Modern health-saving technologies in Doustya

Modern health-saving technologies in Doustya

“Modern health-saving technologies used in kindergarten in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”

Currently, one of the most important and global problems is the health of children. Raising a healthy child is the most important thing that we, preschool teachers, need to do. Full physical development and health of a child is the basis for personality formation.

Children's physical health is inextricably linked with their mental health and emotional well-being. Based on the principle “a healthy child is a successful child,” I consider it impossible to solve the problem of raising a socially adapted individual without implementing a system of measures for health-improving work and physical education of children. Therefore, at present, the use of health-saving technologies in kindergarten conditions is highlighted as one of the priority areas of pedagogical activity.

The use of health-saving pedagogical technologies in the work of preschool educational institutions will increase the effectiveness of the educational process, will form among teachers and parents value orientations aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils, if conditions are created for the possibility of adjusting technologies, depending on the specific conditions and specialization of the preschool educational institution; if, based on statistical monitoring of children's health, the necessary amendments are made to the intensity of technological influences, an individual approach to each child is ensured; Positive motivation will be generated among preschool teachers and parents of children.

Health-saving technologies used in combination ultimately form a strong motivation in the child for a healthy lifestyle. Only a healthy child is happy to participate in all types of activities; he is cheerful, optimistic, and open in communication with peers and teachers. This is the key to the successful development of all spheres of personality, all its properties and qualities.

Health-saving technologies in preschool education are technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern preschool education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of the subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

The concept of “health-saving pedagogical technologies” is debatable and different authors have different interpretations. N.K. Smirnov, as the founder of the concept of “health-saving educational technologies”, argued that they can be considered as the technological basis of health-saving pedagogy, as a set of forms and methods of organizing the education of children without compromising their health, as a qualitative characteristic of any pedagogical technology based on the criterion of its impact on the health of the child and teacher. He believes that, as an adjective, the concept “health-saving” refers to a qualitative characteristic of any pedagogical technology, showing to what extent the implementation of this technology solves the problem of preserving the health of the main subjects of the educational process - children and their parents, teachers. Health-saving technologies can be considered as a health safety certificate and as a set of those principles, techniques, methods of pedagogical work that complement traditional pedagogical technologies with health-saving tasks.

The goal of health-saving technologies in preschool education

In relation to a child - ensuring a high level of real health for a kindergarten pupil and nurturing a valeological culture, as the totality of a child’s conscious attitude towards human health and life, knowledge about health and the ability to protect, support and preserve it, valeological competence, allowing a preschooler to independently and effectively solve problems healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, tasks related to the provision of basic medical, psychological self-help and assistance.

In relation to adults - promoting the establishment of a culture of health, including a culture of professional health for preschool teachers and valeological education of parents.

Types of health-saving technologies in preschool education

  • medical and preventive;
  • physical education and recreation;
  • technologies to ensure the socio-psychological well-being of the child;
  • health preservation and health enrichment for preschool teachers;
  • valeological education of parents; health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten.

Medical health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions - ensure the preservation and enhancement of children's health under the guidance of a preschool educational institution nurse in accordance with medical requirements and standards, using medical supplies.

  • disease prevention technologies,
  • in-depth medical examination with the participation of narrow specialists coming from the clinic,
  • correction of emerging functional deviations,
  • tracking the nature of the course of chronic pathology (for children with health group III-U),
  • rehabilitation of somatic health status,
  • anti-epidemic work and medical control of the catering unit in accordance with current sanitary and hygienic rules,
  • vitamin prophylaxis (rosehip decoction in the autumn-winter period, fortification of third courses using ascorbic acid),
  • sanitary and hygienic activities of all preschool educational institutions.

Physical education and health technologies are aimed at the physical development and strengthening of the child’s health, the development of physical qualities, motor activity and the formation of physical culture of preschool children:

  • hardening of KGN;
  • conversations on valeology;
  • sports holidays;
  • sports entertainment and leisure;
  • health weeks;
  • competitions;
  • walks and hikes.

Technologies for health conservation and health enrichment for teachers are technologies aimed at developing a culture of health for kindergarten teachers, including a culture of professional health, and developing the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Health conservation in working with preschool teachers:

  • Training seminars “Psychological health of teachers”;
  • Consultations for teachers “Signs of fatigue in a preschool child”, “Prohibited physical exercises for preschool children”, “How to properly conduct gymnastics (various types) with preschoolers”, “Prevention of fatigue in preschool children in preschool educational institutions” “The work of a teacher in the sections of the program “Fundamentals of Safety and Health” life activity of children”, etc.;
  • Workshop for teachers of preschool educational institutions “Techniques for relaxation and stress relief during the working day”;
  • Discussion of health preservation issues at pedagogical councils and medical and pedagogical meetings in early age groups and correctional groups.

Valueological education of parents is a technology aimed at ensuring the valeological education of parents of preschool children and their acquisition of valeological competence. Valueological education of parents should be considered as a continuous process of valueological education of all family members.

Interaction between preschool educational institutions and families on issues of protecting and promoting children’s health:

  • Information stands for parents in each age group have sections covering issues of health improvement without drugs (sets of exercises for the prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, visual organs, for the development of general and fine motor skills, finger games;
  • Information stands for medical workers about preventive medical work with children in preschool educational institutions;
  • Involving parents in participating in physical culture events of preschool educational institutions (competitions, sports festivals, open days, Health Days and Weeks, meetings of preschool educational institution children with parent-athletes, etc.);
  • Consultations and conversations with parents on health issues.

Health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten are, first of all, technologies for educating a valeological culture or a culture of health in preschoolers.

Modern health-saving technologies used in the preschool education system reflect two lines of health-improving and developmental work:

  • introducing children to physical education
  • use of developmental forms of health-improving work.

Stages of implementation of health-saving technologies

  • Analysis of the initial state of health, physical development and physical fitness of preschool children, their valeological skills, as well as the health-preserving environment of preschool educational institutions.
  • Organization of a health-saving educational space in preschool educational institutions.
  • Establishing contacts with social partners of preschool educational institutions on health issues.
  • Mastering by preschool teachers of methods and techniques for preserving the health of children and adults of preschool educational institutions.
  • Introduction of various forms of work to preserve and promote health for different categories of children and adults.
  • Work of valeological orientation with parents of preschool educational institutions.

Health preservation system in preschool educational institutions:

  • various health regimes (adaptive, flexible, gentle, seasonal, during the holidays);
  • a set of hardening measures (air hardening, walking on “health paths”, prevention of flat feet; walking barefoot, “stomping” in basins, gargling and mouthwashing, maximum exposure of children to the fresh air, invigorating gymnastics);
  • physical education activities of all types;
  • optimization of motor mode: traditional motor activity of children (morning exercises, physical education classes, outdoor games, walks) and innovative technologies for health improvement and prevention (rhythmoplasty, logorhythmics, dry pool, massagers, tactile paths);
  • organization of rational nutrition;
  • medical and preventive work with children and parents;
  • compliance with SanPiN requirements for organizing the pedagogical process;
  • a set of measures to preserve the physical and psychological health of teachers.

Areas of work on health conservation in preschool educational institutions

  • Integration of tasks of physical culture and health work into various types of joint activities;
  • Introduction of innovative health-saving technologies into the educational process of preschool educational institutions;
  • A variety of forms of physical education and leisure activities with preschoolers;
  • Formation of healthy lifestyle habits among preschoolers, teachers and parents;
  • Improving physical qualities and ensuring a normal level of physical fitness in accordance with the capabilities and state of health of the child;
  • Identification of interests, inclinations and abilities of children in physical activity and their implementation through a system of sports and recreational work;
  • Ensuring the physical and mental well-being of every child in the preschool educational institution.

Currently, an analysis of thematic literature shows many health-saving technologies that are taking place. In preschool educational institutions, health-saving technologies are most often used in the following areas (further we will talk about pedagogical health-saving technologies):

  1. 1. Technologies for preserving and promoting health.
  2. 2. Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle.
  3. 3. Corrective technologies.
Pedagogical health-saving Technologies
Technologies for preserving and promoting health Technologies for teaching healthy lifestyles Corrective technologies
— Stretching

— Dynamic pauses

— Outdoor and sports games

— Relaxation

— Gymnastics (finger, eye, breathing, etc.)

— Dynamic, corrective, orthopedic gymnastics

— Physical education classes

— Problem-based game training: game training, game therapy

— Communication games

— Series of classes “Health Lessons”

— Acupressure self-massage

— Technologies of musical influence

— Art therapy

— Fairy tale therapy

— Color influence technologies

— Psycho-gymnastics

— Phonetic rhythm

The use of health-saving pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions

Technologies for preserving and promoting health

Stretching - no earlier than 30 minutes. after meals, 2 times a week for 30 minutes. from middle age, in a physical education or music hall, or in a group room, in a well-ventilated room, special exercises to music. Recommended for children with sluggish posture and flat feet. Responsible executor: head of physical education, teachers.

Dynamic pauses - during classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired. Recommended for all children as a preventive measure against fatigue. May include elements of eye exercises, breathing exercises and others, depending on the type of activity. Responsible executor: educators.

Outdoor and sports games - as part of a physical education lesson, on a walk, in a group room - low, medium and high degrees of mobility. Daily for all age groups. Games are selected according to the age of the child, the place and time of the game.

In kindergarten we use only elements of sports games.

Responsible executor: head of physical education, teachers.

Relaxation - in any suitable room, depending on the condition of the children and goals, the teacher determines the intensity of the technology. For all age groups. You can use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature. Responsible executor: head of physical education, educators, psychologist.

Finger gymnastics – from a young age, individually or with a subgroup daily. Recommended for all children, especially those with speech problems. Conducted at any convenient time (at any convenient time). Responsible executor: educators, psychologist.

Gymnastics for the eyes – daily for 3-5 minutes. at any free time depending on the intensity of visual load from a young age. It is recommended to use visual material and demonstration by the teacher. Responsible person: all teachers

Breathing exercises – in various forms of physical education and health work. Ensure the room is ventilated and the teacher give children instructions on mandatory nasal hygiene before the procedure. Responsible person: all teachers

Dynamic gymnastics – daily after nap, 5-10 minutes. Responsible executor: educators.

Corrective gymnastics - in various forms of physical education and health work. The form of implementation depends on the task and the number of children. Responsible executor: head of physical education, teacher.

Orthopedic gymnastics – in various forms of physical education and health work. Recommended for children with flat feet and as a prevention of diseases of the supporting arch of the foot. Responsible executor: head of physical education, teacher.

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle:

Physical education – 2-3 times a week in a sports hall or music hall. Early age - in a group room, 10 min. Young age - 15-20 minutes, middle age - 20-25 minutes, older age - 25-30 minutes. Before class, it is necessary to ventilate the room well. Responsible executor: head of physical education, teacher.

Problem-based game training, play therapy - in your free time, possibly in the afternoon. The time is not strictly fixed, depending on the tasks set by the teacher. The lesson can be organized unnoticed by the child, by including the teacher in the process of play activity. Responsible executor: educators, psychologist.

Communication games – 1-2 times a week for 30 minutes. from an older age. Classes are structured according to a specific scheme and consist of several parts. They include conversations, sketches and games of varying degrees of mobility, drawing, modeling, etc. Responsible person: educators, psychologist.

Classes from the series “Health Lessons” - once a week for 30 minutes. from an older age. Can be included in the lesson schedule as cognitive development. Responsible executor: educators, psychologist.

Self-massage. Depending on the goals set by the teacher, sessions or in various forms of physical education and health work

It is necessary to explain to the child the seriousness of the procedure and give children basic knowledge of how not to harm their body

Responsible executor: educators, art. nurse, head of physical education

Acupressure. It is carried out on the eve of epidemics, in the autumn and spring periods at any time convenient for the teacher from an older age. It is carried out strictly according to a special technique. Recommended for children with frequent colds and respiratory diseases. Visual material (special modules) is used. Responsible executor: educators, art. nurse, head of physical education.

Corrective technologies

Technologies of musical influence - in various forms of physical education and health work; or separate classes 2-4 times a month, depending on your goals. Used as an aid as part of other technologies; to relieve tension, increase emotional mood, etc. Responsible person: all teachers

Art therapy. Sessions of 10-12 lessons for 30-35 minutes starting from the middle group. The program has diagnostic tools and involves keeping training records. Responsible executor: educators, psychologist.

Fairytale therapy – 2-4 lessons per month, 30 minutes each. from an older age. Classes are used for psychological therapeutic and developmental work. A fairy tale can be told by an adult, or it can be a group story, where the narrator is not one person, but a group of children, and the rest of the children repeat the necessary movements after the storytellers. Responsible executor: educators, psychologist.

Color influence technologies – as a special lesson 2-4 times a month, depending on the tasks. Correctly selected interior colors in a group relieve tension and increase the child’s emotional mood. Responsible executor: educators, psychologist.

Psycho-gymnastics – 1-2 times a week from older ages for 25-30 minutes. Aimed at the development and correction of various aspects of the child’s psyche.

Responsible executor: educators, psychologist.

Phonetic rhythmics - 2 times a week from a young age in physical education or music halls. Classes are recommended for children with hearing problems or for preventive purposes. Responsible executor: educators, speech therapist, head of physical education.

Health-saving technologies used in combination ultimately form a strong motivation in the child for a healthy lifestyle.

The use of health-saving pedagogical technologies in the work of preschool educational institutions will increase the effectiveness of the educational process, will form among teachers and parents value orientations aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils, if conditions are created for the possibility of adjusting technologies, depending on the specific conditions and specialization of the preschool educational institution; if, based on statistical monitoring of children's health, the necessary amendments are made to the intensity of technological influences, an individual approach to each child is ensured; Positive motivation will be generated among preschool teachers and parents of children.

“Types of health-saving technologies and their use in preschool educational institutions”

Irina Parubets

“Types of health-saving technologies and their use in preschool educational institutions”

Who does not value their own health ,

He cares less about other people.

V. M. Shepel

The modern education system is currently undergoing a number of changes, expressed in changes in the content of education, the use of new pedagogical, including health-saving , technologies and other innovations .

This requires teachers to have a breadth of erudition, activity, the ability to analyze and introspect, and a readiness for innovation. One of the most important areas in the work of educational and, first of all, preschool institutions is health care .

Why today the health-saving direction in the work of preschool educational institutions is often considered innovative! After all, in kindergartens, it would seem, a lot of attention has always to the health of children! This is because in modern conditions, health conservation is a key element of new thinking, which requires revision and revaluation of all components of the educational process. It radically changes the very essence and nature of the process, placing the child’s health . It becomes obvious that modern education cannot prepare a person to perform any social or professional functions without taking into account the state of his health and targeted work in this direction.

A preschool educational institution has great potential for developing a health-saving culture healthy lifestyle skills . This is due to the systematic nature of preschool education, the possibility of stage-by-stage implementation of the assigned tasks, taking into account the age and psychological capabilities of preschool children. However, as practice shows, most preschool educational institutions do not fully realize the available opportunities. In overcoming the current situation, the role of the teacher, educator as a bearer and promoter of social values, among which the health of the child .

The effectiveness of the positive impact on the health of children of various health activities that make up health-saving technology is determined not so much by the quality of each of these techniques and methods, but by their competent “integration” into the overall system, aimed at the benefit of the health of children and teachers and meeting the unity of goals and objectives. A chaotic set of methods that have one or another relation to the stated goal does not constitute any technology , including health-saving technology !

. Before we start talking about health-saving technologies , let's define the concept of “ technology” .

What is “ technology” ?

What components are included in the concept of “ technology” ?

Teachers' answers:

Technology includes various forms and methods that we use in our work .

Technology is a certain set of teaching techniques

Technology is a pattern in the use of certain techniques in work, subordinated to a single goal.

— The results of work using the technology can be tracked and diagnostics can be carried out.

Your answers are correct. It is necessary to combine them into a definition. (This definition is proposed by V. A. Derkunskaya - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences)

Technology is a tool for the professional activity of a teacher, which is accordingly characterized by a qualitative adjective – pedagogical. The essence of pedagogical technology is that it has a pronounced phasing (step-by-step, includes a set of specific professional actions at each stage, allowing the teacher, even in the design process, to foresee the intermediate and final results of his own professional and pedagogical activities. Pedagogical technology is distinguished by : specificity and clarity goals and objectives, presence of stages:

o primary diagnosis;

o selection of content, forms, methods and techniques for its implementation;

o using a set of tools in a certain logic with the organization of intermediate diagnostics to achieve the designated goal;

o final diagnostics of goal achievement, criteria-based assessment of results.

What are health-saving technologies ?

Teachers' answers:

Health-saving technologies are technologies aimed at preserving health .

— We must strive to ensure that the teacher’s influence does not harm the health of children .

Health-saving educational technologies –

1. a systematically organized set of programs, techniques, methods of organizing the educational process that does not harm the health of its participants ;

2. qualitative characteristics of educational technologies based on the criterion of their impact on the health of children and teachers ;

3. technological basis of health-saving pedagogy.

What is the goal of health-saving technologies in preschool education?

Teachers' answers:

The main goal in the upbringing and education of preschool children is maintaining health . Many tasks that the teacher solves in the process of his activities are subordinated to the solution of this goal. Teachers in kindergartens teach children a culture of health , how to care for their bodies, that is, a conscious attitude towards their health , safe behavior.


Health-saving technologies in preschool education are technologies aimed at solving the priority task of modern preschool education - the task of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of the subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

The goal of health-saving technologies in preschool education in relation to the child is to ensure a high level of real health for the kindergarten pupil and the education of valeological culture as the totality of the child’s conscious attitude to health and human life , knowledge about health and the ability to protect , maintain and preserve it, valeological competence, allowing the preschooler independently and effectively solve problems of a healthy lifestyle and safe behavior, tasks related to the provision of basic medical, psychological self-help and assistance. In relation to adults - promoting the establishment of a culture of health , including a culture of professional health for preschool teachers and valeological education of parents.

What types of health-saving technologies are used in preschool educational institutions?

Answers from teachers.

- hardening, physical education classes, physical education minutes, morning exercises, walks in the fresh air.

— compliance with SanPiN requirements, strict adherence to the daily routine

- the teacher strives to create a favorable emotional environment in the group

— teachers implement a person-oriented approach to children. This also helps to preserve children's health .

You correctly list the forms of work that are carried out in kindergarten. It is necessary to classify their different types .

Types of health-saving technologies in preschool education - classification of health-saving technologies according to the dominance of goals and tasks to be solved, as well as the leading means of health-saving and health-enrichment of subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten.

types of health-saving technologies can be distinguished :

• medical and preventive;

physical education and health;

technologies to ensure the socio-psychological well-being of the child;

health conservation and health enrichment for preschool teachers;

• valeological education of parents;

health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten.

Components of medical and preventive technology .

• organization of health monitoring of preschool children

• development of recommendations for optimizing children's health ;

• organization and control of nutrition for children of early and preschool age,

• physical development of preschool children,

• hardening;

• organization of preventive measures in kindergarten;

• organization of control and assistance in ensuring the requirements of SanPiNov;

• organization of a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions

Components of physical education and health technologies :

• development of physical qualities, motor activity

• formation of physical culture of preschool children,

• breathing exercises,

• massage and self-massage,

• prevention of flat feet and formation of correct posture,

• developing habits of daily physical activity and health

— For a child, as for an adult, an emotionally favorable environment in a group or educational institution is necessary.

A teacher who guards the health of the child , who fosters a culture of health for the child and parents, must first of all be healthy himself, have valeological knowledge, not overworked, must be able to objectively assess his strengths and weaknesses associated with his professional activities, draw up a plan for the necessary self-correction and begin its implementation.

Technologies for health conservation and health enrichment for teachers.

technologies aimed at developing a culture of health for teachers , including a culture of professional health , and developing the need for a healthy lifestyle .

The main educators of the child are the parents. on how the child’s daily routine is properly organized and how much attention parents pay to the child’s health . The healthy lifestyle of a child , to which he is taught in an educational institution, can either find daily support at home, and then be consolidated, or not be found, and then the information received will be unnecessary and burdensome for the child.

Technologies of valeological education of parents.

• moving folders, conversations, personal example of a teacher, non-traditional forms of working with parents, practical demonstrations (workshops)

and other forms of work.

Health-saving educational technologies -

the most significant of all the above on children's health .

Summarize. So, what health-saving educational technologies do we use in our work ?

o physical education classes

o independent activities of children

o outdoor games

o morning exercises (traditional, breathing, sound)

o motor-health-improving physical training sessions

o exercise after a nap

o physical exercises in combination with hardening procedures

o physical exercise walks (to the park, to the stadium)

o physical education activities

o sports holidays

o health treatments in the aquatic environment (in summer)


o Organizational and pedagogical technologies that determine the structure of the educational process, helping to prevent overwork, physical inactivity and other maladaptive states;

o Psychological and pedagogical technologies related to the direct work of the teacher with children;

o Educational technologies , which include programs for teaching how to take care of your health and creating a culture of health .

keeping children in a group in lightweight clothing during the day;

conducting morning exercises in the fresh air in summer;

walks in the open air. If organized correctly, a walk is one of the important moments of hardening. In the summer, when the air temperature reaches 18-20 degrees in the shade, the whole life of the children is transferred to the site. In the cold season, the duration of children's stay in the air is 3.5-4 hours in any weather, in clothes that do not restrict the child's active activity;

o medical and preventive;

o physical education and recreation ;

o technologies to ensure the socio-psychological well-being of the child;

o health preservation and health enrichment for preschool teachers;

o valeological education of parents; health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten .


Modern health-saving technologies used in the preschool education system reflect two lines of health-improving and developmental work :

The emphasis is shifting from simple treatment and prevention of diseases to promoting health as a self-cultivated value; a complex of effective treatment and preventive measures is needed, a system of reliable means of correcting psychophysical development throughout preschool childhood.

The desire for complexity is understandable and justified, since a healthy child is considered as an integral physical-spiritual organism that requires an individually differentiated approach. The result should be that the effect of one health measure is consolidated in the form of a stable, permanently integral psychosomatic state, which gives rise to reproduction in the self-development mode.

From the point of view of modern approaches to pedagogy, the joint creative activity of children and the teacher is the internal basis of the unity of the physical and spiritual in the life of a child.

Forms of organizing health-saving work :

Existing health-saving educational technologies can be divided into three subgroups:

Health-saving technologies,

technologies for maintaining and promoting health :

Stretching (muscle stretching)

- no earlier than 30 minutes. after meals, from middle age in the physical education or music halls, or in a group room, in a well-ventilated room, special exercises to music. Recommended for children with sluggish posture and flat feet.

Dynamic pauses - during classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired. Recommended for all children as a preventive measure against fatigue. May include elements of eye exercises, breathing exercises and others, depending on the type of activity.

Outdoor and sports games - as part of a physical education lesson, on a walk, in a group room - low, medium and high degrees of mobility Daily for all age groups. Games are selected according to the age of the child, the place and time of the game. In kindergarten we use only elements of sports games.

Relaxation - in any suitable room, depending on the condition of the children and goals, the teacher determines the intensity of the technology . For all age groups. You can use calm classical music (Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, sounds of nature. A special relaxation room has been created in our kindergarten.

Finger gymnastics – from a young age, individually or with a subgroup daily. Recommended for all children, especially those with speech problems. Conducted at any convenient time (at any convenient time)


Gymnastics for the eyes – daily for 3-5 minutes. at any free time depending on the intensity of visual load from a young age. It is recommended to use visual material , demonstration by the teacher.

Breathing gymnastics - in various forms of physical education and health work . Ensure the room is ventilated and the teacher give children instructions on mandatory nasal hygiene before the procedure.

Dynamic gymnastics – daily after nap, 5-10 minutes.

Corrective gymnastics - in various forms of physical education and health work . The form of implementation depends on the task and the number of children.

Orthopedic gymnastics - in various forms of physical education and health work . Recommended for children with flat feet and as a preventive measure for diseases of the supporting arch of the foot.

Technologies for teaching healthy lifestyles

Physical education – 2-3 times a week in a sports hall or music hall. Early age - in a group room, 10 min. Young age - 15-20 minutes, middle age - 20-25 minutes, older age - 25-30 minutes. Before class, it is necessary to ventilate the room well.

Problem-based games (game training and game therapy)

– in your free time, maybe in the afternoon. The time is not strictly fixed, depending on the tasks set by the teacher. The lesson can be organized unnoticed by the child, by including the teacher in the process of play activity.

Communication games – 1-2 times a week for 30 minutes. from an older age. Classes are structured according to a specific scheme and consist of several parts. They include conversations, sketches and games of varying degrees of mobility, drawing, modeling, etc.

Lessons from the Health

-1 time per week for 30 minutes. from an older age. Can be included in the lesson schedule as cognitive development.

In the morning, perform acupressure self-massage. It is carried out on the eve of epidemics, in the autumn and spring periods at any time of the day. It is carried out strictly according to a special technique. Recommended for children with frequent colds and respiratory diseases. Visual material is used (special modules)


Corrective technologies

Technologies of musical influence - in various forms of physical education and health work ; or separate classes 2-4 times a month, depending on your goals. Used as an aid as part of other technologies ; to relieve stress, increase emotional mood, etc.

Fairytale therapy – 2-4 lessons per month, 30 minutes each. from an older age. Classes are used for psychological therapeutic and developmental work. A fairy tale can be told by an adult, or it can be a group story, where the narrator is not one person, but a group of children, and the rest of the children repeat the necessary movements after the storytellers.

technologies – as a special lesson 2-4 times a month, depending on the tasks. Correctly selected interior colors in our group relieve tension and increase the child’s emotional mood.

Health-saving technologies used in combination ultimately form a strong motivation in the child for a healthy lifestyle .

The use of special forms of health-saving technologies with the use of a developmental health improvement leads not only to the preservation, but also to the development of the health of pupils .

Only healthy child is happy to participate in all types of activities ; he is cheerful, optimistic, and open in communication with peers and teachers. This is the key to the successful development of all spheres of personality, all its properties and qualities.

Health-saving educational technologies in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Marina Semyonova

Health-saving educational technologies in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Health-saving educational technologies in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

Semyonova Marina Sergeevna

Goal: dissemination of pedagogical experience in the use of health-saving technologies in the educational process .

Objectives: developing ideas about health-saving technologies and the possibilities of their application; introduce educators to a variety of techniques and methods that have a positive impact on a healthy lifestyle .

Protecting health and strengthening it is one of the main tasks of every preschool institution. At the same time, they take care not only of the physical, but also of the mental and social well-being of the children.

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (World Health Organization)

Health-saving technology is a system of measures that includes the interrelation and interaction of all factors of the educational environment aimed at preserving the health of the child at all stages of learning and development.

The goal of health conservation is achieved through the use of a variety of technologies , applied taking into account the priorities of preserving and strengthening all participants in the educational process .

Areas of health-saving technologies :

Technologies for preserving and promoting health

Technologies for preserving and stimulating health include dynamic pauses, finger exercises, eye exercises, breathing exercises, morning exercises and awakening exercises (invigorating exercises, outdoor and sports games, relaxation.

Technologies for teaching healthy lifestyles

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle include physical education and problem-based game classes, communicative games, conversations about health , Health

, self-massage.

Corrective technologies

Corrective musical influence technologies and fairy tale - therapy, sand therapy, aromatherapy, color influence technologies , psycho-gymnastics, phonetic rhythms.

Description of technologies

Morning exercises

Gradual involvement of the whole organism in an active state

Increases blood circulation

Helps develop correct posture

Develops and strengthens muscles

Promotes metabolism

Finger gymnastics

To develop fine motor skills and keep children entertained, it is important to regularly warm up their arms. Scientists have proven that it is the stimulation of children's fingers that promotes speech development. In addition, it is necessary so that the child copes better with drawing and writing and gets less tired during classes. Children 4-5 years old can do many exercises independently. Their regular use in the garden and at home will help the child develop fine motor skills and, accordingly , stimulate speech, increase the performance of the cerebral cortex, and develop mental processes (thinking, memory, imagination )


Dynamic pauses

Particular attention should be paid to the rest of children during the educational process . As children get tired, it is necessary to take special breaks. They should last about 2-5 minutes. Dynamic breaks are carried out as needed. During dynamic pauses, you can perform elements of breathing exercises and do exercises for your fingers and eyes. Pauses are very important for children's development. Joint exercises with adults help get rid of tightness and uncertainty, relieve tension after learning new material, and develop attention and memory.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Such exercises are necessary in order to preserve vision. After all, 90% of information comes through the eyes. They work throughout the entire time the child is awake, sometimes experiencing a colossal load. Eye exercises are quite simple. You need to blink with them, ask them to close their eyes, open their eyes wide and look into the distance. It is also interesting for children to follow the finger, which is either approaching the nose or moving away from it. Such health-saving technologies should be used constantly in kindergarten.

Breathing exercises

It is very important to pay attention to proper breathing. During inhalation, the chest should expand, and the air entering the lungs enters the alveoli, where the blood is saturated with oxygen. It is important that babies breathe deeply rather than shallowly. Stimulating exercises are necessary not only for children suffering from frequent colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, but also for relatively healthy children . Breathing exercises are especially effective for diseases; they can perfectly complement medication, physiotherapy and even homeopathic treatment.

Invigorating gymnastics (awakening gymnastics)

Another element related to a set of measures aimed at preserving and promoting health are exercises that are performed after a nap. They may vary depending on the conditions of the preschool educational institution. Often they do exercises on cribs, self-massage, extensive washing, walking on ribbed planks, jogging from the bedroom to the playroom, in which a slight temperature difference is maintained. The complex of invigorating gymnastics may include exercises to prevent postural disorders, prevent flat feet, elements of finger and breathing exercises and other types. Health-saving technologies aimed at maintaining the health and activity of children also include walking in a circle on their toes, heels, and slow running. After such exercises, hardening is considered effective. This could be stomping in a bowl of water, walking barefoot, dousing your feet, or wiping your body with a damp cloth or towel. Such invigorating procedures allow the baby’s body to quickly get into the working rhythm and improve his health .

Physical activity

Included in a set of activities that are called health-saving technologies in kindergarten

, active games must be included. This could be running in pairs, overcoming simple obstacles. Popular games are in which children, divided into 2 teams, must collect certain objects at speed. Any other types of active games are also welcome. Children over 4 years old can easily learn simple rules and follow them. From this age, competitions and relay races can be held. Of course, in most kindergartens the program contains only elements of outdoor games, but they are mandatory. Moderate mobility activities should be done daily on walks or in groups.


But not only gymnastics, games and other active ways of spending time are important. A special role is given to rest and relaxation. For these purposes, children can include sounds of nature or calm classical music. Responsible for this part of health-saving technologies are educators, psychologists and physical education instructors. Relaxation breaks help relieve mental, nervous and emotional stress. Timely relaxation can help replenish your strength, give your muscles rest and prevent your emotions from overflowing. These are very important health-saving technologies according to the Federal State Educational Standard . Relaxation is necessary both when children are overly active and when they are clearly lethargic, which can even be called apathy. A number of relaxation exercises can relieve tension, improve well-being, increase attention and help you concentrate better. The entire complex should take about 5-7 minutes to complete.

Communicative and problem-based gaming activities

In addition to physical education, it is important to pay attention to how life safety should be ensured. But this direction is relevant only for children of older kindergarten age. Special thematic classes are held for the children. Communicative games allow you to involve the child in the process of social adaptation and help develop facial expressions, gestures, and pantomime. Children learn to control their body and create a positive attitude towards it. In addition, such games help children begin to better understand each other and understand the essence of the information received. They try to show their emotional state through speech and expressive movements. This develops their imaginative thinking and stimulates non-verbal imagination .


Active pastime, development of communication skills and the ability to relax are not all health-saving technologies in kindergarten . In many preschool educational institutions, an important role is given to the development of self-massage skills. It helps not only relax muscles, relieve tension, but also improve coordination. Specially designed exercises can help you learn to switch movements - slow down unnecessary ones and activate necessary ones. Children are taught to massage their palms, forearms, and hands. For this purpose, movements such as stroking, pressing, rubbing, patting, pinching, extending/bending the fingers are used. For this massage, improvised objects can also be used: pencils, balls, balls. In this case, it is important that the movements are performed in the direction of the lymph nodes: from the fingers to the wrists, from the hands to the elbows. Self-massage of the face is very useful. It increases the intellectual activity of children by 75%.

Corrective work

It is important to include in the work of every preschool educational institution not only physical education and health technologies , but also methods aimed at increasing emotional mood. Music can be used for these purposes. Such correctional therapy can be combined with physical education classes, or it can be carried out separately up to 4 times a month in each group. Musical influence can relieve tension, improve children's mood, and give them a boost of energy. Fairytale therapy also has a positive effect. It is advisable to do it several times a month for 30 minutes. Fairy tales are used for therapeutic, psychological and developmental purposes. They can be told by an adult or a group of children in turn. The positive impact of such methods is obvious, which is why many recommend actively using corrective health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions . Classes may also include isotherapy. Drawing with fingers or palms can distract a child, make him happy, relieve tension, and overcome fear and uncertainty. Art technologies used in kindergartens have a beneficial effect on children. They are based on the perception of different colors and their effect on the mental state of children.

of health-saving technologies in the work of preschool educational institutions increases the effectiveness of the educational process , forms value orientations among teachers and parents aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of pupils .

Health-saving pedagogical technologies in the preparatory group of kindergarten

Bibliographic description:

Dorovskaya, L.N. Health-saving pedagogical technologies in the preparatory group of kindergarten / L.N. Dorovskaya, S.I. Trebuntseva, L.P. Kanaykina. — Text: direct // Questions of preschool pedagogy. - 2022. - No. 4 (41). - pp. 81-84. — URL: (access date: 01/25/2022).

The article is devoted to describing the experience of implementing health-saving pedagogical technologies in the preparatory group of a kindergarten. It has been proven that the effectiveness of health-saving pedagogical technologies is ensured by a systematic process of activity, when the result is continuously monitored and its results provide grounds for correction in the pedagogical process. A model for the implementation of pedagogical health-saving technologies has been developed and its effectiveness has been proven.

Key words: health conservation, pedagogical technologies, preschoolers, preparatory group, model.

Introduction. The relevance of health-saving pedagogical technologies is justified by the fact that in the modern world, when the digital transformation of education is being implemented at all levels of educational organizations, the comprehensive development of children is impossible without the use of technologies that preserve their physical, mental, psychological, social and moral health.

Currently, an innovative movement in the field of children's health education is gaining momentum. One of the directions for improving the educational process in preschool educational organizations is the transition to creating a health-preserving environment.

E. N. Kazakova notes that a health-preserving environment should combine pedagogical and psychological approaches [2].

Publications related to the research topic were also examined. In our research, we relied on the works of I. A. Arshavsky, G. A. Kuraev, V. A. Petrovsky, V. D. Semenov, S. K. Sergeev, A. S. Fetisov and others.

HA Kamenskaya, NH Makarov, V. S. Martynyuk, I. S. Yakimanskaya, and others paid attention to the design of a health-preserving environment.

V. S. Martynyuk defined conceptual approaches to improving the health of preschool children in preschool educational institutions in a health-preserving environment. The scientist considers systemic, personal, activity-based, environmental, and conceptual approaches to be priorities, allowing for the formation of a culture of health among preschool children and the creation of a motivational and value-based basis for preserving health [3].

M. N. Dedulevich, V. A. Shishkina give a qualification description of a preschool teacher, which includes personal qualities: understanding the value of one’s own health, searching for new ways to improve one’s health; healthy lifestyle skills, etc., which is a necessary condition for the formation of a health-saving culture among preschool children [1].

The study of scientific sources on the research problem made it possible to formulate a goal - the use of effective health-saving pedagogical technologies in the preparatory group of a kindergarten as a condition for the formation of a culture of health.

Objectives: development of a model of health-saving pedagogical technologies in the preparatory group of a kindergarten; selection and testing of effective health-saving pedagogical technologies; take into account the psychological aspect in the framework of maintaining psychological health.

Research methods and subjects

The study took place at the MBDOU “Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 162” in Voronezh. Preschoolers from the preparatory group took part. The research method was the technologies implemented in the model and analysis of its effectiveness. The study is currently ongoing, and the data obtained are the result of monitoring.

Rice. 1. Model of health-saving pedagogical technologies in the preparatory group of kindergarten

The structure of the model of health-saving pedagogical technologies in the preparatory group of a kindergarten is as follows. It begins with a description of health-saving pedagogical technologies: Organizational and pedagogical technologies; medical and health technologies; socially adaptive technologies; educational technologies; psychological and pedagogical technologies. Then they go into a description of the main pedagogical, psychological, social forms and specifics of health-saving technologies. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account innovative developments [1] of socio-pedagogical science and practice in creating a culture of health in preschool children. To this we include the content of the components of health-saving pedagogical technologies, which turns into the integrated use of pedagogical health-saving technologies in the preparatory group of the MBDOU “CRR - kindergarten No. 162”. The result of the integrated use of the described technologies is: the development of healthy lifestyle skills; prevention and prevention of diseases (meaning, prevention of psychological ill-being, prevention of somatic and mental health disorders).

The content of the components of health-saving pedagogical technologies is selected for implementation in activities with preschoolers of the preparatory group, taking into account the fundamentals of the theory and methodology of pedagogy and health-saving education of preschoolers.

Based on experimental methods of work, possible changes and correlations of work on preschoolers’ health are carried out.

During the study, a system was developed to evaluate the effectiveness of the model of health-saving pedagogical technologies in the preparatory group of a kindergarten. The following criteria were taken into account: medical and preventive (number of days missed due to illness); emotional-volitional sphere; educational and health component; physical education and health.

As a result of the analysis, the following results were obtained: we obtained positive dynamics in the use of health-saving technologies in the preparatory group. All indicators for each criterion indicate that the developed model is effective and can be used in an adapted form in any kindergarten group.

Thus, the study proved that the use of health-saving pedagogical technologies in preschool educational institutions will be effective if the principles of continuity, consistency, and a person-centered approach to the child are followed. One of the main requirements for the use of health-saving pedagogical technologies is the condition for creating an individual trajectory for each child in accordance with the indicators of his individual health.


  1. Dedulevich, M. N. Methods of physical education of children: textbook: [12+] / M. N. Dedulevich, V. A. Shishkina. - Minsk: RIPO, 2016. - 328 p.
  2. Kazakov E. N. Health-saving technologies in preschool educational organizations. Abstract of the dissertation... candidate of pedagogical sciences. Moscow-2014
  3. Martynyuk V. S. Health improvement of children in a preschool education institution in a health-preserving environment. Diss... candidate of pedagogical sciences. Moscow, 2013, - 177 p.
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