Project “The plot-role-playing game “Cosmos” in the middle group.”

Summary of the plot-role-playing game “Space” lesson plan (senior group) on the topic

“Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction of development of pupils” Kemerovo

Summary of the plot-role-playing game “Space”

Developed and carried out:

senior teacher

Kozlova E. I.

March 2014


Goal: to teach how to reflect in the game the acquired knowledge about the profession of an astronaut; teach children to take on different roles in accordance with the plot of the game; use attributes, constructors, building materials; develop creative imagination, the ability to develop a game together; continue to develop the ability to negotiate, plan and discuss the actions of all players; cultivate goodwill and willingness to help a peer; the ability to take into account the interests and opinions of fellow players and resolve disputes fairly.

Preliminary work: conversations with children on the topic “Space”, making attributes for the game, looking at albums, group work “Rocket Design”.

Materials: helmets, “Solar System” diagram, walkie-talkie, route, letter, building material, headphones, planet caps, game attributes.

Progress of the game

Educator: - Guys, this morning, when I came to kindergarten, I discovered that there was a letter in our mailbox. Let's see who it's from? And the letter came to us from our friend Marsik. This is what he writes: “Hello my friends. Your friend Marsik is writing to you. There was a disaster on my planet “Solar Family”. A terrible robot with his army attacked my planet. Previously, our planet was bright and cheerful, but now it is dark and sad. We ran, made noise and played, and now we are sitting at home. The Terrible Robot has placed many different obstacles on your way. But don't be afraid of anything. I am sending you a route on how to get to my planet faster.


— Shall we help Marsik? Children: Yes! Educator: But the problem is, what should we fly on? What do they use to fly into space? Children: On a rocket. Educator: Without whom will the rocket not fly? Children: Without a commander. Educator: Who do you think we can choose as commander? Why? What is he doing on the rocket? Children's answers. Educator: Who else do we need to build a rocket? Children: Constructor. Educator: Who can we choose as a designer? Why? Children's answers. Educator: And who will communicate with the Earth and other planets? Children: Radio operator. Educator: Who can we choose as a radio operator? Why? What are his responsibilities on the rocket? Children's answers. Educator: You and I have already developed and chosen the best rocket design. Our designer will build the rocket according to the design, and we will help.

Construction of a rocket.

Come on guys, let's play astronauts. We are getting ready to fly, building a new starship. Educator: Well, commander, give command. Commander: Put on helmets. Take your seats, buckle up. Are you ready to fly? I start the engine. There are 10 seconds left before the start. We count: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. Start! We are flying. We're in space.

Music is playing.

Educator: Look how many stars there are in the sky. It seems to us that they are tiny, but in fact they are huge hot balls consisting of gas. The sun is also a star, the closest to us. Scientists tried to count them and a telescope came to their aid. They counted 200 million stars. And their color is different, it depends on the temperature of the star.

Radio signal.

Radio operator: A signal has arrived. Educator: This is a signal from the planet of Astrologers. Commander: Prepare for spacewalk.

Children exit the rocket.

Educator: And here is the first trap of the Terrible Robot. - Look, there are counting sticks here. You have to make a spaceship out of them. Just agree that you will do this all together, because you are one team. Commander, look, have you dealt with this trap? Well done! The inhabitants of the planet Stargazers thank you and wish you a safe journey. The commander noted that we were on this planet. Commander: Buckle up. Get ready. We fly further. The flight is calm.

Music is playing.

Radio signal.

Radio operator: A signal has arrived from the planet. Educator: Oh, guys, the inhabitants of the planet “Mysterious” are asking us for help.

Commander: Prepare for spacewalk. Flight director: Guys, look at the planet, the terrible robot has covered it with stones. To free her, you need to solve riddles. White flowers bloom in the evening and fade in the morning. (Stars) The carpet is big, big, and you can’t step foot on it. (Sky) This yellow star always warms us. It illuminates all planets and protects from other stars. (Sun) There are miracles on the planet, oceans and forests, there is oxygen in the atmosphere. People and animals breathe it. (Earth) I fly in space with a tail, sweeping up the dust of the universe. Like a broom, my long tail will sweep the stars. (Comet) He went into orbit in a spacesuit, with insurance. The ship was deftly corrected by a broken cable. (Astronaut)

Stones are removed as riddles are solved

Educator: The guys, the inhabitants of the planet “Mysterious” say thank you! Bon Voyage!

Commander: Take your seats. Buckle up. Let's move on. (Note that you have been on this planet).

Reading poems to children.

We are flying to other planets! Let's announce this to everyone! All the toy people are asking to fly with us.

The bunny clings to the rocket:

I will fly with you, children, to any of the planets where there are no toothy wolves.

The little mice laughed: We flew, we weren’t afraid, Height is beauty,

Not a single cat!

Even a teddy bear wants to fly to the stars and meet the Big Dipper in the blue sky.

Radio signal.

Radio operator: A signal has arrived. Educator: A signal came from the planet of Merry Men. Unusual people live on this planet. They are cheerful and funny. And they want to play with you.

"Men made of geometric shapes"

Educator: Take geometric shapes and make portraits of people from them, as you imagine them. The inhabitants of the planet “Merry Men” are glad that you have such interesting men. Let them stay with them. Commander: Buckle up. We fly to save other planets. (We note that we were on this planet).

Music is playing.

Radio signal.

Radio operator: A signal has arrived from the Entertainment Planet. Commander: Prepare for spacewalk.

Educator: The inhabitants of this planet want to see if you are good astronauts. They want you to play the Centrifuge game. This is a device that is used to train astronauts. Game “Centrifuge” (Take a number of chairs equal to the number of players, they are positioned so that the front legs are on the same line. On command, the players sit on their chairs, and, rising together with the chair, make 3 full turns, then sit down again, while trying to place the front legs of the chairs on the starting line. Do not break the rules: only three turns. Educator: The inhabitants of the planet saw that you are good astronauts. And that you are ready to help Mars. (Note that you have been on this planet). Commander: Take your seats. Buckle up. Let's fly on. Educator: Our journey is not over yet. The next stop on the planet of our friend Marcy is the planet Solar Family. This is the home of our planet Earth. A star called the Sun has a large and friendly family. 9 children of different ages. These are the planets of the solar system.

Radio signal.

Radio operator: A signal has arrived. Educator: This is from Marcy. He promised to meet us. And here is this planet. Commander: Prepare for spacewalk. Marcya: Hello guys. I've been waiting for you for so long. Finally you have arrived. A menacing robot has mixed up the planets. Help untangle them. Wear planet caps. I will name the planets, and you must line up in the order in which they are located. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. They all revolve around the Sun. Well done boys! You saved my planet from the Terrible Robot and his troops. Would you like to dance with me?

Marcy dance with children

Educator: You and I helped Mars. But our friends are waiting for us on Earth.

Commander: Take your seats. Buckle up. We return to Earth.

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