Comprehensive - thematic planning in the senior group on the topic: “International Women’s Day March 8”

Educational hour: March 8 - International Women's Day.


Educational hour "March 8 - International Women's Day"


introduce pupils to the holiday of March 8th

Expanding the children's horizons;

education of spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, feelings of self-respect;

to form a kind, responsive attitude towards mothers, grandmothers and all women;


: computer, video.



1. History of the holiday.

2. The fate of women in different eras.

3. Traditions of celebrating International Women's Day in other countries.

4. Quiz.

Progress of the educational hour

Hello, I congratulate all of you, dear girls, on the upcoming holiday - International Women's Day on March 8th.

1. History of the holiday.

This holiday originated as a day of struggle for women's rights. On March 8, 1857, in New York, women workers in clothing and shoe factories demonstrated to demand better working conditions and equal rights with men. In 1910, at the International Conference of Socialist Women in Copenhagen, Clara Zetkin made a proposal to celebrate International Women's Day on March 8, which sounded like a call to all women in the world to join the fight for equality. In 1911, this holiday was first celebrated on March 19 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. March 8 in Russia In Russia, the celebration of International Women's Day became a tradition almost immediately after the moment of its “invention,” on March 2, 1913. This holiday was brought to Russia by the Menshevik Alexandra Kollontai. Russian women grabbed with both hands the opportunity to finally have equal rights with men. Since 1918, International Women's Day on March 8 has become a public holiday. Since 1965, this day has become a non-working day. There was also a festive ritual for him. On this day, at ceremonial events, the state reported to society on the implementation of state policy towards women. Nowadays, International Women's Day has lost its political overtones. Now March 8th is the holiday of Spring, Love and Beauty. This day is a non-working day in Russia.

How did the tradition of celebrating March 8 come about?

Different peoples have their own opinions on this matter, but they all agree on one thing - that this was not originally a women's day, but a day of a revolutionary woman. When they talk about the history of this holiday, they always remember Clara Zetkin. It was at her suggestion that March 8 was established as International Women's Day at the international conference of socialist women in Copenhagen in 1910. In Russia, the holiday was first celebrated in 1813, and over the years it has become a very important holiday and a red day on the calendar.

2. The fate of women in different eras.

Let us today, on the eve of March 8, remember what the fate of women was like in different eras.

The woman of the ancient era is the keeper of the hearth and the muse. We don't know much about her; she was silent more often than she spoke. But the silent Venus de Milo, the ideal of beauty of the ancient era, inspired and continues to inspire creators and connoisseurs of beauty.

A woman in the Middle Ages goes into the shadows, she is humble and God-fearing. The cult of Our Lady gives medieval women a touch of holiness. Some aristocratic women went beyond these boundaries. So Alienor of Aquitaine, a free-thinking woman, was first married to the king of France, then to the king of England. This woman was a legend of the medieval era; she not only conquered men, but also accomplished political affairs.

Women in the modern era (XVI-XIX centuries) become more courageous, get an education more often, and decide the destinies of kingdoms. Russian Empress Catherine II, a great ruler, successfully ruled vast territories and highly raised the prestige of our country, while never ceasing to be a real woman. The intelligent and talented Madame de Pompadour, the favorite of the French King Louis XV, added shine to his reign and gathered around her the most talented people of art, but - alas! — depleted the French treasury.

Women in the 20th century gained freedom and independence. Feminists declared equal rights for men and women. Businesswomen, scientists, politicians, actresses, teachers - women clearly declared themselves as purposeful and professionals. The symbol of our era was the legendary Valentina Tereshkova, the first female cosmonaut. Ekaterina Furtseva, went from a factory girl to the Minister of Culture of the USSR. Perhaps the most famous female politician in our country, she received the approving nickname “Catherine the Great” among the people as a tribute to the only female minister in the Soviet Union.

A beautiful day, spring dawns, Nature comes to life again. It's no secret to anyone, Whose beauty nourishes her.

There is so much I want to say and wish you on this holiday: To love, to bloom, not to fade, To be an adornment of the planet.

Your smile is the light of the sun. Eyes are like the infinity of the sky. Without you there is no life in the world, Only with you does life have eternity.

3. Traditions of celebrating International Women's Day in other countries.

Today we are in a festive mood on the eve of International Women's Day. Tell me, please, is this really an International Day?

Children's answers: Yes, it is celebrated not only by Russia, but also by Poland, Italy, Bulgaria, Colombia, and China.

Let's listen to how this holiday is celebrated in different countries.

In China

Men, as proof of their love, must prove themselves as exquisite cooks. All Chinese ladies have a legal day off on March 8th. When their husbands leave for work in the morning, they go to city parks and have fun there without men.

In Bogota (capital of Colombia)

On March 8, men are prohibited from appearing on the streets so as not to spoil the holiday for the weaker sex.

Day 8 March in Vietnam

has a tragic note, they celebrate World Women's Day and at the same time the Day of Remembrance of the Trung sisters, brave girls who fought against Chinese aggression and died heroically.


They take March 8th as seriously as Russians. Italian women and men do not celebrate March 8th. They gather in groups of women and go to a restaurant or cafe.

In the modern world, this holiday has turned into a day of female beauty, charm and love for the female sex. But the main thing about this holiday is that on this spring day we say compliments and congratulations, give gifts, and put mothers, grandmothers, sisters, girlfriends, and work colleagues in a good mood.

4. Quiz.

Guys, now let’s play a little and at the same time find out who is the best expert on women’s history.


1.Goddess of beauty in Ancient Greece.


2. Chancellor of Germany, despite her name, her character is by no means angelic.

Angela Merkel.

3. Previously, this item could tell everything about its owner, but now it is used very rarely.


4. Russian empress of German origin. Arriving in Russia, she did not know a word of Russian, but later became the mother of the Russian people.

Catherine the Great.

5. Egyptian queen, famous for her beauty and deceit.


6. A small evening bag, the name of which comes from the English word “to grab.”


7.They followed their husbands to Siberia, becoming a symbol of female devotion


8. The wife of the pharaoh, whose surviving portraits still delight us.


9. The heroine of a fairy tale, whose name is reminiscent of the English unit of length.


10. The English queen, after whom an entire era was named.


11. Grand Duchess of Kiev, who ruled Russia after the death of her husband.

Duchess Olga.

12. The first woman and foremother of the human race according to the Christian version.


13. Women's quarters in a rich Muslim house, translated as “forbidden place.”


14. Wife of Napoleon Bonaparte, who introduced the fashion for transparent dresses

Josephine Beauharnais.

15. Traditional Indian clothing


16. Folk headdress of Russian women


17. In ancient Greek mythology, a people consisting exclusively of women who did not tolerate their husbands with them.


18. Supporters of equality between women and men, actively fighting for the rights and freedoms of women.


19. Folk Russian women's clothing, now more often summer.


20. Women's hairstyle, the most common in Ancient Rus'.


21. The heroine of the novel “War and Peace”, Leo Tolstoy’s favorite heroine, who has gone through a long journey of growing up and becoming.

Natasha Rostova.

22. Celebrations in the 19th century “March 8” coincided with the day......? fight for women's rights;; 23. In which city was the women's conference of socialists held? Copenhagen; 24. What is the first and last name of the woman who proposed celebrating World Women's Day on March 8? Clara Zetkin; 25. In what year was International Women’s Day celebrated for the first time in Russia?)

1913 26. What is a woman's most disconcerting weapon? Smile

27.What is the name of the charming lady who moves in a fantastic way - in the wind, called the “wind of change”? Mary Poppins 28. What object confirms the beauty of a woman? mirror 29. What is the name of a young lady who neglects order, and therefore does not find her things all the time? Masha the Confused 30. What simple song does a mother sing to her baby before bed? Lullaby 31. Usually this thing warms you up in cold weather, but sometimes it is thrown at your feet. What is this item? Glove 32. What is the name of the decoration in the form of grains strung on a thread? beads

Thank you for your participation and happy holidays again!

Let your smiles bloom, After all, it’s time for spring to come to us! I wish you a full cup of good luck, happiness and goodness!

May the spring days bring warmth to your hearts, and let positivity, like a tsunami, cover you endlessly!

I wish you a lot of joy, spring, pure beauty, and a colorful mood, so that all your dreams come true!

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