Modern forms of organizing joint activities of adults and children in the educational process

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

“Travel games as an organization of joint activities between an adult and a child”

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard in working with children of senior preschool age, one of the main principles is the principle of forming the child’s cognitive interests and cognitive actions, as well as the principle of supporting children’s initiative in various types of activities.

The priority of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education is gaming technologies, since gaming is the leading activity of preschool children.

The construction of an integrative pedagogical process involves the primary use of visual and practical methods and ways of organizing activities. Joint creative projects, holidays, observations, excursions, elementary experiments, travel games, game problem situations, role-playing games, etc., but I would like to dwell in more detail on travel games as an effective means of developing cognitive activity and initiative children in various types of activities in children of senior preschool age.

In older preschool age, intellectual interests are created on the basis of play interests. The ability to think independently, use acquired knowledge in mental operations is formed: find characteristic features, compare, group, classify objects, navigate in space, draw correct conclusions. All this will further contribute to successful learning at school. In this regard, the problem of developing the cognitive activity of preschool children, today, is becoming increasingly relevant. The goal of our work is to increase the level of cognitive activity of preschoolers through travel games.


  • Development and activation of cognitive processes in children of senior preschool age;
  • Formation of the ability to solve problem-search, game problems;
  • Creating conditions for the development of independent cognitive activity. The practical significance and novelty of our work lies in the fact that the use of travel games in modern preschool educational institutions allows the teacher to effectively solve a number of issues related to the development of children’s cognitive activity and initiative in various types of activities, through the integration of educational areas.

The travel game is a sequential visit to various points on a previously prepared route. The children are given a task that has a playful nature (they go to Tsar Berendey, to the sweet tree). It is necessary to organize stops along the route where children will be offered various games and tasks.

Travel games are similar to a fairy tale, its development and miracles. They reflect real facts and events, but the ordinary is revealed through the unusual, the simple through the mysterious, the difficult through the interesting. All this happens in play, in play actions, it becomes close to the child and makes him happy.

A travel game is a game of action, thoughts, feelings of a child, a form of satisfying his needs for knowledge. The name of the game and the formulation of the game task should contain “calling words” that arouse children’s interest and active play activity. In a travel game, many ways of revealing cognitive content are used in combination with gaming activities: setting tasks, clarifying ways to solve them, sometimes developing travel routes, solving problems step by step, the joy of solving them, meaningful rest. The game sometimes includes songs, riddles, gifts and much more.

The purpose of the travel game is to enhance the impression, to make the educational content a little more fabulously unusual, to draw children’s attention to what is nearby, but is not noticed by them.

Thanks to travel games, children develop mental processes such as attention, memory, imagination, and perception more effectively. Children are given tasks such as overcoming difficulties and achieving success, which contributes to the development of logical thinking. Travel games arouse interest and active participation in the development of the game’s plot; children strive to master the rules of the game and get a result: solve a problem, find out something, learn something.

For example, in the game “Trip to the Zoo,” children gain knowledge about geometric shapes, repeat counting, and solve riddles.

In the game “Travel to Hometown,” children dance and listen to music; this includes tasks for attention, the ability to work in groups, and the ability to negotiate.

Thus, we can conclude that travel games for developing children’s initiative in various types of activities, for the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of older preschoolers, are very effective.

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Education of the younger generation

There is nothing more valuable in our life than the smile of a child. It is so important for parents that their children are healthy, able to study normally, and receive a quality education. For a baby, the mother is the main person to whom he trusts his problems and joys.

How to establish communication? It is important that parents are always nearby; it is useful to play board and outdoor games, involving the child in joint activities.

When a father builds a castle in the sand next to his son or a mother helps him with his homework, peace and tranquility always reign in the family.

It is thanks to the joint activities of the baby and parents that closer ties arise in the family. The child must understand that he is needed and important for his parents, that all his problems and successes worry both his father and mother.

It is important that parents become both teachers and interlocutors for their child.

Psychologists are absolutely sure that it is the joint activity of parents and children that helps the child develop as an individual.

It is necessary to prepare your child for entering first grade and lay the foundation for relationships with other people in early childhood. Children very subtly feel the love and care from their parents.

The child should feel constant attention, care, and support from relatives. In case of the slightest danger, the baby must be absolutely sure that they will hold him and help him cope with troubles.

It is important to love your child exactly as he really is. You should not make excessive demands on him that the baby will not be able to cope with. This will cause serious psychological trauma, which will negatively affect his entire future life. It is important to love your child exactly as he is, and not try to remake him to suit your requirements and desires.

The educational and educational process in preschool institutions is undergoing significant changes associated with restructuring in the field of pedagogy and modern trends in the approach to cooperation between adults and children. If earlier this meant a connection based on the “leader and follower” principle, now the joint activity of the teacher with children of different ages comes to the fore.

The concept of activity and its types for preschoolers

Human activity is the basis for the formation and development of personality. It is a special type of activity that promotes interaction with the outside world and helps to creatively transform oneself. Activities can be different - intellectual, creative, physical, and so on. For the successful development of children of different ages, various types of activities are used:

  • Children from 1 to 3 years old are suitable for subject-based activities, individual and group games with peers and adults, outdoor games, elements of self-care, listening to fairy tales and music.
  • Children from 3 to 7 years old have access to a greater number of types of activities, for example, a variety of games, communicative, research, cognitive and labor activities, self-care, visual and musical creativity, singing, physical activity.

Based on the characteristics of age, it becomes clear that the joint activities of the teacher with pupils in the middle age group of preschoolers are wider and more diverse.

Types of organization of children's activities in preschool educational institutions

There are the following forms of joint activity between the teacher and the children:

  • Motor.
  • Gaming.
  • Fine (including design).
  • Perception of folklore and fiction.
  • Cognitive and research.
  • Communicative.
  • Self-care and age-appropriate household chores.
  • Musical.

In order to encourage students to be active, competent organization of joint activities between the teacher and children is very important. The teacher must be able to win over group members and interest them without imposing his opinion. Pupils should act freely, without being forced into the play, work or cognitive process. Also important for them is freedom of movement, communication with each other and the teacher, the ability to work at their own pace, without being limited by a specific time period.

The joint educational activity of the teacher with children includes his activity along with his pupils. That is, the teacher should neither impose his attention on the children nor withdraw from influencing the game. If necessary, he can intervene, for example, help resolve a conflict between children, help someone with difficulties, and also contribute to the child’s integration into general activities.

Joint activities of the teacher with children and other preschool employees

Interaction should be present not only in communication between teachers and students, but also in the joint work of all categories of educators. For example, the joint activity of a teacher with a junior teacher provides preschoolers with the best conditions for staying in a kindergarten, since each of the preschool employees not only performs their professional functions, but also joins forces to achieve a joint result.

No less important in the educational process is the joint activity of the junior teacher with children. It contributes to the progress of children in the domestic sphere, self-care, self-knowledge, the formation of sustainable habits and useful skills. At the same time, the nanny works closely with the teacher, supporting him in all contacts with the children.

To achieve significant progress in correctional and developmental work, the joint work of a speech therapist and a teacher is also important. To do this, it is necessary that the specialist’s activities be successfully integrated into the general educational and educational process. At the same time, the age characteristics of individuals in need of correction are taken into account, and the teacher in every possible way supports the work of the speech therapist. In this case, the students treat the specialist much calmer and more loyal, which makes the correction process more productive, faster and more effective. Kids do not focus on shortcomings, but strive to achieve better results.

Working with parents and students

The joint activities of the teacher with children and their parents are equally important. It is impossible to carry out educational work and training only in kindergarten if at home the children do not receive the necessary information in the same way in which the teacher presents it. Parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions must work closely together to obtain an integral result and raise the child to be a full-fledged, developed, socialized and successful creative personality.

In the work of a preschool institution, a variety of topics are used in the joint activities of the teacher and children. They can be dedicated to various types of games, holidays, weather phenomena, puzzles and rebuses, construction, drawing and much more. Each of these projects of joint activity between the teacher and children has its own goal and direction. In order to cover the children’s interests as widely as possible, a cyclogram of the teacher’s joint activities is drawn up. It allows you to plan full-fledged activities for every day of the week, taking into account the age characteristics of children and allows you to harmoniously combine different types of activities. A supporting role is also played by a plan-outline of the joint activities of the teacher and children, thanks to which the teacher can control the correctness of the lesson at all its stages.

Joint activities make it possible to achieve a close partnership between teacher and student through a combination of activity and independent desire to understand the child and unobtrusive and delicate management of his interests on the part of an adult. Moreover, in such work there is no rivalry or oppression of one of the parties. When a child feels support, and not coercion or pressure from the teacher, he can develop more freely, while joining the society of his peers. That is why joint activities have such important goals and a significant role. It is important for all kindergarten students, but is especially in demand for the socialization, education and development of children with an introverted, problematic character, the presence of various characteristics and disorders, shy and timid. Often, in a team with an authoritarian leader and more active, energetic children, such students do not receive the necessary attention, do not join the team, and stay away.

When using the method of joint activity, it is possible to unobtrusively bring such children “out of the shadows”, reveal their potential, and activate their mental and physical capabilities. As a result, all members of the children's team receive the proper degree of attention. Children develop successfully and learn the basics of education and upbringing in an easy, accessible and useful way.

The importance of joint activities between a child and an adult

Modern social life has led to the need to introduce new teaching standards and requirements for education, to create innovative pedagogical technologies that will contribute to the individual development of the child’s personality, the formation of his independence and creative activity. All this requires not only the conscious and active participation of children, but also the involvement of their parents in various activities.

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Currently, in pedagogical practice there is a demand for including various types of joint activities of children and adults in the pedagogical process. This is due to the fact that joint activities contribute to the activation of search and creative activity in children of different ages.

Definition 2

Designed joint activity is one of the types of pedagogical technology that involves independent or collective creative work of children and adults.

At the heart of any joint activity project is a problem, the solution of which requires its participants to independently search for the necessary information, master new things, generalize and analyze the results obtained. As a result of this activity, participants receive a specific product.

Note 1

The relevance and popularity of the designed joint activity lies in the fact that it combines various areas of education.

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Recently, joint activities are increasingly used in educational institutions, and therefore teachers are constantly looking for ways to improve and update them.

The topics of organized joint activities between children and adults are very diverse. Moreover, it can be organized both in the process of educational activities and during events outside educational activities. Often parents take part in precisely such events. Teachers involve parents in joint activities within the framework of parent-child projects.

The significance of joint activities between adults and children lies in the fact that modern children have a reduced interest in “live” communication. This is due to information progress, which has crowded out real-life communication from children’s lives. Children of preschool and school age prefer virtual communication to communication with adults and peers. This negatively affects the overall development of children, and especially their speech development.

In addition, the significance of the joint activity of parents and children lies in the fact that modern parents pay extremely little attention to their children, shifting the entire burden of upbringing and education to the educational institution. This is why it is so important to design joint child-adult projects within educational organizations, involving the family in joint creative activities.

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