Project in the second early age group. Theatrical activities in kindergarten

New Year's puppet theater (For children of the second younger group)

E. Makshantseva

First published in the magazine “Preschool Education” No. 11, 1976.

The Snow Maiden appears on the screen. He stops and looks at the sitting children.

Snow Maiden. Oh! Yes, there are children sitting here! Hello children! (Children say hello.) I am the Snow Maiden. How beautiful it is today! And you are so elegant!

The Snow Maiden moves around the screen, looking at the children.

Snow Maiden. Katya is so smart... Seryozha is in a new shirt. And Irochka, and Sashenka, and Svetochka, all dressed up today. Everyone is beautiful! And Anna Ivanovna has a beautiful outfit!

Educator. And you, Snow Maiden, came to us for the holiday, dressed up. Your dress is very beautiful.

Snow Maiden. I came to you with a bunny.

Educator. With a bunny? Where is he, Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden. How? Has he come to you yet? He was in such a hurry to visit the children for the holiday, he ran ahead of me... Where did he go? Is my bunny lost? Children! Help me please. Let's all call him together. The bunny will hear and come running.

All the children, together with the teacher and the Snow Maiden, call the hare: “Hare!” "Bunny!"

There is no hare. The Snow Maiden again asks the children to call the hare two or three times, but the hare does not show up.

Snow Maiden. The bunny must have gone far away. Where is he?

Suddenly a hare peeks out from behind the Snow Maiden. He should not rush to hide. We need to let the children look at it. The children shout to the Snow Maiden: “There’s a bunny! There he is! I came running!”

Snow Maiden. Where, where is the bunny? Where is he?

The Snow Maiden moves around the screen and looks everywhere. And the hare had already hidden. Then he shows up again and immediately hides. The scene is repeated several times.

Finally, the Snow Maiden turns around sharply and sees a hare behind her. Catches him.

Snow Maiden. A! Found it, naughty girl! Look, you prankster, you hid from me! He joked with me. And the guys and I called you. Say hello to the guys, bunny.

The hare bows in all directions and shakes his ears. Then he approaches the Snow Maiden and whispers something in her ear, pointing at the Christmas tree with his paw. The Snow Maiden listens to the hare.

Snow Maiden. Do you know what the bunny told me? He asks in which forest the Christmas trees with toys grow. He had never seen anything like this before. (Addresses the hare.) The children themselves decorated the Christmas tree for the holiday. Together with the teacher they hung up the toys. What is the name of the holiday, children?

Children. New Year!

Snow Maiden. New Year holiday! You see a red ball, and there is an icicle, and there is a star...

The Snow Maiden shows the hare toys, all the time moving along the screen, the hare follows her at a short distance.

Snow Maiden. Do you like the Christmas tree?

The hare nods his head affirmatively.

Snow Maiden. Do you want the children to sing you a song about the Christmas tree?

The hare nods his head in agreement again.

Snow Maiden. Children! Please sing a song about a Christmas tree, the bunny and I will also sing along with you.

Everyone sings the familiar song about the Christmas tree. The Hare and the Snow Maiden nod their heads to the beat, as if they were singing along. The hare can clap.

The Snow Maiden praises the children. The ringing of a bell is heard.

Snow Maiden. Someone is riding a sled and even singing a song.

Santa Claus appears on the screen.

Father Frost. Hello kids! Hello, babies!

He bows to all the children, moving around the screen. The hare disappears.

Father Frost.

Happy New Year,

I wish you to be healthy!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

And with a cheerful round dance!

The teacher and children thank Dela Moroz, congratulating him on the New Year. Santa Claus admires the Christmas tree, toys and asks the children two or three easy riddles that are familiar to them. He also makes a wish about a hare.

Long ears stick out

The bright eyes sparkle.

Who is this, guess?

They are jumping in the clearing...

Children. Hares!

Father Frost. Right! Hares! Well done, you guessed it. Where is your bunny, Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden. Yes, here he is, Santa Claus. Where is he? Hid again! What a naughty little bunny! Loves to hide! I'll look for him.

The Snow Maiden is going to look for the hare and moves a little away from Santa Claus. And then a snowball flies out from behind the screen.

Santa Claus (rebounds). Oh! The snowball has arrived!

And again a snowball flies out, followed by another. Snowballs on strings.

Father Frost. I know I know! This bunny is playing pranks... We need to catch him. Snow Maiden, let's hide from the hare behind a bush.

Snow Maiden. Let's hide, grandpa. And then we’ll jump out!

Father Frost and Snow Maiden are hiding behind a bush. Children can see them. A hare comes out with a snowball in his paws. He looks around. When the hare slowly approached the middle of the screen, Father Frost and Snow Maiden quickly jump out from both sides. They are catching a hare.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka. There you are, little naughty girl!

Father Frost. And I wanted to dance with you to amuse the children...

The hare, imperceptibly lowering the snowball, claps and jumps.

Snow Maiden. And I want to dance: after all, today is a holiday, New Year! Everyone is having fun. Can I come with you too?

Father Frost. It’s possible, Snow Maiden, it’s possible. Let's all dance, and you, children, clap for us, please.

The dolls dance to any cheerful music. They clap their hands. Turning one after another, they walk across the screen, dancing to the right. Then they go left. Everyone squats at the same time. Everyone spins around themselves. They circle in a common circle. The dance can be repeated twice.

The dolls bow. Santa Claus puts his hand to his head, thinking about something, tilting his head to the side.

Snow Maiden. What are you thinking about, grandpa?

Father Frost. I forgot, completely forgot! I brought gifts for the children. I don’t remember where I put it. Have you seen, Snow Maiden, a big red bag with gifts?

Snow Maiden. No, I have not seen. Didn't you leave it in the hall?

Father Frost. Right. Maybe he's there. Children, look, is he there?

The children, together with the teacher, look everywhere, moving from corner to corner.

Finally found. The teacher informs Santa Claus about this.

Father Frost. Well done. Place the bag on the big chair and look what I brought you.

The teacher and children thank Father Frost and Snow Maiden for the gifts.

Father Frost. Help yourself to your health! Grow big! Goodbye!

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