“Social development of preschool children: stages, factors, means.”
The essence of social and personal development of a preschooler Definition 1 Social and personal development is the formation of the child’s correct attitude
Card index of didactic games on the topic "Space" card index on the topic
At the turn of the century Today, decades after the release of Star Wars, the tabletop industry is no longer
presentation on the Russian language for primary school on the topic Alphabet
Notes on teaching literacy in the senior group “Introduction to the alphabet”
Today it has become the norm that a child entering school requires much more knowledge and
Child's daily routine in pictures
What should the daily routine be for preschool children?
A daily routine is a set sequence of sleep, walks, games, developmental activities, nutrition, and hygiene. WITH
Layouts for environmental education for preschool children
The use of models in the environmental education of preschool children The use of models in the environmental education of preschool children Author -
National Unity Day in kindergarten. Preparatory group. Scenario
National Unity Day in kindergarten. Preparatory group. Scenario Matinee in honor of National Day
Card index of didactic games for the development of thinking and speech in the senior and preparatory groups
LiveInternetLiveInternet Games aimed at developing logic in preschoolers of the senior group Game “Find Options”. Target:
Plan for the week. How to compose: algorithm and template for planning a week | Elena Bexter's blog Planning is easy
Week planning. Step-by-step algorithm and plan template
When is the best time to plan your week? Of course, you should focus on your schedule and feelings. To someone
Calendar and thematic planning in the first junior group for January
GCD summary on the topic: Winter for children of the first junior group GCD summary in the first
Calendar and thematic planning in senior group “B” on the topic “National Unity Day”
Thematic planning on the theme “National Unity Day” in the senior group Natalya Koroleva Thematic planning
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