Educational tales about water and air for children 4-6 years old

Educational tales about water and air for children 4-6 years old





Journey of a droplet.

There lived a droplet in a large beautiful lake. She happily swam and dived. One day a droplet saw the bright sun and rose closer to the surface of the lake to see it better. She didn’t notice how she became a light glider and began to rise up. It was cold up there, and she turned back into a droplet.

Other droplets also gathered in the sky, forming a white fluffy cloud. It floated across the sky. When many droplets gathered, the cloud darkened and became a cloud. The droplets could not stay in it and fell to the ground. There they united into a stream. The stream gurgled, had fun, ran further and further until it flowed into the lake. The drop recognized her lake and was happy - she returned home!

We call the journey of a droplet the water cycle in nature.

How a steamboat turned into a snowflake.

An air droplet flew out of a small puddle - a steam drop. She got tired of sitting in a puddle, and she decided to take a walk in the sky. The higher the steamboat rose into the sky, the colder it became. It froze and, high, high in the sky, turned into a crystal stick.

A cloud walking across the sky saw a lonely crystal and invited it to visit itself. The crystal was delighted, sank into a cloud and at the same moment turned into a light, tender, beautiful snowflake.

“How lonely it is here,” thought the snowy beauty. Suddenly she heard cheerful laughter. It turns out that she was not the only guest of the cloud. Snowflake quickly found friends.

Snowflake lived with the cloud for two weeks. During this time, many more small crystals appeared in the cloud. As soon as they descended into the cloud, they immediately united and turned into light, beautiful snowflakes.

The days went by as usual, and each new one was similar to the previous one. One day, the beautiful snowflake decided to leave the cozy, hospitable cloud. Her snowflake friends also decided to travel with the beautiful snowflake. On a quiet frosty evening they fell from the sky to the ground. As they fell, they stuck together and formed beautiful, patterned, fluffy flakes of snow. Our friend the snowflake, falling from a height, also found girlfriends and united with them.

Layer after layer of snow fell on the ground, forming snowdrifts. But they were loose, because the snowflakes did not press tightly against each other and there was air between them.

Winter has passed. Spring has come, which our snowflake was really looking forward to. She definitely wanted to return to that puddle from which she once flew out and rose up. The spring rays of the sun became warmer and warmer. Soon the snowdrifts began to melt. Instead, puddles appeared on the ground. There were more and more of them every day. And finally, all the snowdrifts turned into puddles, streams and entire lakes. And the beautiful snowflake, together with her friends, turned into small droplets. This is the story that happened to the little droplet.

Tale of water.

Once upon a time there was Water, and one day she decided to make Nature beautiful. Water decided to go around the world and observe Nature. It turned into a small stream and flowed across the Earth. Over time, the Brook became wider and wider, bigger and stronger. Soon the Brook turned into a River and flowed not quickly, like a stream, but slowly and importantly, like a real river flows. Suddenly the Sun shone brightly, the River dried up and became Steam. The steam rose high and high and asked the Sun: “Sun, why did you dry me out?” The sun answers: “Don’t be afraid, I will help you do good to everyone!” Par asks: - Sun, tell me, how can I make Nature beautiful? The sun smiled and answered: “You guess it yourself, and I’ll just give you a hint.” Plants and trees need rain! Par exclaimed: “Exactly!” Thank you, Sun! And turned into Steam and Rain. He watered everything around and admires: all the trees and bushes bloomed again, the birds sang their cheerful songs, even oases appeared in the deserts. All the people and animals shouted joyfully: “Thank you, Rain!” And the Rain gathered again into a ringing stream and flowed, running merrily along the ground. He was very happy and pleased that he had done something good for Mother Nature. Brook was very pleased. Then he ran to cleanse the Seas and Oceans of salt. The stream reached the Sea and shouted to him: “Hello, Sea!” The sea answered: “Hello, ringing Brook!” What do you want? Brook said: “Can I take some salt from you for people’s food?” The sea thought: “Okay, Brook, here’s my salt for you.” Use it as you wish. The brook answered happily: “Yes, good!” Thank you, More! They said goodbye, and Brook gave the salt for people's food so that they would be healthy, and then returned to his original appearance. Water turned to Nature and said: “Nature, I made you beautiful, I made people healthy, I helped the Sea get rid of excess salt.” I have fulfilled my purpose. Nature answers: - Thank you, Water, I am very grateful to you!

That's where we parted ways. The water, having fulfilled its purpose, returned to its home and began to live peacefully and do good to the whole world.

Once upon a time there was a river.

Once upon a time there was a river. At first it was a small, cheerful stream that hid among tall, slender spruce trees and white-trunked birches. And everyone said: how clean, how tasty the water is in this stream! Then the stream turned into a real river. The water in it did not flow so fast, but it was still clear and clean.

The river loved to travel. One day she found herself in the city. No spruce or birch trees grew here, but there were huge houses in which people lived. Many people. They were delighted with River and asked her to stay in the city. The river agreed, and she was chained to the stone banks. Steamships and boats began to sail along it, and people sunbathed on the banks. The river watered the whole city.

Years passed, people got used to the River, but they no longer asked it for anything, but did whatever they wanted. One day, a huge factory was built on its banks, from whose pipes dirty streams flowed into the River. The River darkened from sadness, became dirty and muddy. Nobody said: “What a clean, beautiful river!” No one walked on its banks. Various unnecessary things were thrown into the River: cans, logs, cars were washed in it, clothes were washed. And none of the townspeople thought that the River was also alive. And she was very worried. “Why do people treat me so badly? After all, I gave them water, turned the turbines of power plants, gave them light, protected them from the heat on hot days,” she thought.

People polluted the River more and more, and she endured everything, waiting for them to finally come to their senses.

One day a large tanker sailed along the River, from which a lot of oil spilled into the water. The River was covered with a black film, its inhabitants - plants, animals - began to suffocate without air. Reka became completely ill. “No,” he thinks, “I can’t stay with people anymore. I have to get away from them, otherwise I’ll become a dead river.”

She called her residents for help: “I have always been a home for you, and now trouble has come, people destroyed your house, and I got sick. Help me recover, and we will leave here for other lands, away from ungrateful people.” The river inhabitants gathered: plants, fish, snails, and animals - they cleaned their house of dirt, and cured the River. And she ran to the land of her childhood. There, where spruce and birch trees grew, where man is a rare guest.

And the city residents the next day were surprised to find that they were left alone, without the River. There was no light in the houses, factories stopped, water disappeared from the taps. There is nothing to wash with, nothing to drink, nothing to cook soup from. Life in the city stopped. Its inhabitants became so dirty that they stopped recognizing each other. However, it didn’t matter: there was still no light in the evenings.

And then one day the day came when the townspeople ate all their food supplies. Then the oldest and wisest Citizen said: “Dear fellow citizens! I know why River left us. When I was very little, I bathed in its clear water. She was always our friend and helper, but we did not appreciate this and treated her as an enemy. We unfairly offended Rechka and must ask her for forgiveness. I propose to go to distant lands to pay homage to our nurse. We must apologize to her and promise our friendship. Maybe then she'll come back."

The strongest and most resilient townspeople went to look for the River. They searched for a long time, and when they found it, they didn’t recognize it right away: after all, it had become clean and transparent. People asked Reka to return to the city as soon as possible, told how bad they felt without her, and promised their care. The river was kind and did not remember evil. In addition, she began to miss the people to whom she had become accustomed over many years of living in the city.

The River returned to the city to help its residents. And people removed all the garbage, cleaned the plant’s drains, and even assigned special scientists to monitor the health and well-being of the River. Since then, people and the River have lived together in this city. And recently, Reka was made an honorary citizen of the city, and the Day of her return is celebrated as the most important holiday.

Stupid bunny and stream.

One day the bunny decided to run away from home. He ran far, but still knew the way back. Then he sees a stream running. And the stream says to the little hare: “Let’s go and run a race.” Whoever runs to the forest faster wins.” The bunny agreed. So they ran to the forest.

They run, run, run, and then the bunny doesn’t see the stream and shouts: “Where are you, stream?” And the stream replies: “I evaporated and turned into fog. Well, let's run on. Where there is fog, there I am.” And they ran. They run, run, run, and then the bunny didn’t see the fog and shouted: “Where are you, stream that is fog?”

“I’m here,” says the stream, “I’ve turned into a cloud. Well, let's run!"

The perplexed bunny and the stream continued on their way. They ran and ran, and then the bunny didn’t see the stream. The bunny shouts: “Where are you, stream, fog, cloud?” The brook replies: “I have turned into rain. Well, let's run." And they ran, but suddenly the rain stopped, and again the bunny shouted: “Where are you, stream, fog, cloud, rain?” The brook replies: “I’m here, under your paws. The rain stopped, and I became a stream again.”

The stupid hare and the stream ran together to the forest. But the hare didn’t understand anything.

"Good Air"

In a pure kingdom, in an airy state, there stood an unusual school. Forest school. During a lesson at the Forest School, the Wise Owl told the animals about air.

“Every living thing on earth knows that air is necessary,” said the Wise Owl. It nourishes all the cells of our body, supports the fire. People, animals, plants breathe air. Air is everywhere, it is large and all-pervasive. Air has the ability to absorb moisture, transfer it, and then release it elsewhere. The air protects the earth from cosmic rays harmful to all living things and resists falling meteorites.

The animals listened attentively to the Wise Owl. And after lessons, little Fox suddenly said: “I don’t need air. I still don’t see him.”

At that moment, an unknown force swooped in, spun and spun around the Little Fox, and took him away with it. Before Little Fox had time to come to his senses, he found himself on another planet. It was the planet Mars. There is practically no air on Mars, and the air envelope does not protect this planet. The entire surface of Mars was bombed by meteorites.

Little Fox spent just a few minutes on another planet. He couldn't get enough air. But the good forces took pity on him and returned him to the pure kingdom, to the air state.

It was then that Little Fox appreciated the full value of air. It's okay that he didn't see the air. The main thing is that air exists. Kind, all-pervading air.

“How the little bear caught the air”

One autumn day, Paddington sat on the porch of his house and read a book. The book was so interesting that Paddington couldn’t put it down and forgot about everything in the world. When I finished reading, I discovered that I was very hungry. Well, it’s okay, because you always have your favorite jam sandwiches in your bag! Paddington opened the bag, but there was not a single sandwich in it! There weren't even any crumbs!

What happened? Who could have stolen the sandwiches?

At this time, Sir Henry passed by, and Paddington rushed to him.

- Sir Henry, my sandwiches were stolen! - he shouted - There is nothing in the bag!

- Nothing at all?

“Look for yourself,” said Paddington and opened the bag, “there’s nothing!”

- Well, not really anything. There is air there,” Sir Henry smiled.

- Where?!

- He flew away! – Sir Henry laughed and went on about his business.

And Paddington sat on the step and thought. This means that Air stole his sandwiches and then flew away. We need to find him and catch him, let him give back what he took.

And Paddington went to catch some air.

He walked along the path, and when he approached the river, he saw a fish. She floundered helplessly on the shore. Seeing the bear cub, she began to beg him to throw her back into the water, which Paddington readily did.

- Thank you, little bear! – the fish thanked him, “Otherwise I was running out of air on the shore.” A little more and I would have completely suffocated.

- Does Air live in water? – Paddington was surprised.

“And it’s in the water too.” It is dissolved in water, and I breathe it through my gills,” the fish confirmed.

“Yes, I can’t catch it in the water, I don’t know how to swim,” thought the bear cub, “probably it’s some other Air.” My bag is dry and there is no water.

The bear cub walked further along the shore. Suddenly he saw a boy blowing up balloons. It was very beautiful.

- What are you doing? – asked the bear cub.

“I fill the balloons with air,” the boy answered.

- So he hid inside the ball! - Paddington exclaimed and asked, - please give me one ball.

“Here,” and the boy handed him the red ball.

Paddington stepped aside a little.

- Here you are, Air! - he yelled. - Why did you steal my jam sandwiches? Confess!

“What are you talking about,” he suddenly heard a voice from the ball, “I can’t eat sandwiches, so why steal them then?” I don’t even have a mouth, I don’t have arms or legs either. I'm invisible!

- How do you speak then if there is no mouth? – the bear cub asked doubtfully.

- Well, I don’t know, that’s how it turns out. What is sound? This is a concussion of air. So I shake myself, it turns out my voice!

- What do you have then? – Paddington began asking Air with interest.

“What there is,” thought Air, “is my lightness.” I am very light, lighter than stone and even lighter than water. I would fly up, but this heavy ball, inside of which I am sitting, holds me.

- What if I let you out? – Paddington untied the balloon, and it immediately deflated. – where are you now, Air?

- I am everywhere! I'm around you! You breathe me in and out! “It’s so ticklish,” Air laughed.

-Who are you talking to? – Paddington heard the voice of Sir Henry returning.

- With Air. We became friends with him! - the bear cub said joyfully, - and he didn’t take my sandwiches, as I first thought.

“Of course I didn’t,” Sir Henry laughed, “but look at your mouth.”

Paddington walked to the glass door of the veranda and looked at his reflection. His whole mouth was covered in jam!

- So I ate it myself! - the bear cub exclaimed in confusion, - he was so engrossed that he didn’t even notice...

- So you were in vain thinking about Air. Food is not for him. Although he has plenty of strength. The air is very strong and can lift a lot! Or maybe it will shoot.

With these words, Sir Henry again hurried along the path away from Paddington, leaving the bear in thought. And how can such light Air be strong? He can also shoot. But how?

"The Tale of the Dragon and the Wind"

At that time, the Great Dragon lived on a deserted island, lost somewhere in the ocean. He lived there alone, and he did not have a single friend. The sun, of course, shone on the island, and the moon and stars gave their light, but there was no one to communicate and talk with. The dragon did not know how to swim or fly, so he could not go in search of friends. But one day a small boat sailed to the island. There was a boy sitting in it, just like you. — The air bubble smiled slyly. “The boy’s oar broke, and he swam wherever the water current carried him; there was no wind at that time. He was very tired and hungry, and besides, he wanted to go home to his mother.

When the boat washed up on the shore, the boy was very scared of the Great Dragon, but after some time they became real friends, talked a lot, played, the boy even taught the dragon to sing. But, of course, the boy really wanted to return home to his mother. He tried to make a new oar, but nothing worked. One day, when the dragon was fanning the fire for dinner, and the boy was sitting and sadly looking at the sparks of the fire, an amazing idea came to his mind.

“Listen,” he turned to the dragon, “there is complete silence and peace around us, but when you blow on the fire, the air is no longer calm, it flies very quickly, fanning the fire.” What is this?

“I don’t know,” answered the dragon, “I can blow on a tree so hard that it breaks.” I can blow away a whole mountain of sand. When I blow, it turns out... it turns out... Let's call it wind?

“Come on,” the boy agreed, “what is wind and why does it happen?”

- Well, probably because before I blow, I inhale a lot of air, fill my mouth full, chest full and even belly full. The air becomes crowded there, the pressure with which it presses on me from the inside is greater than from the outside, so it flies back quickly. This is where the wind comes from. Air from a high pressure zone enters a low pressure zone!

- How amazing! - the boy clapped his hands, - you invented the wind. Can you blow on my boat so hard that it floats across the sea and reaches my house?

“Probably yes,” the dragon sighed, “but then you and I will never see each other again!” I'll be alone here again. But you're right, you need to try. After all, your mother is waiting for you at home.

To make it easier for the dragon to blow on the boat and push it. the boy made a sail for the boat. Then he said goodbye to his friend and got into the boat.

- I will remember you! - the boy shouted, “maybe we’ll see you again someday!”

The dragon took in more air and blew, then again and again. The farther the boat floated, the harder the dragon had to blow to keep it floating. Soon the boat was out of sight, and the dragon kept blowing and blowing. Night gave way to day, but it still did not stop blowing. The dragon was very worried about his friend; he stopped only after ten days, when he was completely exhausted.

But when it stopped blowing, the wind did not stop! He was blowing himself! What a miracle. It turns out that the Great Dragon mixed the air so much in 10 days that now the air pressure was no longer the same everywhere. Somewhere the pressure became high, and somewhere low. And the wind was blowing from places with high pressure. - Great! - the dragon admired, - now my friend will definitely swim home, and I won’t worry about him. And now I’m not alone here on the island. The wind is with me, so different, fickle and cheerful! And he also drives clouds, different ones all the time. That's so beautiful!

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