Theatrical production "Little Red Riding Hood" (preparatory group)material (preparatory group)

Sketch for children 5-7 years old “Little Red Riding Hood”

“Little Red Riding Hood” Musical and theatrical production for performance by children of senior preschool age.
(based on the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” by Charles Perrault)
This material is useful for educators, music directors, and additional education teachers.
Musical and theatrical production can be used at various spring and summer holidays and entertainment, such as March 8, April Fool's Day, welcoming spring, Children's Day, etc. The main character is the familiar Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf, but if in the fairy tale by Charles Perrault, the wolf is the negative hero. Then in the presented production he turns into a kind and gallant wolf. Goal: to develop children’s interest in musical and theatrical activities, the desire to participate in it.

Leading. Mother and daughter are sitting at the table, drinking tea and having a conversation. Mother. Little Red Riding Hood, dear daughter, go visit your grandmother tomorrow, hot, ruddy, with meat, with cabbage, take her some pies.

Little Red Riding Hood. Okay, I’ll go tomorrow, just for one thing, I’ll visit you and ask about your health. Mother. Just be careful, when you walk through the forest, God forbid you come across an evil wolf along the way. Leading. As soon as morning came, the Child hurried on the road. (Little Red Riding Hood walks along a forest road and sings a song to the tune of “We will survive this trouble” from the film “The Summer of Leopold the Cat”) Little Red Riding Hood. I walk and sing, the sun is shining brightly, I am walking to my grandmother, the best milestone in the world, I am not afraid of anyone, not even the evil wolf. (Pause.) In the distance you can hear the howl of a wolf “Ooo-oo-oo” Little Red Riding Hood. I should go to grandma’s and bring her the pies. (2 times) Wolf. Who sings in my forest, who worries me, I’ll cover it with a pine cone and put it in someone’s pocket, That you dear child is wandering in my forest, I’ll dine on you, then you’ll find out. (2 times) Little Red Riding Hood. Dear wolf, don’t be angry, I didn’t want to disturb you, I was just singing a song. Help yourself to the pie, taste the salt (serves the pie) Better tell me how to get to grandma. (2 times) Wolf. What a wonderful child, I haven’t seen you before, Give me one pie, I’ll refresh myself a little more. And we will go together with you, the road will be more interesting. Leading. The Wolf and Riding Hood walk together, eat pies and sing songs. They sing the song “The Road of Good” from the film “The Adventures of Little Mook.” Little Red Riding Hood. Here is the house on the horizon, Finally we have arrived, (he looks, the basket is empty) Only we ate all the pies, We didn’t deliver the gift. (Distressed) What to do, how to be? Wolf. You need to give her a bouquet, There’s a clearing, pick the flowers, Let’s give it together - you and me! The girls perform the Flower Dance, after the dance they give the flowers to the wolf. They knock on grandma's door. Grandmother. (He leaves the house, sees a wolf and screams in fear.) Oh, trouble, help, save me from the evil wolf! Little Red Riding Hood. Grandma, don’t be afraid, We are friends with the wolf now! Here are the flowers for you, grandma, know that I love you! Wolf. Madam, you will forgive us, but along the way, we ate your pies. Little Red Riding Hood. My mother baked them in the morning and gave them to me. Grandmother. Well, my dears, what wonderful flowers. Come into the house quickly, we will drink tea with you, and sing a sonorous song. They sing a song about friendship chosen by the music director.

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  • Wolf - in a stylized costume, with wolf ears and a tail (you can use a half mask or cap with a wolf muzzle);
  • Granny is a thin old woman in a robe, cap and glasses (the robe must be large enough to fit the Wolf);
  • Little Red Riding Hood - any stylized costume and red headdress.


  • the door is a large screen behind which characters can hide. Installed near the chair and table;
  • a small table with kitchen utensils (pots, jars, pots) For convenience, you can use a serving table on wheels;
  • a chair or armchair (you can use a rocking chair), stands next to the table;
  • knitting needles;
  • Little Red Riding Hood's basket with a gift hidden in it;
  • a toy or fake pistol (in Little Red Riding Hood’s pocket);
  • several pots of plants or artificial plants are placed along the Wolf’s path;
  • several fake fly agarics, also placed along the Wolf’s route (knitted, made of fabric, paper, etc.).

The presenter reads the entire text, and the characters depict actions. This option allows you to entertain without preparation by selecting “actors” from among the guests and providing them with appropriate props. The second option is for the characters to learn their lines in advance.

In the center there is a table with utensils, next to it there is an armchair. A little to the side is a screen representing the front door. In the background is a “forest” of plants and fly agarics. (When creating the interior of the scene, focus on the entrance from where the characters will be able to appear. Place the screen so that the audience cannot see those who will be hiding behind it during the course of the scene)

Granny sits on a chair in the center and concentrates on knitting.

The Wolf appears, wanders between the plants, looking at them, and feigning severe hunger. He “tests” twigs and leaves, says “Ugh!”, sniffs the flowers again, trying to find something edible.

Presenter: The wolf that sits in the forests has a brutal appetite.

The wolf notices the fly agaric, picks it up, “bites it off,” then throws it away in disgust. He looks around sadly, then perks up when he sees Granny.

Presenter: The wolf decided to get to granny and dine on her to his heart's content.

The wolf comes to the door and knocks. Granny listens, puts aside her knitting, and goes to the door with a groan.

Granny: Who's there?

Wolf (female voice): Pension!

Host: He knocked on Granny’s door. She opened it and saw a beast, (Grandma looks out from behind the door and sees the Wolf) And all the teeth matched the knives!

Wolf: Hello, Granny! I'm visiting you!

Presenter: Granny starts screaming:

Granny (scared): He will eat me like a biscuit!

Granny runs behind the screen, the Wolf runs after her, both hide. From behind the screen the sounds of a struggle, the desperate cries of Granny and the growl of the Wolf are heard. Granny tries to jump out, but the Wolf drags her back.

Host: And here she was right: The wolf ate her once and twice.

A satisfied, but still hungry Wolf appears from behind the screen, heads to the table, examines the utensils, hoping to find something edible (he may find some cracker, candy, etc. and swallow it greedily).

Host: But what does one old woman, a bony, dry carcass, mean to the beast? There’s not even a feeling that his lunch was satisfying. The wolf in the kitchen searched all the jars, growls...

Wolf: I need more! (hits the table with his fist) Well, I’ll be patient and wait for the Red Hat. Miss Shapka's granddaughter must come and visit her grandmother!

Presenter: The wolf put on his grandmother’s dress: Of course, he didn’t eat it.

The wolf returns to the screen, pulls out Granny's robe and puts it on.

Host: And also shoes, a bonnet, a shawl, and curled and combed the wool. (The wolf puts on a cap and glasses. He preens himself, combs his hair with his “paws” or takes out a comb from his robe pocket) He sat down in a chair, supposedly to knit a sock, and, gritting his teeth, began to wait.

The wolf takes Granny's knitting from the chair, sits down and begins to “knit.”

Presenter: Here the granddaughter in the Red Hat comes in and stands. Looks. And then he says:

Little Red Riding Hood enters with a basket, makes a curtsey to Grandma, puts the basket on the floor or on a table and walks around “Granny.”

Little Red Riding Hood: Granny, I didn’t notice that your ears stuck out like that!

Wolf: Oh, baby, I grew them so that I could hear you more clearly.

Little Red Riding Hood: Granny, I didn’t notice that your eyes sparkled like that.

Wolf: Think about it: I washed them with chamomile, So that I can see you better!

Little Red Riding Hood continues to look at the Wolf.

Presenter: The gray wolf sat with a smile, In his dreams he had already eaten his granddaughter. Even if grandma was tough, the girl will be like caviar! Here the granddaughter says:

Little Red Riding Hood: Granny! And your fur coat is normal! What gorgeous thick fur! (Runs his hand over the “fur”)

Wolf (indignantly): Hey, what are you doing?! Well, wait! You should ask about the teeth. (Then shrugs it off) But, however, the point is not so important. What do you say - I don’t care at all, After all, I’ll eat you anyway!

Presenter: The girl smiled at the wolf, squinting one eye into the crack. He tears a pistol out of his pocket, aims it at the wolf - and hello!

Little Red Riding Hood pulls out a pistol, aims at the Wolf, then shoots.

Presenter: She pulled the trigger: Bang! Bang! Bang! And the wolf died instantly - Ah!

The wolf falls from the chair and “mortally wounded” crawls behind the screen. Little Red Riding Hood follows him, twirling the pistol on her finger, and also hides behind the screen.

The presenter picks up the knitting, places it neatly on the table and sits down in a chair, crossing his legs. After a short silence, he continues. (The presenter can do some action - light a cigarette, take out an apple and a knife, cut off a slice and put it in your mouth, pour yourself a bottle and drink, etc., thereby preparing the audience for the end of the story).

Presenter: A week passed, and in the forest, I met a beautiful maiden. She was granddaughter of her grandmother, but she changed like she did! Already without the stupid cap, And in a brand new wolf fur coat (new shower jacket)!

Little Red Riding Hood comes out with a basket in a fashionable fur coat or fur vest/jacket, walks through the hall with a model gait, and stops opposite the birthday boy.

Little Red Riding Hood: Let the wolves not come into your house,

Wolf (comes out from behind the screen): Let the guest come only with goodness!

Granny (comes out from behind the screen): Warmth, love, health, light -

All together: We wish this to you all together!

Little Red Riding Hood gives the birthday boy a basket with a gift (or takes a gift out of the basket). Granny and Wolf can give the birthday boy a bouquet, sweets, a bottle of alcohol - everything is at your discretion.

The skit was created specifically for the ParaPhraz/Holiday World website based on the poem Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf translated by McBard (Alex Bard)

Copying is permitted with active link

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