Short-term project in the middle group: “Dishes for Fedora”

Work plan for the week in the senior group of kindergarten on the topic “Utensils”

Work plan for the week in the senior group. Topic: “Dishes” Day of the week


Joint educational activities in special moments

Independent work

Individual work


1. Literacy teaching Topic:

“Familiarization with the sounding word.
Introduction of the term “sound” Objectives:
to train children in pronouncing syllables and finishing the text; consolidate the ability to select adjectives to nouns.

2. Drawing Theme:

"Gorodets painting of a wooden board."
to teach children to paint a template based on Gorodets painting;
learn to highlight decorative elements of painting. 3. Physical Education
Morning: Conversation

: “How to behave at the table”
: to continue to develop the skills of proper behavior at the table and the basic rules of etiquette.
Ex .: “Does this happen or not?” Finger games at the request of the children.

Walk: Observation

behind the work of a janitor.
to cultivate respect for the work of adults.
“Birds and Rain”
development of speed and attentiveness. Reading the poem “Naughty Cooks”

Dramatization game:
: to teach children to be hospitable and to communicate politely with each other.
continue to teach children to classify dishes according to their purpose.

Examination of illustrations about folk crafts. Target:

evoke a feeling of admiration for what was created by the hands of the Russian people.

Games with snow to determine the shape. Word game: “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.”

Offer children coloring sheets of utensils.

With Yaroslav and Timosha, consolidate the sequential naming of the days of the week.

Work with Irina and Vanya to develop the eye: “Hit the target.”

With Sasha and Dima Game: “Match by color”


1. Speech therapy

(according to the speech therapist’s plan)

2. Sculpting:

“Cup and saucer”
To learn to sculpt dishes using familiar sculpting methods, to correctly convey the relationships between objects.

3. Music


Morning: Game situation

: “Home alone”
to consolidate ideas about dangerous objects in everyday life.
“Sadness and bad mood”
To cultivate the desire to give joy to loved ones.


Observing a dog. Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about the life of animals. Teach children to behave correctly when in contact with them. P/I: “Shaggy Dog” Goal: activation of speech activity, development of memory and speed of reaction, development of the ability to imitate animals (dog) Taking out equipment for games-experimenting with snow.


Continue to introduce children to the rules of personal hygiene. Show a fairy tale with the participation of children “The Three Bears” Goal: continue to develop children’s ability to recognize emotions, the ability to voice a fairy tale; develop imagination, activate speech, promote emancipation.

S/r game:

“Visiting the nesting doll”
to cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

Labor activity:

shoveling snow with shovels for buildings.
to teach how to use shovels, shoveling snow into a certain place.

Offer a tabletop theater for the development of imagination and speech creativity.

On the development of visual attention “What’s missing?” with Andrey Y. and Anya

individual work with Makar and Kolya on orientation in space “Find us”

Individual work on consolidating correct pronunciation with Andrey K., Alik - pronouncing pure phrases


1.FEMP Theme:

“Comparison of objects”
to consolidate the ability to compare two objects in two dimensions at the same time; consolidate the ability to draw up a floor plan; introduce children to the oval.

2.Design Topic:

“Three Bears Cups”
continue to teach children to depict objects consisting of several parts; consolidate knowledge about shape and size; develop imagination and creativity.


(according to the plan of the musical hand)


D/I: “Select by color” Goal: selecting dishes by color, accompanying the actions with speech. Examination of illustrations for the Russian folk tale “The Three Bears” (preliminary work before design).


Observing cars Goal: to continue to expand children’s knowledge about ground transport (classification and meaning). P/I: “We are drivers” Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the work of a driver; teach children to navigate in space. Conversation about traffic rules Goal: expand ideas about pedestrian crossings and transport.


Breathing exercises: “The porridge is boiling” D/I: “Let’s set the table for tea” Goal: to consolidate the purpose of the dishes. Reading K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Fedorino’s Grief” Goal: to teach children to participate in a conversation based on the content of the work, to develop dialogical speech, to cultivate moral qualities personality through the actions of fairy tale heroes.

Offer a role-playing game “Shop.” Plot “Cookware Department” Goal: to consolidate ideas about the variety of tableware.

Work activity: Construction of a garage out of snow. Goal: continue to teach how to use shovels and finish the job you started.

Games with plasticine Purpose: development of creativity, imagination, fine motor skills of the fingers.

Individual work with Irina and Yulia - learning tongue twisters.

Individual work on fixing the names of wintering birds with Vanya and Makar.

Individual work - development of the ability to generalize objects Game “Who will collect it most quickly”


1. Speech therapy

2. Drawing Theme:

“Painting jugs”
: to teach children to paint a ready-made jug template, using the color scheme and pattern elements characteristic of ceramic ware.

3. Physical education


Talk about objects that make a person’s work easier in everyday life (coffee grinder, mixer, meat grinder, etc.) P/I “Let’s prepare lunch” Goal: Develop the ability to navigate in space, quickly act on a signal; Consolidate knowledge about the profession of a cook, the products contained in culinary dishes, varieties of vitamins. D/I “Edible – Inedible”


Observing clouds. Goal: pay attention to the sky, how the clouds move. Offer to draw a cloud in the snow. P/I: “Sparrows and the cat” Purpose: to teach children to jump softly, bending their knees, run without touching each other, dodge the catcher, quickly run away, find their place


D/games: “Describe without naming”, “What for what?” (sugar bowl for sugar...) Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge about dishes and their purpose. Finger gymnastics “Cooks”

Plot-role-playing game: “Cafe” Goal: Continue to develop the ability to coordinate your actions with the actions of your partners, observe role-playing interactions and relationships in the game.

Independent games with snow, take-out materials: shovels, buckets, scoops. Game: “Hot and cold”

Productive activity: offer children stencils “Salt Shaker”, “Teapot”, “Milkman” - trace and decorate.

Compiling descriptive stories on dishes with Yaroslav, Dima and Timosha.

Individual work to improve coordination of movements with Andrey and Sasha.

Individual work with Kolya and Alik “What’s extra?” Goal: to consolidate knowledge of the names of the materials from which objects are made.


1. Formation of a holistic picture of the world Topic:

“Purpose of tableware”
to form children’s ideas about the type of tableware (tea, dining, kitchen), its purpose, the quality and properties of the material for making tableware (plastic, glass, ceramics, metal), and the connection of the material with the purpose. Cultivate a careful, respectful attitude towards utensils.

2. Physical education.


D/I “China Shop” Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to create a whole from parts. P/I at the request of the children. Examination of Khokhloma dishes. Purpose: to give an idea about the peculiarities of Russian craft - Khokhloma.


Observation of sparrows Goal: to expand children's knowledge of the appearance and leashes of a sparrow. Development of observation skills. P/I: “Sparrows and a car” Goal: to teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, to start moving and change it at the teacher’s signal, to find own place


Reading: Stories by N. Nosov “Mishkina Porridge”. V. Oseeva “Why?” Game situation “In a china shop” Purpose: To consolidate the ability to compare objects (by purpose, color, shape, material), classify them (dishes - porcelain, glass, ceramic, plastic).

Independent theatrical activity: theater on flannelgraph “Fedorino Gore”

Independent games with snow. Laying out figures from snow. Removable materials: spatulas, scoops, molds.

Role-playing game: “Doll Cafe” Purpose: to promote joint creative play and role-playing dialogue.

Individual work on the development of phonemic hearing with Irina and Makar.

Individual work with Yulia and Alik - to consolidate skills in jumping on two legs.

Individual work with Anya and Vanya – D/I “Describe, I’ll guess”

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