Self-analysis on the topic: Formation of environmental culture in preschool children through the inclusion of research elements in play activities

Self-analysis on educational activities in the senior group “Acquaintance with the world around us”

Self-analysis of the educational activity “Acquaintance with the surrounding world” in the senior group. Topic: “Water Sorceress”

When planning the lesson, I took into account the psychological and individual development of children of senior preschool age and their existing stock of knowledge and skills. She paid attention to children’s independent productive activity and learning to generalize through repetition. Before the actual GCD, I carried out a number of preliminary works: getting to know the laboratory, the properties of water, learning N. Ryzhova’s poem “The Sorceress Water,” guessing riddles, and talking “We are in the laboratory.” In advance, on a multimedia projector, I prepared a slide of a picture-guess and the path of water to the apartments. During the GCD, the following tasks were solved: Educational:

To consolidate knowledge about the properties of water (no color, transparent, flowing, odorless and tasteless), introduce the simplest method of water purification;
develop the ability to use knowledge and methods of research to study new properties of water.
The need for mental activity as a form of cognition and self-knowledge and the ability to independently think and reason logically. Educational:
accuracy, attentiveness, instill respect for water;
The timing of the GCD was chosen rationally. It was carried out in the morning, when children have increased performance. The GCD structure was constructed methodically correctly, all parts were consistent. The lesson was conducted frontally, all children participated. It was conducted according to the interests, temperament, level of educational training and development of the children. Children learned to express their thoughts and showed interest in the activity. I tried to activate all the children and encouraged the children’s answers. Individual
was carried out with Samat and A. Timur to develop the ability to independently think and reason logically when working with tables
Vocabulary work was also carried out: the word “filter”.
During the lesson, such techniques
as gaming were used: using the game moment. Verbal: questions from the teacher, answers from the children. Visual: using TSO: multimedia projector, laptop, screen. The children liked the created situation, they solved this problem - they conducted an experiment, dissolved substances in water, purified the water using a filter. In general, I think that I was able to achieve my goals

Self-analysis of environmental education of preschool children.

Gulnara Sirgalina

Self-analysis of environmental education of preschool children.

Preschool childhood is a short but important period of personality development. I believe that it is during these years that a child acquires initial knowledge about the life around him, he begins to form a certain attitude towards people, towards work, he develops skills and habits of correct behavior, and his character develops.

The goal of environmental education is the formation of a new type of person with new ecological thinking , capable of realizing the consequences of their actions in relation to the environment and able to live in relative harmony with nature.

My experience shows that already in older preschool age children without much effort learn a complex of environmental knowledge , if the knowledge is presented in an accessible, exciting form and if the child’s interest in natural phenomena is taken into account. It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of didactic games to the development of a child, including the formation of an environmental culture . While playing, the baby learns the many-sided world of nature, learns to communicate with animals and plants, interact with objects of inanimate nature, and masters a complex system of relationships with the environment. As a result of this, the child’s intellectual and volitional skills, his moral and aesthetic feelings are improved, and physical development occurs.

Working on the interesting topic “ Educating the ecological culture of older preschoolers through didactic games with an environmental focus ,” I give children the opportunity to explore the natural world through play. In my work I use the methodological developments of N. A. Korotkova, N. Ya. Mikhailenko, D. V. Elkonin, T. M. Bondarenko, N. V. Kolomina.

of environmental education through a didactic game , I carefully select and analyze the game material, adhering to certain requirements:

— I select games taking into account the patterns of children’s development and those tasks of environmental education that are solved at a given age stage;

- the game should give the child the opportunity to put into practice already acquired knowledge and stimulate him to learn new ones;

-game actions must be carried out in accordance with the rules and norms of behavior in nature;

- I give preference to those games that allow solving not only the problems of environmental education , but also provide a solution to the general problems of child upbringing and development .

— in order for a game to be an effective means of environmental education for preschoolers , it is necessary to trace the internal connection of each game with previous and subsequent games. This allows us to predict what existing experience the child will rely on and what new step will take place in his development.

I believe that the work of a teacher is impossible without setting goals and objectives, determining means and methods for solving them, and predicting results. my work on environmental development in the following areas: work with children, with parents and interaction with teachers.

Working with children, I expand children’s understanding of living nature, teach them to use existing knowledge to solve didactic game problems, develop and improve mental operations such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification.

In order to competently organize work with children, I must know the level of development of each child. To do this, I carry out diagnostics using materials from M. A. Vasilyeva, T. M. Bondarenko, L. A. Wenger. Having determined the level of development of each child, I set a goal, select the content, methods and techniques of work, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child. Diagnosis is carried out at the beginning and end of the year. During the diagnostic process, the level of knowledge of each child on the topics “Wildlife”
(animal and plant world)
“Inanimate nature”
for all indicators.
A comparative analysis obtained from examining diagnostic data allows us to form an idea of ​​the real dynamics of the development of each child and competently plan individual work. The diagnostics showed to what extent the child has mastered the program of environmental knowledge , how he has mastered cognitive and speech skills, and to what extent the child has formed different types of attitudes towards nature (environmental, humane, aesthetic, cognitive)
. However, there are also children who have difficulty mastering program material and have poorly developed cognitive and speech skills. For this purpose I carry out individual work; children are encouraged to actively participate in play activities. In collective games, children clearly show themselves both on the good and bad sides, so I use joint didactic games for diagnostics.

The use of didactic games in work requires the teacher to create the necessary conditions, one of which is the production of various games. In the group I created a “Nature Corner”

, where didactic games are located that solve various goals and objectives in children’s knowledge of the interesting world of nature;
a card index of didactic games was compiled; collected the necessary material for conducting experiments and observations; literature, illustrations for preliminary work, and conversations preceding the didactic game were selected. In the “Nature Corner”,
a child can simply rest, relax, and balance his emotional state.

Currently I am working on studying and making a new didactic game “Seasons”

, developed by St. Petersburg speech therapist E. O. Astafieva. I plan to use it both in class and in my free time. The game is very useful and entertaining, can be used in various ways.

To work more successfully with children, I have developed a long-term plan for interaction with parents. Based on our own experience and selected material, consultations were developed: “History of didactic games”

, “Goals and objectives
of environmental education of preschool children ”, “Cognitive games-activities in work on environmental education ”, “The importance of play in a child’s life”
“Learning by Playing”
was organized ;
Interesting material was collected and presented to parents in a folder on the topic “Through the pages of
the environmental calendar ,
“Fantasies of nature”
“Lessons for parents”
Parents took an active part in the event
Environmental Game during the
“Open Doors Day”
, in the KVN
“What do we know about nature and its protection?”
carried out together with children of senior
preschool age . In order to identify the attitude of parents to the issues of environmental education of preschoolers in kindergarten , I conducted a survey of parents.
Currently, together with the parents, work is underway on making an album, which will contain photographic material about nature, poems and riddles, proverbs and sayings. I carry out my work on environmental education an ecologist , coordinating the content of the material, the topics of didactic games, and information for parents. I actively participate in methodological work. I have conducted consultations for teachers: “The importance of environmental education in the development of a child’s personality”, Environmental education of parents”

“Developmental environment for
environmental education , “Working with parents in the
environmental education ”, a workshop “Game in
environmental education of preschoolers ,
a round table
“Tips on
environmental education of preschoolers and a quiz was held on the topic
“In nature everything is interconnected"

I am constantly working on self-education . I am studying the latest in methodological literature by T. M. Bondarenko Ecological activities with children 5-6 years old”


A. N. Davidchuk “Learning and play”

, L. V. Artemova
“The world around us in didactic games
for preschoolers , etc.

In the future, I plan to continue the work I have begun to create awareness of the ecological value of nature and its unity with man. In the conditions of the North, where, due to climatic conditions, opportunities to communicate with nature in natural conditions are limited, everything becomes a little more complicated, so it is necessary to look for ways to solve problems that are interesting for children. It is in didactic play that a child can cope with any task without fatigue, overstrain, or emotional breakdowns. Everything happens easily, naturally and with pleasure.

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