Literary quiz “Clever and smart girls” based on the works of S. Ya. Marshak for children of senior preschool age

To be remembered

Unfortunately, the only monument to the most famous and beloved poet has been erected so far. He appeared in 2015 in Voronezh near house No. 72 on Marx Street, where Samuil Yakovlevich lived. True, in many cities there are memorial plaques dedicated to the memory of Marshak.

But what Samuil Yakovlevich was lucky with was topography: streets and avenues in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Yalta, Donetsk, Cheboksary, Kramatorsk and Kyiv were named after him.

In recent years, people have begun to catch up and remember S.Ya. more often. Marshak: a children’s theater festival was invented in Voronezh, which bears the name of the famous poet; not so long ago, the tradition of holding international “Marshak Readings” was born. Publishers note that the popularity of Marshak’s children’s works is constantly growing. Thus, the general director of the Eksmo-AST Publishing Group recently noted that “in terms of sales dynamics, Marshak is ahead of Harry Potter.”

Monument to S. Ya. Marshak in Voronezh. Photo from the site

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