Pedagogical competitions of professional skills of preschool educational institutions employees


We invite you to take part in international competitions on the educational portal

Schedule of competitive events

Competitions for educators, educators, teachers

To take part in the competition

add material to your blog on the MAAM portal and tick the desired competitive nomination when publishing the material. The “competition participant” icon will appear under the published material, and after two hours, buttons for ordering the “Competition Participant Diploma” document will appear on the same page. When you purchase a “participant diploma” and receive more than 25 votes for a publication within 5 days, the winner’s document is issued free of charge.

Competitive nominations:

the best summary, the best script, the best methodological development, the best master class, the best educational environment, the best photo report, the best room design, the best site design, the best author's didactic game, the best lapbook, the best wall newspaper, etc. Read more about the rules (regulations)…

Creative children's competitions

To take part in the competition

add a photo to your photo album on the user page, go to the page with the added work and tick the desired competition nomination under the large photo of the work.
After adding a photo to the competition, two buttons “order a participant’s diploma” (for a child) and “order a curator’s certificate” (for a teacher) will appear on the page with the competition work. When purchasing a “participant diploma” and receiving more than 25 votes for a work within 5 days, the winner’s document is given to the child free of charge. Competition nominations:
Summer inspiration, Space travel, Happy Easter, Spring mood, We are for peace, Autumn fantasies, Gift for dad, My mother, Favorite fairy tale, I know the rules of the road, New Year's, etc. Take part in competitions...

Materials found: 3

Competitions. Schedule of competitive events

November 28, 2013 at 12:56 pm. All-Russian and international competitions for MAAM Documents immediately! Competitions for teachers and educators How to add material to a competition and order a diploma. Click "add blog post" in your user profile...

Competitions for educators and teachers at MAAM

All-Russian and international competitions for teachers and educators How to add work to the competition 1. Click the “Add entry” link in the user profile to the blog. 2. Add material to the editor to add text. 3. ...

International and All-Russian creative competitions for children

December 1, 2013 at 7:44 pm.
How to add work to the competition. Only original (your) photographs are accepted for the competition! Add a photo of your work to your photo album on your user page. Go to the page with the added photo, ... All sections

Pedagogical competitions of professional skills of preschool educational institutions employees

Pedagogical competitions of professional skills of preschool educational institutions employees

One of the leading directions in the development of any preschool educational institution at the present stage is to improve the professional level and personal qualities of educators and teachers, which is achieved through the organization of a system of innovative factors. One such factor is the competitive movement .

Pedagogical competitions for employees of preschool educational institutions are held by the All-Russian information and educational portal for the professional excellence of teaching staff “Yapedagog.RF” within the framework of the activities of the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Scientific and Educational Center for Pedagogical Projects” in the city of Moscow, registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Justice of Russia) uch. No. 7714058502, in accordance with the Passport of the national project “Education” (approved by the Presidium of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and National Projects, protocol dated December 24, 2018 N 16) and in accordance with the letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated May 27, 2019 N TS- 1314/04 “On the calendar of educational events” (together with the “Calendar of educational events dedicated to state and national holidays of the Russian Federation, memorable dates and events of Russian history and culture”).

The All-Russian information and educational portal for the professional skills of teaching staff “Yapedagog.RF” organizes and conducts official All-Russian competitions for educators in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard:

Open All-Russian competition “Magical New Year in kindergarten”

New Year is a joyful fairy tale for both children and adults. Everyone is waiting for the New Year 2022 and Christmas!

The following are accepted for the competition: Conversations for children on New Year and Christmas themes. Author's poems, riddles, songs, fairy tales on New Year's and Christmas themes. Stories about the holidays New Year, Christmas (history, traditions, etc.). Scenarios for Christmas, New Year and winter holidays, matinees, discos. Drawings (posters) by teachers on a New Year or winter theme. Crafts for a New Year or winter theme. New Year's master classes on creating Christmas tree decorations. Master class on creating a New Year's symbol for the New Year. New Year's decoration for kindergarten.

The competition level is federal.

Open All-Russian competition “To the only mother in the world”, dedicated to International Mother’s Day

The competition is attended by: employees of preschool educational institutions, members of circles, clubs, creative associations of preschool age and others who wish to take part; parents of preschool children.

The competition accepts: scripts for matinees, holiday concerts, educational conversations, lesson notes, creative exhibitions of postcards, crafts and gifts for mothers, posters, wall newspapers, interactive presentations, master classes with parents and other original works dedicated to International Mother’s Day.

The competition level is federal.

All-Russian professional pedagogical competition “We are strong through our friendship and proud of our Motherland!”, as part of the implementation of the federal project “Patriotic Education”

On the eve of the National Unity Day holiday in preschool institutions, the topic of educating patriotism is very significant.

The competition is held in accordance with the Federal Project “Patriotic Education”.

The competition accepts: event scripts, posters, drawings, crafts, photos, poems, stories, presentations, videos and other works dedicated to “National Unity Day”


The competition level is federal.

All-Russian competition for educators “Best practices in distance learning”

The competition is aimed at supporting parents, teachers and educators, and is aimed at searching and discussing promising forms of methodological and technical support for distance learning in accordance with the Recommendations of the Ministry of Education of Russia on the organization of home education using distance technologies.

All-Russian competition for educators “Best educator in Russia”

The competition is aimed at the Professional and personal development of educators and teachers working in preschool educational organizations implementing educational programs for preschool education; identifying and supporting the most talented teachers, disseminating their best practices throughout the Russian Federation, attracting the attention of state authorities and local governments, the wider scientific and pedagogical community, and the media to the importance of solving the problems of preschool education.

All-Russian professional pedagogical competition “Lesson notes”

All-Russian professional pedagogical competition “Portfolio of a kindergarten teacher”

All-Russian professional pedagogical competition “Child’s adaptation to kindergarten”

All-Russian professional pedagogical competition “Educational activities in preschool educational institutions”

All-Russian professional pedagogical competition “Pedagogical project”

All-Russian professional pedagogical competition “Scenarios for holidays and events”

All-Russian professional pedagogical competition “My pedagogical experience”

All-Russian professional pedagogical competition “Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”

All-Russian professional pedagogical competition “Preparation for school”

All-Russian professional pedagogical competition “Speech therapy developments”

All-Russian professional pedagogical competition “Open lesson in preschool educational institutions”

All-Russian professional pedagogical competition “Innovative methods and technologies”

All-Russian professional pedagogical competition “Best Presentation”

All-Russian professional pedagogical competition “Decoration of premises, thematic zones of a group, territory”

All-Russian professional pedagogical competition “My visual aids”

All-Russian professional pedagogical competition “Best additional general education programs”

All-Russian professional pedagogical competition for teachers of additional education of children “I give my heart to children”

All-Russian professional pedagogical competition “My best lesson”

Competition for educators and teachers “Best methodological development”, October 2022, page 3

Materials found: 450 Shown: 21 - 30

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02102021 — go to the main page of the section.
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The media “Portal “World of Preschool Children” introduces you to the CONTINUALLY operating All-Russian correspondence professional practice-oriented competitions for teachers of preschool educational institutions for 2022 .

  • "Developmental environment in preschool educational institutions"
  • "Methodological mosaic"
  • “Master classes on various types of creativity”
  • "Creative Spark"
  • "The most interesting presentation"

Competitions have no time limit; you can send your works continuously throughout 2022.

Competition entries are checked by a professional jury, award documents will be ready at the end of each calendar month.

Each competition will have its own table where you can see the participants, view the places taken, and download award diplomas.

Regulations on competitions

Advertising message

Founder of Competitions : Media “Portal “World of Preschool Children”

Competitions email address [email protected]

The competition level is federal. Competitions are held in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 77 and paragraph 22 of Art. 34 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012 (as amended on July 26, 2019) and the Plan of major media events “World of Preschool Children” for 2022.

Competitions are held in absentia format on the federal information resource

The main goals and objectives of the competitions:

  • improve the quality and level of educational services;
  • increase the level of competitiveness of teachers in the educational services market;
  • create scientific, methodological, didactic support for the educational process;
  • awaken and unite the creative creative potential of preschool teachers
  • strengthen the prestige of the institute of training and education;

Main competition nominations:

  • GCD notes;
  • Presentations;
  • Virtual excursions;
  • Scenarios for holidays and entertainment;
  • Didactic games;
  • Methodological developments;
  • Consultations;
  • Thematic material of practical orientation
  • Literary works
  • Video or audio


We invite you to take part in
the ΧV
International (All-Russian) competition of pedagogical skills of educators and teachers of preschool educational institutions


from 01/01/2022 to 02/28/2022

(summarizing daily)

The participant independently determines the format of participation - International or All-Russian and leaves the chosen format in the application.


heads of preschool educational institutions, their deputies, educators, teachers, educational psychologists, speech therapists, methodologists, employees of educational authorities.

Participants of the competition pay:

A) registration fee - 150 rubles (paid for each participant);

B) production of a certificate of publication - 150 rubles (if they want to publish the material on the Academy’s website);

C) receive a review of the competition material upon request after payment of 500 rubles;

D) production of a medal and delivery by mail (optional) - 1200 rubles;

E) production of a paper document with a “live” seal - 500 rubles / one document - delivery by registered mail (optional).

You can select a payment method in the section of the site - Payment Methods.

The diploma and certificate of publication are sent in electronic form (pdf format) after receiving the materials and paying the registration fee and certificate.

Distribution of medals by mail after payment for their production and postage.


LLC "Academy of Education and Upbringing", Chelyabinsk.

More detailed conditions for participation in the competition

in position (text below).

The application form in Word can be copied below

(or download from the
Academy website.
Competition participants:

Heads of educational institutions and their deputies, teachers and educators, educational psychologists and defectologists, educational psychologists, methodologists of schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, teachers of secondary and higher vocational education institutions, institutions of additional education, institutions of preschool education and upbringing, all types of educational institutions from different countries

Examples of medals and their design can be viewed in the “Medals” section on the website

The application form for the competition participant can be downloaded in Word on the website


: For correspondence, sending applications, works, confirmation of payment of registration fees and medals, the email address
[email protected] mail is used. ru
You can ask any questions by calling 8 – Valentin Dmitrievich

To participate in any nomination of the competition you must 1. Send a scan or photo of the receipt for payment of the registration fee (the full selected set of services), the application and the competition work, attached in one letter.

2. After the organizing committee receives a scanned copy (or photograph) of the receipt for payment of the registration fee, you will be sent a diploma in electronic form (pdf format).

3. The competitor prints out the diploma on a color printer and laminates it.

4. If desired, the competitor can order a medal - you need to pay for the selected set of components and send a scan (photo) of the payment receipt and an application for the production of the medal.

5. How to pay - see the website section: Payment methods



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