Work program of the drama clubmaterial on the topic

Drama club program "Sparrows"

Alexandra Osipova

Drama club program "Sparrows"

The introduction of a drama club into the educational program of the preparatory group of a kindergarten is very relevant, since the circle promotes the development of collectivism in children, enriches vocabulary in Russian, effectively influences the educational process, corrects the culture of behavior, and provides psychological relief for emotional children.

The role and place of this circle dramatic special significance in connection with the study of Russian national culture, the culture of the people who have lived for centuries on the territory of our republic. It not only helps to develop observation skills through play, the ability to focus attention on a specific object, and teach the peculiarities of stage imagination, but also opens up the opportunity for children to get acquainted with the culture and traditions of the Russian people.

The purpose of the circle : to promote the development of children's creative abilities through dramatic creativity of small forms;


• Contribute to broadening the general horizons of Russian folk culture and dramatic creativity ;

• To cultivate observation, attention, strong-willed qualities, imagination, creative initiative, emotional responsiveness to artistic fiction through listening, participation in short scenes;

The main content of the drama club's is work on the stage implementation of short fairy tale plays. We need to help children act authentically, with purpose, with passion. Stage action requires constant reference to life, comparison and evaluation of what is happening in stage conditions with similar life phenomena. It is important to develop children's interest in comparisons. Particular attention is paid to the ability to act with words, since, first of all, thoughts and feelings are revealed through the word.

Forms and methods of work: Drama club include, along with work on a play, conversations about the culture and traditions of the Russian people, about theatrical creativity. Children perform various creative tasks that promote stage liberation, the ability to communicate with peers and adults, prepare oral stories in Russian, and reviews about the cartoons they have watched. It is advisable to begin practical acquaintance with stage action with exercise games and improvisations that are close to the life experience of the students and find an emotional response in them.

Duration of the program : 1 year; The training is designed for 33 lessons.

Result: staging a fairy tale in a cultural center to celebrate International Children's Day; a significant expansion of active and passive vocabulary in Russian; children are able to express their feelings and emotions through gestures, words, and facial expressions.

Calendar-thematic plan of the circle :

No. month date Lesson topic practice theory

October 1, 3/10 The magical world of theater. Game "Mask who are you?"

Types of theaters: puppet,
2 10/10 How to behave in the theater? Role-playing game “I’m in the theater”

Etiquette. Rules of behavior in a public place.

3 10/17 What does it mean to speak beautifully? Exercises for voice training, proper breathing. Intonation, dynamics, rate of speech

4 24/10 Professions in the theater. Quiz. Introduction to new professions (make-up artist, costume designer, director, lighting operator, actor, prompter)

5 31/10 Reading the script of the fairy tale “Winter Hut of Animals”

. Distribution of roles. Intonation exercises The meaning of new words: winter hut, acorns, freedom, hew, etc.

November 6, 7/11 Fairy tale rehearsal. Rehearsal of the first film. Setting intonation and emotionality of speaking. What is a role? What does it mean to get into character?

7 11/14 Fairy tale rehearsal. Rehearsal of the first film. Learning movements. Conversation about decorations. The role of scenery in a play.

8 21/11 Fairy tale rehearsal. Rehearsal for the second film. Staging the voice and intonation. New words: hut, shingles, underground, screaming.

9 28/11 Fairy tale rehearsal. Rehearsal for the second film. Rhythm and plasticity of movements in the play. Movements to music. The role of the presenter in the play.

10 December 5/12 Reading the script for the fairy tale “The Blue Bird”

Distribution of roles. Exercises for quickly learning texts. Who are playwrights ?
How to turn a fairy tale into a play? Conversation. 11 12/12 Rehearsal. Staging voice and movements. Costumes. The role of costume and makeup in the play.

12 12/19 Rehearsal. Psycho-gymnastics.

13 26/12 Rehearsal (for production at the New Year's matinee)

Dress rehearsal.

14 January 16/01 Reading the script for the skit “Yuletide Fortune Telling”

according to A.S. Pushkin. Distribution of roles. Rhythmoplasty exercises. A story about Christmas time. Traditions of the Russian people.

15 23/01 Rehearsal of the Christmas scene. Setting the intonation characteristic of Russian folk speech.

16 30/01 Rehearsal of the Christmas scene. Rehearsal.

17 February 6/02 Reading the script for the play “Spring Tale”

. Distribution of roles. Exercises to develop hand motor skills. New words.

18 13/02 Rehearsal of the play “Spring Tale”

Learning texts. Facial expressions, pantomime, gestures.

19 20/02 Rehearsal of the play “Spring Tale”


20 27/02 Rehearsal of the play “Spring Tale”


March 21, 6/03 Rehearsal of the play “Spring Tale”

Movements to music.

22 13/03 Salon “Young Theater Goers”

. Games for liberation, free expression of your thoughts. A conversation about the importance of theater in human life. Modern forms of theater. Slide show.

23 20/03 Reading the script for the play “Trouble in the Clearing”

.Theatrical terms: picture, act, voice behind the stage.

24 27/03 Distribution of roles. Getting to know each character. Character and appearance. How to describe the character?

25 April 3/04 “Theater Workshop”

Designing and making costumes and scenery. Meanings of new words on the topic “Clothing”

26 10/04 Rehearsal of the play. Learning movements to music. Musical terms: opera, solo, polka.

27 17/04 Rehearsal of the play. Setting intonation and speaking tempo. The work of a prompter. The help of a prompter in the work of an actor.

28 24/04 Rehearsal of the play. Rehearsal of acts 1, 2 of the first scene of the play. Face and facial expressions.

29 May 1/05 Rehearsal of the play. Rehearsal of Acts 1, 2 of the second scene. Face and facial expressions.

30 15/05 Rehearsal of the play. All acts are accompanied by music. Expressing emotions in movement.

31 22/05 Rehearsal of the play. Rehearsal with the voice of the presenter.

32 29/05 Dress rehearsal of the play.

Used literary and electronic sources:

1. Pole Laura “Theater of Fairy Tales: scripts in verse for preschoolers based on Russian folk tales.” – St. Petersburg: “Childhood-Press”

, 2001. – 48 p. ;

2. Semenikhina N. “Theatrical play activities with preschool children”

“Preschool education”
No. 5/2012, p. 86;

3. Website “”

for parents, educators and primary school teachers. Section: scenarios.

4. Website “”

.Section: for teachers;

Children's theater studio

The training program in the theater studio for children in groups from 7 to 10 years old, and from 10 to 14 years old, is not much different from the training program for adult actors in the studio at our theater or from the training program at higher theater schools. Training begins with exercises and training to remove external and internal pressures that arise in children when they need to go out in public and show or do something. An unprepared child will become tense: he will begin to grimace, or vice versa, numbness fetters the body, and thoughts begin to get confused. Preparation is so that children can be natural in public, be able to be in the right tone in given conditions, be able to set the tone for dialogue or support it, and be in its context.

When the first stage of training at a theater school for children has been mastered, a transition is made from single sketches to paired and group sketches, and training from the initial level moves on to more complex ones. At this stage, active work is underway to develop attention to the surrounding world: people and animals, plants, seasons, small details and much more. Children learn to see and hear each other by performing paired sketches without a known outcome. Work is done on internal and external sensations, memory of physical actions is developed, imaginative thinking and affective memory are developed. There is a transition to group exercises, when all partners in the team depend on each participant: tempo-rhythmic patterns, mirror, and other exercises. At the end of this stage, an open lesson is held for children in the acting studio based on the exercises being studied.

After mastering the basic principles of managing your acting apparatus, there is a smooth transition to new acting training exercises and the beginning of stage practice. At the stage of stage practice, children work within the framework of excerpts from works of Russian and foreign drama and classical literature. Children learn to be on stage not only themselves, but also in the role of another person that the playwrights offered us. The first year of study ends with the staging of a full-fledged performance on the stage of a large hall designed for 330 spectators. In the future, this performance can be performed repeatedly for the audience to gain the necessary experience for young actors in stage performances, and can also be taken to various children's theater competitions and festivals, both in Russia and abroad.

In the future, acting for children in the children's theater studio is carried out within the framework of the educational theater, where rehearsals of performances are carried out under the guidance of a director-teacher. Children continue to develop and maintain their acting apparatus in the right tone with the help of trainings. Optional disciplines are added for the development of stage expressiveness and acting skills: stage speech, stage movement, vocals, scenes. fight, etc.

If you have not yet decided where to send your child to study, come to a free trial lesson. We are confident that our theater school for children has the right to be considered one of the best in Moscow. This is evidenced by awards and jury reviews at Russian and international children's theater festivals and competitions.

Leave a request to attend a free class to reserve your place. The administrator will call you back to confirm the reservation and confirm the date.

Theater club for adults

Theater clubs in Moscow are not only extracurricular children's clubs and interest groups. This article will focus on the theater group for adults “Fantasy” in Moscow .

Theater classes for adults will provide you with freedom for creativity and imagination, help you get rid of pressures and fears, add self-confidence, and teach you freedom of communication and self-expression.

Thus, the basis of the course in theater clubs in Moscow, namely in the theater club for adults “Fantasy” in Moscow , consists of special exercises and acting techniques, trainings that subsequently allow solving a number of problems, such as, for example:

theater school fantasy

* gain self-confidence;

* free yourself from physical, bodily and psychological pressures, prepare for theatrical and stage action;

* over time, imperceptibly acquire a feeling of “personal emancipation”;

* experience personal growth and self-development;

* unleash your creative potential (personal potential);

* master various components of acting (role analysis, faith in the proposed circumstances, assessment of action, fact, stage attention, attitude towards a partner, etc.);

* stage a graduation performance as a result of training, become an actor in front of a real third-party audience;

* a number of other tasks;

theater club for adults Moscow

But what else does studying in the theater group for adults “Fantasy” Moscow give us?

1) Creativity (unlocking potential, talent, returning to the memory of looking at the world with “wide eyes”, the opportunity to become spontaneous again, open-minded);

2) Charismatic (confidence, devoid of arrogance), charm, oratory skills.

3) Imagination and self-control skills (development of attention, fantasy, memory, imagination, concentration, awareness of reactions and management of emotions in life circumstances);

4) “No!!!” - your own fears! Acting is a game that is one of the most effective means for getting rid of stiffness, tension and fears;

5) Acquiring interesting acquaintances, communication, “developing” communication skills, interpersonal interaction skills;

6) Work with diction, voice (speech), body = development of musical ear, speech apparatus, proper breathing, plasticity, removal of vocal and bodily clamps;

7) Self-discipline skills (ability to take/bear responsibility, ability to “get together”, concentrate at the right moment);

acting courses fantasy

8) Personal growth and development, self-improvement (harmonious personal development through memory training, intelligence development, broadening one’s horizons through the need to study and memorize texts of classical literature and drama);

9) A boomerang of energy and a constant good mood (classes in the theater group for adults “Fantasy” in Moscow are an explosion of energy and a powerful impetus for development).

You can find out in more detail about the benefits of theater clubs for adults at a free introductory lesson at the Fantasy theater school in Moscow by signing up by calling 89858217931. Hurry up, we are recruiting new groups for acting classes.

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