Games aimed at developing a culture of verbal communication

Good words

The goal of the game “Kind Words” is to expand the understanding of the positive qualities of people. Children learn to see the good in loved ones. The number of participants is unlimited; you need a ball to play.

The players stand in a circle. The teacher invites them to remember what kind epithets are used when addressing close people: parents, relatives, friends. Children call: “good”, “caring”, “beautiful”, “cute”, “friendly”, “cheerful”, “gentle” and other words. Then the teacher asks the participants to look at their neighbor in the playing circle and think about what positive qualities he has.

Each player takes the ball and names the good quality of his neighbor. Then he passes the baton to the participant standing next to him. Younger players name only the epithets themselves. Children in the middle group must also explain their answer. For example, “Sasha is generous because he allows him to play with his toys.”

Progress of the game:

Ask the children to imagine that a bird of gratitude has flown to earth. She flew into the windows of those who forgot to thank their parents, friends or acquaintances for something, and reminded them of this. Then the children should imagine that a bird of gratitude flew into their window; remember everyone they forgot to thank and mentally say thank you to them.

12. Didactic game

"School of Politeness "

Goal: To develop cultural communication skills.

Heart tree

To play, you need to prepare an image of a magic tree, and also cut out leaves in the shape of hearts. The teacher explains to the students that a hurricane tore off the leaves from the magic tree of goodness. We need to return the leaves to the branches. But only those who know kind and polite words can do this.

Each player takes a heart. The teacher asks a question. Having answered correctly, the child can attach the heart to a tree branch. If a player finds it difficult to answer, or if he answers incorrectly, then the move is passed to the next participant.

Here are sample questions:

  • what to say when meeting;
  • how to calm a crying friend;
  • what word to thank for help;
  • what to say if you accidentally hit someone with your elbow;
  • what to say when saying goodbye;
  • how to invite an old lady to sit in an empty seat on the bus;
  • what to say when a friend shares candy with you.

Progress of the game:

1. Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... ( “Thank you”


2. The old tree stump will turn green when it hears... ( "good afternoon"


3. If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom... ( “Thank you”


4. We accidentally pushed Vitya and said everything... ( "Sorry"


5. When we are scolded for pranks, we say... ( “Excuse me, please”


6. The boy is polite and developed , he says when meeting... ( “Hello”


7. In all countries, when they say goodbye to everyone... ( "Goodbye"


14. Game " Polite hide and seek "

Goal: To consolidate polite words .

Evaluate the action

To play the game you need to prepare pictures depicting good and bad deeds. The teacher says that an evil sorceress bewitched the paths in the forest. The children went to pick mushrooms and berries, but got lost. To spell the forest paths, you need to correctly separate the pictures.

Players carefully examine the images, tell what they see, and evaluate the drawn scenes. Then the pictures are divided into 2 groups: positive scenes are placed on the right side, negative ones are placed on the left side.

Progress of the game:


Name a few polite words that you know. (Please)

When do you say the word "please"?

(These words are used when you need to ask for something or ask permission to do something.

The word “please” has a faithful friend, an inseparable helper. What is this word? (Thank you)

When do they say “thank you”?

(When they thank you for something. For example, for a treat, for help, for congratulations.)

How should these words be pronounced for them to be truly magical?

(They need to be pronounced clearly, slowly, looking into the eyes of the person you are talking to)

What other polite words do you know besides “thank you” and “Please”? (Thank you, be kind, etc.)

What words do you use to say goodbye? (Goodbye, all the best, bon voyage, bon voyage, see you, all the best, see you tomorrow).

20. Game task

"In the world of polite words "

Goal: reinforce the rules of etiquette, develop communication skills.

Complete the sentence

The presenter says the beginning of the sentence, and the players take turns completing it:

  • Mitya is well-mannered and polite; when we meet, he always says... hello;
  • when a friend has a cold or sneezes, you need to tell him... be healthy;
  • Mom scolded Vanya for pampering, and he answered her... sorry;
  • when people meet in the evening, they say to each other... good evening;
  • parents gave Masha a birthday present, and she replied... thank you;
  • when saying goodbye, people say to each other... goodbye;
  • Mom, putting Olya to bed, tells her... good night;
  • Artem politely asked a friend for a book, the friend agreed and said... please.

Progress of the game:

Guys, now imagine that each of you is a flower. Every person needs to be treated politely , like a flower in water. But look, our magnificent flower has withered and all its petals have fallen off! How can we revive it?

Say as many polite words as possible and bring the flower to life. (Children say polite words , receive petals and attach them to the core of the flower)

(Hello! Be healthy! Be kind! Be kind! Thank you! Thank you!

Please! Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! See you! Goodbye! Good night! Bye! Farewell! Happily! Excuse me, please!

Don't be angry, please! I'm to blame for you! I apologize)

Guys, look what a wonderful flower you have grown thanks to your politeness ! Polite people , like flowers, decorate our Earth.

8. Didactic game

“Please don’t make a mistake!”

Goal: Enrich and expand the vocabulary of politeness


How to say hello correctly

This game for preschoolers develops concentration and can be used as a physical education activity.

The teacher explains to the children that you can say hello in 3 ways: with your head, hands and mouth. The players consider each option. Each player offers his own version of greeting. The head is a nod, a blink, a wink. Hands are shaking, clapping hands, connecting fists. Using your mouth means pronouncing the words “hello”, “good afternoon”, “hello”.

Next, the children begin to move around the playground, and the teacher gives certain signals. When he claps his hands once, each child must shake hands with the player who happens to be nearby. When the teacher claps 2 times, the children shake their heads. When clapping 3 times, players say greetings.

Didactic games for politenesscard file on speech development (junior group) on the topic

Didactic games for politeness.

"Let's get acquainted!"

Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to make acquaintances, say their name, and use polite words in their speech.

Material: doll.

Progress of the game

A new doll “came to visit” the children. She wants to meet.

Educator. Let's get acquainted, my name is Anna Alexandrovna, and what about you? Very nice!

Children take turns approaching the doll and introducing themselves. Anyone who gets to know the doll can get to know the children of the group.

"Who's in charge?"

Goal: to create conditions in the ability to name members of your family; bring to the understanding that both children and adults are the most important in the world; cultivate love and respect for your family.

Material: "Family Tree"; illustrations depicting what mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, and child are doing.

Progress of the game

The teacher invites the children to take turns naming members of their family and saying: who does what, who does what in the family. If it is difficult for a child to name who does what in the family, then illustrations will help him with this. Children say who is the boss in the family and why they think so. At the end of the game, it should be determined that everyone is important in the world - both children and adults.

"The girl is sick."

Goal: to improve children’s knowledge about the work of a doctor; cultivate sensitivity and desire to help the patient.

Material: doll, bed, phone, doctor doll.

Progress of the game

The teacher invites the children to listen, because someone is crying.

Educator. Perhaps one of you? No, this doll Nastenka is crying. Why do you think? (The teacher touches the doll’s face with his hand.)

Nastenka fell ill. What do we have to do? So, take our doll to the crib. How to help a doll? Who needs to be called? (The teacher calls a doctor using a toy phone.)

“A doll doctor appears,” who “listens to the sick doll,” “looks at the throat,” “prescribes bed rest and medicinal tea.”

Educator. Children, what mood is the doll in? What will her mood be like when she recovers? (Children show their mood with facial expressions.)

“Evaluate the action.”

Goal: with the help of story pictures, develop children’s ideas about good and bad deeds; characterize and evaluate actions; cultivate sensitivity and kindness.

Material: story pictures.

Progress of the game

Children work in pairs. The teacher offers each pair a story picture. Children must look at the picture, describe what they see and evaluate the action. For example: two children take turns saying: “The boy took the ball from the girl, the girl is crying. The boy did something bad, you can’t do that.”

“What are the names of family members?”

Goal: to create conditions for strengthening children’s skills to clearly name their family members; develop memory, coherent speech; cultivate love for your family.

Progress of the game

Children stand in a circle and take turns naming their family members. For example: “I live with my mother Natasha, father Sasha, brother Vladik. I have grandmother Lida, grandmother Vera, grandfather Grisha and grandfather Pavel.”

"My name".

Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to clearly say their name.

Material: ball.

Progress of the game

Children stand in a circle, pass the ball to each other and say their name.

"Yes or no".

Goal: to create conditions for the formation in children of a desire to protect the health and health of other children; teach to understand: what can be done and what cannot be done.

Progress of the game

The teacher offers to play a game.

Educator. I will name situations, and you, if you can do it, clap your hands, if you can’t, stomp your feet. For example: you can play with matches; you can sit upright at the table; You should not talk while eating; do not wash your face in the morning; you cannot handle sharp objects; you cannot jump from high slides; it is necessary to wash your hands after returning from a walk, etc.

"Who lives where".

Goal: to create conditions for children to be able to name their home address; develop memory and attention.

Progress of the game

Educator. The boy Vitya went for a walk along the city streets on his own and got lost. What to do? He doesn't know his home address. Do you know your address?

Children take turns saying their home address. For example: “I live in the city of Abakan, on Kirov Street, in house No. 20, apartment No. 25.”

If it is difficult for a child to give his address, the teacher helps him.

"Little Helpers"

Goal: to bring children to the understanding that they need to help their loved ones and give them their love; teach children to talk about their help in their family; develop coherent speech and thinking.

Material: box, bear.

Progress of the game

“An upset bear came to the children.” He “quarreled with his mother” because he “didn’t want to put his toys away.” And now he doesn’t know how to make peace with his mother.

Educator. Guys, do you get offended by your family when they scold you? Relatives need to be loved and helped. How do you help your family at home? I have my grandmother’s box, you will put all your help in it, and we will give the box itself to the bear so that he also learns to help his mother and does not forget about it.

Children take turns talking about how they help their mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, and grandfather at home, and put their stories in a chest. The little bear “thanks” the children for the “magic box” and returns to the forest to make peace with his mother and help her.

"Sweet Nothing".

Goal: to create conditions for children to be able to name words affectionately and lovingly address their family; develop coherent speech and thinking; cultivate love for your family.

Material: ball.

Progress of the game

The teacher throws the ball to the child and asks him to name a certain word affectionately: for example, mom - mommy, dad - daddy, etc.


Goal: to create conditions for children to be able to compliment each other; develop speech and thinking; cultivate friendliness.

Progress of the game

Children form a circle and hold hands. First, the teacher begins to speak to the child, whom he holds by the hand on the right. For example: “Misha, you are so polite today!”

Next, the child turns to the child whom he is holding by the hand on the right. If a child finds it difficult to give a compliment, then other children help him.

"Polite words."

Goal: to create conditions for children to be able to use polite words in their speech; teach to understand that politeness is a good quality of a person; develop children's speech, memory, cultivate politeness and courtesy.

Material: seal, bag.

Progress of the game

The teacher invites the children to “put” polite words into a bag and give this bag to the cat. Children take turns saying polite words into the bag, for example: “please”, “thank you”, “sorry”, etc.

"A ball of magic words."

Goal: to create conditions for children to be able to use “magic” words in their speech; cultivate politeness and goodwill.

Material: ball of thread.

Progress of the game

The teacher invites the children to wind a thread of “magic” words around a ball. Children take turns saying the “magic” words and winding the thread into a ball.

"Help the bunny."

Goal: to create conditions for children to be able to use “magic” words in their speech; develop memory, speech; cultivate goodwill.

Material: toy bunny.

Progress of the game

The teacher invites the children to give the bunny “magic” words. Children take turns approaching the bunny and telling him “magic” words. For example: “thank you”, “please”, “good afternoon” and others.

"Flower of Kindness"

Goal: to create conditions for children to be able to give compliments and polite words; develop the child’s speech, memory, imagination; cultivate goodwill.

Material: toy Baba Yaga, vase, flowers.

Progress of the game

The teacher invites the children to give Baba Yaga a flower, saying kind words. Children take one flower at a time, approach Baba Yaga, give her a flower and say compliments or polite words, put the flower in a vase. For example: “Grandma, please be kind!” Or: “Grandma, I love you!” And others.

“I am a boy, you are a girl.”

Goal: to create conditions for children to be able to distinguish between their gender; develop thinking and attention.

Progress of the game

Children form a circle and take turns naming their gender. For example: “I am a boy because I have short hair, I wear trousers and a shirt!” Or: “I’m a girl because I have pigtails and I’m wearing a dress!” etc.

“I’ll describe it, and you guess!”

Goal: to create conditions for children to be able to guess the gender of the child based on description; develop mindfulness.

Progress of the game

The teacher asks you to guess: who he is describing - a boy or a girl. For example: “This child is wearing a gorgeous pink dress with pigtails tied on her head!” Or: “This child has short hair and is wearing shorts and a T-shirt!” etc.

“Why do I wear these clothes?”

Goal: to create conditions for children to be able to determine their gender by clothing; develop thinking, speech, attention.

Progress of the game

The teacher invites the children to tell why they wear such clothes. The children take turns saying: “I have pants and a shirt because I’m a boy!” Or: “I have a skirt with decorations and a nice blouse because I’m a girl,” etc.

“I know how to give in.”

Goal: create conditions for respectful attitude towards each other, give in, share; cultivate friendliness.

Material: toys, candy, apple, chair.

Progress of the game

The teacher invites the children to tell whether they know how to give in or share. For clues, there are toys, candies, an apple on the table, and there is a chair next to the table. Children say: “I know how to give up a toy, I know how to share candy,” etc.


Goal: create conditions for the ability to recognize a profession by description; improve knowledge about the profession of adults; develop intelligence and attention.

Material: pictures with professions of adults, dolls.

Progress of the game

The teacher tells the children that the dolls Alena, Nastenka, Ksyusha and Natasha dream of becoming adults and getting a profession.

Educator. Who exactly do they dream of becoming - guess!

The teacher describes the adult’s profession; if the children guessed right, he puts up a picture with this profession.

“All professions are important.”

Goal: create conditions for children to develop knowledge about adult professions; bring to the understanding that all professions are necessary and important; develop memory, attention, thinking.

Material: pictures with professions of adults.

Progress of the game

The teacher suggests looking at pictures of adults’ professions, naming the profession and talking about its importance and usefulness.

At the end of the game, the teacher summarizes that all professions are necessary and important.

“Who needs what for work.”

Goal: to improve children’s knowledge about adult professions; find items needed for a specific profession; develop memory, intelligence, thinking.

Material: large pictures with the professions of adults (doctor, cook, driver) small cards with items necessary for these professions.

Progress of the game

There are large pictures of adults' professions on the chairs, and cards with the items needed for these professions are scattered on the rug. Children are invited to take one card on the floor and go to the picture with the profession for which this thing is needed. Children explain why they approached this or that picture with a profession.

"Greetings and farewells."

Goal: to create conditions for the formation of children’s ideas about when people say hello and goodbye; develop memory and attentiveness.

Material: toy bear and bunny.

Progress of the game

The teacher invites the children to “teach” the forest animals to say hello and goodbye, and also explain to them exactly when they say goodbye and when they say hello. For example: when a person comes to visit, he says: “Good afternoon,” etc. If children find it difficult to name when it is necessary to say hello and goodbye, then the teacher offers to play out similar situations.

"An extra item."

Goal: to create conditions for children to be able to identify an extra object by color; develop visual memory and thinking.

Material: red triangles and squares of different sizes; blue circles of different sizes.

Progress of the game

The teacher places geometric shapes on a typesetting canvas, and the children name them. Then the teacher asks the children to name the extra object and explain why it is extra.

Good words

During the word game “Kind Words,” the leader pronounces adjectives with a negative meaning, and the children must replace them with positive words. For example:

  • angry - joyful;
  • sad - cheerful;
  • noisy - quiet;
  • cowardly - brave;
  • rough - tender;
  • talkative - silent;
  • malicious - friendly;
  • greedy - generous;
  • deceitful - truthful;
  • aggressive – good-natured;
  • lazy - hardworking.

Progress of the game:

Tell us what an echo is. In a quiet voice, like real conspirators, say: “Rom-ra-ra, the game begins. On the count of three, let’s say hello together.”

.Or: “Tram-ho-ho, let’s play

Come on, play quickly, I’ll start, you repeat.” You say hello, and the children repeat. Continue playing Echo
, using words of farewell, gratitude, and so on.

11. Didactic game

"Bird of Gratitude"


Looking for kind words

The game is intended for senior and preparatory groups. For this you need to prepare cards divided into several parts. One of the cells depicts an adult of a certain profession or social status: parent, stranger, neighbor, doctor, salesman, teacher, conductor. Also, the game requires separate cards with words corresponding to the size of the cells. They should contain words and phrases used when a child addresses an adult: “hello”, “excuse me”, “be kind”, “please tell me” and others.

The presenter reads out the phrase, and the children think about which adult it can be applied to. When they have made their choice, place the card on the correct cell.

Progress of the game:

All children stand in a magic circle of politeness . One child says some polite word to his neighbor . He, in turn, repeats this word and adds his own to it. The next one in the circle repeats the two previous polite words and adds a new one to them, etc.

For example: hello, good luck, sorry, be kind, no need for gratitude, very glad, very nice, all the best to you, not worth the effort, thank you, please, etc.

13. Warm-up game

"A word is lost"

(for each answer the ball is passed from hand to hand)


Goal: Develop interest in polite words .

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