Speech is one of the most important means of developing a child’s personality as a whole. Understanding the speech of others
Children's "scribbles" are nothing more than an effective way to develop fine motor skills and artistic expression.
Distinguish between “left” and “right” For study in general and so as not to confuse the concepts of “by
Didactic games for children in music lessons Musical games to develop a sense of rhythm in children
The question “How to teach children to draw a person?” many adults are baffled: not everyone
Flowers for kindergarten In kindergarten, the child spends most of the day. Therefore it is natural
Project on the topic: “Who protects us. Russian Army” for 3rd grade Project goal: To prepare
Documents required when applying for a job To employ a teenager, you need: a document confirming
Specifics of drawing birds in the senior group of preschool educational institutions Children 5–6 years old are able to create beautiful, expressive
Environmental KVN in the senior group Natalya Karimova Environmental KVN in the senior group Environmental KVN