Ditties for the anniversary of the head of the kindergarten


Early morning, dialogue at 7 o'clock: - Verochka, Vera, breakfast is ready. Wake up? Get up, it's time to go to kindergarten. - Oh, I don’t want to go there! Boy (quietly): “Verochka, you must be the head of the kindergarten!”

I go to kindergarten. 8:30 am. The cooks are already working their magic in the kitchen. Corridors, toilets, groups, halls, offices. I have to check everything and maintain safety.

It’s 9 am, and there’s already a nurse on the doorstep. MS - We are faced with problem No. 1: we have chickenpox, quarantine again. We need to quickly run through the garden. Gather all the nannies as soon as possible. Bleach and soap, brushes, water. The SES will rush to us, again as always...

9.15 - the phone rings: - Should the event be held in the area? The problem again is that everyone needs to be collected. Decide quickly what to show.

10.00 - our dear supply manager comes to my door like a steam locomotive: Supply manager: There is no heating, the basement is drowning! The pipes are rotten, it's a complete emergency! Problem again. I call the housing and communal services department and ask them to urgently send a mechanic.

11 exactly. The methodologist runs:

— A computer virus has entered our kindergarten!

Computers urgently need treatment

Otherwise, all files will die very quickly!

12.15 — I’m writing the report card. I’m in a hurry to turn it in on time.

13.00 - I have a teachers’ meeting. Teachers need to be given good advice. So that everyone can protect their category and not be sad about their salary. .

14.30 - I run to RayONO. Slippery! Luckily it's nearby. There, of course, we will be reprimanded for everything. They don’t want to give money.

17.00 - I go into the office, I think I missed lunch. I just can’t eat now, I’m quickly running to the meeting. A lot of parents will come to visit, They are worried that their children are waiting for them.

18.15 - the phone rings. Tomorrow the whole district will come to visit us.

19.00 - the janitor has left. He found a more expensive job. What should I do? What should I do? Where can I get a new wiper?

While I found a man in place, I came home late at night. My eyes just closed. I heard a voice: “Vera, get up, it’s time to go to kindergarten. All the kids are already going to kindergarten.” - No! There's no way I'm going there! (quietly): “Vera, it’s necessary - you’re the head of the kindergarten!”

Next ditty

La-la-la, yes, la-la-la! Where can I get the words for the song? To lift your spirits and prevent headaches.

Let's sing ditties loudly, To make it more fun, We congratulate our teachers today!

I run to kindergarten in the morning, lead mom by the hand, so that mom can congratulate everyone on the holiday!

Our teacher is good, we love you very much, accept our congratulations today too!

We love our nanny very much, she loves us too. And now we’ll sing a perky little ditty to her!

In order to read a fairy tale to us, you became a reader, It’s not for nothing that you were called Junior Teacher!

The music is playing loudly in the music room, It's the musician again Playing the piano!

Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si, They came to the music hall, Si, la, sol, fa, mi, re, do, Sang the song well!

We were hungry for some reason, the hunt was great, when we wanted to eat, we remembered the cook!

Vitamins are good for everyone - The doctor told us this And gave the guys in our group a vitamin to everyone!

And the head of the kindergarten has no time to be bored, because she needs to manage the kindergarten!

We will soon grow up big, the years will fly by quickly, we will often remember our beloved kindergarten!

© Copyright: Stepan Buldakov, 2010 Certificate of publication No. 110092402505 Reviews

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On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The most pressing problem today is strengthening the health of children. A healthy lifestyle is unthinkable without a rational, varied diet. Nutrition is one of the factors providing.

Develop an interest in the history of your country; cultivate a sense of patriotism.

The material was prepared by: Nasibulina Elvira Abdulakhatovna, teacher of the 1st category.

Author of the report: Prokopyeva A.A., teacher, highest category; Makhorina M.L., teacher; Izyumina N.M., junior teacher.

Author of the material: Svetlana Grigorievna Sobkalova, teacher, first category.

The work presents one day in the life of a kindergarten. This is a themed day: “Colorful World”, designed for the older group of 5-6 years old. The teacher meets the children in the form of an “Artist”.

An interesting scenario for a graduation party in kindergarten “Our Book of Childhood”

The hall is festively decorated with balloons, toys, and flowers. On a pedestal near the central wall there is a large book with opening pages, it is called “Our Book of Childhood.”

Children who are not graduating from kindergarten this year enter the hall and sit on chairs. The presenter (teacher) enters

Presenter. Dear guests! The years fly by very quickly. Before we know it, kids become schoolchildren. Today we are seeing off our graduates to school; the school bell will soon ring for them. Meet, here they are – our graduates!

Ceremonial entrance of graduates (Children enter the hall one at a time, the presenter announces each child by name, says parting words to each) All children stand in a semicircle (rainbow) at the central wall, graduates in the center.

Graduate 1. Our kindergarten is decorated in the morning. Today is a holiday - graduation, And we are proud of our garden, After all, it is completely native to us!

The song “What is kindergarten?” (author Klara Makarova)

Graduate 2. We have grown up, we are leaving for first grade! Today, as a farewell, we dance a waltz for you.

Children (not graduates) sit on chairs, male graduates invite female graduates to dance.

Dance “Graduation Waltz” (author’s production to the music of composer Rim Khasanov “Dance with Flowers”)
After the dance, graduates go to their chairs. The presenter draws the attention of children and spectators to a large book standing near the central wall of the hall. Presenter. Kindergarten is not a school, we don’t have lessons, bells, breaks... But we still have something that you will also find at school - these are books.
A fairy tale lives in kindergarten. And our book is not simple, magical. You probably can't wait to find out what secrets are hidden in its pages? So, we open the first page! Magic music sounds, the presenter opens the first page of the book.

Presenter. Guys, the book is truly magical! Its first page will remind us of what we were like when we came to kindergarten.

Graduates leave
1 graduate. Let's remember how five years ago we came to kindergarten. 2 graduate. Yes, that's it! We didn’t go, they carried us in strollers! 3 graduate. We often sat on the arms, we didn’t want to stomp our feet! 4 graduate. I remember crying every day, I kept waiting for my mother, looking out the window. 5 graduate. And I did this - I fell asleep over soup at lunchtime! 6 graduate. Sometimes I ate poorly, they spoon-fed me! 7 graduate. Do you remember, I built big cities from sand? 8 graduate. We all baked Easter cakes, not as smoothly as we could! 9 graduate. They were such naughty people! They fought with their hands and feet! And some even with their teeth... 10th graduate. Yes, we were all good!
Well, what should we take? After all, kids! Presenter. Just like these kids who are rushing to our holiday now!

Children of the younger group enter the hall to the music.
1 baby We guys - kids have come to congratulate you all!
Enroll in first grade and don’t forget about us! 2 baby . You are already quite big, you are beautiful and smart! In order to reach you, we must stand on our toes. (rises on tiptoes)

Children's dance to the melody of the song “Scamps” (words and music by Zhanna Kolmagorova)

Graduate 3. Don’t be bored without us, little ones, but grow up quickly! And we will wait for you at school and even occupy your desks!

The graduates give the kids balloons and they leave.

Magic music sounds, the presenter opens the second page of the book.

Graduate 4. Guys, we are leaving for school, but what about our toys? Look how sad they look at us.

Graduate 5. Don't be sad, dolls, bears and pictures in children's books! Let the guys play at you, as we once played.

“Dance with Toys” (Author’s dance composition to the music of the song “City of Childhood” (Words and music by A. Morozov), ending with the transfer of toys to non-graduate children)

Child not a graduate 1. We envy you a little, you are almost schoolchildren! And we sincerely wish you a good journey!

Child is not a graduate 2. At school, try very hard to only get A's! It will be difficult - come, we will accept you into kindergarten again!

Magic music sounds, the presenter opens the third page of the book.

(graduates 6, 7)
come out to cheerful music Scene. Boy. Hurray, hurray, the time has finally come! Girl. I don’t understand why you’re happy? Why are you leaving kindergarten? Boy. Well, yes. I won't sleep during the day! Girl. And you will read and write everything... Boy. But I won’t eat porridge! Girl. You want to stand up, but they tell you to sit down... Boy. We'll come home early! Girl. And we won’t find mom at home... I’ll go to the refrigerator myself, I’ll do lunch myself, I’ll do my homework myself... Boy. And the neighbor? I’ll invite Vovka to visit! He and I will eat everything we find. Then we’ll go for a walk with him! Let's take his cat Marusya and play with her a little. Then we will fight in a sea battle. Girl. Wait, please, wait! After all, you need to read, rewrite, retell, and then solve the task, because you can get a bad mark and really upset your mother! Together. Yes, brother, such are the things, as you can see, youth has passed!

Game “What will we become when we grow up” (The presenter lays paper clouds on the floor on which the names of professions are written. To the accompaniment of “cosmic” music, children walk among the clouds, choose their own. The music changes, the children pick up clouds from the floor and read the prediction)

A skit with musical accompaniment “Head of a kindergarten” (furniture is placed in the hall: a sofa, a table with a telephone and papers for the manager. Children (daughter-manager, nurse, caretaker, teachers, cooks), parents (mother), presenter) participate in the skit.
Presenter. Early morning, dialogue at 7 o'clock: Mom. Daughter, daughter, breakfast is ready. Daughter. Mommy, I’ll lie down a little longer. Mother. But I won’t wake you up later, get up! Wake up! It's time to go to kindergarten! Daughter. Oh, I don’t want to go there today! Mom (quietly).
Daughter, you have to! You are the head of a kindergarten! (Rhythmic music sounds, the manager takes her bag and goes to work)
Presenter. Kindergarten.
8:30 am. The cooks are already working their magic in the kitchen. (Dance of cooks to the melody of the chorus of the song “Cook, cook, porridge!” (music by Yegor Shashin, lyrics by Natalya Kuzminykh))

Manager. Corridors, toilets, groups, halls, offices. I have to check everything and maintain safety.

Presenter. It’s 9 am, and there’s already a nurse on the doorstep. Nurse. We are faced with problem number one: We have chickenpox, quarantine again.

Manager. We need to run around the garden as quickly as possible, and the Nannies need to gather everyone together as soon as possible. Bleach and soap, brushes, water... The SES will rush to us, again, as always!

(The manager and the nurse walk quickly around the hall to the music)

Presenter. 9:15 - The phone rings. (The manager picks up the phone)
Manager. Should the event be held in the area?
The problem again: everyone needs to gather, quickly decide how and what to show. Presenter. 10:00 - like a steam locomotive, our dear supply manager comes through the door. Caretaker No heating, the basement is drowning! The pipes are rotten, it's a complete emergency!

Manager. Problem again! I call the housing department and ask them to urgently send a locksmith.

Presenter. 12:15 Manager. I’m writing a report card, I need to turn it in on time, I’m in a hurry.

Presenter. 13:00 Manager. I have a teaching council - Educators need to be given good advice, So that everyone can protect their category And don’t be sad about their salary.

(Flash mob of teachers with notebooks and pens to the melody of the chorus of the song “It’s Time” (music by R. Pauls, lyrics by I. Reznik))

Presenter. 14:30 Manager. I'm running to GoRONO. Slippery! Luckily it's nearby. There, of course, we will be reprimanded for everything. They don’t want to give money.

(The manager walks quickly around the hall)

Presenter. 17:00 Manager. I go into the office, I think I missed lunch... But I won’t be able to eat now, I’ll run to the meeting in the hall. A lot of parents will come to visit, They are worried that their children are waiting for them.

Presenter. 18:15 - the phone rings. (The manager picks up the phone)
Manager. Should an open lesson be given to the area?
They called you this morning. Certainly! We are waiting for you tomorrow, gentlemen! Presenter. 19:00 Manager. The janitor left, He found a more expensive job. What should I do? What should I do? Where can I get a new wiper? While I found a man to take the place, I came home late at night...

(The manager walks tiredly, then sits down on a chair)

As soon as my eyes closed, I heard Mommy’s voice: Mom. Daughter, get up, it’s time to go to kindergarten. All the kids are already going to kindergarten. Daughter. No! There's no way I'm going there! I'd rather die, drown, shoot myself. Mom (quietly): Daughter, it’s necessary. You are the head of a kindergarten.

(a musical screensaver sounds, everyone goes to their seats)
Magic music sounds, the presenter opens the fourth page of the book.
The skit “Parents Go to School” (performed by parents)
(Moms and dads here act as schoolchildren and act out one day in the life of first-graders for the audience. The production uses fragments of popular and favorite songs, familiar to both children and adults. They are used to compose a medley in which each verse (fragment) is visually staged by some kind of action. Costumes add a visual effect (short brown uniform dresses, white aprons, bows and knee socks for mommies and black trousers with suspenders and light shirts for dads. It seems that real schoolchildren came to the kindergarten in order to show future first-graders in detail all the vicissitudes of student life.)
A game for children with letters “Make up a word and read” (2 teams of children participate. The letters lie on the floor, children walk in a circle to the music , the music stops, you need to take a letter from your circle and make a word. Team 1 - the word “School”, Team 2 - the word “Student”. The team that is the first to complete the task correctly will win.)

Game with families “Get your child ready for school” Host. Guys, what will first graders go to school with? What's in the backpack? Who will help you get ready for school? Who will blow up the balloons for the First of September? I suggest children and adults practice how you and your whole family will get ready for school. (The child is assembling a backpack, mom is preparing sandwiches, dad is inflating balloons. The winner is the family that is the first to complete the task and say: “We are ready for school!”)

Magic music sounds, the presenter opens the fifth page of the book.

Presenter. Every child is a little bright star! When you grow up, perhaps you will glorify not only our city, but the whole country.

Minute of fame (solo and group performances for children and parents)

Magic music sounds, the presenter opens the sixth page of the book.

Graduates are leaving.
Graduate 8. Days after days rush quickly, They rush and do not return.
It’s a pity to leave the garden, but I also want to go to school! Graduate 9. This holiday is both sad and joyful for the guys. We say: “Hello school! Goodbye, kindergarten!

Song "Goodbye, kindergarten!" (Music by V. Sinenko, lyrics by S. Plakhutina.)

Presenter: Our dear children, your last holiday in kindergarten has ended. May you have many, many different holidays in your life, may life give you only goodness and joy. And may your future be the most wonderful!

The head of the preschool educational institution is given the floor. Presentation of gifts and diplomas to children, words of gratitude to parents. A word to the parents of graduates. In conclusion, the Presenter invites children and adults to go out to the kindergarten playground, take balloons, make their deepest wishes and release the balloons into the sky.

Beautiful and funny birthday greetings to the head of the kindergarten

You are the head of the kindergarten, the Lord, you, the kindergarten, are the best, we know this, happy birthday!

You fulfill your duty with soul and heart. More laughter, happiness, and less trouble for you!

May there be enough energy for many, many more years, May Grace, love and light always warm your soul!


We all want to congratulate you, Happy birthday from the bottom of our hearts. Of course, it’s not easy to run a kindergarten, but you’re good at it like no one else.

We wish you prosperity, success at work and everywhere. So that always with great desire, May you happily pursue your dreams.


The captain steers the ship skillfully. You are the captain of the garden, a master of words and deeds. Order is always hard work for you, But you will find affection and care for everyone.

Your birthday is your holiday, so relax. And today you no longer rule anything. This day will be joyful and bright for you, there will be warm words, lovely gifts.

Keep it up, our captain! - we wish you. We congratulate you on your birthday from the bottom of our hearts. We want to sail further only under your flag, the crew will take an oath of allegiance to you.


You are the mistress of a huge house, where the sounds of children's laughter are cheerful. Happy birthday to you, dear, We wish you a lot of different happiness:

Happiness is to be necessary, Happiness is to be irresistible, Happiness is to be irreplaceable, Happiness is to be the children of your beloved!


We hasten from the bottom of our hearts to congratulate you today. We have never met a better manager.

Things are always in order, no matter where you look. Our kindergarten is the best, the merit for this is you.

We want to wish you Happiness and love. And on your birthday, we give you flowers.

Beautiful poems happy birthday to the head of the kindergarten


On your birthday, we wish you all the best, love, warmth in your soul, May your mood strive upward, May life be more beautiful!

May your work give you joy, And even though the whole kindergarten is on you, May all your problems and worries be solved simply, without interference!


Managing a kindergarten is a difficult task. I want to wish you happiness and good luck.

Only good things at work, more positive things, so that you are always cheerful, and live beautifully!


We wish you many smiles, Love, flowers for no reason, All the best, all the best, And compliments, kind words!

Let your favorite job give you joy and income! And let life be sweeter than honey, And let every moment bring happiness!


You are in charge of the garden, Your very hard work: Responsible for our children, Watching them grow.

On your wonderful birthday, we want to wish you strength, energy, health and less fatigue!

So that you have enough time to be in kindergarten, and remain beautiful, and keep your family!


Congratulations on your birthday For me it is always a reward, For children you are just a fairy You are the head. kindergarten.

I wish you easy everyday life, kind words and compliments, so that there are more strange, wonderful moments!

Funny birthday wishes for the head of a kindergarten


Our manager, Happy birthday to you and we wish you Positivity and patience in your work.

May children's laughter never subside, And may their eyes always sparkle, May the noise of such dear children always give you joy.


It is not easy to be the head of a kindergarten. But you cope with all winds against evil. You stand in this responsible position, in a complex kindergarten institution!

On your birthday we would like to wish you: Don’t give up your positions to anyone, Obedient parents, kind children. Thank you for being braver than everyone else in the world!


Our wonderful manager, we sincerely wish you on your birthday, that you become sweeter and more beautiful, that your mood soars!

May all things go well, May everything succeed with a bang! The kids in the kindergarten love you very much, because you are full of care and kindness!


Today we congratulate you. With all our hearts we wish that Spring always nestles in the soul, And does not bring sadness.

Warmth and peace. Active, clear, bright days. And respect in the team. Always be wiser every day.


It is very difficult for us to imagine the Kindergarten - even without you. I want to wish you a happy birthday this time.

From little ones to older ones, From mommies and daddies I will say now without falsehood: You are our angel today.

Let the halo not be visible yet, This is temporary, a trifle, This is obvious to all of us, Of course, this is so!

Heartfelt and touching birthday greetings to the head of the kindergarten


You are in charge of the garden - Yes, the work is lovely. You are true to your word, Just as we wanted.

The team wants to congratulate you, We came together today, The creativity lives inside you, After all, you are in the right place.

We wish you inspiration and ideas from the bottom of our hearts, You are more valuable to us every day, And we congratulate you!


Managing a kindergarten is not an easy task. You need to hold everything in your hands, Be a mountain for everyone around.

We congratulate you with all our hearts. May everything be perfect. May peace always warm you, May your happiness be endless.


Your favorite kindergarten is very happy to congratulate you. From the children, fathers and mothers, I will convey the words to you. You bloom without growing old, Warming our souls with you, Decorating the world with yourself, Not knowing troubles and sadness, And charging all children with your smile!


To the head of the kindergarten, our congratulations and wishes of happiness to you on your birthday.

Let the problems of the kindergarten be solved instantly, You are fast and energetic, The sea is knee-deep to you.

We wish you a cheerful life, with a sparkle, and we will be proud of our beloved kindergarten.


We send congratulations to the head of our kindergarten, children's laughter, smiles. We wish you on your birthday.

So that the children in the groups are empty, the parents are happy, we wish you to be highly valued in GORONO.

We wish you that any problems can be easily resolved, Happiness, good luck in life, Love. We all wish you.


Managing a kindergarten is very difficult, But you manage it easily and beautifully. We sincerely wish you perseverance, May the children love you and give you happiness. We wish you goodness and prosperity, May all your wishes come true.


It’s hard to find a manager like you. For all of us, the eighth wonder of the world. We will help you solve any issue, and if you ask for advice.

Today we are all TOGETHER from the bottom of our hearts, Happy wonderful birthday. We wish you great happiness, rainbow love, from the bottom of our hearts!


Happy birthday to you! We wish you success in your work for the benefit of the prosperity of the kindergarten, so that everything works out for you, so that all your ideas come true, so that your energy is not depleted, and your health is great!


Kindergarten is a beehive, and you preside over it. On your birthday, let's be honest: You are a pro at what you do.

We wish you only happiness, inspiration, warmth. So that you give your bees a great charge of goodness.


We, the manager, congratulate you on your birthday. Kindergarten under your gaze has become, well, simply, the highest class.

Keep it up, we wish you happiness, joy, goodness. Let there be enough warmth in your heart for all the children.


Happy birthday from all parents, From all children, you are their guardian angel, Thank you for your attention and care, We wish you success in your work. Happiness, health, joyful days, Smiles, good luck and good news.


There are too many children in your kindergarten, And there are different toys and books - It suits them,

How can you skillfully manage a Garden? You always conduct business with only five,

Happy birthday to you today, Peace, hundreds of roses, Only from the happiness of surprise And not a drop of tears!


We are happy to congratulate the Head of the kindergarten! May this birthday provide you with moments of Flawless Beauty. It’s as if you are living among an amazing dream, drinking water from springs. And for children you create attention in kindergarten. We wish you joy! Sail on the waves of life with inspiration and light, so that you are lucky in everything!


We congratulate the head of the kindergarten on her birthday, Our kindergarten has transformed with her, We respect her very much, We wish her good luck on this holiday, prosperity, happiness and patience, We hope that she enjoys our congratulations today!


Happy birthday, dear manager. You are a respectable Lady, Smart and knowledgeable.

We would like to wish you good health and strong patience. The kindergarten is in your power - This is without a doubt.


Head of the kindergarten, we congratulate you on your birthday, we are proud of you, we respect you, we wish you a lot of patience, may your endeavors succeed, may there be many new plans, may life be cheerful, bright, and there will be a long journey!


The kindergarten congratulates you on your birthday today. In each group there are dances, songs and poems for you.

We wish you well, our manager, so that your work brings joy and your life is happy.


Dear kindergarten manager, we congratulate you on your birthday and sincerely wish you peace in the family and good order at work, endless enthusiasm, kindness, good luck and love. May wishes and dreams be fulfilled, and may life be tasty and sweet, like honey or jam!


To run a kindergarten, you need a lot of wisdom and strength, and a lot of skills, only you can do it!

Happy birthday, crowd! We wish you to be happy, so that you can only be there, kindness, beautiful success!


We want to congratulate the head of the kindergarten now, We wish her on her birthday, So that she doesn’t lose her strength, Let her be cheerful and active, We all take an example from her, Thanks to her, we always go to work with a smile!


Kindergarten is like a home, don’t rush home, the manager has work both on weekdays and on Saturday.

But today is a day of fun - it’s your birthday today! Congratulations from us, Please accept this good time.

We wish you personal success. Excellent work too. Enthusiasm, positivity, So that you always have enough strength!


You're such a bummer, that's how it really should be. There is affection and severity in you, there is perseverance and modesty.

Happy birthday! To wish that trouble would come to an end, Only happiness would burst into life, Driving away the bad weather!


Now we need to congratulate the lady in charge of the kindergarten! Happy birthday! Happiness to you, Smile in the morning,

Relax in the evenings, Stay forever with us, You are absolutely the highest class, We respect and love you!

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