What presentations are suitable for children of primary preschool age?
“Project activity in kindergarten” 02/13/2014 - presentation “Project activity in kindergarten”
“Methodological recommendations for the use of non-traditional drawing techniques in visual arts classes”
Types of non-traditional drawing in kindergarten What is especially valuable in non-traditional methods is that
Top 30 educational games for children 6–7 years old
86 leisure ideas that all preschoolers will love
How do 6-7 year old children develop? At this age, the child’s thinking abilities reach a new, more
Consultation for parents “Goals, objectives, organization of physical education classes in kindergarten in accordance with the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education”
Article: “Physical education in kindergarten” Starting from the second junior group, three are planned
Article for parents “Patriotic education of preschool children
Fire stand pictures Posting information about fire safety is one of the ways to inform students
reading literature in the 2nd junior group
Reading fiction in the 2nd junior group: list of works
The importance of reading in preschool age Collective reading of fiction in the 2nd junior group allows
The importance of collective work for preschoolers “The importance of collective work for preschoolers.” (The purpose of collective activities: to form
Long-term plan
long-term plan calendar-thematic planning on the topic
Why do you need a plan? Of course, as you learned from the last paragraph, such a plan makes no sense.
Article “Sensory development of young children”
Article “Sensory development of young children” “Play permeates the whole life of a child. This is even the norm
Pedagogical competitions of professional skills of preschool educational institutions employees
Competitions We invite you to take part in international competitions on the educational portal Maam.ru Schedule of competitive events
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