Continuation. Didactic exercises that promote the process of mastering quantitative and ordinal counting in the middle group
Lesson notes on FEMP in the middle group. Topic: “Quantitative and ordinal counting.”
Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development. Objectives: “Cognitive
Lesson summary “How to tell children about P. I. Tchaikovsky?”
Teacher and music critic Alexander Lopukhov. Portrait of Pyotr Tchaikovsky (fragment). 1981. Private collection Anatoly
Didactic games for children 4-5 years old in kindergarten card index with goals.
Didactic games for children 3-4 years old in kindergarten: Lapbook “Transport”
Lapbook “Transport” A laptop on the topic “Transport” is intended for children of middle, high school and preparatory
Topic: “Nature calendars: meaning, types and methods of organizing work with them in a preschool institution”
GCD for children of the senior group “Golden Autumn”. GCD nature calendar for senior preschool children
We compose mathematical fairy tales for a mathematics project for grade 3
Hello, dear friends! Today is the most fabulous day on the Shkolala blog. Today we will write mathematical
Lesson summary “Chicken” Drawing with a hard semi-dry brush
What you need for painting It is advisable to choose paints in natural shades. The table lists the main colors
Mathematics classes with children 4-5 years old, what a child should know
Mathematics for a child who is 4 years old is a very broad topic, difficult to fit into
Summary of educational activities in the senior group of the preschool educational institution “Winter Fun” (composing a story based on a picture)
Abstract of the educational activity in the senior group of the preschool educational institution “Winter Fun” (composing a story based on a picture) January 3
Summary of educational activities for speech development on the topic: “We compose a fairy tale ourselves”
You asked: “Help me write a fairy tale?” Because you want to learn how to write a fairy tale yourself.
Adaptation to kindergarten: how a teacher can help parents and children
What is adaptation The term adaptation (lat. adaptatio) means “adaptation”. When they talk about a child's adaptation
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