Protocols of parent meetings in kindergarten
Every day, a kindergarten teacher, interacting with children and their parents, receives information about
PRESENTATION “TRAVELING BY METRO” (for senior preschool age)
The boys ride the escalator in the subway. They rode up the stairs, got on the train and went
The essence of Maria Montessori's method
Zone of practical activity according to M. Montessori (Exercises in practical life)
In order to raise a harmoniously developed personality, it is advisable not to waste a minute, starting with the most tender
Musical and theatrical activities under the guidance of a teacher in the senior group of a preschool educational institution Topic: “Journey through fairy tales”
Project “Project of musical and theatrical activities “The Magic World of Theater” in senior group No. 2” LIST OF DIDACTIC MATERIALS
Organization of proper nutrition in kindergarten
Guidelines for organizing meals in a preschool institution
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF "Organization of children's nutrition and the formation of aesthetic eating skills" Organization of nutrition in
"Journey into the natural world." Summary of organized educational activities on cognitive development (the natural world around us) in the preparatory group
Methods and techniques In the course of his work, the teacher uses different teaching technologies. Someone does
Didactic game plant a vegetable garden. Didactic game for preschoolers (speech development): “In the garden and vegetable garden. Progress of the didactic game with preschoolers
Maria Malakhova Didactic game “Vegetable garden”. For children of primary preschool age. Target :
A cycle of observations of onion growth “Vegetable garden on the window” (senior preschool age)
Growing onions in a jar of water. Conditions for growing onions for greens Often planted
Environmental education of children in the secondary “B” group of the Borovsk kindergarten “Dolphin” Teacher Peil Olga Antonovna. - presentation
Environmental education of children of the middle group Preschoolers of the fifth year of life differ from toddlers in physical and
Thematic zone
Decorating a patriotic corner or how to instill love for the motherland
The design of group rooms in preschool institutions plays an important role in the development of the child, thanks to rational
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