Development of cognitive processes in children of primary and senior preschool age
How this happens The development of cognitive processes in preschool children is subject to a number of patterns.
Presentation “Use of gaming technologies in preschool educational institutions”
Presentation “Use of gaming technologies in preschool educational institutions” #Educational and methodological materials #Presentation #Educator #Preschool education Use of gaming
DIY poster and wall newspaper for Mother’s Day 2022 for school and kindergarten - templates for printing, pictures, photos
Mother's Day is a bright and kind holiday that is celebrated in every country every year.
Three children study the properties of sand, earth and clay
Organization of cognitive and research activities of middle preschoolers Development of research skills and abilities is an important component of educational
Finger gymnastics class with a child
Consultation for educators “The importance of finger games in the development of speech in preschool children”
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF “Finger gymnastics as a means of speech development for preschool children” Bolotova Natalya
Catalog of educational games for children 4-5 years old card catalog (middle group) on the topic
Cognitive tasks for children 4-5 years old 1. “Domestic and wild animals.” Prepare cards with
Lesson in non-traditional technology. Drawing with stamps. "Bizarre patterns."
Lesson in non-traditional technology. Drawing with stamps. "Bizarre patterns." Lesson in non-traditional technology. Drawing with stamps.
Animals of hot and cold countries - Charushin E.I.
Abstract of GCD on the surrounding world on the topic “Animals of hot countries”
Rhinoceros The branches in the forest are cracking, the trees are swaying and shaking. This is straight through the tropical thicket
“Ebru” drawing technique for children for home and kindergarten
Nowadays, non-traditional drawing techniques are becoming increasingly popular. What is their advantage?
Calendar plan for the thematic week “Victory Day” in the preparatory group: important aspects of drawing up
In the preparatory group, the topics considered annually are summarized; children summarize previously studied material, which
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