Summary of educational activities for preserving health in the middle group “To help the bunny” Summary of integrated educational activities
Summary of a lesson on unconventional drawing in the second junior group on the topic “Rain” Summary of the organization
Consultation for parents on the topic: “Spring” Consultation for parents. Topic: “Spring is walking across the planet”
Summary of the tale The happy hippopotamus enjoyed swimming and basking in the sun. The poor guy was stunned by the announcement
Abstract of educational activities on sensory development in the second group of early age. Abstract of educational activities on sensory
Quest “Space Travel” Quest “Space Travel” (grades 2-3) Goal: Systematize, generalize and supplement knowledge
Kindergarten is one of the main places for a child, where he is
Rules for compilation It is most convenient to keep it on the same paper medium (for example,
Modeling classes in kindergarten: Develop patience, perseverance, accuracy, ability to plan and complete what started
Creative techniques for familiarizing yourself with the rules of the road The selection describes effective, inexpensive types