Intellectual KVN with the participation of parents and children of the preparatory group

Environmental KVN in the senior group

Natalia Karimova

Environmental KVN in the senior group

Environmental KVN in the senior group

with the participation of parents.


— Strengthen children’s knowledge about nature;

— To form elements of environmental consciousness and culture in children;

— To develop the ability to solve riddles about natural communities;

— Continue to formulate speech, teach coherently, and succinctly answer questions posed;

— Activate children's vocabulary;

— Develop reaction speed, quick wits, logical thinking, erudition;

— To captivate children and evoke the joyful experience of joint team activities;

Psychological KVN for parents and teachers in preschool educational institutions

  • February 10, 2013

Competition “My Pedagogical Initiative – 2012”
Nomination “Working with Parents”

This form of methodological work in preschool educational institutions helps to activate existing theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and create a favorable psychological climate between parents.

Relevance: increasing the level of pedagogical culture of parents through the organization of joint activities.

Goals: optimization of interpersonal relationships, development of group interaction skills, the ability to take into account the opinions of others. Combining the efforts of parents and teachers related to diversified development; creating an atmosphere of cooperation and co-creation, establishing partnerships in professional communication with parents of students.

Formation of teams.

3 teams are formed. This is done like this: everyone sits in a general circle, the command is given: “Women, stand up!” The first 5–7 people are determined.


The rest - thank you, sat down, and applause for the leaders.

Dear leaders! It’s bad to be alone, so quickly look around, find a couple and invite them to your place. Fabulous! You have been chosen, express gratitude to the leaders - applause.

Now be ungrateful, turn around and quickly choose another pair, they thank you (applause).

Thank you, now the third leads the fourth, the fourth leads the fifth, the fifth leads the sixth.

If there are others left, then the command is given: “Disperse to the teams that you like.” This creates 3 teams.

Preparation and presentation of teams. Have each team stand in a tight circle and hold hands. Dear leaders, count how many people you have?

If there are 2 - 3 more people, then you need to correct the situation like this: first, the leaders from numerous teams turn away, then the leader of a small team points to any person from a large team, and the leader from a large team, turning away, calls any number from 1 to 10, and pronounces the words “left” or “right”. Whoever the score stops at, without resentment, goes to a small team. Please sit in 3 open circles.

I ask for attention and silence. You may think that you already have commands. This is wrong. You will have a team only when you become a cohesive team, when you have your chosen captain, team name and slogan. You are given 10 minutes to prepare: you must choose a captain (it can also be your leader, but this is not necessary), you must come up with the name of your team, a slogan and support your slogan with a staged skit. But, if you are “Space Pigs”, you have to show it. Please note that 10 minutes is very little and that the jury will first pay attention to the cohesion of your team. I wish to prove to you that your team is the most friendly! So now there are full teams.

Seeing off controllers.

Exercise. Now we will have games and competitions in which the team that understands each other better without words will win. Negotiations and any signs are prohibited; try to achieve consistency by sensing the situation. But it’s no secret that you can win by breaking the rules if the team begins to somehow quietly negotiate within itself. You are interested in your opponents playing fairly, so choose controllers from your team who will stop rule violations on your opponents' team. One of the controllers will go to the team on your right, the other to the team on your left.

  • Teams! You know very well how people feel about controllers. Controllers prevent people from winning, you send them to someone else's team, almost to certain death. And you just let them go? A ceremonial farewell to the controllers, please.
  • Dear controllers! For attempts to reach an agreement, you can cancel the results and fine the team.

Team coordination games.

1. Attention! I will speak quickly, listen carefully. Now I will name the number, and when the whistle blows, as many people in the team as I name must stand up. Controllers, be careful!

The presenter calls any number, but no more than the number of people sitting in the team. “Attention, stand up (two, five, etc.)

2. Attention! Raise your hand to your shoulder, finger up. At the signal, you need to throw out your hand, point to someone in the group. Where will there be more hands pointing at one? (repeated several times). Let the person on the team who thinks that the largest number of hands pointed to him stand up.

You can't argue with controllers. As before, each time a victory is recorded by applause for the winning team, and they are given a point for this.

3. Attention! They raised their hand clenched into a fist. Now the whistle blows, you will need to throw out a certain number of fingers! On which team will more people throw up the same number of fingers? You cannot repeat the number of fingers thrown out the previous time. Controllers, check.

5. Such tender words... For this task, we will need from each team two people who have the warmest souls and ardent hearts. 1 minute to choose. Thank you and applause for our speakers. Which team considers itself the strongest? Great, you play first.

The presenter places two chairs in the center, one opposite the other.

The task is as follows: looking at this wonderful woman, as long as possible, without pause, tell her kind, warm, beautiful words. You can use epithets “beautiful... sweet... amazing...”, or talk about the feelings that she gives birth to in you, but you must speak without pauses, and she must be pleased with your words. She should listen and feel pleasure. Who can last more than 2 minutes? A pause of more than 5 seconds means the end of speech. Get ready, please.

Game over.

The results are announced.

  • Thank you! Our KVN has come to an end. KVN evoked a lot of feelings in us. I ask you to express all these feelings. The last task is to express feelings to yourself, the other team, the activity and the leader. I ask the leaders to speak!

Thank you very much everyone, goodbye!

Psychological KVN

Teachers and parents play

Ogonyok are the best!


  1. Elkonin D. B. Psychology of play. M. Pedagogy, 1978. 304 p.
  2. Zolotarevsky L. For the cheerful and resourceful. Soviet culture. 1963. 31 Jan. S. 2.

Author: Safina Guzel Rafaelovna, educational psychologist, MDOU Kindergarten “Ogonyok”, Nadym, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

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