Passport for the creative project “Colorful Week” for children in the middle group of kindergarten

The summer period is the time when the greatest importance in the active life of children is given to outdoor games and entertainment in the fresh air and in a group, thereby strengthening and tempering the health of children, improving their overall well-being, mental and physical health, as well as a cheerful mood.

The beginning of summer in kindergarten was marked by an interesting “Colorful Week”. Activities carried out during this period were aimed at developing positive qualities in children, high emotional uplift, development of friendly feelings, kind attitude towards each other and the development of aesthetic perception of the world around them.

Children's mental abilities were strengthened by learning poetry and dramatizing fairy tales, and aesthetic feelings were developed when designing creative works in visual and constructive activities, didactic and outdoor games, and in designing drawings on asphalt.

The beginning of the “Colorful Week”, following the colors of the rainbow, Fr. And immediately the children plunged into the bright shades of red, entering the kindergarten in clothes containing red colors. The didactic game “Find and name everything red” fixed the children’s attention on finding all the red objects in the group.

On this day, the children and I remembered the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” by Charles Perrault. The children staged this fairy tale with great pleasure using the “Puppet Theater on the Shoulders”. Not a single child was left without participation, everyone could show their theatrical abilities, everyone had the opportunity to appear in the role of a grandmother, and in the role of a wolf and Little Red Riding Hood, as well as brave woodcutters. Good mood remains for the whole day!

Next up were Journey to the Orange Kingdom and Journey to the Yellow Kingdom. A riot of orange and yellow colors was present in everything these days: in children’s outfits and in their favorite toys from home, in drawings on the asphalt “Radiant Sun”, in children’s creative works: modeling “Chicks” from plasticine, in reading the fairy tale “At the Sun in guests" and viewing illustrations of inflating yellow and orange balloons. But the most interesting for the children were experiments with water: “Colored Water”, where children had the opportunity to get acquainted with the properties of water to change color. They watched with curiosity as the clear water first turned yellow when a small amount of yellow gouache paint was added, and then turned into a bright orange color when a little red paint was added to the yellow water. The guys all took turns stirring water in a glass to get a beautiful color. Many people discovered for the first time how to obtain orange from yellow and red. But practical experience cemented this color experiment in the children’s memory.

“Journey to the Green Kingdom” reminded the children of an already familiar phrase: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits!” It was by the first letters of the words that the children remembered the next color of the day, and this time it was green.

This is the color of everything green on earth: grass, trees, flowers. That is why we started our day by repeating the names of all the indoor plants in our group, took care of them - gave them water, removed dry leaves. We learned the finger gymnastics “Tree” with the children and repeated the game exercise “We are entering a dense forest.” The information box “How all living things grow” introduced children to the characteristic stages of development of living organisms (people, animals, plants), that for their growth and development they need the same things: water, light, air, nutrition, love and caring attitude of others.

The following "Journey to the Blue Kingdom" and "Journey to the Blue Kingdom" were filled with air and sea themes. Didactic games “I am the color of the sky” and “Find and name everything blue in your friend’s clothes and in yours, as well as in the group” aroused genuine interest among children, because blue shades are always pleasant for children’s perception. In the visual activity, children painted a “Boat” floating on the waves, where they showed their imagination and creative abilities. We read the fairy tale by A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” and looked at the colorful illustrations for this fairy tale. The children were able to name the marine theme in this fairy tale, what shades of blue there are, compared the color of the sea in different scenes of the fairy tale, and then they happily drew their favorite characters from A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tale.

Children remembered “Journey to the Violet Kingdom” with plasticine painting “Bunch of Grapes” and drawing “Beets and Eggplants”.

The “Colorful Week” ended with “Journey to the Rainbow Kingdom.” On this day, together with the children, we remembered all the colors of the rainbow and, of course, tried to depict a bright and beautiful “Rainbow” from plasticine on cardboard (plasticineography). The children showed creativity and imagination and consolidated their ability to attach plasticine with strokes to a flat surface. Watching the cartoon “Tsvetik - Semitsvetik” reminded the children of the fairy tale of the same name read by V. Kataev. The fairy tale left in the hearts of the children good feelings and a desire to do good deeds and maintain friendly relations with each other.

All the events held during the “Colorful Week” were remembered by the children for their brightness and originality, arousing positive emotions and a desire to creatively express their imagination. The children received a charge of good mood and emotional uplift, thereby involving their parents in their desires.

Educational project “Colorful Week” for middle school children


1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of a general development type in the urban district of the city of Volgorechensk, Kostroma region “Kindergarten 4 “Krepysh” The educational project “Colorful Week” for children of the middle group was prepared and carried out by: Lyudmila Ivanovna Gaibalova, teacher of the highest qualification category, April 2016. Volgorechensk 2016

2 Author of the project: teacher of the highest qualification category Gaibalova Lyudmila Ivanovna, MBDOU “Kindergarten 4 “Krepysh”. Problem: Knowledge of color is of great importance in the development of children’s creative and cognitive activity and their intellectual abilities. Therefore, insufficient knowledge in this area prompted me to create a project. Our motto: if you have patience, you will have skill. Project participants: Children, parents, middle school teacher. Type of project: According to the dominant activity in the project: creative. Content: educational. According to the number of project participants: group (17 people). By duration: short-term (1 week). By the nature of contacts: child and family, within the preschool educational institution. According to the profile of knowledge: multi-subject. According to the nature of the child’s participation in the project: a participant from the inception of the idea to the receipt of the result. Project goal: Developing children's curiosity and creativity through expanding their knowledge about color. Project objectives: Educational: Learn to distinguish colors, compare them with objects. Teach children to distinguish between warm and cool colors. Practice your ability to talk about color. Learn to group objects by color and individual color details. Learn to group objects according to given characteristics, learn to work according to a model. Developmental: Develop color perception, attention, observation, expand knowledge about the materials that make up objects. Develop imagination and the ability to see the characteristic features of objects. Educational: To develop the ability to work in small groups. Cultivate friendly relationships. Develop the ability to finish what you start. Duration: short term 1 week

3 Relevance Childhood is a time of amazing discoveries. The world appears as an attractive variety of shapes, colors, smells, tastes, sounds. The environment has many obvious and hidden properties that the child learns to discover for himself. The main feature of an object for a preschool child is color. Our life is filled with color. And the child makes connections: the sun is yellow, the grass is green, the sky is blue. Acquaintance with color helps him to perceive objects and phenomena of the surrounding world more fully and subtly, develops observation, thinking, and enriches speech. In the middle group, not all children are able to identify the color of objects, name shades and colors, compare objects by color, and group them by similarity in color. Thus, the contradiction that arose, on the one hand, the importance and necessity of familiarizing children with color, the formation of sensory standards of color, and on the other hand, the insufficient level of knowledge and skills of children led to the choice of the project topic. Stages of the project: The project includes 3 stages: preparatory, main, final. Preparatory stage. Determining the theme of the project. Formulation of goals and definition of tasks. Selection of methodological literature on this topic; Drawing up a plan for the main stage of the project Selection of fiction (stories and poems about color, about the rainbow) Selection of printed board and didactic games; Selection of teaching aids, illustrations, reproductions; Selection of audio recordings on this topic; Selection of materials for artistic creativity (watercolor, gouache, colored pencils, colored paper, glue, cardboard, plasticine, etc.). Main stage Final stage Educational activity “Artistic creativity” - drawing a rainbow. Creating a “Multi-colored palette” pattern. Expected outcome of the project: Children correctly distinguish and name colors, use their knowledge in everyday activities. Product of project activities: Photo exhibition “Colorful Days”, Design of the album “Our Family’s Favorite Color” Implementation of the “Colorful Week” project I. Involvement in activities Announcement of the implementation of the “Colorful Week” project. Monday is red. Tuesday orange and yellow. The environment is green. Thursday blue and blue color. Friday is purple. II. Living the theme of the week Opening of the week

4 We read and wrote, We were so tired, it’s just a miracle! We will arrange a colorful week for you everywhere! What week is this? You do not know? We'll tell you! This is not idleness. We will show you all the colors. With this poem we open the week. Monday is red. Tuesday orange and yellow. The environment is green. Thursday blue and blue color. Friday is purple. Living the theme of the week Monday: Day of warmth, life, health Travel to the red kingdom Red apple on a green branch Red currant apple tree neighbor Red raspberries, red rowan Everything red in the world is the most beautiful! M. Yanushkevich Red is the strongest color. This is the color of fire, the thirst for life and speed. Red color gives energy. It radiates warmth. Red color can help in overcoming fear, life obstacles, and improves mood. Research shows that children prefer it. For a child, this is the color of activity, confidence, and celebration. Red color is chosen by strong, courageous, enterprising and energetic individuals. Didactic games: “Let’s get to know each other, I am Red”, “I will find red everywhere”, “Colored objects”. Conversations: “What happens in red?” Problem situation: What will happen if the color red disappears? Communication: Memorizing the poem “If the light turned on red”, watching the film “Little Red Riding Hood” Artistic creativity Modeling “Red Dishes”, Drawing “Plate” Tuesday Day of light, knowledge, intelligence Yellow is the brightest color! Like the sun, a primrose, A bright yellow water lily And the middle of a chamomile V. Chernyaeva Yellow orange is the color of the sun, which means warmth, joy and optimism. This is a tonic color. It has a softer and gentler effect on the pulse and breathing. Stimulates intelligence and sociability. This is the last of the warm light rays. Yellow color attracts attention. It is used for warning notices. It symbolizes something new. A person perceives yellow as the color of hospitality, generosity, and comfort. Yellow color is preferred by dreamy people, dreamers and storytellers, as well as very sympathetic people. It has a beneficial effect on concentration and memory. Orange can be called the color of good mood. He's the funniest.

5 Didactic games: “Let’s get to know each other - I’m Orange, Yellow.” “Match the string to the ball”, Mathematics - didactic game “Fold the pattern” - yellow rug. Artistic creativity - experimenting with colors: yellow + red = orange. Drawing “Carrot” Application “Chicks” Wednesday Nature and Ecology Day Green color on the leaf Under the green moss there is a tussock. And green needles grow on the Christmas tree all year round V. Kosovitsky Green color is the color of nature itself, eternal renewal and immortality. It evokes a feeling of balance, harmony, calm, hope, and helps dispel negative emotions. It improves tone and calms. Creates a feeling of relaxation and increases performance for a long time. This is the color of youth, growth, newness. Green calms, relaxes, increases visual acuity and concentration. It is often preferred by balanced, but persistent, purposeful people who are ready to learn more and more new things. Didactic game “Let’s get to know each other, I’m Green”, “Caterpillar”, “Match the cups to the saucers”, “Safety” - Outdoor game “Traffic Light”. Conversation “Favorite houseplant.” Artistic creativity: Modeling “What grows in the garden.” Experimenting with paints yellow + blue = green Application “Little Frog” Thursday Day of emotionality, communication and creativity And the azure sky, the sea after gloomy storms Blue will give color. The dawn with it is incomparable And the snow and ice sparkles blue in the New Year. E. Goreva Blue is the color of the sky, flight, dreams. Blue is a calm color, always focused on oneself, and even has a hypnotic effect. It’s not for nothing that people love to look at the blue sky or the sea. This is a symbol of faith. It reduces pain and relieves muscle tension. This is the color of truth and depth, bringing novelty. Didactic game “Let’s get to know each other, I’m Blue, Blue.” “Colored lids”, “Close the door in the house” Speech development: Compiling a story based on the picture “What is blue”.

6 Ecology" - conversation "Favorite houseplant." Reading fiction:: V. Suteev “Rooster and Paints” Artistic creativity: Drawing “The rain was raging heavily” Friday I am a multi-colored gift I decided to give it to my mother I tried to draw with Four pencils Violet color is complex, rich, (i.e. you must know and be able to do a lot apply your knowledge in practice) Didactic game “Let’s get to know each other - I’m Violet.” “Physical Education” - didactic game “Colorful balls”. Sensory didactic game “Arrange the cubes by color” V. Kataev “Seven-flowered flower” watching a cartoon. Artistic creativity Experimenting with paints Blue + red = purple Application “Rainbow” Report on project activities: The preliminary stage lasted 3 days; the goal was formulated, the project objectives were determined, didactic material was selected, and a plan for the main stage was drawn up. The main stage was implemented within 1 week. Didactic games aimed at the sensory development of children (in particular, at developing a sense of color) have great potential: they allow children to be introduced to the qualities and properties of objects, in this case, color. In the process of various didactic games, children learned to identify the color of objects, name shades and colors, compare objects by color, and group them by similarity in color. All these activities develop and consolidate children’s knowledge and ideas about color and contribute to the formation of a sense of color. Didactic games that preceded visual activities prepared children for a more free and accurate reflection of colors and shades in drawing and applique. Children operate with existing knowledge about color, which is acquired, systematized, and enriched during the game. With the help of the game, the child gains new knowledge about a particular color. At the same time, during the game, children’s color vocabulary is activated. In conclusion, I would like to note that all the assigned tasks were successfully completed, children and parents took an active part in the implementation of the project. The result has been achieved. Conducting a subject week allows you to evaluate and compare how developed the child’s interest in the subject is, how much knowledge he has gained during the school year. The work is carried out with the aim of awakening and developing interest in the subject, expanding and deepening children’s knowledge of program material, instilling in children a sense of collectivism, establishing close contacts between teachers and parents, and developing children’s cognitive interests. Mathematics Week provides great assistance in in-depth study of such a difficult discipline as mathematics. The activities carried out create favorable conditions for the formation in children of such personality traits as curiosity, observation, and the desire to overcome difficulties.

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