Riddles on traffic rules with answers card file on life safety (senior, preparatory group)

The safety of children on the road primarily depends on their parents. It is not enough to simply tell that the traffic light has three colors, and you only need to cross the road when the signal is green. The most important thing is personal example. If you yourself constantly run across the road or are inattentive while driving, do not be surprised that your child will behave in exactly the same way on the road in the future. However, you need to understand that the number of misfortunes on the road is huge and it is necessary to avoid them by any means, to warn your child from making a mistake and thereby protect him.

Puzzles in pictures with answers on traffic rules for primary schoolchildren

Puzzles on traffic rules for elementary school students

Puzzles “Traffic experts” for younger schoolchildren

Author: Bestik Irina Viktorovna, teacher of the Regional Special (Correctional) Boarding School for Children with Hearing Impairments, KSU, Republic of Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan region, Petropavlovsk. Description: traffic rules puzzles are intended for educators and primary school teachers when conducting extracurricular activities and activities on traffic rules while repeating basic concepts of traffic rules. Guessing puzzles contributes to the development of logical thinking in younger schoolchildren, instills critical thinking skills and cognitive interest, and also helps to consolidate acquired knowledge on traffic rules in a playful way. Goal: guessing puzzles about basic concepts and terms in traffic rules. Objectives: - repeat and consolidate the basic concepts and terms of traffic rules in a playful way;
— develop cognitive interest among younger schoolchildren in learning traffic rules; — instill skills of safe behavior on the street; — develop logical thinking, cognitive abilities and memory in younger schoolchildren. Puzzles “Connoisseurs of traffic rules”
Task: solve puzzles on traffic rules.

Learning to cross the road to avoid accidents. It is necessary to strictly observe the traffic rules and norms of behavior. You will remember, friends. On the road we are not allowed to run, jump and skip and play football with a ball. And don't think in vain. Which is not dangerous at all. Learn little by little how to cross the road. (Victor Verevka)

My street There is a clever guard on duty here at any time. He controls everyone at once who is in front of him on the pavement. No one in the world can do this with one movement of the hand. Stop the flow of passers-by and let trucks pass. (S. Mikhalkov)

Sidewalk For cars, everyone knows, There are roads, there are highways. Young and old also remember, For pedestrians - the sidewalk. I'm walking along the sidewalk, I'm walking slowly. And the walk is not dangerous, and the weather is good. (Natalia Migunova)

Roadside The sidewalk is not endless. If you are not on the way with him, you can walk towards the traffic along the side of the road. (O. Emelyanova)

Car A passenger car is rushing along the road. And behind him thick dust swirls like a cloud. (M. Pogarsky)

Traffic light. At any intersection we are greeted by a traffic light and start a very simple conversation with a pedestrian: “The light is green - go through. ( R. Farhadi)

Pedestrian Need to cross the road? Look around you, whether there is danger or not. This is my advice. (I. Gurina)

Zebra Zebra lives in Africa, Striped very much. He drinks water, chews grass, and wants to frolic. And on our street, Here at the intersection, A zebra is just right - Transition into stripes. The light sends a green ray, He is like a mother to you. Taking it by the handle, draw it straight along the stripes. (O. Koba)

ABC of the road. The city in which you and I live can rightfully be compared to an ABC book. With the alphabet of streets, avenues, roads, the City gives us a lesson all the time. Here it is, the alphabet - Overhead: Signs are hung above the pavement. Always remember the alphabet of the city, so that trouble does not happen to you.

Pay your fare! Passengers need to remember that everyone cannot travel for free. Those over seven years old must buy a ticket. The free rider will be fined in disgrace by the controllers. (O. Emelyanova)

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