Course of lessons on early teaching of reading to preschool children “Abvgdeyka”

Teaching preschoolers to read online in a playful way

Hello, here are online trainings on teaching reading to your children. The trainings are free. I, like you, agree with the thesis that the Internet makes everything free. Therefore, I tried to make high-quality exercises for you that helped my children and I hope that they will help yours too. I know that you don’t care how I get married or how I earn money. Previous versions of the site were stolen and posted online. I worked on them for many months... So I decided to immediately provide free access. You are not thinking about me, but about your children - and rightly so. Some of you are wondering why your daughter or son knows letters but cannot read. I know how to solve your problem easily and simply.

Click and start practicing letters, syllables and word reading

On a tablet, on a computer, on a phone

Educate your child in a modern way!
A child masters a computer faster than he learns to speak. “Research by antivirus company AVG found that children learn computer and electronic device skills earlier and more easily than traditional everyday skills.” “69%, 63% and 58% of children under five years old, respectively, can operate a computer mouse, turn the computer on and off, and play simple games on a PC. A quarter of children of the same age are able to launch an Internet browser on their own, and 16% of kids already know how to browse websites and follow links.” This means that interactive exercises are more readily accepted by children than reading books. Therefore, children do not want to study using boring paper manuals.

Special exercises

Expanding the field of view

  1. Shulge table.

Necessary to increase the viewing angle. For second graders, use this version of the table:

The child looks for numbers in order with his eyes: from 1 to 25, for example, only black or only red. Record your time and limit it gradually. Searching for numbers in the table will increase the rate of speech, since the student will see more words with peripheral vision, that is, subconsciously read them in advance.

  1. Wedge tables.

The student needs to concentrate his gaze on the top numbers, gradually moving down. The numbers are spoken out loud. After several exercises using a wedge-shaped table, the student will see all the signs on the left and right at the same time. Download teaching materials from letters and numbers on the Internet.

Regression Suppression

Returning your gaze to a line you’ve already read – regression – greatly slows down the pace of reading. To get rid of the unwanted effect, use the following training exercises:

  1. Indicate the reading direction.

Take a pointer or pencil and move it forward along the lines. The child intuitively follows the pointer without looking back.

  1. Close the text you read.

Prepare a special bookmark for the student.

Have the second grader place it at the top of the text, gradually moving it down as they read. This way the read passage will be hidden from view. It is impossible to return to him.

  1. Check your speed constantly.

Measure your reading technique every day. To improve your results, you will always have to move forward without looking back.

Articulation suppression

Younger schoolchildren often cannot read to themselves without pronouncing words with their lips, even silently. This is unacceptable for speed reading. Articulation must be suppressed. The technique of sliding the eyes over the text is trained as follows:

  1. musical accompaniment;

We read to music without words, then with a song on. Pay attention to understanding the meaning of the text.

  1. "Bumblebee";

Ask students to hum while reading. This is a complex but effective method.

  1. rhythm;

Read and drum with your fingers and pencil on the table. Gradually increase the pace.

  1. lock;

Press your lips tightly and cover your mouth with your palm. We read to ourselves at the highest possible speed.

Important! After reading, ask the student questions about the text to check their reading comprehension.

Exercises to correct attention and concentration

Without a high level of attention, it is impossible to read quickly and at the same time understand what the text is about and highlight the main thing. To adjust your attention and concentration, do the following exercises:

  1. We make up words.

Take a long word. For example, "representation". Short words are made from it: “forest”, “shaft”, “toast”, “harm” and others.

  1. Finding differences.

In pairs: “horse - laziness”, “sleep - tone”, “kitty - fox”, differences are looked for. It is necessary to explain in detail how they are similar and different.

  1. Changing fonts.

Type texts on your PC in different fonts. If desired, they can be printed. Invite your child to read. It is necessary to gradually increase the speed of reading such texts so that attention is not focused on the size and type of font.

  1. We confuse words.

Write sentences on a piece of paper with the words rearranged in the wrong order: “the bull walks, sighs, sways.” The challenge is to find a place for each word.

  1. Let's note the main thing.

After reading the text, you need to highlight controversial points with a pencil and highlight the main ideas.

  1. We include both hemispheres in the work.

We read with the left and right eyes alternately. Use this technique as homework and a warm-up in class.

  1. Let's make riddles.

Trick questions and tricky riddles develop attention well.

  1. Let's name the colors.

Use a field like this:

Task: without reading the word, name the color with which the letters are painted.

The Development of Ancipation

This skill is well developed in adults. Guessing a word based on the meaning of the text, without seeing the end of the sentence, develops when performing the following tasks:

  1. text upside down;

First, the text is read in normal form, then turned 90° or upside down. It is being worked on.

  1. ruler;

Place a wide ruler on the sides of the text. The beginning and end of the sentence will not be visible. The child will have to guess what words are written there according to their meaning.

  1. halves;

Now use a ruler to close the upper halves of the letters on one line. The child is reading.

Memory training

  1. visual dictation;

The child is given a text to read. Then all phrases except the first sentence are hidden from view. 7-8 seconds are allotted for memorization, the child writes down from memory. In this way, the text is completely processed step by step.

  1. chain;

We read words on one topic. For example, forest - tree - pine cone - bear, etc. The student listens and reproduces the chain orally and in writing. You need to start with three to five words, gradually increasing to ten to twelve.

  1. word repair;

The child is given a text with missing letters. They need to be guessed while reading. The advantage of the method: the student keeps the meaning of the text in his head and expands his vocabulary.

Reading with an adult

Imposing reading speed is an effective teaching technique. Use the following cooperative task systems:

  1. reading simultaneously with a parent;

The adult reads aloud, the child reads to himself. The speed is constantly changing. The student's task: not to get lost.

  1. relay race;

The adult and the child constantly change roles. First one reads, the other follows, then vice versa.

  1. tail;

The teacher reads the text first, the student picks up a little later, three or four words behind. Parallel playback out loud has a disadvantage: the voices interfere with each other. You need to read in a whisper or in a low voice.

More effective than in development centers

As numerous experience shows, preschool children cannot concentrate on a task for more than 5 minutes. Afterwards they need rest. Let’s say the cost of classes at a development center is 500 rubles. 10 people attend classes. Classes last 45 minutes. In total, in terms of time, it turns out that the teacher spends 5 minutes on each child (and does he spend it at all?) - not every development center installs video cameras and films the lesson process.

Ask yourself questions:

  • How your baby's progress is monitored
  • How individual is the approach in development centers?
  • How quickly do you learn letters?

Our trainings do not offer miracles; we do not claim that a child will begin to read through a lesson. But what we can guarantee is an individual approach. The program has a dictionary of 900 words and it is being updated. Therefore, you can choose words for any warehouse.

Separate rules regarding learning letters

It is important to encourage your child to listen to words and look for the right sounds in them. If the letter “o” is memorized, you can tell the child words that begin with it: cloud, deer, donkey. To check how well the lesson has been learned, alternately with words starting with “o”, correctly offer the child words starting with other letters. In a similar way, a child can quickly be taught to find the desired letter at the end and middle of a word.

It is important to know: the easiest way for a child to identify the initial vowel in a word (especially if it is stressed). It is relatively easy to indicate the final consonant. At the same time, it is very difficult for a baby to identify the initial consonant and the last vowel.

Modeling letters helps you remember them faster

It is useful to write letters with paints and felt-tip pens with your child. It is important that in your imagination, when identifying a sound and a letter, it is not limited to a certain size or color. You can display different fonts in newspapers, on containers and packaging, on signs, etc.

Advice: a child under 6 years old should definitely not be confused by offering him to read capital letters along with printed ones.

Moreover, you should not teach a preschooler to write in cursive at home. The skills acquired at home may not correspond to the teacher’s ideas regarding slant, continuous or separate writing, method of connection, etc.

We save your time and money

Usually, the mother of a preschooler buys reading instructional goods for 3,0000 -7,000 rubles. A new benefit is purchased immediately after it becomes clear that the previous purchase was ineffective. No one is in a hurry to return money for ineffective classes or low-quality books. In the case of development centers, the situation is generally paradoxical. You cannot check the level of knowledge of teachers, you cannot interfere in the course of training, as a rule, you kiss closed doors and wait in the corridor outside the training class.

Tutors recommend us

Learn Russian by playing

  • Currently, the program knows more than 900 Russian words. All words are voiced and divided into syllables.
  • Because there is a lot of material. So many. That is, it was decided to use a minimum of animation, characters and voice acting were also practically excluded - it interferes in the case of intensive work with children. As trivial as it may sound, memorization comes through repetition of the same material. The more often the material is repeated, the more successful the memorization is.
  • Some of the material is paid.
  • The program was designed primarily by a programmer - a father of two children. I will say frankly that I do not have extensive experience interacting with other children and have scant experience in this area. Based on my experience, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to remove all distractions when studying. I also realized that fathers don’t have much time for activities. Maybe 5-10 minutes a day. During this time you need to repeat the maximum. Children quickly lose interest in boring repetition and are more inclined to absorb worthless cartoons, so they look forward to the end of the lesson.
  • It is recommended to do the programs for 10-15 minutes a day. It is best if you remember the address of the page on the social network and return to classes once a day. There is a lot of material. It will be enough for 7-30 days of classes.
  • If you have a question for me, then write or on the social network
  • I am looking for contacts with methodologists in the field of children's education to create training in other areas.

Reading words without knowing all the letters is easy!

Teaching preschool children to read in a playful way. 900 words for children to read and teach reading. We teach children to read by word order online for free. Preparing children for school. Development of a strong and self-sufficient personality. Development of reading speed in preschool children. Does the child know letters? Doesn't it seem boring to repeat the same sounds? Try to do this in a playful way.

Have you ever wondered why your child cannot read, although he knows all the letters? This game allows you to teach reading even before the child has learned to speak. We decided to make a website for teaching children to read because for a long time we could not understand why my daughter could not learn to read. My daughter added the letters Me + A + Me + A and could not get the word MOTHER. How much we got on each other's nerves! But it turns out that you need to read not by letters, but by combinations of letters. MA + MA (by warehouses). This site talks about how to easily and simply teach a child to read and have fun at the same time. The games presented on this site were developed by my husband - play for fun and tell your friends about the site, most likely their children are experiencing the same difficulties. as is yours.

New games

  • Math training - add three and get the result
  • Read the word and assemble it from letters
  • Multiplication table training
  • Teaching English to schoolchildren using speaking cards
  • 100 most common mistakes in the Russian language

Teaching reading to children 3,4,5,6 years old in a playful way.
Introduction to letters, alphabet, correct pronunciation, simple texts for reading syllables (skaladas)

Teaching letters
Reading texts
; English; Articles; Speech therapy; Memory; Music;Drawing;Counting; Attention;Imagination;

How to understand when it's time

To the question “When is it time for a child to learn to read?” There is no ready answer, but we would like to immediately warn against two misconceptions:

  1. “You don’t have to teach your child to read at home; they will teach you at school anyway.” Alas, they won’t teach - school teachers simply don’t have time to teach every child to read correctly. Already in the first lessons you will have to read books, textbooks, and inscriptions on the board. Not being able to read, a first-grader risks immediately falling behind his classmates and losing interest in learning.
  2. “There is no time to waste - the sooner the baby starts reading, the better.” All children are different and develop at their own pace. Therefore, you should not impose learning to read on a preschooler as soon as he is 4–5 years old, if the student himself does not yet show interest in this activity.

The indicator that you should focus on is not the age of the preschooler, but his speech skills.

It's time to learn to read if...

If a preschooler has already developed a sufficient vocabulary to chat with adults, if he constructs sentences grammatically correctly, understands and uses phraseological units in his speech, then the child is ready to learn to read.

Without a sufficient grammatical foundation and vocabulary, learning to read will be difficult. It is critical that the child understands the meaning of the words and phrases he reads, otherwise learning will not be productive. Therefore, if the child is not yet very confident in speaking, do not rush him into reading - this will not help develop speech, but will only demotivate him.

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