“Social development of preschool children: stages, factors, means.”

The essence of social and personal development of a preschooler

Definition 1
Social and personal development is the formation of a child’s correct attitude towards himself and the environment, as well as his social motives and needs.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education, social and personal development is included in the educational area “Social and communicative development” and is aimed at:

  • children’s assimilation of values ​​and norms accepted in modern society;
  • formation and development of communication skills through active interaction of the child with peers and adults;
  • formation of skills of independence, self-education, self-regulation and direction of one’s actions;
  • development of emotional and social intelligence, empathy and emotional responsiveness (empathy);
  • formation of readiness to carry out joint activities with peers;
  • formation of respect for the surrounding people, the Motherland, history and traditions of the people;
  • developing pride and a sense of belonging to one’s family, nationality and community;
  • formation of a positive attitude towards various types of labor and creative activities;
  • formation of the foundations for safe behavior in everyday life, society and nature.

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Within the preschool educational institution, the social and personal development of preschool children is carried out in the following forms:

  • educational activities;
  • joint activities of the teacher and children;
  • joint activities of pupils;
  • individual types of work of a teacher with children.

Currently, modern kindergartens pay great attention to solving the problem of social and personal development of preschool children. This is due to the fact that it is aimed at shaping the child’s attitude towards the world around him and himself, contributes to the development of social needs and motives, and the formation of self-knowledge. Social and personal development requires a considerable amount of labor from the teacher and the manifestation of pedagogical professionalism, which contributes to obtaining a visible result.

Practical situations of humanistic choice.

Preschoolers are faced with a choice : respond to the problems of other children or prefer personal interests and show indifference?

For example, keep the drawing for yourself or include it in a general message to a sick peer; respond to a request for help or ignore it?

The behavior of children in situations of choice helps to better understand the characteristics of their social, moral and emotional development.

2. Practical situations of a problematic nature such as “What to do, what to do?” personality behavior education preschool

These are various difficult situations that we create in order to awaken children’s initiative, independence, intelligence, responsiveness, and willingness to look for the right solutions.

Situations: there are no paints of certain colors, there is not enough plasticine for modeling. Children independently look for solutions and solve problems together.

3. Practical situations “We are the oldest in kindergarten .”

Children learn to take care of children, they develop a sense of self-esteem, a kind attitude towards little ones, and an understanding of their problems.

You can organize the situations “We will delight the kids with gifts made by ourselves”, “We will prepare a concert for the kids”, “We will show a fairy tale”, “We will help make a snow slide”, “We will teach the kids how to dance in circles”.

4. The following situations are like “We are friends with schoolchildren.”

Senior preschoolers gain experience in collaborating with school students: “We are having a sports festival,” “Joint literary quiz in the library,” “We are waiting for our teachers.”

Participation in such situations deepens interest in school and relieves anxiety associated with upcoming schooling. At the same time, valuable experience of inter-age communication is formed, which is important not only for preschoolers, but also for students.

5. Children are very fascinated by situations like “Teach your friend what you can do yourself.”

We encourage children to show attention to each other, mutual assistance and cooperation. Children share their experiences, we help them enter the role of “teacher”, i.e. be patient, attentive and forgiving to the mistakes and difficulties of peers.

6. Children also participate in imitation games : changing emotional and physical states, imitating states of nature, etc.

I would like to emphasize that our constant assistant in the social and personal development of children is the family . Only in cooperation with close adults can high educational results be achieved.

Interaction with family is effective provided there is trust in each other, understanding and acceptance of common goals, methods and means of social and personal development.

It is necessary to instill in a child a love for those closest to him - his home and kindergarten. This is the basis of moral education, the first and important stage.

A child must first of all recognize himself as a member of the family, an integral part of his small homeland, then as a citizen of Russia, and only then as an inhabitant of planet Earth. We go from near to far.

Tasks of social and personal development of preschool children

The main tasks of social and personal development of preschool children:

  1. Formation in children of a complete picture of the social world, themselves and their place in society.
  2. Nurturing an active life position and adequate social feelings.
  3. Forming an idea about the people around you, yourself, nature, man-made works, etc.

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The process of social and personal development continues in a person throughout his life. However, its foundation is laid in preschool childhood. It is during this age period that the first components of social behavior are formed in the child, and emotional, personal and behavioral lines appear. Children are always active and strive to perform various types of activities; the task of the educator (parent) is not to slow them down in this endeavor, but, on the contrary, to motivate them for constant development and improvement, not to let the desire to develop and learn fade away. A large role in this direction is played by various types of games that the child plays not only with peers, but also with adults and even with himself.

It is a mistaken opinion that a child should constantly be doing something useful, and not just playing. However, it is the game that is the leading activity of the child. In play, a child learns about the world, develops, and develops the necessary skills and abilities. During games, children's development moves at a rapid pace: mental, social, emotional. Every teacher, organizing the social and personal development of preschool children, must make maximum use of the opportunities of play for the social development of children.

Psychological and pedagogical features of the development of communication skills in preschool children

First of all, it should be noted that communication is the most important condition and factor in the mental development of a child. This idea was first presented by Ya.S. Vygotsky. He argued that “the psychological nature of man is the totality of human relationships that are transferred inward and become functions of the personality and forms of its structure.” [6, p. 146]. In addition, the scientist pointed out the importance of the interconnection and interdependence of the “child-child” and “child-adult” relationships for the development of the child: “A child is able to do much more through imitation in collective activities under the guidance of adults, and with understanding - to do independently” [ 6]. Numerous studies by domestic psychologists and teachers (B.G. Ananyev, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontyev, N.S. Leites, etc.) make it possible to clarify that preschool age is a sensitive period in the development of communication. At this age, one of the most important changes in a child’s communicative development occurs—their circle of contacts expands. If at first the child communicated only with adults, now he begins to communicate with peers. The child’s attitude towards other children changes, he understands that they are “the same as himself”, and the so-called “identification with peers” occurs. Thus, the child and his peers in preschool age enter a common communicative space [14]. Communication, in turn, requires that people understand each other. But small children are self-centered. They think that others think, feel, see the situation the same way as they do. Therefore, it is difficult for them to put themselves in the place of another person, to put themselves in their place. It should be noted that it is even more difficult for an older preschooler not only to understand the problems of another person, to imagine his experiences, but also to respond emotionally to them. This sometimes explains the cruelty of a child torturing an animal, and the low effectiveness of an adult’s words: “Leave the cat alone, you’re hurting it.” In the same way, a small child cannot always understand the resentment and pain of another person. Gradually, based on communication experience, children develop social sensitivity, that is, the ability to take into account the feelings and desires of other people, the reasons for their actions. Only in this case can special relationships develop between people, expressed in mutual sympathy, friendship, love (D.B. Elkonin, L.S. Vygotsky, L.I. Bozhovich, A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Wenger, A.A. Lyublinskaya, V.S. Mukhina, Yu.A. Kolomensky, N.N. Poddyakov and others). Last but not least, an important element of quality communication is understanding how your partner perceives you. It is precisely this lack of understanding that people have about each other that usually causes conflicts. It is especially difficult for young children, which is why quarrels, arguments and even fights often occur between them. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize that regardless of the form of communication a child has with the people around him, expression remains a necessary means of communication. Emotional communication modifies all forms of communication, permeates and colors them, plays a big role in the formation of a child’s emotional and value-based attitude towards people, his understanding and development of his own means of expression to others.

Prerequisites for changing the social situation

One of the main factors that influences the change in the social situation in preschool age is the crisis of the age of three. The child begins to clearly manifest such personal traits as independence and activity. The child seems to separate from the adult, demonstrating to him that he is already an independent person, whose interests must be respected and taken into account. He strives to be involved as much as possible in the lives of adults, but at the same time he does not yet have the proper level of knowledge and skills necessary for this.

Thus, the child experiences a contradiction between his needs and the norms that are increasingly becoming part of his life (from the simplest parental prohibitions to socially significant norms and rules).

Social development of preschool children
Solving these problems requires a change in the social situation, which occurs at this time.

Social development of students through different activities in kindergarten

Svetlana Kotova

Social development of students through different activities in kindergarten

Communicating with children every day, I often observe the children’s inability to behave correctly in many sets of social phenomena . This problem exists not only in kindergarten , but also in school. After studying the literature and conducting diagnostics, I concluded that children have little skills, abilities and knowledge about social life . They are limited to their "I"

, separating themselves from the events and phenomena that occur in the world around them.

After conducting a comprehensive examination of children. I determined their level of social development through interviews with parents and children, my own observations of various behavioral reactions, and the use of appropriate diagnostic techniques, which allowed me to select information for further socio-pedagogical work with children, taking into account their individual characteristics. The tests made it possible to identify the severity of insecurity, anxiety, self-distrust, feelings of inferiority, conflict, and communication difficulties in children

After this, I looked at some of the social development activities that can be implemented, directed and controlled through education and training in kindergarten . Activities :

1. Social development through collective play.

2. Social development through communication skills.

3. Social development through family education.

4. Interaction with social partners .

I set a goal, which is to develop social skills .


the ability to establish and maintain contacts with society , act in a team, build relationships with other people correctly, show respect for peers and adults, resolve conflicts, have self-service and communication skills.

All types of social development activities are interconnected , so the work was carried out comprehensively.

Social development through collective play.

Play is an everyday activity ; its motive lies in its very essence. In games, children not only reflect real life, but also experience it. Play is, in essence, a child’s social practice , his real life in a group. It is in collective play that he accumulates social experience . How does the child feel in the game? Hostile, anxious, confrontational, or difficult to communicate with. What is his level of self-esteem? What is the degree of formation of his self-image ?

I saw that the children did not know how to play in a group because they could not negotiate or give in, some were very constrained in communication, some were afraid, and children were hostile. I decided to try through the game, and this will contribute to the high-quality formation of social development .
In play, a child creates a new creative structure, an image that belongs to him, from elements taken from the surrounding life. In kindergarten, the first skills are formed to combine one’s interests with the interests of comrades, the ability to restrain one’s desires if they interfere with the team. Take into account the opinion of a comrade, help him, empathize with his joys and sorrows. Collectivism of children, the ability to play, work together, and take into account the interests of the team - all this is inextricably linked with the development of goodwill, friendship, mutual assistance, and responsiveness in children. For example, playing S.R. and "Hospital"

, a child doctor, sympathetically examines a patient's throat or bandages a hand. But if a child cannot provide help carefully and does it rather rudely, he immediately hears criticism from the children themselves. Children have life experience on this issue, and I, playing with children from an early age, showed, playing the role of a doctor, that the doctor is a kind, attentive person, he helps the patient recover. It is very important at such a moment to explain to children that they need to choose the right words in the dialogue, i.e. if the children strongly scolded a careless doctor, then the child may be offended and not play anymore. Here I needed to explain the incorrect behavior of both the doctor and the entire team. My task is to help children choose the right behavior, words and gestures towards each other. Teach how to communicate in the game’s plot, for example, between a patient and a doctor. In this case, it was possible to use the technique of indirect influence or the hint method. I used the clarification method. And so the game continues. Hospitalization of the patient. The driver is in a hurry, taking the victim to the hospital. He, not noticing the other guys, breaks the building and crashes into another car. I'm getting into the game. I am a policeman who arrived at the accident. By playing my role, I show the children what consequences await a person who does not follow traffic rules, even if he does a good deed. After all, helping one can harm many. The policeman fines the driver, together we come to the conclusion that when playing, you need to remember about the other children in the group and try not to even accidentally harm them, and if this happens, you need to apologize and help restore what was damaged.

The development of self-realization and self-organization skills in children is of great importance for the game The development of these skills contributes to better social development of preschoolers . Older preschoolers are already able to independently choose a theme and role, think through the content of the game, with whom they will play, and determine what attributes are necessary to implement the plan. All these skills will help children achieve their goals in the future. The more active the child’s behavior in play, the longer it lasts, the more joy it brings him, the better he assimilates the meaning of social relations and phenomena.

For example, a construction game. The children assigned roles. Some carry bricks, others build, others make decorations for the castle (flags, curtains, etc.)

They played for a long time, but it turned out that it was impossible to hang the decorations because Natasha did not collect the flags on a string.
The children began to reproach Natasha without understanding it. I had to intervene using the conversation method. It turned out that she could not thread the needle, and when she asked the girls to help her, they refused. From our reasoning, hot on our heels, we came to the conclusion that when they ask for help, we need to help and, moreover, immediately, and not sometime later. That the result of the common cause depends on each player. You need to be honest and admit your injustice. In this game, the children themselves organized and implemented the plan, because they helped Natasha and decorated the castle. Nurturing relationships in the game is the acquisition of experience in mastering the culture of communication in life. A play group is a group of independently acting children with relationships of cooperation, subordination and mutual control, ensuring the same rights of each child to an active role and invention in the game. In a friendly play group, children are able to negotiate, independently distribute roles, and resolve conflicts and controversial issues. I teach children to prove and defend their point of view through conversations and negotiations with peers.

Collective games help children develop the ability to feel themselves in the world around them. A child is not on his own, he is among people, so he must learn to obey the laws of society. Collective games help children learn these rules. They help foster a sense of collectivism, friendship, responsibility for one’s actions, teach empathy, provide assistance, evaluate one’s own and others’ actions, and make decisions. Games are also a means of influencing those children who, as a result of previous upbringing, exhibit selfishness, aggressiveness, and isolation. For example, an aggressive child can be assigned the role of Doctor Aibolit or, if it is a girl, the role of a nanny, grandmother, or mother.

When playing a role, a child imitates not only the actions of this or that person, but also his attitude towards people, his responsibilities, feelings, and experiences. Fulfilling a role instills in the child a sense of responsibility towards children. Having taken on a role in the game, he is obliged to conscientiously complete it, obeying certain rules. If a child abandons the role assigned to him or plays it poorly, then playing will become uninteresting. Next time such a child may not be accepted into the game. For example, playing the outdoor game “Geese-Swans”

, the wolf was lethargic, lazy, did not want to catch up with the geese.
The game with such a wolf did not work out. I had to explain to Dima that he was playing his role poorly, that the children were upset because of him, he should treat them sympathetically, and if he didn’t want to play, he should have refused in time. Children need to be taught to make the right decision in a timely manner; this skill is necessary in social life .
The themes of preschoolers' games vary; from generation to generation, children play at the hospital, at school, at home, at the store. However, with changes in the social life of adults, children have new games that may not always have a positive educational effect on the children. It is necessary to skillfully guide children to the choice of games that form correct relationships between people in society . In addition, seeing the behavioral patterns of adults, children display them in the game, so you need to teach children to see the actions of their elders that are acceptable to follow and actions that require condemnation.

The level of development of of social in it depends on many factors, and above all on the conditions in which the child is not only in kindergarten , but also at home, as well as on the street. All these qualities together have a great influence on the formation of the child’s personality, determining the degree of development of his feelings , emotions, ideas and knowledge, abilities and skills of collective life, which he will use in his activities and social life as an adult .

Social development through communication skills.

Recently, teachers have increasingly noted with alarm that many preschoolers experience serious difficulties in communication, which noticeably slows down the social development of children .

Such children cannot independently turn to another person. They do not know how to maintain and develop established contact, do not know how to coordinate their actions with communication partners or adequately express their sympathy and empathy to them, therefore they often conflict with them or become isolated. At the same time, sociability, the ability to contact with people around him is a component of a person’s self-realization, his success in various types of activities , the disposition and love of the people around him. The formation of this ability is an important condition for the normal mental development of a child , as well as one of the main tasks of preparing him for further social life .

The child accepts the teacher or parent as a moral example, regardless of emotional attractiveness. For example, Artem says to his mother: “Come on, quickly put my shoes on!”

Not aggressive by nature, in the role of his father, he allows himself to talk to his mother like that without embarrassment.
Children often portray people who are authoritative to them in their interactions with peers. To correct this attitude between adults and children, I began to come up with communication situations that we discussed together with the children and drew conclusions. For example, a clubfooted bear asks his grandfather bear for honey. But grandfather doesn’t give it. Children teach the bear to say the right words and show intonation. They were especially touched by Nastenka’s behavior; after analyzing the situation, the guys asked me to tell a fairy tale about her and helped me come up with one. For example. Once upon a time there lived a girl named Nastenka. Every morning she went to kindergarten .
Every morning she had difficulty getting out of bed, because in the evening she watched cartoons for a long time, did not want to get dressed, was capricious and argued with her mother. One day my mother was offended by Nastenka. What happened next? Children themselves consider various options and come up with dialogues. Together we come to a conclusion about how to talk to mom, how to behave in the evening and in the morning. How mom and Nastenka feel after a quarrel, and what needs to be done to avoid quarreling. Our fictional heroes find themselves in various situations and cannot get out of them. Children tell you who you can turn to for help, what words you need to pronounce, with what intonation, what behavior you should have in order for them to believe you and give you help, and not think that this is pampering or a joke. Unobtrusively, I teach children ways of communication: understanding, recognizing and accepting the personality of a peer, the ability to take the position of another, taking into account his point of view. These skills help resolve conflicts peacefully; children reason and negotiate. I explain to preschoolers that the best contact is established when the interlocutors see each other's eyes, when they occupy equal positions psychologically; neither considers himself more significant, important and intelligent than the other. To do this, I often praise children, express gratitude, and encourage them so that the child’s self-esteem increases and other children see that he is no worse than others. It is important to teach children to maintain social distancing. When the distance is metrically large, contact is hardly possible. The communication distance should be precisely such as to provide the participants with contact and freedom at the same time, the freedom to act as one wants to act in a given situation, but without forgetting the freedom of the other participants in the interaction. At the same time, the child should not have a feeling of loneliness or abandonment. For example. Children play in the sand. Kolya tells how he went to the circus with his parents, while he almost “presses”

first for one child, then for another. The children gradually left the sand, and Kolya was offended. I explained to the child that you can talk and, without being very close to your friends, they can still hear him, you need to watch your hands and feet during conversations, because he trampled the boys’ buildings.

Contradictions often arise between children, because they are constantly in different “spaces”

, each in his own way.
I help children find a common “space”
in which they can be together.
I do not force one child to move into the “space”
of another, but I try to involve the child, I create a situation such that he himself wants to enter there.

For example. Eva and Yulia sculpt, each on their own. They sit at the same table, but each one talks only to her own crafts. I sit down next to them with my sculpted bunny and start talking first with Yulia, then with Eva, then with their crafts. I provoke the girls into dialogue between them, help them build a plot for the game and conversation. When the children begin to communicate well, I move away.

Communication plays an important role in social development . I develop in children the skill of being together in the same “space”

so that mutual contact is felt, not violating the freedom and equality of positions and being at the required distance.

Social development through family education

From birth to 7 years is the period when physical development and development of the volitional sphere . In social terms, R. Steiner considers the first 7 years of a child’s life significant for establishing basic social connections with other people, primarily in the family. This age is about

to the world around them: children are able to assimilate huge layers of cultural achievements of their elders, directly following their example, imitating without thinking.

A family is a group of people whose members are bound by certain responsibilities. As a member of the family group, the child enters into relationships through which he learns the norms of social behavior. When communicating with parents, I emphasize how multifaceted the influence of parents is on the formation of a child’s personality, therefore I systematically work primarily with dysfunctional families. Frequent causes of dysfunction in the family are alcoholism, open and closed conflicts between parents and other family members, parents’ focus only on the material support of the child, lack of concern for upbringing and his spiritual development . I visit children's families to find out their living conditions and family and social upbringing . For a group of parents, I held a conversation on the topic “The authority of parents and its influence on the development of a child’s personality

The family climate depends on moral and social attitudes , mental health, and the common interests of all family members. Their relationship is strengthened by common affairs and concerns, family holidays, joint recreation, so I regard the organization of joint leisure as important

a means of strengthening the family. To do this, I conduct consultations, for example, “How to celebrate a child’s birthday”

“What you can do with your own hands
I regularly prepare travel folders on various topics, for example, “How to spend a Sunday
“How to teach a child to be caring towards you and other family members.”
I offer parents a variety of literature to read: brochures, articles, newspaper and magazine clippings, followed by discussion .

I promote and elevate the role of mothers in the family and raising children. (warmth, comfort, mutual understanding) largely depends on it.

In the older group, I, together with the children, designed a poster on the theme “My Dear Mommy”
, and had a conversation with the children
: “Mom came home from work”
“How can I help my mother”
She organized an exhibition of children's drawings on the theme “My mother is the most beautiful”
and the participation of mothers and children in the

In conversations with parents, it is important to emphasize the father’s responsibility and show the need for his participation in raising children and running the household. We created a stand “My dad is the strongest, bravest, best”

Dads helped set up playgrounds . Every child knows what his father built and is proud of it. I develop and organize competitions for dads, for example on February 23rd. The fathers showed their dexterity, strength, and ingenuity when they completed the competitions proposed to them. Mothers and children performed “support group”

In the family, a preschooler learns to respect loved ones, their affairs, industrial and social work, their recreation and leisure, but I also teach parents to participate in the child’s social life. I invite them to holidays, entertainment , activities. We prepare together for various events. For example, we prepared children for a regional scientific conference, where the children took first place. In order for children to treat their family with greater respect, we made a stand “My Family”

from photographs.
The children were very eager to talk about who was shown in the photographs. This stand has been updated throughout the year. She also took children on excursions to enterprises with working parents. Conducted a meeting on the topic “The role of the family in
the social development of preschool children .
Some families were awarded at the meeting. They were given the opportunity to share their experiences with other parents on various issues of social education . For example, “how to teach a child to brush his teeth
“how adults can find time for children’s interests,”

That. All my work is aimed at strengthening the family, because the family is the first social unit of society with its characteristic style of relationships among all family members, which constitute the corresponding moral microclimate in the social education of children .


. The social development of preschool children is carried out in active multidirectional activities to master the objective world and the world of relationships between people, which is carried out both during the spontaneous influence of social factors and in a purposeful, organized pedagogical process.

One of the social development activities is cooperation with social partners . The work with the Historical and Local Lore Museum of the Sargat region was very well done. We jointly draw up an action plan for the entire academic year. The plan reflects the following topics: “History of the settlement of the Sargat region”

“Sargat culture”
“Sargat residents are heroes of the Second World War”,
etc. During excursion classes, children broaden their horizons, learn a lot about our village and its traditions.
Cooperation with the museum helps develop curiosity in children, pride in the heroes of our area, cultivate artistic taste, interest in museums and exhibitions, and the ability to behave correctly in public places, i.e. they develop social skills and abilities .
We work closely with the State Road Safety Inspectorate. We take an active part in regional competitions: “Traffic Light Country”

"Children and the Road"
. The traffic police help us organize trips to Omsk to the circus, to Bolsherechye to the zoo, and excursions around our native village. Traffic police officers on the territory of the kindergarten made traffic markings, with the help of which we introduce children to the rules of the road and signs on the roads. Children receive the necessary knowledge to prevent injuries on the roads, practice and consolidate the ability to behave correctly.

Work is going well with the Sargat secondary school. The children have been there on excursions more than once. The children got acquainted with the school, the class, sat at their desks, wrote on the blackboard with chalk, and became acquainted with the rules of conduct in class and during recess. Throughout the year, the teacher and schoolchildren come to us. They tell the kids about how interesting it is at school. They show theatrical fairy tales, organize competitions and entertainment , and give homemade gifts. So our kids have a clear idea of ​​what awaits them at school, what kind of behavior should be there and why children study.

I often conduct excursions to the arboretum, stadium, art school, and children's creativity . These visits develop children's interest in various types of activities (dancing, drawing, sports, etc.; children see that useful activities bring joy, recognition, and pride in their achievements. They enjoy communicating with schoolchildren, asking questions, and looking at crafts , paintings. Children develop a desire to be like their elders, to get involved in something, to play sports. I teach them the ability to fill their free time with useful activities, lead a healthy lifestyle, the ability to communicate and do a common task together with other children. During walks we walk around streets of our village, get acquainted with nature, transport, enterprises and organizations. I draw attention to the cleanliness of the village, the architecture of the buildings - all this was made by the hands of Sargatsk residents, all this needs to be preserved and increased. Children gain knowledge and skills on how to take care of trees, flowers, birds, take care of cultural values ​​created by human hands, i.e., everything that surrounds us. To care means to love your small Motherland.

Children enjoy visiting the library. Here they get acquainted with the work of children's writers and their autobiographies. Together with the library staff, I develop an interest in reading , develop the skill of correct behavior in the library, the ability to navigate a room where fairy tales, books about animals, or books by specific writers are located. In the reading room we listened to the works of K. Chukovsky, took part in a literary quiz, where the children showed a high level of knowledge of works of art and gained experience in behavior in public places.

All excursions, trips, events with social partners help develop social skills in children . Children's mastery of these skills helps them communicate in a team, unites children, forms subgroups based on interests, and develops friendships .


Thus, the interaction of preschool children with the social environment adapts it to external conditions and forms it as a subject of social relations. In these relationships, the child not only assimilates social experience , but also actively processes it. In kindergarten, all conditions have been created for the development of students' skills and abilities of social life .

The success of social development of preschoolers can be ensured by the following ways of interaction between adults and children:

*systematic, integrated approach, covering all directions, links and all participants in the socialization .

*soft, friendly communication, understanding the condition of children, their experiences.

*using techniques that evoke friendly emotions in preschoolers.

* conscious creation by the teacher in his behavior and words of a role model.

Creating situations and developmental environment conducive to the development of children's correct choice of actions in social relationships .

*praise, approval addressed to children.

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