Card file of summer walks for young children

  • Seal

Details Author: Nalivaykina Lyudmila Published May 13, 2015

10 educational games for a walk with kids.

When the weather is good, you don't want to sit at home. If you are interested in continuing the development of your child outside, then these educational games for a walk with kids from 1 to 1.5 years old will help you!

The activities and games you will find in this article are quite simple and straightforward... But young children themselves see the world much more simply than we adults do... and maybe that is why they are often so stunningly happy!

We feed the birds.

Take some seeds or bread crumbs with you on your walk. Feed the city birds - pigeons and sparrows - with your baby.

Let the baby himself try to throw food to the birds (for many children from 1 to 1.5 years old, picking up a small grain and throwing it to the birds is very difficult, and in this difficult activity he develops motor skills well ), while feeding, voice your actions, and also names of birds (sparrow, dove).

Offer your child two ways to feed the birds:

several small grains/pieces of bread in your palm

- offer the child a lot of grains/bread at once (so that the child grabs the grains with his whole hand).

What develops: knowledge of the surrounding world, expansion of vocabulary and knowledge about birds, motor skills (when feeding birds).

Let's learn words and explore the world.

During a walk, you can significantly increase your child's vocabulary and expand his knowledge about the world around him.

To do this, every day, when going for a walk, explore with your child some separate object in the surrounding world.

Vocabulary topics that are suitable for this age:

1. Trees (we study the structure of a tree: trunk, leaves, roots, branches, “a tall tree” (we show with our hands how tall it is), and the blade of grass is low).

2. Cars (we study the structure of the car (wheels, mirror, window, driver’s seat, steering wheel, color of the car).

3. Children's playground (name of the main objects of the playground (slide, bench, their color).

4. Vegetation (flowers, grass, bushes - structure, properties).

5. Insects, birds, animals (dogs, cats, etc.) – names, onomatopoeia, observation of behavior.

6. Houses, entrance, staircase (structure (windows, steps, etc.), size).

7. Objects of nature (sun, moon, puddles, stones, twigs, etc.).

8. Understanding the world (discussing everything that comes along the way).

Let's save ourselves from routine!

When you have “clearly” worked through all the above lexical and cognitive topics with your child, you can move on to something more interesting - once or twice a week (as often as you feel most comfortable with), go with your baby to some new place ( a store, a park, or better yet, those places that you personally want to visit ). It doesn’t have to be a grandiose zoo on the other side of the city (let’s be honest, getting there with a baby can be a little difficult). This could be a neighboring area, a park that is a little further than you usually walk, a new street, or even a bank or hotel with a nice design that you are interested in gawking at.

Once in a new place, explore and “name” to your baby the new items and objects that you see there.

Such “outings” will not only develop your child, but will also help you deal with the problem of many mothers raising babies - routine.

How to study objects of the surrounding world with a baby from 1 to 1.5 years old:

1. Repeatedly tell the child the word that this object is called. (“Here’s a tree, let’s touch a tree? That’s a tree! A tree!”)

2. Let us touch the object with our hands - children love to explore the world in this way.

3. We talk, show and let you touch what the object is made of, talk about its characteristics (here is a car, look at its wheels, and here is the door, and here is the steering wheel - the driver turns it, etc.)

3. Adjectives and verbs.

In the development of speech in many children under 2 years of age, much attention is paid to the study of nouns (cat, mother, apple, turkey, etc.). And this is correct and fully corresponds to the developmental psychology of a child of this age.

But at the same time, it wouldn’t hurt to study many types of verbs and adjectives with your child.

Therefore, it is appropriate to use your walk to study these parts of speech, for example:

Adjectives : big, small, hard, soft, good, beautiful, long, short, etc.

For each walk, you can identify one or two adjectives that you would like to pay attention to, find objects for which this adjective can be applied (big stone, small stone, etc.) and pronounce them to the child.

Verbs : goes, stands, climbs, digs, rides, flies, grows, etc. Using the same scheme as with adjectives, you can study verbs with your child: having chosen one or two significant verbs, perform with the child the action that they mean and name these verbs.


The first words spoken by most children aged 1 to 2 years are onomatopoeic in nature. (A child may call a dog “ba” or “ava”, a ball “ik”, etc.).

This use of onomatopoeia in speech is quite natural - the baby first learns to pronounce the simplest speech structures, consisting of 1-2 sounds, and gradually, as speech develops, complicates them.

This is why it is so useful to teach your child various onomatopoeias. Since “aw-aw” is much easier to say than “dog,” children easily master onomatopoeia and, having trained their speech apparatus, gradually move on to more complex words. (Of course, you should not replace onomatopoeia with real words. Emphasize that this is a “dog”, but it says “av-av”, this is a “ball”, and it falls “boom”, etc.).

What onomatopoeias and simple words are “convenient” to develop while walking:

“Boom”, “bang”, “bang” - when objects fall. You can periodically play a fun game - throw various objects on the floor (sand molds, sticks, etc.) and together voice how they fall - “Bam.”

“Beep beep” - that’s how the car beeps.

“Knock-knock” - that’s how the stick knocks.

“U-oo-oo” - this is how the plane flies (when pronouncing this sound, draw the child’s attention (i.e. just point your finger and tell him about it) to the fact that your lips are folded into a tube - this will make it easier for him to repeat after you sound).

“Na”, “give” - when exchanging objects.

"Not really".

"Peek-a-boo" - in various games.

5. Soap bubbles.

It's more about fun than development, but playing with bubbles will bring great joy to your child.

Blow bubbles for your baby, and together with him try to “catch” them by clapping your hands.

Card index of walks “Winter” Early age

Walk 1 Observation of snowfall Objectives: - Introduce the properties of snow P - Develop observation, aesthetic perception - Cultivate curiosity Progress of observation: Draw children's attention to the falling snow: “Look, children, how the snow is falling, how quietly it falls to the ground. Where else does it fall? » Invite people to stretch out their hands and see how the snow falls on them. Pay attention to the beauty of snowflakes, to the fact that they are not similar to one another. Offer to find the most beautiful snowflake - big and small. What happens to a snowflake when they fall into your hands? In January, in January There is a lot of snow in the yard. The star spun in the air a little, sat down and melted on my palm. Labor activity Construction of buildings from snow. Goal: - Learn to shovel snow with the help of shovels in a certain place T- Develop motor activity F- Cultivate diligence Outdoor game: “Snow is spinning” Goal: - Learn to correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants in the game C- Develop auditory attention, motor activity F- To cultivate a desire to play outdoor games Progress of the game: Educator: “Snow, snow is spinning, the whole street is white!” "- the children are spinning. “We all gathered in a circle, spinning like a snowball” - the children approach the teacher. “The snowflakes, the white fluffs, went to bed” - the children crouched “A cold wind blew, the snowflakes scattered. "- the children scatter around the playground. Individual work: walking through objects. Purpose: - To practice walking along a straight path with stepping over objects F - To develop a sense of balance - To cultivate a desire to perform physical exercises while walking Materials: shoulder blades, cubes 5 pcs. Walk 2 Observation of a crow Objectives: - expand the understanding of wintering birds, teach to notice how birds move. P - teach to solve riddles - develop observation skills - cultivate love and caring attitude towards wintering birds. Progress of observation: Draw children’s attention to the color of the crow. The body is covered with feathers, so they are not cold. Birds fly, flapping their wings. A crow is larger than a sparrow. Birds fly to the feeder if grains are poured on them. Kar-kar-kar! - shouts the cheat. What a clever thief! This bird loves all shiny things! And she is familiar to all of you. What is her name? . . . (Crow) Labor activity Clearing paths of snow and debris. Goal: - learn to use shoulder blades T - develop motor activity F - cultivate diligence, the desire to complete the work started. Outdoor game “Crow and the Dog” Purpose: - to teach to imitate the movements and voices of birds; - learn to move without interfering with each other C - develop the ability to pronounce onomatopoeia K - cultivate the desire to play outdoor games Progress of the game. Educator: “Near the green Christmas tree, crows are jumping and cawing: Kar! Kar, Kar” - the children jump and make onomatopoeic sounds. “Then the dog came running and the crow scattered everyone: Aw! Aw! Aw! - the children run away in different directions. Individual work: throwing. Purpose: - to practice throwing at a distance with the right and left hand F - to develop the eye - to cultivate the desire to perform exercises Materials: shovels, garbage bag, dog mask, bag of sand Walk 3 Observation of ice Purpose: - to continue to introduce children to the properties of water P - form the idea that ice is slippery, you can fall B - develop observation, memory, speech - cultivate curiosity Progress of observation: Water freezes in the cold. Water can be frozen in a mold. If you bring ice into a room, it will melt and become water again. The ice is transparent. Winter, winter, the streets are white! And the puddles turned into transparent glass! Labor activity Raise snow to the roots of trees Goals: - learn to work with a rake and shovel T - develop motor activity F - cultivate a desire to participate in caring for plants, instill a caring attitude towards nature. Outdoor game “On a level path.” Goals: - to teach to walk freely in a column one F at a time - to develop a sense of balance, orientation in space, coordination of the movements of arms and legs - to cultivate friendly relationships C Progress: Along a level path, children walk one after another Along a level path Our legs walk once, twice , one, two Jumping over pebbles, over pebbles, moving forward Over pebbles, over pebbles... Thump into the pit! They squat down. Individual work: jumping with advancement Goal: - to practice jumping with forward movement - to develop motor activity F - to cultivate the desire to perform physical exercises Materials: molds, water, rakes, shovels Walk 4 Observation of pigeons Objectives: - to continue observing the birds and their habits , compare a sparrow and a dove P - develop observation, speech - cultivate curiosity Progress of observation Before the walk, the teacher tells the children that they need to take bread in order to feed the pigeons. Having arrived at the place, first look at them, ask if there are many pigeons? Watch how the pigeons peck. Draw the attention of children that pigeons have eyes - they see food when they are poured, have a beak - they peck crumbs, have legs - they walk, have a tail and wings - they fly. Pigeons come in different colors and sizes. Pigeons are sometimes called "Sisars". Labor activity Preparing bird food together with the teacher. Goals: - to teach children, with the help of adults, to feed birds. T - develop fine motor skills - cultivate a desire to participate in caring for birds; Outdoor game “Birds, one!” Birds, two! » Goals: - to train children in jumping F - to familiarize them with the habits of birds P - to practice counting - to develop attention and motor activity Birds move, one! (put one leg forward) Two birds! (put out the other leg) Skok-skok-skok! (jumping) Birds, once again! (raises wing) Birds, two! (raise the second one) Clap! Clap! Clap! Birds, one! (close one eye) Birds, two! (close the second) The birds have flown (running, flapping their wings, chirping) Individual work: development of movements Purpose: - to practice catching the ball F - to develop the eye - to cultivate the expressiveness of movements, the desire to play with children C Materials: bread, food box, ball Walk 5 Observation of dogs Purpose: - to consolidate the dog’s understanding: appearance, movements, sounds made, habits P - to practice the pronunciation of onomatopoeia K - to instill caution in relation to unfamiliar dogs B Progress of observation Observe how dogs bask in the sun near buildings, clarify the structure, remember what they eat. Today I left the house, Fluffy snow lay all around. I look and an acquaintance of mine is running barefoot through the snow. - Stay with me a little longer! “But I couldn’t stop him.” "Woof! Woof! “- the acquaintance said sternly, waved his tail and ran away. Labor activity Objectives: - learn how to correctly fill a bucket with snow to a certain level; T to bring the job started to completion - to learn to work together, not to interfere with each other C - to develop motor activity F - to cultivate diligence The outdoor game “Shaggy Dog”. Goal: - learn to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement F - develop auditory attention, speed - cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers C Progress: One child is chosen by the dog, he sits on the other side of the playground. The children come up to him, and the teacher says the words: Here lies a shaggy dog, with his nose buried in his paws, Quietly, quietly, he lies, either dozing or sleeping. Let's go up to him, wake him up and see: “What will happen? “After the last words, the children run away, and the dog catches them. Individual work: Didactic game “Pets” Purpose: - to form ideas about domestic animals, the benefits they bring to people P to practice the pronunciation of onomatopoeia C - to develop memory, speech - to form ideas about the correct ways to interact with animals B Materials: in the food , shoulder blades, dog mask Walk 6 Observation of a cat Purpose: - to consolidate children’s understanding of the characteristic features of a cat P - to develop observation - to cultivate a caring attitude towards animals Progress of observation: Soft paws, And in the paws - scratches. Draw children's attention to the cat's alert ears - she can pick up any rustle. The cat has large eyes that can see well in the dark. She feels whether food is cold or hot. The cat has soft pads on its paws. She can quietly, quietly creep up. Show the children how a cat climbs a fence and releases its claws on a tree. The door opened quietly, and a mustachioed beast entered. He sat down by the stove, squinting his eyes sweetly, and washed himself with his gray paw. Beware of the mouse race, the cat is out hunting. Labor activity: clearing the path Goal: - learn to use shoulder blades T - develop motor activity F - cultivate a desire to help adults Outdoor game: “Cat and Mice” Goal: - learn to run without bumping F - develop endurance, orientation in space. - cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers C. Progress: children sit on one side of the playground e - these are mice in minks. On the opposite side there is a teacher - a cat. The cat falls asleep, and the mice scatter throughout the room. But then the cat wakes up, starts meowing and catching mice. The children run to their places. Individual work: throwing bags Purpose: - to practice throwing at a distance with the right and left hand F - to develop the ability to maintain a stable body position - to cultivate the desire to perform physical exercises while walking Materials: shoulder blades, cat mask, sandbags Walk 7 Observing the sky Goals: — continue to get acquainted with various natural phenomena; - teach to distinguish the weather, connecting it with the state of the sky P - enrich the vocabulary with nouns (clear, cloudy, cloudy, clouds, clouds) K Progress of observation Invite children to look at the sky, note what it is like. (Clear, blue.) This means the weather is clear and sunny. In winter the sky can be blue, blue, gray. It's dark outside in the morning, and it gets dark early in the evening. Labor activity Construction of buildings from snow. Goal: - learn to shovel snow with the help of shovels to a certain place T - learn to work together, achieve a goal with common efforts C - develop motor activity F - cultivate diligence Outdoor game “Catch up with me” Goals: - learn to quickly navigate in space ; - develop dexterity F - cultivate a desire to play with the teacher C Individual work: development of movements Goal: - practice catching a ball F - develop eye-sight - cultivate expressiveness of movements, desire to play with children C Materials: shoulder blades, ball Walk 8 Observation of the wind Goals: - to form the idea that the wind is cold in winter - to learn to determine the presence of wind P - to enrich the vocabulary (soft, prickly, cold, warm) K Progress of observation Observe the treetops. If the trees are swaying, it means there is wind. Ask if the children’s faces are cold, if they feel the wind. When the wind is strong, it feels prickly and your cheeks get very cold. It's usually freezing outside then. Watch how the wind lifts the snow. Where does the breeze stay at night? At the fork of three roads On a high pine tree, Often falling in your sleep. And around them neither a blade of grass nor a leaf moves - They are afraid to wake them up. Dormant breeze. Labor activity: collecting waste on site. Goals: - to teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the kindergarten area; T- develop motor activity F- cultivate a desire to provide assistance to adults. Outdoor game: “The snow is spinning” Purpose: - Learn to correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants in the game C- Develop auditory attention, motor activity F- Cultivate the desire to play outdoor games Individual work: didactic game “Warm and Cold” Purpose: - form ideas that the snow is cold, the water in the tap is warm P- activate vocabulary K- develop coherent speech skills, memory, thinking - cultivate curiosity Materials: garbage bag Walk 9 Observation of the sun Objectives: - continue to get acquainted with natural phenomena; show that the sun shines at all times of the year P - form the idea that you can’t look at the sun B - develop cognitive interest - cultivate a desire to communicate with the teacher C Progress of observation The sun is shining, which means it’s a sunny day. The snow glistens beautifully in the sun. The sun is not shining - it is cloudy. The sun is shining, but it's frosty outside. In winter the sun shines, but does not warm. The frost stings the nose and ears. Where are you, in the sun, really? We're completely numb. Without you, the water froze, Without you, the earth froze. Come out soon, sunshine. Caress and warm! Labor activity Objectives: - learn how to correctly fill a bucket with snow to a certain level; T to bring the job started to completion - to learn to work together, not to interfere with each other C - to develop motor activity F - to cultivate diligence Outdoor game “Who will throw the bag further? » Goal: - practice throwing F - develop arm strength - cultivate a desire to perform physical exercises Individual work: jumping on two legs with advancement F Goals: - learn to jump on two legs with advancement forward - develop motor activity - cultivate a positive attitude towards physical exercise Materials: buckets, shovels, sandbags Walk 10 Observation of birch Objectives: - to develop knowledge about the characteristics of birch, by which it can be distinguished from other trees; P - develop aesthetic perception - cultivate a desire to protect and preserve nature. B The white birch tree under my window is covered with snow, like silver. Progress of observation Bring the children to the birch tree. Admire the birch tree with your children. Examine its trunk. (White, with black stripes - looks like a sundress). O pay attention to how beautifully the snow lies on the branches of a birch. Work activity: shovel snow to the trunk of a birch. Objectives: - learn to work with a rake and a shovel T - develop motor activity F - cultivate a desire to participate in caring for plants, instill a caring attitude towards nature. Outdoor game “Santa Claus” Goals: - learn to perform characteristic movements F - develop running, speed - cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers B Move I am Frost, Red Nose Overgrown with a beard. I'm looking for animals in the forest. Come out quickly! Come out bunnies! Children are jumping. I'll freeze it! (run away) Then the teacher names different animals, and the children imitate the movements Individual work: climbing over a snow bank Goals: - consolidate climbing skills F - develop motor activity - cultivate a desire to engage in physical exercise Walk 11 Observation of bullfinches and tits. Objectives: - to give an idea about bullfinches and tits P - to develop the ability to recognize birds by appearance - to learn to notice how birds move - to develop observation skills - to cultivate a desire to take care of birds B It flies with a yellow breast What kind of bird is this How elegant is its appearance Its name is tit Course of observation: Observe how birds peck berries on trees, how they fly, and flap their wings during the flight. Compare the bullfinch and the tit: the bullfinch has a red breast, and tits have a yellow breast. Work activity: Preparing bird food together with the teacher. Goals: - to teach children, with the help of adults, to feed birds. T - develop fine motor skills - cultivate a desire to participate in caring for birds C Outdoor game "Birds in Nests" Goals: - teach to run without bumping F - develop memory, attention, speed of movement, spatial orientation - cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers C Move Draw There are several circles on the ground - these are nests. An adult says the words: Here are the birds flying, the birds are not big. Everyone flew, everyone flew, flapping their wings. They sat down on the path and ate some grains. Kluk-kluk-kluk, how I love grains. Let's clean the feathers to make them cleaner. Like this, like this, so that they are cleaner! We jump on branches to make the children stronger. Jump-jump, jump-jump, we jump along the branches. - At the signal: “Fly home to your nests!” "children return to" nests Individual work: walking through objects. Goal: - Practice walking on a straight path with stepping over objects - Develop a sense of balance F - Cultivate a desire to do physical exercises while walking Walk 12 Observation of sparrows Goals: - give an idea of ​​the sparrow P - learn to notice the behavior of birds in winter - develop observation skills - cultivate a desire to take care of birds B Progress of observation: Observe how the sparrows sitting on a branch got ruffled because it’s cold. In winter the birds are hungry. We need to help the birds feed them bread crumbs. What sparrows use to peck crumbs with their beaks. How sparrows move - they jump or fly. Sparrows are similar to bullfinches and titmice, but they are completely gray. The sparrow jumps briskly, the little gray bird. Snooping around the yard, collecting crumbs. Work activity: Preparing bird food together with the teacher. Goals: - to teach children, with the help of adults, to feed birds. T - develop fine motor skills - cultivate a desire to participate in caring for birds C Individual work: climbing over a snow bank Goals: - consolidate climbing skills F - develop motor activity - cultivate a desire to engage in physical exercises Outdoor game “Sparrows and a car” Goal. - to rush children to run in different directions, not running in to each other, start moving and changing it at a signal in the spitter, find their place to develop speed, attention to educate the attentive attitude towards peers, children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the site or room. These are sparrows in nests. On the opposite side, the teacher becomes. It depicts a car. After the words of the educator ”flew, sparrow, on the path” children rise from the chairs, run along the site, waving their hands with wings. At the signal of the teacher, ”the car is going, flying, sparrows, in your nests! "The car leaves the garage, the sparrows fly to the nests (sit on chairs). The car returns to the garage. Walk 13 Observation of the pine goal:- To form an idea of ​​the features of the pine tree on which it can be distinguished among other trees to develop observation, to educate the nature of observation on the site, the teacher offers the children to find a tree, listening to the poem. You will always find it in the forest you will go for a walk and meet. It costs a prickly, like a hedgehog, in the winter in a summer dress. Bring children to pine. Pay their attention to the characteristic features. (Instead of the leaves of the needle, always green, the branches below are long, at the top are short.) In winter, only the pine is green. Offer to go through the entire territory of the children's garden and find a pine tree. Labor activity: Heat Snow to the trunk of a pine trunk target:- To teach to work as a robbery and a spatula to develop motor activity to educate the desire to participate in plants, to instill a careful attitude to nature. Individual work: the didactic game is “close” the purpose:- to enrich the dictionary, to form free communication skills to develop orientation in space- to educate the desire to play with the teacher a mobile game “on a Christmas tree” Objectives:- Learn to imitate the characteristic movements of animals- improve motor Skills to develop attention, motor activity- to educate an emotional response to the game, the desire to play again the move, Christmas tree, brighter, flash with lights! We invited guests. Have fun with us. Along the paths, through the snow, across the forest meadows, the Long-Eared Bunny galloped to us for the holiday. (Pit) And behind him, see everything, a red fox. The fox wanted to have fun (running quietly) with a clubfoot bear is in front, he carries honey and a large bump (go ahead) for a gift. Walk14 Observation of winter trees. Objectives:- to expand the idea of ​​trees X in the winter season, to learn to love the beauty of native nature- to develop observation, aesthetic perception to educate the desire to take care of natural objects, a careful attitude to them. S. B the observation of the maples sleep, the birches are sleeping, they do not rustle in the wind. He dreams of in winter with a jelly summer noise of green foliage. Dreaming of a distant lightning room, and a cheerful rain dreams of admiring snowy trees, paying the attention of children to the beauty of the landscape. To clarify that Aka color is characteristic of winter trees. If the sun shines, the snow on the trees shines. Explain to the children that on frosty days, branches of bushes and trees are very fragile, easily break, so they need to be protected, not breaking, not knocking on the barrel, not to run in sleds. Labor activity: Heat Snow Style to the trunks of trees targets:- To teach to work with robbery and spatula T-development to develop motor activity to educate the desire to participate in plants, to instill a respect for nature. With individual work: jumping on two legs with the progress of the target:- to teach to jump on two legs with advancement to develop motor activity- to educate a positive attitude to physical exercises, the mobile game “Find your tree”. Objectives: - to teach children to run easily, not running into each other; F- quickly act on the signal of the educator. - to consolidate the names of trees- to develop orientation in space, attention, speed, to educate the need for the motor activity of the walks 15 observation of the clouds of the target:- introduce various natural phenomena; P- to develop the imagination- to educate the curiosity of the observation of what color of the cloud? Observe how they float. What are they like? Artistic word: white, lung- lungs in the sky deep, clouds float. Their countries are waiting ahead of them, their road will not be easy. Labor activity of the goal: - learn to correctly fill the bucket with snow to a certain mark; T bring the work begun to the end, to teach to work together, not to interfere with each other to develop motor activity to educate hard work, the mobile game “Who will throw further the bag? »Purpose:- Exercise in throwing the strength of the hands- to educate the desire to perform physical exercises individual work: jumping on two legs with the advancement of the target:- to teach to jump on two legs with advancement to develop motor activity- to educate a positive attitude towards physical exercises Walk 16 Acquaintance with the pedestrian path- the sidewalk of the goal:- To form knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street B-develop attention and skills in the space in space- to educate the caution, the observation course to invite children for a walk around the kindergarten. Explain to them that from this moment they become pedestrians and should strictly observe the rules of the road: to move only along the spectacular path (sidewalk), not in a hurry, be careful, to hold each other's hand, not scream, carefully listen to the teacher. Be careful on the street, children! Remember these rules firmly! Always remember these rules so that you do not happen to trouble. Labor activity The construction of buildings from snow. Purpose:- To teach to rake snow with the help of shovels to a certain place to develop motor activity to educate hard work, a mobile game: “get into a circle”. Objectives:- To improve the ability to act with different objects to teach objects in a certain direction with two hands- to develop an eye, coordination of movement, dexterity- to educate the need for motor activity. Individual work: jumping f. Purpose:- exercise in jumping on two legs- develop motor skills to educate a positive attitude to physical exercises Walk 17 Observation of the passenger car Purpose:- To learn to distinguish transport in appearance to introduce the driver to develop the ability to listen to the story of the educator to educate the need to communicate with children behind the movement of a passenger compartment car. Explain that the driver leads the car, he sits in front, and everyone else is passengers. It is impossible to talk during movement with the driver so that the car does not encounter other cars. Passenger car Passenger car rushes along the road. And behind him, dense dust swirls with a cloudy, the mobile game "Voroskushki and the car." Purpose:- to form knowledge about the rules of the road to teach to run without starting to act on signal, to develop oren tiring in space, to quickly educate a careful attitude towards peers during the game: children sit on a bench on one side and the site and- They are sparrow, the teacher is on the other side - he is a car. After the words “Fly Varushki flew”, the children run around the site, after the words: “The car is going! Fly sparrow in nests "Children run to places. Individual work: Skating the ball f. Purpose:- Exercise in skiing the ball between Kegles- to develop the eye- to educate the desire to play the work of the goal:- learn to correctly fill the bucket with snow to a certain mark; T to bring the work that has begun to work together, do not interfere with each other to develop motor activity to educate hard work Walk 18 Observation of the freight transport purpose:- to teach to distinguish the software in the means of freight transport to introduce the driver to develop skills Called speech to educate the curiosity of observation to introduce children to the machine on which the products are brought. Name its main parts. (Cabin, body, steering wheel, wheel, windows, crane.) Watch how to unload products from the machine, explain that products are a load for it. Tell me what important work this machine performs. It does not fly, does not buzz - the beetle runs along the street. And two brilliant lights burn in the beetle’s eyes. Labor activity: collecting waste on site. Objectives: - accustom to observe cleanliness and order on the site of the kindergarten; T- to develop motor activity to educate adults to help adults. Outdoor game "Planes". Objectives:- To learn how to run in one direction to learn to act in a signal, to develop attention, motor activity- to educate the desire to play in outdoor games: the teacher says: “Prepare for the flight. Take the motors! Let's fly! Children run around the site in one direction. After the signal “on landing! »Children land on the knee. Individual work: Didactic game “Transport” Purpose:- To teach to distinguish and call transport P (cargo car, car, ambulance, fire engine)- to develop coherent speech skills to educate in communication Walking 19 Observation of the Division of the Objective:- to form ideas about the work of the janitor to develop the ability to listen to the story of the educator to educate respect for the work of people; Response, the course of observation on the walk to pay the attention of children to the work of the janitor: “Look at how he tries, removes snow, clears the paths so that you have where to play.” To clarify that the janitor performs his work well, deftly acts with a shovel and a broom. To approach the janitor and invite the children to tell what buildings they have on the site. The janitor explains that the buildings need to be protected, not break them, and the site is always kept in order. To tell the children that you can thank for work not only with words, but also with deeds. Offer to help. The janitor shows how to act with shovels, praises the guys for a friendly good job. Labor activity clearing the territory from snow. Purpose:- To learn to use the shoulder blades and brooms correctly, to drive the work begun to the end to develop the motor activity of fostering the desire to come to the rescue of others from the mobile game “catch up with me” the goal:- learn to quickly navigate in space; - develop the dexterity of fostering the desire to play with the teacher with individual work: the didactic game is “close” of the goal:- enrich the dictionary, form free communication skills to develop orientation in space- to educate the desire to play with the teacher with a walk 20 N Ambassador Snow Purpose:- to acquaint children with the properties of snow to enrich the dictionary with adjectives to develop coherent speech skills, observation- to educate the aesthetic perception of the environment to go out with children for a walk and carefully look around themselves. What did you notice? Everything is noticeable with white snow. Snow in the sun sparkles, even the eyes are painful. To offer children to walk around the snow and listen to how he creaks. The snow is white, cold, light. Snow fell, snow poured, and then tired. . . What, snow, snow-snow, on earth have you become? For winter winter, I became a feather bed, for pine trees - with a lace Perin, for bunnies became a pillow of down jacket, for children - their favorite game. Labor activity of the clearing of the track with snow. Objectives:- To teach to use the spatula correctly, to bring the work that has begun to the end to develop motor activity to educate the desire to help adults individual work: the development of movements. Objectives:- exercise in throwing the ball because of the head to develop the ability to maintain a stable position of the body, the power to educate the desire to perform physical exercises mobile game “Bunny Bunny” Goals:- To teach to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text to exercise in the text Jumping- to develop motor skills- to educate the desire to play in outdoor games: a white bunny sits and moves with his ears. Like this, like this, He moves his ears. The bunny is cold to sit on the paws to warm. Cotton, cotton, cotton, clap, you need to warm the paws. It’s cold to stand the bunny, you need to jump a bunny, lick, lick, bracket, bracket, you need to jump a hare. Someone frightened the bunny, the bunny jumped ... and rode away. Walk 21 How people are dressed:- To learn to establish the relationship between the weather and clothing of people to fix the names of winter clothing items, to enrich the dictionary to develop observation, coherent speech skills- to educate the curiosity of observation in the yard of a great frost, the doll is frozen. We put on a coat to her and warm the handkerchief in a warm hat, hide his hands in the sleeves, there will be a doll we are all wrapped now. On the street is winter, frost. Did people dress winter clothes? Which one? Fur coats, warm jackets, hats, boots, mittens, scarves. Labor activity of the goal: - learn to correctly fill the bucket with snow to a certain mark; T to bring the work that has begun to the end, to learn to work together, not to interfere with each other to develop motor activity to educate hard work, the mobile game "On the smooth path". Objectives: - To teach to walk freely in a column one at a time; F-develop the consistency of the movement of arms and legs, a sense of balance, orientation in space- to educate friendly relations with a move: along an even path, children go one after another along an even path, our legs walk once, two, once, two on pebbles, jumping on pebbles. With advancement forward on pebbles, on pebbles ... in a pit! Squatted. Individual work: throwing the goal of the target:- exercise in throwing bags into a horizontal goal of the f-development of the eye, power to educate the desire to engage in physical exercises


Yes Yes! You can have a real musical session while walking! Play little drummers!

Give the child a stick, take his hand with the stick in yours, start singing a simple children's song (“Antoshka”, “Two Cheerful Geese”) and, together with the child, “hand in hand” knock on the bench, beating out the rhythm to the beat of the song.

Some time after the start of the song, you can release the baby’s hand and give him the opportunity to accompany you on his own (children aged 1 to 1.5 years do many things with pleasure, simply imitating their mother; therefore, everything will work out much better if you, while next to you, you will also drum on the bench with a stick).

Game for home:

We will conduct this developmental activity on a walk... But at home, while you are busy with important things, the baby can work out on his own!

Prepare the dough for modeling (one glass of flour, half a glass of salt, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, water - as much as you need).

Draw a picture on it. Show your child that if you stick beans or mosaics into the drawn circles, the drawing will become more beautiful:

The sun is drawn in this picture, since “sun” is the theme of our educational walk.

But in fact, it will be much better if a drawing is drawn on a piece of dough that will cause the greatest emotional response in the baby (think about what might interest him - a car, a cat, a bunny?)

By playing with dough and cereal, the baby develops his fingers and creative thinking.

This is the kind of summer activity you can do while walking!

May the sunny summer bring you and your baby a lot of joy!

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Find it in the sand.

This game develops motor skills, attention, and sensory sensations.

Take a small figurine of an animal (for example, a cat) with you for a walk. In front of the child’s eyes, hide her in the sand and invite the child to find her (“Oh!” our cat is hiding somewhere! Where did she run? Oh! Where is she? Let’s dig around with our hands and look for her!”

Children from 1 to 1.5 years old still react poorly to such “commands” - because they simply do not yet understand the meaning of all the words (they are just starting to learn Russian).

Therefore, if the baby finds it difficult, take his hand in yours and dig in the sand together. If the baby likes it, he will subsequently play this game on his own with great pleasure.

If you have prejudices against sand, the same game can be played by picking a few leaves from a tree and hiding the toy under the leaves.

Games and activities for a walk with children 2 years old.

  • Seal

Details Author: Nalivaykina Lyudmila Published May 15, 2015

Summer comes only once a year, and everyone looks forward to it! It is simply created for playing interesting games while walking, walking and basking in the sun! Therefore, many educational games and activities can and even should be carried out outside.

The educational walk “Sun”, prepared especially for children 2 years old, will help you with this! On this walk we will study the theme “Sun” with the children, as well as play and develop!

We walk along the stairs.

Walking on stairs is a very good exercise for children's legs. Taking your child by the hand, help him climb a few steps of the stairs.

The steps on a children's slide are very good for this - they are usually low and quite comfortable for children's feet.

Of course, such “exercises” need to be dosed wisely and not overstrain the child - the muscles and bones of the baby’s legs are not yet very strong and should not be overloaded.

This exercise is not suitable for children who are not yet walking independently (stairs may be too much stress on their legs).

We study geometry.

While walking, you can study geometric shapes. Take a stick and draw a circle, square, triangle on the ground.

Taking the child by the armpits, “jump” with him along the resulting figures, each time pronouncing the name of the figure “jump, this is a square!” “a jump is a circle”, etc.

What happens: of course, a child will not “learn” all the basic geometric shapes in one walk. But if you do this often (especially if it intersects with home exercises), after a few months your baby will be quite capable of distinguishing a square from a circle.

Finger gymnastics.

If your child loves finger exercises, do the “Sun” finger exercises with him:

The sun looks out the window, We show the “sun” - palms are straight,

fingers, like rays, spread to the side.

He looks into our room. A simpler option: put your palm to your forehead,

as if you are peering into the distance.

A more difficult option: fold your fingers into a “window”

(put your thumbs and index fingers together,

make a round “window”) and look into it.

We will clap our hands

Very happy about the sun!

Let's clap our hands.
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