Notes on role-playing games; methodological development (senior, preparatory group)

Didactic game on cognitive development for children of the preparatory group of preschool educational institutions

Summary of the game “What will be what?”
for children of the preparatory group for school Author: Likhovidova Sofya Mikhailovna. Position, place of work: student at Veshensky Pedagogical College named after. M.A. Sholokhov", specialty "Preschool education", Rostov region, Sholokhovsky district, Veshenskaya village. Description of the material: a summary of the game has been prepared for children in the preparatory school group. The didactic game is aimed at developing the cognitive interests of children (OO Cognitive Development). This summary may be of interest to both teachers of preschool educational organizations and students studying in the specialty “Preschool Education”. Group: preparatory. Goal: formation of cognitive actions. Didactic tasks: improve the ability to establish simple connections between subjects; continue to promote the development of the ability to think logically and answer questions in complete sentences; practice naming objects correctly. Developmental objectives: to promote the activation of children's speech; promote the development of memory, attention, thinking. Educational objectives: create conditions for nurturing independence, friendly relations in the group, respect for each other. Game task: answer what will be and what was. Game rules: catch the ball, answer the question, do not shout. Game actions: line up in a circle, catch the ball, answer a question. Equipment: ball, Dunno. Preliminary work: looking at illustrations, talking with children, watching videos, observing while walking.
Progress of the game
Educator: Hello, guys! My name is Sofya Mikhailovna. I am glad to see you all cheerful and healthy. Guys, do you know who I met near the gate of your kindergarten? I met Dunno (a crying Dunno enters the group)
Guys, let's ask him why he's crying? Children: Let's go. Educator: Dunno, answer us, why are you so sad? Dunno: I really like to play different games, but I can’t do a lot of things. That's why no one wants to play with me. Educator: Dunno, what game is causing you difficulties? Dunno: I can’t always answer the question in the game “What will be what?” Educator: Guys, can we help Dunno? Shall we play his favorite game with him? Children: Yes. Educator: Then for this we’ll take a ball. Dunno, stand in a circle with the guys. I will throw a ball to each of you and say a word, and you will have to answer what comes of it. Well, for example: an egg can produce a chicken, a bud can produce a leaf, and so on. The one with the ball in his hands answers; the others do not shout out. Guys, do you understand everything? Children: Yes. Educator: Dunno, if you find it difficult to answer, we will help you all together. Dunno: Okay! Educator: So, let's begin: Calf - cow Foal - horse Acorn - oak Caterpillar - butterfly Flour - dough / bread Chick - bird Lamb - sheep Leather - shoe Fabric - dress Board - closet Child - adult Educator: Well done, guys ! How much new things our Dunno will learn. Now let's do the opposite: I will say the word, and you will name what it used to be. For example: The table used to be a board, or the frog was a tadpole. Guys, do you understand everything? Children: Yes Teacher: Okay, let's continue: Dog - puppy House - brick Man - boy Mittens - wool Fish - egg Cat - kitten Plant - seed Goat - kid Paper - wood Glass - sand Pig - piglet Teacher: Guys, what a great job you are! Now our Dunno can play this game with his friends, because he has learned so many new things. Dunno: Yes, guys, thank you very much! Thanks to you, I have become smarter! And now, I ran to my friends. Goodbye! (Dunno leaves)
Children: Goodbye. Educator: Guys, what new game did you learn today? What is it called? Children: “What will happen?” Educator: Let's remember what paper used to be? What was glass? Well done guys, you worked really hard today. Dunno was very pleased!

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Preparatory group

Preparatory group of kindergarten. The preparatory group is attended by children aged 6 to 7 years. The materials on the site comply with the Federal State Educational Standard for the preparatory group and contain everything that is necessary for preparing the GED in kindergarten. The preparatory group continues to work on mastering the initial basics of literacy.

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Children of six years old are able to master a broader orientation in the phonetic aspect of speech. Basically, in this age group, the use of role-playing games in teaching preschool children continues. In the preparatory group of the kindergarten, integrated (complex) classes are used. The site contains useful information about the kindergarten preparatory group.

In the preparatory group of kindergarten, integrated (complex) classes are used - this is a combination of different types of activities in one lesson. Their advantage is that the child does not have time to get tired of the amount of new knowledge acquired, and at a certain moment he switches to a new type of information. Thus, the teacher maintains the children’s attention at a high level for quite a long time. This applies to children of different temperaments and different abilities. The development of verbal communication (coherent, dialogical, monologue speech) comes first in the preparatory group of the kindergarten.

The preparatory group of kindergarten is the last year of study in a preschool institution. These are already grown-up children who are preparing to take their place at their desks at school. A child in the seventh year of life feels independent, knowledgeable, and skillful. He is active, inquisitive, strives to obtain new information, tries to assert himself in the company of peers and in communication with adults.

In role-playing games, children in the school preparatory group begin to master complex relationships between people, reflecting characteristic significant life situations: weddings, the birth of a child, illness, employment, etc. Children’s play actions become more complex and take on a special meaning that is not always revealed to an adult.

When a child moves from the senior group to the preparatory group of kindergarten, this means that the next step on the path of his development will be entering school. It is during this period that children of 6 years old are no longer so interested in games. They begin to develop learning skills. At this stage, it is important to help the preschooler master skills that will help him more easily master new knowledge: concentrate on information, be disciplined and assiduous. The child must acquire new knowledge and skills in order to quickly join the school community and adequately perceive the school curriculum. Individual work with children in the preparatory group also plays an important role in this.

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