“Festival of Folk Games” (sports festival for children of senior preschool age)

Scenario of educational leisure “Festival of Russian folk outdoor games.”

Scenario of educational leisure

"Festival of Russian folk outdoor games"

introducing children to the knowledge of Russian folk art through folk games and fun.
- learn new outdoor collective games for children of senior preschool age;
- develop speed, agility, ingenuity; — cultivate love and respect for Russian folk traditions; - cultivate a sense of collectivism and good attitude towards each other; Characters:

Clown, Danilovna, Gavrilovna are teachers for children in the senior and preparatory groups.

Leisure activities:

Children enter the hall and sit on benches. To the accompaniment of cheerful Russian folk music, a Clown appears in the hall.


Oh, there are so many guys here! They are looking at me! Hello, kids, girls, and boys! At this April morning I am very glad to greet you! April 1 is the Day of Humor and Laughter. This is fun, this is fun - a holiday of humor and laughter! We gathered here to play and have fun. Have fun with Russian folk games! Where do they play these very folk games? Of course in a Russian village! Ah, the Russian village is beautiful, green, cheerful, noisy! People will now gather here and the merry celebration will begin! Come on, kids, let's get on the train, and follow me to the Russian village!

(The children become a “train” one after another and “ride” around the hall to the music. They stop near a wooden house.)


And here is the hut on our way. I'll come closer. Who, who lives in a hut? On the green one at the edge? Maybe a bunny?

Voices (from the hut):



Maybe a cat?

Voices (from the hut):



: Maybe a bear?

Voices (from the hut):



: We give up, come out and show yourself to us! (turns to the children - There are probably nesting dolls there! or evil Grandmothers Hedgehogs.

Voices from the hut

: We are cheerful old ladies, laughing, merry.

Two old women, Danilovna and Gavrilovna, come out to a Russian folk melody.


We heard the nursery rhymes and came running to visit you.


: Where they sing nursery rhymes, they live happily. Really, Danilovna?


True, Gavrilovna.

D. and G. (together):

Hello guys! We are amusing little old ladies, inseparable girlfriends. I am Danilovna, and I am Gavrilovna.

D. and G. (together):

Inseparable girlfriends, we live in the same hut.


: In a small forest, in a small forest, there is a hut on a hummock, upholstered with pancakes, covered with pancakes.


The fence is surrounded by cottage cheese pies. Today we will tell you about folk games and show you how to play them.

Danilovna begins to walk around the hall, leaning down, looking closely, as if she was looking for something.


What are you, Danilovna, looking for?


He hops across the floor, and hops across the benches, He sits in a corner and doesn’t move. What is this?


Kitty? clew?

Children help solve the riddle (broom).


Yes, this is a broom. Have you seen him by any chance?


I saw (carries a broom and gives it to Danilovna).

She starts sweeping the floor.


Why, Danilovna, guests are in the upper room, and you are about to sweep. Leave this matter, it’s better to stand in a circle with us and play. Don’t take the broom away, it will be useful to us in the game.

Game 1 “Pass the broom.”

Gavrilovna says

Holding their hands behind their backs, the players stand shoulder to shoulder in a circle. One of them has a broom in his hands, he holds it behind his back. The driver is in the middle of the circle. At a signal, the participants in the game begin to pass the broom to each other behind their backs, trying to do this so that the driver does not know who has it. The driver walks in a circle and vigilantly watches the movements of the players. From time to time he stops and, pointing at one of the players, says loudly: “Hands!” The one to whom the driver is addressing must immediately stretch his arms forward. If the player ends up with a broom, he changes the driver. In a moment of danger, you should not throw a broom on the floor. Anyone who violates this rule leaves the game.


: Oh, how well we played. Listen, Gavrilovna, do you remember this nursery rhyme from our youth: A-ta-ta, a-ta-ta, the cat beat the cat! A-ta-ta, a-ta-ta, lock the gate, Otherwise the mice will come and gnaw you and me.


: I remember such a nursery rhyme, but why did you suddenly remember it?


Let's play cat and mouse with the guys.

Game 2 “Cat and Mouse”
(narrated by Danilovna)
Children stand in a circle, inside which several hoops are laid out. First, boys pretend to be cats, and girls pretend to be mice, then vice versa. Everyone walks in a circle and says the words: “Oh, how tired the mice are, there are just so many of them, they all gnawed, they all ate, there’s just nothing to look at. Wait a minute, you cheaters, now the cats will come, you better hide quickly in the holes, otherwise it won’t be long until trouble comes.” Children are tearing their hands, girls are trying to run into hoops, and boys are trying to catch them.

The children take their seats.


: Oh, I’m tired, guys, I’d like to sit for a while (he tries to take a free chair, but Danilovna also claims it. A small scuffle breaks out between them).


Do you remember, Gavrilovna, when we were young, we were going to sit on the rubble, listen to the harmonica, and sing songs?


: Why not remember, I remember everything. A lot of young people gathered, but there was only one rubble, so they argued about who should sit on it. They even played a game called “Have time to sit down.”

Game 3 “Have time to sit down”
(narrated by Gavrilovna)
Chairs are placed in a row in a checkerboard pattern. Children are called for 2 more chairs than there are chairs. They run around the chairs to the music, try to take a seat during the pause, i.e. sit on a chair; those who do not have enough leave the game.

Game 4
“Tear the onion” (narrated by Danilovna)
Players stand one after another, clasping the person in front by the belt. The first of them (“grandmother”) grabs a pole from the wall bars. After this, the driver approached the “grandmother” and said: “Grandma, give me a beam!” She answered: “Tear as much as you want.” Having received permission, the driver walked to the other end and, grabbing the last player in the chain under the armpits, “teared the bow” until someone let go. This player then became the driver.

Game 5 “Cockerel, hostess and hens”
(Gavrilovna tells and plays the role of the hostess)
The players choose the hostess and the cockerel, everyone else chooses the hens. The cockerel takes the hens for a walk, to peck some grains. The housewife comes out and asks the cockerel: “Cockerel, cockerel, have you seen my chicken?” - “What is it like for you?” - asks the cockerel. “Pockmarked, and the tail is black.” - “No, I didn’t see it.” The hostess claps her hands and shouts: “Kshsh! Kshsh!” The chickens run into the house, and the housewife catches them, the cockerel protects the chickens. The owner takes all the caught chickens into the house.

Game 6 “Alyonushka and Ivanushka”
(narrated by Danilovna).
They choose Alyonushka and Ivanushka and blindfold them. They are inside the circle. The players stand in a circle and join hands. Ivanushka must catch Alyonushka. To do this, he can call her: “Alyonushka!” Alyonushka must always respond: “I’m here, Ivanushka!”, but she herself is in no hurry to meet Ivanushka and, sensing his approach, runs away to the side. The drivers' movements are comical and sometimes unexpected. It happens that Ivanushka mistakes someone standing nearby for Alyonushka and rather grabs onto him. The mistake is explained to him. As soon as Ivanushka caught Alyonushka, other guys take their place and the game starts all over again.

Game 7 “ Slippery target”
(narrated by Gavrilovna)
Five or six bags measuring 6x9 cm are sewn from dense fabric. The bags are tightly stuffed with uncrushed peas and sewn over the edge. A bench is placed on the floor and a line is marked 4-5 steps from it. From the line, the players throw the bags one at a time, so that the bag falls on the bench and remains on it. The organizer of the game stands near the stool and, if a bag remains on it, immediately removes it. The player who throws the most bags onto the bench wins.


: We played well, we had a good rest.


: In the meantime, goodbye, come see us again!

Danilovna and Gavrilovna bow to the children and, accompanied by Russian folk music, go into the hut

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