Project on patriotic education in the preparatory group

Project on patriotic education in the preparatory group

Patriotic education project “I am part of Russia” (preparatory group)

Author: Belyaeva Elena Aleksandrovna, teacher of MKDOU kindergarten No. 24 Description of the material: This material is intended for children of senior preschool age. The project will be useful for educators and parents. Relevance of the project Patriotic education is a pressing problem in educating the younger generation. A child is not born a patriot, he becomes one. Patriotism is love for one’s family, one’s native land, one’s country, a sense of pride and responsibility for one’s native country, the desire to be part of a great country. A.N. Tolstoy said: “Patriotism does not mean only love for one’s homeland. This is much more... This is the consciousness of one’s inalienability from one’s homeland and an integral experience with it of its happy and unhappy days.” Raising patriotism is not a simple and continuous process; much depends on the child’s environment, on what is ingrained in the child’s consciousness from childhood. Not every parent considers it necessary to tell their child about their native country, their ancestors, naively thinking that a small child does not understand anything about this. Therefore, the role of preschool education in instilling patriotism in children is very important, since it is at preschool age that a person’s moral qualities are formed. Stage I of the project (main steps for project implementation) Setting goals and objectives, project planning, selection of methodological tools. The goal of the project is to educate the moral and patriotic qualities of children of senior preschool age, to develop interest in the history and culture of Russia. Project objectives To consolidate knowledge about the state symbols of the Russian Federation To foster a sense of pride in one’s country To cultivate interest in the history of one’s homeland To expand the understanding of the national culture of the Russian people, to introduce children to Russian folk tales, folk applied art To consolidate knowledge about Russian holidays, about Russian folk holidays To expand knowledge about the small homeland To cultivate respect for kindergarten employees To instill interest in family traditions, respect for elders To expand the subject-development environment To cultivate interest in reading fiction To cultivate active life position Expand vocabulary Project participants - children of the preparatory group - teacher - parents Type of project - group - informational - practice - oriented - long-term Implementation period - 6 months Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction", “Artistic creativity”, “Labor”, “Socialization” Scenario of joint actions to solve problems: (main steps for project implementation) Setting goals and objectives, project planning, selection of methodological tools (card files of poems, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland, consultations for parents, memos, holding joint events with parents, project presentation.) Product description Creation of a card index: “Poems about Russia”, “Poems about the Urals”, “Poems about folk applied art”, “Russian folk games”, “Proverbs and sayings” ; Photo albums: “My village”, “The Kremlin”, “Military equipment of Russia”, “Oh, how good life is in the kindergarten”, “Migratory birds of Russia”, “Butterflies of Russia”, “Russian folk costume”, “Costumes of the peoples of Russia”. Collections: coins, minerals, Kasli casting, marble products, Russian matryoshka. Layouts: “Russian Hut”, “Mountain of Gems”. Exhibitions of children's works: “Red Square”, “Russian Flag”, “Matryoshka”, “Khokhloma”, “Gzhel”, “Dymkovo Toy”. Creation of a subject-developing environment: “My Russia”, “My village”, “My family”, “The Urals - the stronghold of the state”, “Folk applied art”, “Folk musical instruments”, “Visiting a fairy tale”. Albums of drawings “The meaning of my name”, “According to Bazhov’s fairy tales”. Presentation of the project “I am part of Russia” Expected result For children: Children feel proud of their country and are interested in the history of their Motherland. They know the traditions of their native people, the symbols of Russia, the history of their small homeland. Children have deeper knowledge about Russia and the Urals. For parents: Parents began to understand the importance of nurturing patriotic qualities in preschool age For teachers: Increasing the level of pedagogical skills Forms of work Working with children • Direct educational activities • Excursions • Quizzes • Holidays • Reading fiction • Conversations • Games (moving, didactic, plot-based) role-playing, finger) •Artistic creativity •Observation, walks •Multimedia presentations Work with parents •Consultations •Work together with children •Participation in competitions •Assistance in preparing holidays and entertainment Stage II of the project (main) Long-term work plan for the implementation of the project September I Block - Family. Kindergarten. Conversations: “Traditions of my family” “A child’s rights to a name” “My mother” “My favorite kindergarten” Looking at photo albums and illustrations: Photo albums with family photographs, “Oh, how good it is to live in kindergarten,” “The meaning of my name.” Reading fiction: Y. Akim “My Relatives”, V. Dragunsky “My Sister Ksenia”, Z. Alexandrova “Let’s Sit in Silence”, Nenets folk tale “Cuckoo”, “Ayoga”, memorizing poems, proverbs, sayings about family. Artistic creativity: Drawing “The house in which I live”, “My family” Application “Vegetables for the winter” Entertainment: “Day of Knowledge”, “Meeting the poetess of the village. Krasnogorsky" D/games "Who is older?", "Whose birthday is it today?", exercises "Who are you to your parents?", "Who are you to your grandmother?" Role-playing games “Family”, “Mothers and Daughters”. Finger gymnastics: “Friendly Family”, “Our Apartment”, “Many Mothers in this World” Tabletop theater: “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” Descriptive story: “My Mother” Outdoor games: RNI “Pie” RNI “Burners” RNI “Carousels” » Excursions: Walk through the streets of the village, to the playground Work with parents: Demonstration of a video for parents: “We are against violence against children” Consultations: “Family traditions in raising preschool children” Parent meeting: “Getting ready for school” Creation of an album of drawings “ The right to a name, the meaning of my name" Participation in the regional competition "We are creating the history of the Chelyabinsk region" Questioning: "Patriotic education of a child" October II Block Small Motherland Conversations: "Day of the Elderly" "My village" "Chelyabinsk region" "Ural craftsmen" Examination of illustrations and photo albums: Books by P.P. Bazhov, examination of the symbols of the cities of the Chelyabinsk region, books by authors of Krasnogorsky, photo album “Migratory Birds of Russia”, “My Village”, Kasli casting, marble products, collection of minerals. Artistic creativity: Application “Postcard for Grandma” Drawing based on Bazhov’s fairy tales Modeling “Harvest in my garden” Reading fiction: P.P. Bazhov “Malachite Box”, “Jumping Fire” Reading works of poets from Krasnogorsky Learning the poem “My Krasnogorsk” » Excursions: To the children's village library “On a visit to the mistress of the copper mountain” MBOU secondary school No. 14 Finger gymnastics: “Our apartment”, “Building a house” D/games: “House, street, city”, “Fence”, “House” Outdoor games: RNI “Owl” RNI “Golden Gate” RNI “I walk with a loach” Descriptive story: “The house where I live” Competition between kindergartens in Krasnogorsky: “Call of the Jungle” Work with parents: Consultations: “The role of the family in education of patriotic feelings in preschool children.” Exhibition of crafts from vegetables and fruits November III Block Russia Conversations: “History of the emergence of Russia” “State symbols of Russia” “President of Russia” “Wealth of Russia” GCD: “We are preparing a vinaigrette” Examination of illustrations and photo albums: Photo album “Russia is my country”, Map of Russia, illustrations “Animals of Russia”, “Russian Air Force”, “Symbols of the Russian Federation”, “Rulers of Russia”. Artistic creativity: Application of peas + drawing “Flag of the Russian Federation” Drawing “Kremlin” Drawing based on fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin Reading fiction: Russian folk tales “Little Little One”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”. A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, reading and learning poems about Russia Finger gymnastics: “Hello, my Motherland”, “Building a house” D/games: “What are we doing?”, “Flag of Russia”, “ Choose a sign" Outdoor games: RNI "Burners with a handkerchief" RNI "Grandfather - Horn" Round dance game "Flight of Birds" Work with parents: Consultations: "The role of parents in nurturing patriotic feelings of preschoolers" December Conversations : "Moscow is the capital of Russia" "Towers Kremlin" "History of the New Year holiday" "Holiday is fun" Examination of illustrations and photo albums: The Red Book of Russia, postcards on the theme "New Year", "Russian folk costume", "Wintering birds of Russia", work with the globe. Artistic creativity: Drawing “New Year” Felting “Herringbone” Scratchboard – “Winter in the Village” NOD: “Russia is My Motherland” Reading fiction: Reading Russian folk tales, reading and learning poems about the New Year holiday, winter. Finger gymnastics: “Dressing up the Christmas tree”, “Winter has finally come” D/games: “What are we doing”, “Pick up a sign” Outdoor games: RNI “Pie” RNI “Geese and Swans” RNI “Two Frosts” Holiday: “New Year at the gate" Work with parents: Consultations: "The role of parents in the formation of patriotic feelings" New Year's exhibition "Valenok" January III Block Folk art Conversations: "Folk crafts" "Oral folk art" "Russian nesting doll" "Round dance games in Russia" Examination of illustrations and photo albums: Illustrations “Folk crafts” (Khokhloma, Gzhel, Dymkovo toy, Gorodets painting), “Russian nesting doll”, “Russian folk costume”, “Costumes of the peoples of Russia”. Artistic creativity: Drawing “Teapot painted with Gzhel”, “Khokhloma board”, Applique “Dymkovo young lady”, making a three-dimensional matryoshka doll using the Papier-mâché technique. ECD: “Let's decorate a sundress for a nesting doll” Reading fiction: RNS “Sivka Burka”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, N. Teleshova “Krupenichka” Excursions: To the MBOU secondary school No. 14 (to the “Russian Izba” museum) Finger gymnastics: “Matryoshka” D /games: “What is what?”, “Find the extra one,” “What kind of curl is this?” Outdoor games: RNI “Shine Shine Clearly” RNI “Golden Gate” RNI “Rucheyok” Work with parents: Consultations: “What Russian folk tales should children read?” February IV Block Defenders of the Fatherland. Maslenitsa. Conversations: “Defender of the Fatherland Day” “Military” “Our native army” “Oil Week” Examination of illustrations and photo albums: “Military equipment”, “Armed forces of the Russian Federation”, “Russian Air Force”, “Orders and medals of Russia”, “Maslenitsa holiday » NOD: “Travel across Russia” Artistic creativity: Drawing: “Border Guard with a Dog”, “Portrait of a Defender of the Fatherland”. Application “Postcard for Dad” Open application: “Sunshine” Reading fiction: Learning poems and songs about the army and the military. Reading chapters from Alekseev’s book “One Hundred Stories about War”, Y. Koval’s story “On the Border”, Y. Dlugolesky “What Soldiers Can Do”, reading and learning poems, proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa. Excursions: MBOU Secondary School No. 9 Finger gymnastics: “Stand by,” “Captain” D/games: “Who needs what,” “Name the troops.” S/r games: “Border Guards”, “Tankmen”, “Pilots”, “Military Parade”, “We are Sailors”. Outdoor games: “Who will deliver the report to the headquarters faster”, “The most accurate”, “The bravest”, “Scouts” RNI “Golden Gate” RNI “Boyars” Competitions between kindergartens in Krasnogorsky: Military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa 2015” Holidays: “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “Maslenitsa” Work with parents: Consultations: “A child and his homeland” Presentation of the project: “I am part of Russia” Project results: During the course of the project, the children became interested in the history of their country and are proud of Russia. We studied the history of our native village more deeply, expanded our understanding of the work of miners, fixed the names of streets with the help of targeted walks and excursions, and became acquainted with cultural and educational institutions. We expanded the children's knowledge about the Urals, talked about Kasli casting, South Ural porcelain, looked at products made of marble and marble chips, read the Ural tales of P.P. Bazhov, talked about the legends of the Urals. The children got acquainted with the history of Russia, the formation of the state, they know the first tsar and presidents, the children’s knowledge about the peoples living on the territory of Russia expanded, and they consolidated knowledge about the symbols of the Russian Federation and its meaning. The children's knowledge about the capital of Russia, cultural monuments expanded, they studied the Kremlin and its towers in more detail - from which they got their name. The children enjoyed studying the map of Russia, looking for various cities, studying animals living on the territory of the Russian Federation; with the help of the Red Book of Russia, the children became acquainted with endangered species of animals. We enjoyed studying Gzhel painting, Khokhloma, Dymkovo painting, expanding our knowledge about the matryoshka doll, and getting acquainted with felting. We continued our acquaintance with oral folk art, Russian folk instruments, and visited the “Cossacks” ensemble, where we got acquainted with the traditions of the Ural Cossacks. Reinforced knowledge about Russian folk holidays and public holidays in Russia. Together with parents, I expanded the subject-development environment. Parents took an active part in the implementation of the project. Meeting the poetess of Krasnogorsky E.G. Stolle

Right to a name

Studying the history of the village Visiting the Mistress of the Copper Mountain

Making a mountain of gems

Looking for Russia Drawing the Kremlin Towers

Golden Khokhloma

Gzhel Russian beauty - matryoshka

MK on making nesting dolls /blogs/beljaeva-elena/master-klas-po-izgotovleniyu-matr-shki-v-tehnike-pape-mashe.html Introduction to felting techniques

Drawing based on Russian folk tales Wide Maslenitsa Military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa” We won!

Excursion to MBOU Secondary School No. 14

Excursion to MBOU Secondary School No. 9

Excursion to the village library Excursion to the playground Russian Izba

Our hut layout

Developmental environment

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 18 “Rucheyok” Tambov-2015 Educator: Pinchuk L.V. PATRIOTIC EDUCATION OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN USING INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES PEDAGOGICAL PROJECT

Is 70 years a lot or a little? If you look back at an individual person - a whole life... If you look around the country - a small page of history... 70 years separate us from that memorable day in the history of our Motherland when the GREAT PEOPLE won a GREAT VICTORY. The idea of ​​the project: on the basis of search and research activities, to develop children’s desire to learn as much as possible about the history of the country and hometown during the Great Patriotic War, about its heroes. PROJECT IDEA

Patriotism - love for the Motherland, devotion to it, responsibility and pride for it, the desire to work for its benefit, to protect and increase its wealth - begins to form already in preschool age. It is impossible to cultivate self-esteem, self-confidence, and, consequently, a full-fledged personality, without respect for the history and culture of one’s Fatherland, for its state symbols. (“Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation”) One of the main objectives of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education is: “Combining training and education into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​and socially accepted rules and norms of behavior in the interests of the individual, family, and society.” . Therefore, moral and patriotic education is one of the most important links in the system of educational work in preschool educational institutions. PATRIOTISM AND PATRIOTIC EDUCATION

You cannot be a patriot without knowing how our ancestors loved and took care of their Motherland. Do our children know why their great-grandparents received medals? It is important to bring the child to understand that we won because we love our Fatherland. The Motherland honors its heroes who gave their lives for the happiness of people. Their names are immortalized in the names of cities, streets, squares, and monuments have been erected in their honor. RELEVANCE June 22, 1941 May 9, 1945 May 9, 2015

Problems: - lack of knowledge about their hometown, its history, sights, children doubt the answers, and their parents do not know how to correctly talk about the Great Patriotic War and its heroes; — insufficient material and technical base. Ways to overcome them: - interest parents in joint project activities; — create original developments (presentations, games, booklets, wall newspapers, etc.); - involve the public in the project.

CONTRADICTION The choice of the topic of work is determined by the existing contradictions in society. On the one hand, the loss of traditional Russian patriotism has become increasingly noticeable, and on the other hand, the desire to revive the work of developing patriotic feelings in children, which are expressed in appropriate actions and behavior. Raising patriotism is possible when children have at least basic knowledge about the history of their country and hometown, when they become direct participants in the preparation and celebration of such holidays as Victory Day.

One of the most effective methods of patriotic education is project activity, which allows you to create a natural situation of communication and practical interaction between children and adults. Project activity helps the child to show creativity, teaches him to see the future of his mental activity, and plan his actions to achieve a certain goal. At the same time, work on the project helps to strengthen educational influences, since the education of the individual occurs in a complex, in the interaction of objects of the social environment, and ensures the unification and integration of different types of activities. I LIVE ON THE STREET OF HEROES Pedagogical project

PROJECT PASSPORT Type of project: group, long-term Content: educational, research, creative Project participants: - educators - pre-school specialists - pupils - parents Implementation period: December 2014 - May 2015

Pupils: specially organized activities, joint activities of adults and children, independent children's activities Teachers: active methodological work, integration of activities to develop patriotism Parents: participation in project and research activities, assistance to teachers, participation in preschool educational institutions TARGET GROUPS

Conditions for successful implementation of the project Creation of conditions for children's activities within the framework of the project Establishment of a center for moral and patriotic education in groups Implementation of close cooperation with all employees of the preschool educational institution Readiness of preschool educational institutions teachers to implement project activities Personally-oriented interaction between an adult and a child Active participation of parents in project activities

Creating effective conditions for the formation of patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland, and pride in preschoolers based on expanding children’s ideas about the Great Patriotic War and the feat of our people. PROJECT GOAL If not us, then who will help our children love Russia and know how important it is not to be late!

1. Study problems in theory and practice. 2. To identify the level of patriotic education of preschoolers and their parents. 3. Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the city of Tambov, its history, heroes, sights, and the heroic past of our citizens. 4. To form in children a feeling of love for the Motherland, introducing them to their native culture and traditions through creative, design, educational and research activities. 5. To develop in children the creative abilities and personality qualities they need to carry out further educational activities. 6. Involve parents in the educational process to work together to study the city, orient them towards patriotic education in the family. 7. Determine the level of effectiveness of the work done. 8. Generalization and dissemination of experience on the project topic. PROJECT OBJECTIVES

Using the project method allows: - the child to feel like a researcher; — create a unified educational space and ensure the quality of education in preschool educational institutions; — integrate information from different fields of knowledge; - involve various types of children's activities. NOVELTY OF THE PROJECT Inclusion of museum pedagogy in the educational process. Using ICT technology to create original multimedia presentations, virtual excursions, quizzes, crosswords, consultations for teachers and parents.

PREDICTED RESULT: - increasing the moral level of students; - broadening the horizons of children, their interest in the history of their hometown; — development of initiative, intelligence, independence; — transformation of the group’s subject-game environment; — organization of pedagogical search through the implementation of innovative forms; — strengthening the interest of parents in cooperation with the kindergarten on issues of moral and patriotic education; - showing children a sense of pride in their hometown, respect for its history, the people who live and work here; acquaintance with the hometown will continue in the daily life of the group, on a walk, in the family. —

PROJECT STAGES December 2014 - January 2015 Preparatory stage Self-improvement on this topic. Organization and carrying out preparatory work for the implementation of project activities. February - May 2015 Project implementation Organization and implementation of project events. May 2015 Final stage Summing up, analyzing the results of the project implementation. Determining future prospects. Dissemination of positive experience among teachers of preschool educational institutions and the city.

thematic planning of material, personality-oriented communication, cultural conformity, freedom and independence, integration of various types of children's activities, humane and creative orientation, clarity and entertainment, sequence (from simple to complex) Principles

Monitoring of children and questioning of parents Development of a plan for project implementation. Assessing one’s own capabilities and resources for implementing the project Studying literature, new methods and technologies on the issues of moral and patriotic education of children Consulting with teachers, developing practical material Individual consulting with parents and involving them in collecting visual material and necessary literature Establishing contacts with public organizations PREPARATORY STAGE

An exhibition of literature was organized in the mini-museum of the preschool educational institution “Living Memory of the Past.” Presentations for thematic classes and discussions, virtual excursions were created, a route to memorable places, and lesson notes were developed. Centers for patriotic education have been organized in the groups, literature and attributes for games have been selected. An exhibition of literature was organized in the mini-museum of the preschool educational institution “Living Memory of the Past.” Presentations for thematic classes and discussions, virtual excursions were created, a route to memorable places, and lesson notes were developed. Centers for patriotic education have been organized in the groups, literature and attributes for games have been selected.

MAIN STAGE Conducting a musical and poetic composition “From Tambov to Berlin”, a poetry competition, a review of formations and songs. Visiting a children's library or museum. Visit to a thematic exhibition at the local history museum. Organizing excursions to monuments and memorial plaques on Engels Street, laying flowers. Carrying out joint events with parents, veterans, home front workers, organizing meetings, conversations, educational activities, virtual excursions: “Eternal Flame”, “Warrior-Liberator”, “Children about the war”, “Streets in Tambov and Volgograd are named after him! "," Heroes of the Great Victory lived on Engels Street in Tambov." Organization of an exhibition of works. Design of a memory book. Release of booklets and leaflets “Trace of War in My Home.” Organization of project and play activities for children.




Preparation and organization of excursions to memorial plaques along Engels Street and to the monument to the Feat of Medics in the Great Patriotic War.


Children expressed their impressions in creative works



The teacher had the opportunity for self-realization and creativity in his work in accordance with his professional level. Parents had the opportunity to actively participate in an important process - moral and patriotic education, and were involved in research activities. Children were involved in search and research activities, organized in accordance with their interests, desires, and needs PROJECT RESULTS

PROJECT RESULTS Presentation of the album “Your feat in our hearts” with the results of the research activities of children and their parents. Presentation of children's mini-projects. Analysis of the results obtained. Speech at the teachers' meeting. Publishing a newspaper for parents. Analysis, synthesis and dissemination of project results: presentation at the teachers' meeting.

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT Formation of not only patriotic feelings, but also intellectual, aesthetic, social and personal qualities, responsibility, and initiative of students in general. Application of the project method of developmental education, an integrated approach in educational relations, participation of parents in the development of family projects. Showing parents' activity in joint events, enriching their experience in introducing preschoolers to family values ​​and traditions.



LIST OF REFERENCES USED: Igushentseva A. Museum of Military Glory // Preschool Education 2006 No. 5, pp. 11-13. Komarova T. Art as a factor in nurturing love for the native land // Preschool education 2006 No. 2, pp. 3-8. Komratova N. On the civic education of preschoolers // Preschool education 2006 No. 5, pp. 3-10. Kazakova N.V. A big river begins with a fontanel, love for the homeland from kindergarten // Preschool teacher 2008 No. 12, pp. 31-36. Soboleva I. To love your small homeland. // Preschool education 2005 No. 10, pp. 52-54. Tatarinkova L.Yu. The rights of a small citizen. Series “To Kids about the Motherland” St. Petersburg: Litera Publishing House, 2007. Tatarinkova L.Yu. I and my family. Series “To Kids about the Motherland” St. Petersburg: Litera Publishing House, 2007. Federal state educational standard for preschool education Order of November 14, 2013 Registration No. 30384.

INFORMATION RESOURCES ?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=26&Itemid=12 https://nsportal .ru/ https:/ /

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