Card index of low mobility games (school preparatory group)

How to fill out a summary of low mobility games for children 5-6 years old in the senior group

Teacher's notes

The teacher’s reference table is filled out according to the following points:

  • Author of the program (name of teacher, kindergarten number, city and region).
  • Name of the exercise.
  • Goals and objectives.
  • Necessary materials.
  • Progress of the game.
  • Summarizing.

The value of sedentary games is to create positive emotions in children and relieve stress and muscle tension after active activities. Low-intensity exercises are an excellent option for your child to keep busy independently in the company of their peers.

Stages of implementation in senior and preparatory groups

Conducting games in the older group with low mobility is divided into several periods:

  1. Gather the kids to start. The call is a whistle. If desired, a surprise is added - the teacher shows a small letter or a video recorded by a fairy-tale character, setting up the theme of a sedentary game selected from the card index with the goals in the senior or preparatory group.
  2. Start. If there was a surprise, then you should get acquainted with its contents (read the letter, watch a video from a fairy-tale character). Next, have a conversation and show with a video or photo an example of what needs to be done in the proposed game. At the same time, the teacher with expression reads a poem on the relevant topic. If the exercise is familiar to kids, invite them to guess the name from the pictures.
  3. The explanation in the senior and preparatory groups occurs verbally, without showing movements. Exercises familiar to children are explained in the format of questions on knowledge of the rules.
  4. Game process. During the first meeting, the role of the facilitator lies with the teacher. When repeating, children choose the main thing on their own, and the teacher only guides them along the way.
  5. At the end, it’s worth summing up and asking questions: “How interesting was the game?”; “What did you feel during the process?”
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