Educational and research project “Beauty Butterfly”
The Legend of the Butterfly Once upon a time, a butterfly was a flower blooming in an open field. But the flower is very
layout 04
Model of a hut made of cardboard and paper: step-by-step diagrams with photos
In kindergartens, they often make play models of buildings, playgrounds, and different areas for children. Such
Thematic weeks in the senior group of kindergarten
The current stage of development of preschool education is characterized by the rapid pace of introduction of innovative technologies into work practice
Presentation of the master class “Educational games of a new generation in the intellectual development of preschool children”
Contents of the game In the game, the child is asked to complete 8 tasks in mathematics. Each slide represents
New methodological literature for preschool teachers!
Classic literature about raising children “How to love a child” - Janusz Korczak About the book: This
Reading fairy tales in secondary groups of kindergartens - a list of suitable ones
The role of fairy tales for children in the middle group Fairy tales give children variety, good and kind
Open speech therapy lesson in the senior group “In the land of beautiful speech” outline of a speech therapy lesson (senior group)
Speech therapy classes - a section with notes on group, frontal, individual speech therapy and logorhythmic classes, and
Poems about war for kindergarten children
How to tell children about the Great War: ideas for study and creativity
How to start a difficult conversation with a child about war? The ceremonial cry “Victory!” sounded more
Project on patriotic education in the preparatory group
Project on patriotic education in the preparatory group Project on patriotic education “I am part of Russia”
Educational tales about water and air for children 4-6 years old
Educational tales about water and air for children 4-6 years old EDUCATIONAL TALES ABOUT WATER
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