Card index of didactic games on speech development in the middle group card index on speech development (middle group)

Name the adjective

The goal of the game for the middle group of kindergarten is to teach the skill of completing a phrase with an adjective with an antonymous meaning.

The teacher says the beginning of the phrase, the children say the end, while pronouncing the opposite word:

  • hot summer - winter... (cold);
  • the road is wide - the path... (narrow);
  • high cabinet - chair... (low);
  • bright day - night... (dark);
  • sweet honey - pepper... (bitter);
  • the stem of a flower is thin - the trunk of a tree... (thick);
  • loud scream - whisper... (quiet).

Didactic game “Finish the sentence”

The lesson is intended for preschoolers in the preparatory group.

The goal of the didactic game “Finish the Sentence” is to develop the skill of using complex sentences in speech.

The teacher asks the students to complete the phrase:

  • dad put the purchased bread... (in the bread bin);
  • Mom poured salt... (into the salt shaker);
  • grandfather put candy... (in the candy bowl);
  • grandma baked pies, put them... (in a plate);
  • my sister is lying in bed with a fever because... (had a cold);
  • the radiators turned on in the apartment because... (it became cold);
  • little brother doesn’t want to go to bed because... (it’s too early to sleep);
  • our family will go for a walk in the park tomorrow if... (the weather is good);
  • the cat climbed a tree so that... (the dog would not attack him);
  • the neighbor went to the store to... (buy food).

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