The best preschool institution introducing innovative educational programs. - presentation

The best preschool institution introducing innovative educational programs. - presentation

The best preschool institution introducing innovative educational programs

The work in the preschool institution is headed by the head of Sakharova Elena Petrovna, a specialist of the highest category, Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation. The educational process is provided by highly qualified teachers: 1 teacher is recognized as the best pedagogical worker of the Chuvash Republic 2 teachers have the highest qualification category 8 teachers have I qualification category Preschool teachers are winners and prize-winners of All-Russian and Republican competitions

The main task of a preschool educational institution The main task of a preschool educational institution is to reveal the abilities of each child, to educate an individual ready for life in a high-tech, competitive world. These are children from 2 to 7 years old. These are employees who are in love with their work, who have the will to help him be himself, realizing himself as an individual, who are united by one common desire: to understand the child without imposing. These are new methods and programs, the implementation of which makes it possible to achieve effective intellectual, moral, and aesthetic development of children. This is a home where an organized environment creates the best conditions for the healthy physical and mental life of a child.

— physical education and recreation; -artistic and aesthetic; -social-personal - intellectual. Raising a healthy, physically developed young generation is the most important task of the kindergarten of the future. We are making great efforts to achieve this goal. Modern health-saving technologies used in the child development center make it possible to solve health, educational and educational problems. Priority areas of activity Creating conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle Organizing a healthy motor regimen Health-improving work with children Health-preventive work Corrective work

PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND HEALTH DIRECTION: Physical education and health improvement direction is aimed at forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, its focus on strengthening the health, physical and mental development, and emotional well-being of each child. The team successfully implements health-saving, innovative technologies for improving the health of children. The daily routine combines hardening activities with other activities. Preschool teachers carry out targeted work with parents to promote a healthy lifestyle

Groups Age of children Number of groups I junior group from 2 to 3 years 2 II junior group from 3 to 4 years 2 Middle group from 4 to 5 years 2 Senior group from 5 to 6 years 3 Preparatory group from 6 to 7 years 2 STRUCTURE OF THE PRESIDENTIAL INSTITUTION There are 11 groups, of which two are for children early age.

The preschool institution successfully implements the following programs: “Development” of the L.A. Venger Children’s Center in Moscow “Program for raising a preschool child” under the leadership of O.V. Dragunova, Cheboksary “Kindergarten 2100” under the direction of A.A. Leontiev “Krokha” G.G. Grigoriev and others. The implemented programs give a new impetus to the development of teachers’ creativity in organizing the cognitive, creative and social life of children. Using already mastered technologies and using a set of developmental techniques, teachers turn each lesson into an exciting activity. The comprehensive program “Development” is organically combined with a number of partial programs: “Our home is nature” by N.A. Ryzhova “Program for the development of speech of preschool children in kindergarten” by O.S. Ushakova “Young ecologist” by S.N. Nikolaeva “Fundamentals” safety of preschool children" by N.N. Avdeeva and others. "Ladushki" by I.M. Kaplunova, I.A.Novoselova

The main directions for the immediate development of a preschool educational institution. Mastering health-saving educational technologies as a condition for ensuring high-quality accessibility and effectiveness of education. Intensify work with parents during early childhood and preparing children for school, using new technologies. Continue to build diversity in the educational space. Introduce new pedagogical technologies for the development of preschool children into the practice of kindergartens. Continue to improve the educational level of all categories of teaching staff in preschool institutions.

The level of professional and pedagogical growth of teachers Teacher councils, seminars, workshops, consultations, open classes Advanced training courses Methodological associations, seminars and workshops on the basis of the district, city Self-education Master classes on the basis of CMC Business games The teaching staff constantly improves its professional and pedagogical level : Percentage of preschool teachers participating in professional competitions, shows, festivals (over the last 3 years)

Diagram 1 Educational level of teachers Diagram 2 Level of professional qualifications

Teachers who are passionate about their work actively use their talents and skills to interest and captivate children with new knowledge. “We employ professionals who are passionate about their work and who you can trust with the most valuable future of your children!” - head of the preschool educational institution Sakharova E.P.

Working with parents. In kindergarten, it has become a tradition to hold musical and physical education activities, holidays, chess tournaments, excursions, open days together with parents; parents regularly participate in competitions. The teaching staff of the kindergarten is convinced that the most complete implementation of the tasks of educational work with children occurs only in cooperation with the family.

Popular forms of communication Active methods of communication Methods for developing reflection "Round table" Discussion meeting Parent conference Consultation Pedagogical "living room" Educational and game training Workshops in the form of a business game Leisure forms of communication for children and adults Family reading library Open day Questioning Testing Interviewing Discussion questions Open screenings children's activities Analysis of the results of children's creative activity Game tasks for home communication Watching a video Analysis of the pedagogical situation Solving problematic pedagogical problems Guided game interaction in children Psychological exercises Drawing tasks Game modeling of parental behavior Game tasks and exercises Metaphorical tasks Motor exercises

It was impossible to achieve positive results in the upbringing of preschool children without active interaction between preschool educational institutions and society: Working with society.

Preschool educational institution winner of city, republican and all-Russian competitions

Achievements of preschool education students in municipal competitions, Olympiads, competitions, etc.

Conditions have been created for various types of children's activities and activities with children: a sports hall with modern physical education equipment, a music room, an environmental room, an office of a teacher-psychologist, a design room. A varied subject-development environment includes the components necessary for the full physical, aesthetic, cognitive and social development of pupils.

Subject-based development environment.

State of the material and technical base

We are constantly working to create an environment in our institution that provides equal opportunities for the full development of the child. Kindergarten interior. All rooms in which children are located are distinguished by their original design and unique design of the entire interior.

Kindergarten area.

We pay great attention to the design of the kindergarten territory. The kindergarten site is equipped with a sports ground for children to practice outdoors, cozy verandas with sandboxes, swings, tables for games and activities; There are many species of trees, flowering shrubs, and flower beds pleasing to the eye.

Unconventional methods: dynamic pauses; logo – aerobics; kinesiological gymnastics; step by step; relaxation exercises; finger gymnastics; physical exercises; gymnastics for the eyes; posture control.

428000, Republic of Chuvashia, Cheboksary, st. Akhazova, 5A tel: 8 (8352), website address: We all have a common house, we call it a kindergarten! We play and sing in it. We have so much fun in that house. Come and see for yourself: How we draw, sculpt, glue, How we teach numbers and words We are waiting for you, see you soon!

Kindergarten business card. Presentation

Description of the work experience in creating the film “The Calling Card of a Kindergarten.”
Purpose of publication: Dissemination of experience in working with photos and video materials in the community of colleagues. Description: In my publication I want to share my personal experience of creating a video presentation of a kindergarten with colleagues. The material may be useful to employees of preschool institutions. MADOOU DS “Talent” has been taking an active part in the competition movement for many years. As a rule, I am assigned the job of creating a kindergarten presentation. In my opinion, the presentation of a preschool educational institution should be brief, meaningful, rich, original, consistent in the same style, with bright musical accompaniment. Since we work with preschoolers, in the presentation we must show not only the conditions created in the preschool educational institution, but also the result of our work, what we taught our students. The presentation must have a plot, then it will be interesting and, as they say, “watchable.” To prevent the presentation from being boring and monotonous, to create it you need to be armed with a sense of proportion and a dose of humor. And of course, you need a decent level of PC knowledge. It should be noted that to process photos and videos on a PC, I used the VSDC Free Video Editor program, an excellent, easy-to-use program. During the discussion of the future film in a group of colleagues, we came to the conclusion that it should alternate photo and video materials, and the preschool children themselves should tell the story about the kindergarten. Unfortunately, I can’t show the whole film today, since it is taking part in a competition, it’s exclusive, you know, I can only say that it managed to realize everything planned. Photos of film frames illustrate this publication. So where to start? Of course, from writing the film script. This is the scenario I came up with. The acting roles are played by children from the preparatory group. On the screen is an animated image of a hand-drawn night city, lights are on in the houses, cars are moving along the roads. A stork flies in the black night sky, he carries a bundle with a baby. Author's voice The story that will be discussed in the film can happen in every family. Where everyone seems to love each other, but everyone is passionate about their work. How important it is sometimes to make the only right decision! Scene 1 In the music room there is children's furniture and equipment for the game “Family”. Mom is sitting at the dressing table, combing her hair, grandmother is busy in the kitchen, dad is sitting at the computer, grandfather is reading a newspaper while sitting on the sofa. In the center, a child sits on the carpet, playing with toys. Child I am the only one in the family, a small child. But they tell me the same thing from the cradle: “Don’t bother me, leave me alone, go away.” We have a lot to do. Sit down, sit quietly, the whole family is tired.” The child approaches his mother, the mother preens in front of the mirror. Child Mom, stay with me, I miss you. Mom Little, you are my dear, I’ll be late. I'm in a hurry to go to the gym, I have a subscription. Why are you pestering me? It's like dad isn't in the house. The child comes up to his dad, dad plays a computer game. Baby Dad, I want you to read me a fairy tale. Dad. Sit at the table, without fuss, You color the coloring book. I have a battle here, With formidable soldiers. There is a lot of ammunition, but life is one - tenth. The child, with his head down, approaches his grandmother. Child. Grandma, let's build a house for the bunny. Grandmother. Wait, what is this? Oh, the fish are burning. I started making pancakes, but there’s no butter at home again. Let me pull up your pants, and your grandfather will help you. The child goes to his grandfather. Child. Grandfather, play with me. Let's drive this car. Grandfather Wait, grandson, wait, Let me finish reading one newspaper. Child Well, here we go again, leave me alone, go away, I’m out of place, out of place. Maybe I should go, like all the guys, to kindergarten? All the characters stand up, a silent scene of surprise.

Next, dad, mom and child go to kindergarten. On the screen, photos of the kindergarten replace each other, and music plays. Scene 2 (in the manager's office)

Dad Hello! We want to place your child in your wonderful kindergarten! We want to find out, we really need to, Is it not in vain that everyone praises you? Mom Are you warm? Cosy? Purely? Do they provide education here? Rumor flies, and very quickly, that the best garden is the “Gift” garden. Manager Hello. We are very happy to accept a child into kindergarten. Look at the awards, they say a lot. Garden diplomas are displayed.
And in order to dispel all doubts, Now we will walk together with you.
And you will see with your own eyes that the kindergarten is a sight for sore eyes. Next, photos of the developing subject-specific spatial environment of each group and the kindergarten as a whole are shown.

Scene 3 Filming takes place at the entrance to the catering unit and in the catering unit itself. Manager For children Talents, Balanced nutrition. There are also fruits and cottage cheese. Let's take a look at the catering department.

Manager How are you? Is everything great here? First cook We are preparing strawberry jelly. Things are going great, right Dina? Second cook. Everything is very strict, according to SanPin. Cabbage in the cabbage soup, and butter in the porridge. And sugar to make it sweeter. First cook Meat cutlets, tea with lemon, Everything will be delicious, everyone will be happy.

Cheerful music plays and photos on the topic “Nutrition for preschoolers” are shown on the screen. Scene 4 Filming takes place at the entrance to the medical office and in the office. Head of Children's health, its condition, cold winter or summer. The priority of the kindergarten is talent. Everyone knows, there is no secret here.

Nurse Hello! Is the baby healthy? Do you have a doctor's certificate? My boy, you will be glad, Now you are accepted into kindergarten!

On the screen is a photo of the work of a nurse in a preschool educational institution. Further, the film alternates with photos of the implementation of the educational program of the MAOU DS “Gift” in educational areas.

Photos of spiritual, moral and patriotic directions are highlighted in a separate section, since these areas are priorities in the preschool educational institution.

The “Talents” team is a group of like-minded people passionate about joint creativity. Not a single regional event is complete without the participation of our team. The joint creativity of a team of teachers, children and their parents, and its participation in the life of the district, is also reflected in the film.

Scene 5 Finale. Mom There are no words, just charm, But are words really needed here? Head (addressing the child)
You have been accepted into the “Talent” kindergarten, and all problems have been solved.

Author's voice Do you think our story is over? Not at all! It's only begining! Live and prosper the “Gift” garden! Victory, success, make everyone happy! Being a friend to a child is your calling! Let the children's laughter flow without stopping! At the end, photos are shown showing awards, diplomas, and diplomas from various competitions and levels to preschool students and teachers. And a general photo from the anniversary concert “Talents”.

In conclusion, a few more words on making the film. At the very beginning I talked about the uniform style of the film. All the “title pages,” so to speak regarding the film, are made in the same style, and they change as the film progresses, but the same style is still present.

The program that I wrote about above allowed me to make interesting changes and transitions in the photo. If you noticed, there are a lot of hand-drawn cartoon characters in the photo. They settled in the photo for a reason, they are all animated, moving, performing a certain action according to the meaning of the photo or section of the film. Thus, in parallel with the main script of the film, I was able to run many more mini-scripts in the form of animations. I paid great attention to sound and musical accompaniment. The film begins and ends with the words of the author (the author's text is read by a beautiful male voice). The film uses popular children's music from cartoons, films, various authors and in various performances. Don't be afraid to take on popular music. Let them say: “This melody is too much”, if your film is interesting, you definitely won’t spoil it with good music. It’s a pity that I can’t show you my creation, I would really like to hear your opinion about my film. Give it a time when my “movie” takes all the prizes in all kinds of competitions, I will show it to you too.

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Presentation “Project activity as a form of organizing a preschool educational institution with a family in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard”

Project activity as a form of organizing a preschool educational institution with a family in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

Prepared by the teacher

MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 13" Plasta


  • “From how my childhood passed, who led
  • a child by the hand in his childhood years, which included
  • into his mind and heart from the surrounding world -
  • this determines to a decisive extent how
  • Today’s baby will become a human being.”
  • V. A. Sukhomlinsky

In the work of the kindergarten, the project method turned out to be a successful find. Today, the project method is becoming increasingly used in teaching practice.


Project method

- this is teaching and raising a child through activity, and when working with a family - through joint activity.

  • The relevance of the project method lies in the search for non-traditional approaches to solving the problem of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families.
  • Project activities allow you to coordinate actions in the triad “Teacher - Parent - Children”

Main purpose of the work

this is the development of a model of cooperation between preschool educational institutions and families based on the idea of ​​​​using active modern forms such as, for example, the project method.

The work is aimed at solving the following problems:

-establishing unity in raising children;

- pedagogical education of parents;

-studying and disseminating best practices in family education;

-introducing parents to the life and work of a preschool institution.

Unity in raising children ensures the development of correct behavior in children, accelerates the process of mastering skills, knowledge and abilities, and contributes to the growth of the authority of adult parents and educators in the eyes of the child. The basis of such unity is the pedagogical knowledge of parents, their awareness of the work of preschool institutions.

Using the design method allows you to:

• Increase the professional competence of preschool teachers on issues of interaction with families;

• To involve parents in participating in the life of the kindergarten and the socialization of the child through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of interaction;

• Increase the level of educational skills and pedagogical culture of parents.

Project with the participation of parents

in the middle group “Visiting a fairy tale”

Objective of the project:

Contribute to the spiritual and moral enrichment of the family through organizing meetings with parents in the “Visiting a Fairy Tale” living room

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set:

  • To create in children an interest in reading fairy tales, discussing the work they have read and spending useful time with a book;
  • Expand children's experience of interaction with other adults;
  • To promote the involvement of parents in the life of children in the group, the creation of an atmosphere of cooperation, the realization of artistic and speech abilities of parents

Project Implementation Tools

  • Consultations for parents: “Reading books is a means of comprehensive development of a child’s personality”, “Fairy tales in a child’s life”;
  • Information sections have been created in parent corners: “What and how to talk with children after reading a work”, “How to read fairy tales”, “Recommended literature for children of middle preschool age”;
  • The group has created a library of fairy tales with high-quality illustrative accompaniment;
  • There was a literary quiz with the participation of parents “On the roads of fairy tales”;
  • "Homework". An exhibition of drawings made together with parents, based on fairy tales read, was organized.

Project results:

  • Emotional contacts have been established between all project participants;
  • Children and adults develop ideas about the benefits of reading together, spending time together, and alternative ways of family recreation.

So try:

  • Feel the emotional state of the parents.

2. Finding an opportunity to tell parents something positive about the child every time is the best way to win parents over.

3. Be emotionally balanced when communicating with parents, set an example of good manners and tact.

4. In a difficult situation, try to set an example of compliance - this cannot damage your dignity, but you can strengthen it.

Thank you for your attention!

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Presentation “Kindergarten in pictures and poems”

teacher of GBDOU No. 23 of the Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg Maria Nikolaevna Melnik

Children live in kindergarten, play and sing here, find friends here, go for walks with them.

Together they argue and dream, growing up imperceptibly. Kindergarten is your second home, How warm and cozy it is!

You love it, children, The kindest home in the world!

(G. Shalaeva)

Quiet hour:

If we play all day, we might even get tired. And then, saving us, “Quiet Hour” .

Sleep comes here with it... But sometimes it happens - Toys don’t let us sleep: They get under the pillows,

Under clothes, under the bed - There’s no way to keep them in! We have to get up to explain to the Playfuls,

That they need to try not to scream, not to tumble, not to jump on the beds, but to lie down calmly and sleep.

(E. Grudanov)


We arrived, not late, straight to exercise. We tore bananas from the branches and cabbage from the garden.

And like airplanes, we circled in the sky! We got excited, recharged and had fun!

(M. Senina)

In our kindergarten. In our kindergarten there are small tables. In our kindergarten -

Pigeons and rabbits. In our kindergarten - Songs and fairy tales. In our kindergarten -

Cubes and paints. We sit at the table and draw a Christmas tree, Next to the Christmas tree is a house,

Next to the house is a chick. Here is a bird flying, Here is a fox running, The fox has red fur. Whose drawing is the best?

(O. Vysotskaya)

Good deed:

We went to the playground and carried seeds for the birds. The birds wait for us every time, The birds love us very much!

(E. Grudanov)

Our towels:

We drew different pictures ourselves, nailed them over the towels ourselves.

Sasha won’t take Olino’s towel: He won’t confuse the Blue Plane with a bird.

Borya the newcomer knows his boat. Misha - strawberries, Mashenka - a top.

Seryozha has an apple, Volodya has a pear. And Katyusha chose the picture with cherries.

The butterfly is with Igor, the Hare is with Natasha... We don’t confuse our towels at all. Exercises, exercises

We need it as a recharge We are ready for breakfast, laid tables await us It’s interesting to study,

We will learn a lot. We are very inquisitive. You won’t get bored with us. So that we can be healthy.

Let's go outside for a walk. Rain, snow and strong wind can't stop us. We're coming back from a walk,

We wash our hands, we want to eat and willingly, with appetite, whatever they give us, we’ll eat a delicious lunch on the table,

My neighbor is not chatting and the plates are empty, We ate the whole dinner together. Sleep crept up unnoticed,

Covered everyone with a blanket, gave magical dreams like fairy tales to sleepy children, we woke up, stretched,

Turned from side to side, Washed with water, got dressed together We’ll take a walk in the area, Watch the weather

The kids are playing with balls and catches! Dinner!!! Delicious dinner!!! We all really need it! Our parents came for us

We are rushing home to mom. The day has passed, we are not tired, We were having fun playing with friends!

Water, water, Wash my face, So that my eyes shine, So that my cheeks blush,

So that the mouth laughs, So that the tooth bites. We know, we know, yes, yes, yes, where the water is hiding here.

Come out, water, we came to wash ourselves! Lay on your palm Little by little -

No, not a little - Be bolder It will be more fun to wash your face!


Come on, come on, come on, come on! Don't grumble, pots, don't grumble, don't hiss, cook sweet porridge.

Cook the sweet porridge and feed our children.

(I. Tokmakova)

The kitten had a lot of porridge in his cup. Two grouse flew in, two grouse ate the porridge.

And they shout to the kitten: “You’re a mouthful, a mouthful!” If they give you porridge, you need to eat it quickly!

There is a spoon ship in the potato port. The spoon ship sailed with potatoes on board.

The boat floats, floats, rocking on the waves. The boat floats, floats, A. (child’s name) his - am

This is all experiments – Interesting moments! We want to know everything, everything, everything! You need to sketch everything!

How did our experience turn out, How long did it last? We are surprised by everything: How? For what? And why?

(Author Olga Vladimirovna Bogdanova)

Monday to kindergarten

I wake up early.

Children's school day

The most interesting one.

Mathematics. In the morning, apples and pears are piled up in a loud chorus of children.

After sleep, more work: Modeling, drawing. The day has passed, it's time to go home. Sadik, goodbye!

We sing to the piano, and dance and play! We are not bored at all in the spacious gaming room!

And the dolls are never bored in the group! There's a music corner! Children play so loudly in it that even the ceiling shakes!

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