Modern educational technologies in preschool educational institutions A child is brought up by various accidents that surround him. Pedagogy must give direction to these contingencies. - presentation

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Presentation on the topic: The use of interactive technologies in the work of teachers and educators.

The relevance of studying the possibilities of using interactive technologies in preschool education is caused by increased requirements for the quality of preschool education, including the level of preparation of children for school. Additional classes with children in the preparatory group are of great importance in this process. Such activities contribute to the development of children’s individual abilities, allow them to correct weaknesses and better prepare children for the next educational level.

The current generation of children from birth finds themselves in a very saturated information environment. The first toys of modern children are TV remotes, tablets, mobile phones, and only then dolls, cars and educational games. Currently, most Russian families already have a home computer, or maybe more than one, and children from birth watch their parents spend several hours a day on it. In addition, children see that on the monitor they can see what attracts them most at this age: pictures with children and animals, cartoons, video clips, etc. As practice shows, it is useless to prohibit children from approaching technology; it is always what attracts them which is prohibited.

The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard into the educational process in our institution required a thorough analysis of teaching activities. Our team is ready to introduce and accept new things in preschool education. And this can be judged by achievements.

According to our teachers, it is not children who should adapt to kindergarten, but a preschool educational institution should strive to create the necessary conditions for each child, taking into account his inclinations and abilities, state of mental and physical health. Our kindergarten is in search of something new. To implement the state standard in a preschool institution, favorable conditions have been created in the light of modern requirements.

The use of interactive technologies is one of the effective ways to increase motivation and individualize children's learning, develop their creative abilities and create a favorable emotional background. It also allows you to move from an explanatory and illustrated method of teaching to an activity-based one, in which the child takes an active part in this activity. This promotes conscious assimilation of new knowledge. Learning becomes more attractive and exciting for children.

Interactive technologies are an integrated approach to organizing interaction with the subject environment or other people.

The importance of interactive technologies in educational activities lies in the possibilities for developing cognitive and communication abilities.

Interactive technologies can be implemented in the form

  • group work
  • use of technical means
  • subject environment.

When choosing interactive technologies, it is necessary to take into account the age and psychological characteristics of preschoolers.

The advantages of using interactive technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions are undeniable and are confirmed by our own practical experience:

  • presenting information on a computer screen or on a projection screen in a playful way is of great interest to children
  • carries a figurative type of information understandable to preschoolers
  • movements, sound, animation attract the child’s attention for a long time
  • stimulates children's cognitive activity; provides the opportunity to individualize training
  • allows you to simulate life situations that cannot be seen in everyday life.

It is advisable to use interactive technologies in working with children of senior preschool age in connection with the physiologically determined transition for older preschoolers from a visual-objective form of thinking to a visual-figurative one.

At the preschool institution at the moment it is:

  • computers
  • multimedia projector
  • interactive board
  • interactive table
  • laptops
  • TV

The information and communication technologies we use can be divided into:

  • multimedia presentations
  • information and educational computer programs

The use of ICT does not provide for teaching children the basics of computer science and computer technology. This is, first of all: the transformation of the subject-development environment, the creation of new means for the development of children, the use of new visibility.

Advantages of interactive equipment:

  • Makes classes interesting and develops motivation
  • Provides more opportunities to participate in teamwork and develop personal and social skills
  • Children begin to understand more complex ideas as a result of clearer, more effective and dynamic presentation of material
  • Allows for a variety of learning styles, teachers can access a variety of resources, adapting to specific needs
  • The software includes a rich gallery of ready-made pictures, templates and multimedia videos with the ability to add custom objects.
  • According to the experience of our teachers, the use of interactive equipment has significantly improved the quality of classes.

Based on the results obtained and experience in using interactive technologies, we can conclude that interactive technologies undoubtedly have a wide range of opportunities in educational activities, they allow us to activate cognitive processes, acquire new knowledge, abilities, and communication skills.

At the same time, using only interactive technologies will not provide a high-quality solution to pedagogical problems. Therefore, it is necessary to use educational technologies in a comprehensive manner, applying them taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children.

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Presentation “Modern educational technologies in working with young children”

Agapova Nina Anatolevna

Presentation “Modern educational technologies in working with young children”

1 slide

Presentation on the topic : “ Modern educational technologies in working with young children .”

2 slide

Relevance of the topic: The specifics of preschool childhood (flexibility, plasticity of the child’s development, high variation in his development, his spontaneity) do not allow requiring a preschool child to achieve specific educational results and necessitates the need to determine the results of mastering the educational program in the form of target guidelines.

3 slide

Modern educational technologies in contact with the Federal (Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education )

In accordance with the target guidelines of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education: The child is interested in surrounding objects and actively acts with them; emotionally involved in actions with toys and other objects, strives to be persistent in achieving the result of his actions, etc.

4 -5 slide Busy board

A busy board is an educational board for children that contains many different buttons, locks, latches, clothespins and other items that might interest a child. Literally "busy board"

can be translated as
“a board to keep the baby occupied
. Indeed, various small objects and bright decorations can captivate children. advantages of a busy board. is that it allows you to train motor skills, since concentrated manipulations develop sensory and motor coordination skills that are important in life, and also have a beneficial effect on the intellectual, speech, sensory and physical development of children. Children become more patient and assiduous.

Busy board was invented by the Italian doctor, teacher and philosopher Maria Montessori. “Montessori School” in Rome in 1907.

, where she first began
working with mentally retarded children , and then moved from special to general pedagogy, gradually her methodology was introduced in many countries of the world.
6 slide Games with clothespins

Educational games with clothespins for young children . Purpose: To teach children to correctly take and open a clothespin. Strengthen your knowledge of flowers. Develop fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of the actions of both hands, visual perception, attention, imagination . Didactic games with clothespins “Sun”


7 – 8 slide Games with lids

Promote the development of speech, fine motor skills, attention, logic, and consolidate children's knowledge about color and shape. Didactic games “Who lives in the house”

"Let's decorate the Christmas tree"

9 slide Velcro games

Educational games with Velcro are an interesting activity for a child that will help them learn something interesting and new. These are bright details and beautiful pictures. In a playful way, the child gets acquainted with each topic, learns to relate objects, develops logic and memory, and enriches the child’s vocabulary.

10 slide Su-Jok

Exercises using Su-Jok

develop tactile sensitivity, fine motor skills of the fingers, and indirectly stimulate speech areas in the cerebral cortex.
The forms of working with Su-Jok are very diverse .
Finger exercises and movements can be different - circular movements of the ball between the palms, rolling the ball from the fingertips to the base of the palm, rotating the ball with the fingertips, squeezing the ball between the palms, squeezing and passing from hand to hand, tossing the ball with subsequent compression between the palms, etc. etc. Each exercise is accompanied by a small poem, nursery rhyme, or storytelling. 11 slide Dry pool

By playing in such pools, children are exposed to physical activity, which has a beneficial effect on the overall development and health of the child. During exercise in a dry pool, special soft balls provide an excellent massage effect, strengthen all muscle groups, and also form correct posture. In addition, children's inflatable dry pools have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of the child. Children experience great pleasure and joy when immersed in the pool, develop fine motor skills, improve coordination of movements, learn to remember and distinguish primary colors, and also separate objects of different shapes and sizes. Also, in a dry pool with balls you can perform many different physical exercises of a general strengthening and therapeutic nature.

12 slide

A dry finger pool affects the strengthening of the muscles of the fingers and hands, develops fine motor skills (preparation, training of hand muscles for writing, etc., tactile sensitivity develops, speech development (children voice their actions)

.Improves the ability to play together, the ability to compare, group, learn orientation on a plane, learn
to work according to a model .
Slide 13 Computer technology for the modern child

Use of ICT (information and communication technology )

is one of the priorities
of education . The study of computer technologies is an active pedagogical means of forming a comprehensively developed personality and has a number of functions that influence the formation of a child’s ideas about the world around him.
In our teaching activities we widely use modern information and communication technologies :



-music column

In preschool education , this makes it possible to expand the creative abilities of the teacher and has a positive impact on the upbringing, training and development of preschool children.

3. Computer technologies are a new way of acquiring knowledge that allows a child to gain experience with interest, foster independence and responsibility when gaining new experience.

Thus , the use of ICT helps improve the quality of the educational process :

14 – 15 slide Developmental frameworks - inserts.

Insert frames were invented by Maria Montessori. They have many shapes and variations. With their help you can study any subject. Mastery of objects in the surrounding world occurs through visual and auditory perception, as well as touch. The child not only learns a lot of new things, but also develops fine motor skills. You can come up with many variations of games with insert frames.

Didactic games such as “Geometric Shapes”

“Big and small”,
etc. on various lexical topics.

16 slide Soft modules

Soft play modules are presented in the form of bright, light and colorful figures of a wide variety of shapes and colors . Thanks to the soft filler and the absence of sharp corners, these construction sets are absolutely safe for children and contribute to the development of children's motor skills, confidence in their actions and concentration.

This opens up great opportunities for children's imagination and creative thinking. Today, soft modules have become one of the methods of developmental learning. In the process of active games with soft modules, different muscle groups are involved, the motor skills of the baby’s hands develop, and cognitive activity develops the child’s emotional and volitional orientation.

Educational games with the help of sensory-didactic modules, reinforce the ability to distinguish colors: Games such as: “Assemble a pyramid”

; «

16 - 18 slide Constructive-model activity

Construction is one of children’s activities, along with visual and playful ones . It has enormous developmental and educational potential, and also performs a number of tasks unique to it: introduces children to technical professions , teaches them to create voluminous and beautiful objects with their own hands. Success depends on the ability to hold the goal of an activity and set it independently, on the ability to control the progress of implementation work , distinguish the result obtained from the sample . In the process of construction, the physical improvement of the child is carried out. The purpose and objectives of constructive-modeling activities are: to introduce children to design; developing interest in constructive activities, becoming familiar with various types of constructors; developing the ability to work collectively .

Slide 19 Visual gymnastics

Vision plays a major role in the development of every child, his creative potential, abilities, and interests. visual gymnastics, carried out several times during the day from 3 to 5 minutes. You can use any apparatus for gymnastics. which should be large and bright. and conduct it according to verbal instructions: look up, down, etc., as well as using poems and nursery rhymes. It is important to carry out gymnastics in everyday life, play activities, while walking, before classes, during classes, between classes.

Slide 20 Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises for children are mainly aimed at strengthening the body’s respiratory system. During exercise, the respiratory muscles develop, and the habit of inhaling and exhaling correctly and rhythmically is developed. Since exercises for young children are the functioning of the speech apparatus also improves . By improving the blood supply to the body, local immunity is enhanced. This helps the baby tolerate viral diseases more easily or completely avoid them during periods of colds. Exercises such as: “Blow on a leaf”

"The butterfly flies"
, etc.

21 slides Conclusion

The use of modern technologies with children 2-3 years old allows for better learning of educational material. Thanks to this, they become more independent, more active, children are able to apply their knowledge in new situations, use it in practice and independently obtain it. That is, through the game there is a process of development of individual abilities and mental functions.

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