10. Teach children to relate their playing role to many other roles to develop an interesting plot.
  11. To develop children's interest in play, to develop the ability to independently engage themselves in play (individual and joint with peers).
  12. Use a minimum number of toys so that manipulation with them does not distract the child’s attention from role-playing interaction.
  13. To develop in children new, more complex ways of constructing role-playing games.

Recommendations for educators on developing play activities with older children

(senior, preparatory groups).

  1. Encourage children to use expressive means of speech and gestures when conveying the characters of the character being performed.
  2. Provide conditions for children's play activities.
  3. Give the child the opportunity to freely choose a game that suits his interests.
  4. The teacher encourages children's initiative.
  5. Can connect to the game, taking on a role that is not directly related to the plot-semantic context, can introduce a role from a different semantic context into the game (this forces children to develop the plot in a new direction).
  6. The teacher promotes the development in children of initiative and independence in play, activity in the implementation of play plans.
  7. Encourage the child’s desire to make the missing items for play with his own hands.
  8. Pay attention to developing in children the ability to create new and varied game plots, coordinate plans with partners, come up with new rules and follow them during the game.
  9. Contribute to the strengthening of children's play associations, to be attentive to the relationships that children develop in play.
  10. To orient children towards cooperation in joint play, to regulate their behavior based on creative play ideas.
  11. To develop children’s ability to independently organize joint play and fairly resolve conflicts that arise in the game. Use normative methods for this (queue, different types of lots).
  12. To develop in children the ability to widely use the role of the game to develop a variety of plots, to be included in a game coordinated with their peers.
  13. Improve children's ability to regulate behavior based on game rules.
  14. The teacher gradually develops in children the ability to creatively combine various events, creating a new plot of the game.
  15. The teacher supports children's interest in free improvisational play based on fairy tales and literary works, offering different forms: role-playing dramatization, puppet theater, and participating together with the children.
  16. The teacher organizes with small subgroups of children (6-7 years old) a dramatization game based on ready-made plots in the form of a short performance for younger children or peers.

Recommendations for planning gaming activities

Forward planning Scheduling
I. Independent games
1. Game - experimentation (2-3 games)

2. Story-role-playing game

3. Director's play (1 new, 2 fixed).

4. Theatrical games

1 game every evening

Every evening

Every evening

Every evening

II. Educational games:

1. Educational games

2. Developmental (for the development of logical thinking, sensory abilities).

3. Verbal, TRIZ games.

4. Finger dances, round dances

5. Move with the rules.

6. Traffic rules, life safety, healthy lifestyle (1-2 games each)

Every morning and evening

Every morning and evening

Every morning and evening

Every morning and evening

Every morning and evening

Every morning and evening

III. National games:

1. Didactic

2. Outdoor games with rules

In middle, senior, preparatory groups

In middle, senior, preparatory groups

Recommendations for compiling a summary of a role-playing game

1. Objectives: educational; on the formation of the plot of the game (bus, space).


Development of imagination, observation, imitation, use of knowledge, skills and abilities of children:

  • educational: mastering the norms and rules of behavior in a team, following the rules according to the plot of the game;
  • labor: children’s actions during the game and in preparation for the game;
  • the use of artistic expression and artistic activity;
  • speech development and vocabulary activation.

3. Methodological techniques for managing the game.

Participation of the teacher with younger groups of children, instructions, reminders, conversations with children, individual work with inactive children.

4. Preparation of material for this game.

5. Preparing the teacher for this game:

  • study of methodological literature;
  • drawing up a game plan, notes;
  • preparation of attributes by children with parents.

Preliminary work with children, preparation for the game in order to present the game.

6. Children's activities in the game.

Distribution by game groups. List of rules for each game.

7. Progress of the game.

8. Result of the game. Assessment of behavior based on the plot, children's interest in continuing the game.

Recommendations for preparing role-playing games and complicating their plots

  1. Using surprise moments (receipt of a letter, parcel, telegram, arrival and meeting of a guest, etc.) in order to maintain children’s interest in the game.
  2. Sending a letter, a parcel with a message, with a request.
  3. Reading books on the topic of the game, discussing the plot, the actions of the characters.
  4. Conducting a tour on the topic of the game.
  5. Observation of the work of adults in the child’s immediate environment (doctor, nurse, cook, seamstress, etc.).
  6. Conducting conversations about various professions, accompanied by viewing pictures of relevant illustrations.
  7. Introduction of a new role into an already familiar game, clarification of responsibilities.
  8. Assisting children in organizing a play environment.
  9. Playing together with children.
  10. Introducing new attributes, clarifying their meaning and application options.
  11. Setting problem game tasks.
  12. Visiting another group, watching a similar game, discussing it.
  13. The teacher's story about the games of another group.
  14. Instructing children to talk with their parents about the topic of the game (why this or that profession is interesting), after which the children share with each other what they have learned.
  15. Instructing parents to visit the theater, zoo, shops, etc. with their children; exchange impressions.
  16. Children compose stories on the topics “How we played”, “How we can play even more interestingly”, “How we helped each other”, etc.
  17. Compiling stories based on plot-shaped toys.
  18. Compiling an album with children on the theme of the game.
  19. Discussion with children about the plan for role-playing games.
  20. Discussion of the progress and results of the game (goal: to help children understand their actions and actions in the role-playing game).
  21. The use of facial studies and elements of psycho-gymnastics.
  22. Involving children in the production and design of game attributes.
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