self-assessment of the job functions of a teacher
Activities of a preschool teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
How does the system of advanced training for educators work according to the law? Why do educators need to take advanced training courses?
Names of theater clubs at school. Case: name for a children's theater studio. Basic naming rules
Instructions When choosing a name for a theater group, be guided by the age of its participants. Children's group
Lesson summary topic: “Introduction to the medical profession” lesson plan on the world around us (middle group)
How much do doctors earn? A doctor’s earnings are influenced by many factors: whether you work in a private
Speech therapy classes and exercises: developing the child’s correct speech
Tags: Speech therapy, Development, Speech development Children tend to have a lisp, not pronounce sounds, skip or replace
Presentation for children: “Heroes of the Russian Land” presentation for the lesson (preparatory group) on the topic
Presentation “Russian heroes - epic heroes” #Educational and methodological materials #Presentation #All teachers #Educator #Trainee student #Preschool education
Dramatization of a Russian folk tale in the preparatory group
Dramatization of a Russian folk tale in the preparatory group Dramatization of a Russian folk tale “Zayushkina’s hut.” Preparatory
hedgehog and sick tooth
The tale of how Ilyusha stopped being afraid of giving injections
Cowardly Hedgehog and a bad tooth Once upon a time with a little Hedgehog who lived on the very outskirts
Fairy tales for children: a collection of the most interesting fairy tales for children of all ages to read at night (Russian folk and foreign)
Kolka the American, apparently, did not know this, and therefore walked importantly along the road with
DIY paper flowers for kindergarten and school (master classes, diagrams and templates for cutting)
Do-it-yourself seasonal decoration of a group in kindergarten
A beautifully decorated group in a kindergarten will allow children to feel comfortable and show more interest
What is emotional intelligence and how to teach modern children to be happy
Today, every self-respecting parent considers it necessary to send their child to all kinds of schools as early as possible.
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